////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // $Id: AliFlowWeighter.cxx 18618 2007-05-16 15:38:22Z snelling $ // // Author: Emanuele Simili // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //_____________________________________________________________ // // Description: // the AliFlowWeighter class generates the phi-weights which // are later used to correct for azimuthal anisotropy in the reconstruction // efficiency of the ALICE TPC. It also fills an histogram of normalised // particle abundancies, which can be used as bayesian weights for particle Id. // // - The method Init() generates the histograms and opens a new fPhiWgt file. // - The method WeightEvent(AliFlowEvent*) fills phi and PId histograms. // It must be inserted in a loop over the event sample. // - The method Finish() calculates the weights, saves the histograms and // closes the file. The AliFlowSelection object is saved as well. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef ALIFLOWWEIGHTER_CXX #define ALIFLOWWEIGHTER_CXX // ROOT things #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Flow things #include "AliFlowEvent.h" #include "AliFlowTrack.h" #include "AliFlowV0.h" #include "AliFlowConstants.h" #include "AliFlowSelection.h" #include "AliFlowWeighter.h" // ANSI things #include #include #include #include using namespace std; //required for resolving the 'cout' symbol ClassImp(AliFlowWeighter) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowWeighter::AliFlowWeighter(const AliFlowSelection* flowSelect): fEventNumber(0), fTrackNumber(0), fNumberOfV0s(0), fNumberOfTracks(0), fPhiBins(0), fPhiMin(0.), fPhiMax(0.), fFlowEvent(0x0), fFlowTrack(0x0), fFlowSelect(0x0), fFlowTracks(0x0), fWgtFile(0x0), fWgtFileName("flowPhiWgt.hist.root"), fPhiWgtHistList(0x0) { // default constructor (selection given or default selection) if(flowSelect) { fFlowSelect = new AliFlowSelection(*flowSelect) ; } else { fFlowSelect = new AliFlowSelection() ; } // output file (histograms) //fWgtFile = 0 ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- AliFlowWeighter::~AliFlowWeighter() { // default distructor (no actions) } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t AliFlowWeighter::Init() { // sets some defaults for the analysis cout << "* FlowWeighter * - Init()" << endl ; cout << endl ; // Open output files (->plots) fWgtFile = new TFile(fWgtFileName.Data(), "RECREATE"); fWgtFile->cd() ; // counters and pointers to 0 fEventNumber = 0 ; fTrackNumber = 0 ; fNumberOfTracks = 0 ; fNumberOfV0s = 0 ; fFlowEvent = 0 ; fFlowTrack = 0 ; fFlowTracks = 0 ; //for(Int_t ii=0;ii<3;ii++) { fVertex[ii] = 0 ; } // Histogram settings fPhiBins = AliFlowConstants::kPhiBins ; fPhiMin = 0.; fPhiMax = 2*TMath::Pi() ; TString* histTitle ; for(int k = 0; k < AliFlowConstants::kSels; k++) { histTitle = new TString("Flow_BayPidMult_Sel"); *histTitle += k+1; fHistFull[k].fHistBayPidMult = new TH1F(histTitle->Data(), histTitle->Data(),AliFlowConstants::kPid,-0.5,((Float_t)AliFlowConstants::kPid-0.5)); fHistFull[k].fHistBayPidMult->Sumw2() ; fHistFull[k].fHistBayPidMult->SetXTitle("e+/- , mu+/- , pi+/- , K+/- , p+/- , d+/- "); fHistFull[k].fHistBayPidMult->SetYTitle("Counts"); delete histTitle; for(int j = 0; j < AliFlowConstants::kHars; j++) { // Tpc - Phi lab histTitle = new TString("Flow_Phi_TPC_Sel"); *histTitle += k+1; histTitle->Append("_Har"); *histTitle += j+1; fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhi = new TH1D(histTitle->Data(), histTitle->Data(), fPhiBins, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhi->SetXTitle("Azimuthal Angles (rad)"); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhi->SetYTitle("Counts"); delete histTitle; // Tpc (plus) histTitle = new TString("Flow_Phi_TPCplus_Sel"); *histTitle += k+1; histTitle->Append("_Har"); *histTitle += j+1; fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiPlus = new TH1D(histTitle->Data(), histTitle->Data(), fPhiBins, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiPlus->SetXTitle("Azimuthal