/** * @file AddCentralMultTask.C * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Fri Jan 28 10:22:26 2011 * * @brief Class and script to add a multiplicity task for the central * @f$\eta@f$ region * * */ #include #include class TList; class TH2D; class TH1D; /** * Task to determine the * @f[ * \left.\frac{d^2N_{ch}}{d\eta d\phi}\right|_{central} * @f] * from tracks and tracklets. * * First, global tracks are investigated. The requirements on global * tracks are * - @f$ n_{TPC clusters} \ge 70@f$ * - @f$ \chi^2_{TPC cluster} \le 4@f$ * - No daughter kinks * - Re-fit of TPC tracks * - Re-fit of ITS tracks * - No requirement on SPD clusters * * Secondly, ITS stand-alone tracks are investigated. The * requirements on ITS standalone tracks are * - Re-fit of ITS tracks * - No requirement on SPD clusters * * Tracks that does not meet these quality conditions are flagged as * rejected. * * Both kinds of tracks (global and ITS standalone) have requirements * on the distance of closest approach (DCA) to the interaction * vertex @f$(v_x,v_y,v_z)@f$. * * For tracks with SPD clusters: * - @f$ DCA_{xy} < 0.0182+0.0350/p_t^{1.01}@f$ * - @f$ DCA_{z} < 0.5@f$ * * For tracks without SPD clusters * - @f$ DCA_{xy} < 1.5(0.0182+0.0350/p_t^{1.01})@f$ * - @f$ DCA_{z} < 0.5@f$ * * Tracks that does not meet these DCA requirements are flagged as * secondaries. * * Thirdly, the number of SPD tracklets are investigated. If the * tracklet is associated with a track, and that track has already * been used, then that tracklet is ignored * * An @f$(\eta,\phi)@f$ per-event histogram is then filled from these * tracks and tracklets, and that histogram is stored in the output * AOD event. * * Furthermore, a number of diagnostics @f$\eta@f$ histograms are filled: * - @f$\eta@f$ of all accepted tracks and tracklets * - @f$\eta@f$ of accepted global tracks * - @f$\eta@f$ of accepted ITS tracks * - @f$\eta@f$ of accepted SPD tracklets * * At the end of the job, these histograms are normalized to the * number of accepted events and bin width to provide an estimate of * the @f$dN_{ch}/d\eta@f$ * * Only minimum bias events with a @f$v_z@f$ within the defined cut * are analysed. */ class CentralMultTask : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: enum { kValidTrigger = 0x1, kValidVertex = 0x2 }; /** * Constructor * */ CentralMultTask(); /** * Constructor * * @param name Name of task * @param maxEta Set @f$\eta@f$ range * @param maxVtx Set @f$v_z@f$ range */ CentralMultTask(const char* name, Double_t maxEta=2, Double_t maxVtx=10); /** * Destructor * */ virtual ~CentralMultTask(); void SetUseTracklets(Bool_t use) { fUseTracklets = use; } /** * Initialise on master - does nothing * */ virtual void Init() {} /** * Create output objects. * * This is called once per slave process */ virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); /** * Process a single event * * @param option Not used */ virtual void UserExec(Option_t* option); /** * Called at end of event processing.. * * This is called once in the master * * @param option Not used */ virtual void Terminate(Option_t* option); protected: /** * Check if this event is within cuts * * @param esd Event * * @return true if this event is to be considered */ UShort_t CheckEvent(const AliESDEvent& esd, Double_t& vz); TH2D* fHist; // Per-event d2n/deta/dphi TH1D* fAll; // Summed d2n/deta/dphi - all track(let)s TH1D* fGlobal; // Summed d2n/deta/dphi - global tracks TH1D* fITS; // Summed d2n/deta/dphi - ITS tracks TH1D* fTracklets; // Summed d2n/deta/dphi - SPD tracklets TH1D* fNEventsTr; // Number of triggered events per vertex bin TH1D* fNEventsVtx;// Number of triggered+vertex events per vertex TList* fOutput; // Output list AliESDtrackCuts fQGlo; // Quality cut on ITS+TPC AliESDtrackCuts fQITS; // Quality cut on ITS standalone (not ITS+TPC) AliESDtrackCuts fDCAwSPD; // DCA for traks with SPD hits AliESDtrackCuts fDCAwoSPD; // DCA for traks without SPD hits AliESDtrackCuts fIsPrimary; // Primary particle Bool_t fUseTracklets; // Whether to count tracklets or not Bool_t fDebug; // Debug flag ClassDef(CentralMultTask,1); // Determine multiplicity in central area }; //==================================================================== #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //____________________________________________________________________ inline CentralMultTask::CentralMultTask() : AliAnalysisTaskSE(), fHist(0), fAll(0), fGlobal(0), fITS(0), fTracklets(0), fNEventsTr(0), fNEventsVtx(0), fOutput(0), fUseTracklets(false), fDebug(false) {} //____________________________________________________________________ inline CentralMultTask::CentralMultTask(const char* /* name */, Double_t maxEta, Double_t maxVtx) : AliAnalysisTaskSE("Central"), fHist(0), fAll(0), fGlobal(0), fITS(0), fTracklets(0), fNEventsTr(0), fNEventsVtx(0), fOutput(0), fUseTracklets(true), fDebug(false) { Int_t nBins = 40; fHist = new TH2D("Central", "d^{2}N_{ch}/d#etad#phi in central region", nBins, -maxEta, maxEta, 20, 0, 2*TMath::Pi()); fHist->SetDirectory(0); fHist->SetXTitle("#eta"); fHist->SetYTitle("#phi [radians]"); fHist->SetZTitle("d^{2}N_{ch}/d#etad#phi"); fHist->SetStats(0); fHist->Sumw2(); fAll = new TH1D("all", "Central region", nBins, -maxEta, maxEta); fAll->SetDirectory(0); fAll->SetXTitle("#eta"); fAll->SetYTitle("dN_{ch}/d#eta"); fAll->Sumw2(); fAll->SetFillColor(kGray); fAll->SetFillStyle(3001); fAll->SetMarkerStyle(28); fAll->SetMarkerColor(kGray); fAll->SetStats(0); fGlobal = static_cast(fAll->Clone("global")); fGlobal->SetTitle("Global tracks"); fGlobal->SetDirectory(0); fGlobal->Sumw2(); fGlobal->SetFillColor(kRed+1); fGlobal->SetFillStyle(3001); fGlobal->SetMarkerStyle(28); fGlobal->SetMarkerColor(kRed+1); fGlobal->SetStats(0); fITS = static_cast(fAll->Clone("its")); fITS->SetTitle("ITS tracks"); fITS->SetDirectory(0); fITS->Sumw2(); fITS->SetFillColor(kGreen+1); fITS->SetFillStyle(3001); fITS->SetMarkerStyle(28); fITS->SetMarkerColor(kGreen+1); fITS->SetStats(0); fTracklets = static_cast(fAll->Clone("tracklets")); fTracklets->SetTitle("SPD tracklets"); fTracklets->SetDirectory(0); fTracklets->Sumw2(); fTracklets->SetFillColor(kBlue+1); fTracklets->SetFillStyle(3001); fTracklets->SetMarkerStyle(28); fTracklets->SetMarkerColor(kBlue+1); fTracklets->SetStats(0); fNEventsTr = new TH1D("nEventsTr", "Events per vertex bin", 10, -maxVtx, maxVtx); fNEventsTr->SetXTitle("v_{z}"); fNEventsTr->SetYTitle("Events"); fNEventsTr->SetDirectory(0); fNEventsVtx = new TH1D("nEventsVtx", "Events per vertex bin", 10, -maxVtx, maxVtx); fNEventsVtx->SetXTitle("v_{z}"); fNEventsVtx->SetYTitle("Events"); fNEventsVtx->SetDirectory(0); // --- Global (ITS+TPC) track quality cuts // TPC fQGlo.SetMinNClustersTPC(70); fQGlo.SetMaxChi2PerClusterTPC(4); fQGlo.SetAcceptKinkDaughters(kFALSE); fQGlo.SetRequireTPCRefit(kTRUE); // ITS fQGlo.SetRequireITSRefit(kTRUE); fQGlo.SetClusterRequirementITS(AliESDtrackCuts::kSPD,AliESDtrackCuts::kOff); fQGlo.SetEtaRange(-maxEta, maxEta); // --- ITS standalone track quality cuts fQITS.SetRequireITSRefit(kTRUE); fQITS.SetClusterRequirementITS(AliESDtrackCuts::kSPD,AliESDtrackCuts::kOff); fQITS.SetEtaRange(-maxEta, maxEta); // -- Distance-of-Closest-Approach cuts for tracks w/ITS hits fDCAwSPD.SetClusterRequirementITS(AliESDtrackCuts::kSPD, AliESDtrackCuts::kAny); fDCAwSPD.SetMaxDCAToVertexXYPtDep("0.0182+0.0350/pt^1.01"); fDCAwSPD.SetMaxDCAToVertexZ(0.5); fDCAwSPD.SetEtaRange(-maxEta, maxEta); // -- Distance-of-Closest-Approach cuts for tracks w/o ITS hits fDCAwoSPD.SetClusterRequirementITS(AliESDtrackCuts::kSPD, AliESDtrackCuts::kNone); fDCAwoSPD.SetMaxDCAToVertexXYPtDep("1.5*(0.0182+0.0350/pt^1.01)"); fDCAwoSPD.SetMaxDCAToVertexZ(0.5); fDCAwoSPD.SetEtaRange(-maxEta, maxEta); // -- Primary track cut // https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/ALICE/SelectionOfPrimaryTracksForPpDataAnalysis // Quality fIsPrimary.SetMinNClustersTPC(70); fIsPrimary.SetMaxChi2PerClusterTPC(4); fIsPrimary.SetAcceptKinkDaughters(kFALSE); fIsPrimary.SetRequireTPCRefit(kTRUE); fIsPrimary.SetRequireITSRefit(kTRUE); fIsPrimary.SetClusterRequirementITS(AliESDtrackCuts::kSPD, AliESDtrackCuts::kAny); // Dca: fIsPrimary.SetMaxDCAToVertexXYPtDep("0.0182+0.0350/pt^1.01"); fIsPrimary.SetMaxDCAToVertexZ(2); fIsPrimary.SetDCAToVertex2D(kFALSE); fIsPrimary.SetRequireSigmaToVertex(kFALSE); // Output slot #1 writes into a TH1 container DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); } //____________________________________________________________________ inline CentralMultTask::~CentralMultTask() { if (fHist) delete fHist; if (fAll) delete fAll; if (fGlobal) delete fGlobal; if (fITS) delete fITS; if (fTracklets) delete fTracklets; } //________________________________________________________________________ inline void CentralMultTask::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // Create histograms // Called once (on the worker node) fOutput = new TList; fOutput->SetName(GetName()); fOutput->SetOwner(); fOutput->Add(fAll); fOutput->Add(fGlobal); fOutput->Add(fITS); fOutput->Add(fTracklets); fOutput->Add(fNEventsTr); fOutput->Add(fNEventsVtx