Angles (rad)"); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiPlus->SetYTitle("Counts"); delete histTitle; // Tpc (minus) histTitle = new TString("Flow_Phi_TPCminus_Sel"); *histTitle += k+1; histTitle->Append("_Har"); *histTitle += j+1; fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiMinus = new TH1D(histTitle->Data(), histTitle->Data(), fPhiBins, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiMinus->SetXTitle("Azimuthal Angles (rad)"); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiMinus->SetYTitle("Counts"); delete histTitle; // Tpc (cross) histTitle = new TString("Flow_Phi_TPCcross_Sel"); *histTitle += k+1; histTitle->Append("_Har"); *histTitle += j+1; fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiAll = new TH1D(histTitle->Data(), histTitle->Data(), fPhiBins, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiAll->SetXTitle("Azimuthal Angles (rad)"); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiAll->SetYTitle("Counts"); delete histTitle; // Tpc - Phi lab flattened histTitle = new TString("Flow_Phi_Flat_TPC_Sel"); *histTitle += k+1; histTitle->Append("_Har"); *histTitle += j+1; fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiFlat = new TH1D(histTitle->Data(), histTitle->Data(), fPhiBins, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiFlat->SetXTitle("Azimuthal Angles (rad)"); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiFlat->SetYTitle("Counts"); delete histTitle; // Tpc Plus histTitle = new TString("Flow_Phi_Flat_TPCplus_Sel"); *histTitle += k+1; histTitle->Append("_Har"); *histTitle += j+1; fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiFlatPlus = new TH1D(histTitle->Data(), histTitle->Data(), fPhiBins, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiFlatPlus->SetXTitle("Azimuthal Angles (rad)"); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiFlatPlus->SetYTitle("Counts"); delete histTitle; // Tpc Minus histTitle = new TString("Flow_Phi_Flat_TPCminus_Sel"); *histTitle += k+1; histTitle->Append("_Har"); *histTitle += j+1; fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiFlatMinus = new TH1D(histTitle->Data(), histTitle->Data(), fPhiBins, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiFlatMinus->SetXTitle("Azimuthal Angles (rad)"); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiFlatMinus->SetYTitle("Counts"); delete histTitle; // Tpc cross histTitle = new TString("Flow_Phi_Flat_TPCcross_Sel"); *histTitle += k+1; histTitle->Append("_Har"); *histTitle += j+1; fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiFlatAll = new TH1D(histTitle->Data(), histTitle->Data(), fPhiBins, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiFlatAll->SetXTitle("Azimuthal Angles (rad)"); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiFlatAll->SetYTitle("Counts"); delete histTitle; } } return kTRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t AliFlowWeighter::Finish() { // Calls the method to fill wgt histograms, then saves them // on the fWgtFile and closes the file . cout << "* FlowWeighter * - Finish()" << endl ; cout << endl ; Weightening() ; fWgtFile->cd() ; // Write PhiWgt histograms fPhiWgtHistList->Write(); delete fPhiWgtHistList ; // Write Bayesian Weights for P.Id. for(int k=0;kWrite() ; } // Write the AliFlowSelection object fFlowSelect->Write(); delete fFlowSelect ; fWgtFile->Close(); cout << " Finish() - Wgt file closed : " << fWgtFileName.Data() << endl ; cout << endl ; return kTRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ### //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t AliFlowWeighter::WeightEvent(AliFlowEvent* fFlowEvent) { // Reads the AliFlowEvent (* fFlowEvent) and loops over the // AliFlowTraks to fill phi histograms . cout << " AliFlowWeighter::WeightEvent(" << fFlowEvent << " ) - " << fEventNumber << endl ; if(!fFlowEvent) { return kFALSE ; } if(fFlowSelect->Select(fFlowEvent)) // event selected - here below the ANALYSIS FLAGS are setted - { fFlowTracks = fFlowEvent->TrackCollection() ; fNumberOfTracks = fFlowTracks->GetEntries() ; cout << " event ID = " << fFlowEvent->EventID() << " : found " << fNumberOfTracks << " AliFlowTracks . " << endl ; fFlowEvent->SetNoWgt() ; fFlowEvent->SetSelections(fFlowSelect) ; // does the selection of tracks for r.p. calculation (sets flags in AliFlowTrack) TracksLoop(fFlowTracks) ; } else { cout << " * " << fEventNumber << " (event ID = " << fFlowEvent->EventID() << ") discarded . " << endl ; delete fFlowEvent ; fFlowEvent = 0 ; return kFALSE ; } fEventNumber++ ; return kTRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ### //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowWeighter::TracksLoop(TObjArray* fFlowTracks) { // fills phi and PId histograms cout << " Tracks Loop . " << endl ; Float_t phi, eta, zFirstPoint ; // , zLastPoint ; Int_t fPidId ; Char_t pid[10] = "0" ; for(fTrackNumber=0;fTrackNumberAt(fTrackNumber) ; // cout << "Track n. " << fTrackNumber << endl ; fFlowTrack->Dump() ; phi = fFlowTrack->Phi() ; eta = fFlowTrack->Eta() ; zFirstPoint = fFlowTrack->ZFirstPoint() ; //zLastPoint = fFlowTrack->ZLastPoint() ; strcpy(pid,fFlowTrack->Pid()) ; fPidId = -1 ; if(strstr(pid,"e")) { fPidId = 0 ; } else if(strstr(pid,"mu")) { fPidId = 1 ; } else if(strstr(pid,"pi")) { fPidId = 2 ; } else if(strstr(pid,"k")) { fPidId = 3 ; } else if(strstr(pid,"pr")) { fPidId = 4 ; } else if(strstr(pid,"d")) { fPidId = 5 ; } // Looping over Selections and Harmonics for (int k = 0; k < AliFlowConstants::kSels; k++) { fFlowSelect->SetSelection(k) ; for (int j = 0; j < AliFlowConstants::kHars; j++) { fFlowSelect->SetHarmonic(j); if(fFlowSelect->Select(fFlowTrack)) { Bool_t kTpcPlus = kFALSE ; Bool_t kTpcMinus = kFALSE ; Bool_t kTpcAll = kFALSE ; // Set Tpc (+ and -) if(fFlowTrack->FitPtsTPC()) { if(zFirstPoint >= 0. && eta > 0.) { kTpcPlus = kTRUE ; } else if(zFirstPoint <= 0. && eta < 0.) { kTpcMinus = kTRUE ; } else { kTpcAll = kTRUE ; } } // Phi distribution (particle for R.P.) Float_t wt = 1. ; // TMath::Abs(fFlowEvent->Weight(k, j, fFlowTrack)) ; if(kTpcPlus) { fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiPlus->Fill(phi,wt) ; } else if(kTpcMinus) { fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiMinus->Fill(phi,wt) ; } else if(kTpcAll) { fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiAll->Fill(phi,wt) ; } fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhi->Fill(phi,wt) ; // PID Multiplicities (particle for R.P.) - just once for each selection if(j==0) { fHistFull[k].fHistBayPidMult->Fill(fPidId) ; } } } } } return ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t AliFlowWeighter::Weightening() { // Calculates weights, and fills PhiWgt histograms . // This is called at the end of the event loop . cout << " AliFlowWeighter::Weightening() " << endl ; cout << endl ; // PhiWgt histogram collection fPhiWgtHistList = new TOrdCollection(4*AliFlowConstants::kSels*AliFlowConstants::kHars) ; // Creates PhiWgt Histograms TString* histTitle ; for(Int_t k = 0; k < AliFlowConstants::kSels; k++) { for(Int_t j = 0; j < AliFlowConstants::kHars; j++) { // Tpc plus histTitle = new TString("Flow_Phi_Weight_TPCplus_Sel"); *histTitle += k+1; histTitle->Append("_Har"); *histTitle += j+1; fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtPlus = new TH1D(histTitle->Data(),histTitle->Data(), fPhiBins, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtPlus->Sumw2(); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtPlus->SetXTitle("Azimuthal Angles (rad)"); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtPlus->SetYTitle("PhiWgt"); delete histTitle; // Tpc minus histTitle = new TString("Flow_Phi_Weight_TPCminus_Sel"); *histTitle += k+1; histTitle->Append("_Har"); *histTitle += j+1; fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtMinus = new TH1D(histTitle->Data(),histTitle->Data(), fPhiBins, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtMinus->Sumw2(); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtMinus->SetXTitle("Azimuthal Angles (rad)"); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtMinus->SetYTitle("PhiWgt"); delete histTitle; // Tpc cross histTitle = new TString("Flow_Phi_Weight_TPCcross_Sel"); *histTitle += k+1; histTitle->Append("_Har"); *histTitle += j+1; fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtAll = new TH1D(histTitle->Data(),histTitle->Data(), fPhiBins, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtAll->Sumw2(); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtAll->SetXTitle("Azimuthal Angles (rad)"); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtAll->SetYTitle("PhiWgt"); delete histTitle; // Tpc histTitle = new TString("Flow_Phi_Weight_TPC_Sel"); *histTitle += k+1; histTitle->Append("_Har"); *histTitle += j+1; fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgt = new TH1D(histTitle->Data(),histTitle->Data(), fPhiBins, fPhiMin, fPhiMax); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgt->Sumw2(); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgt->SetXTitle("Azimuthal Angles (rad)"); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgt->SetYTitle("PhiWgt"); delete histTitle; // Calculate PhiWgt Double_t meanPlus = fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiPlus->Integral() / (Double_t)fPhiBins ; Double_t meanMinus = fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiMinus->Integral() / (Double_t)fPhiBins ; Double_t meanCross = fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiAll->Integral() / (Double_t)fPhiBins ; Double_t meanTPC = fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhi->Integral() / (Double_t)fPhiBins ; // Tpc for(Int_t i=0;iSetBinContent(i+1,meanPlus); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtPlus->SetBinError(i+1, 0.); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtMinus->SetBinContent(i+1,meanMinus); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtMinus->SetBinError(i+1, 0.); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtAll->SetBinContent(i+1,meanCross); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtAll->SetBinError(i+1, 0.); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgt->SetBinContent(i+1,meanTPC); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgt->SetBinError(i+1, 0.); } if(meanTPC==0) { cout << " Sel." << k << " , Har." << j << " : empty histogram ! " << endl ; } else { fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtPlus->Divide(fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiPlus); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtMinus->Divide(fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiMinus); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtAll->Divide(fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiAll); fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgt->Divide(fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhi); } fPhiWgtHistList->AddLast(fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtPlus); fPhiWgtHistList->AddLast(fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtMinus); fPhiWgtHistList->AddLast(fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgtAll); fPhiWgtHistList->AddLast(fHistFull[k].fHistFullHar[j].fHistPhiWgt); } } return kTRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliFlowWeighter::PrintBayesian(Int_t selN) const { // Prints the normalized particle abundance of all events (selection selN). // Call this at the end of the loop, just before Finish() . if(selN>AliFlowConstants::kSels) { selN = 0 ; } Char_t* names[AliFlowConstants::kPid] = {"e","mu","pi","k","p","d"} ; Double_t bayes = 0. ; Double_t totCount = (fHistFull[selN].fHistBayPidMult)->GetSumOfWeights() ; if(totCount) { cout << " Sel." << selN << " particles normalized abundance (tot. " << totCount << " tracks) : " ; for(Int_t ii=0;iiGetBinContent(ii+1) / totCount) ; cout << bayes << "_" << names[ii] << " ; " ; } } else { cout << " Sel." << selN << " : empty P.Id. histogram ! " << endl ; } cout << endl ; return ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif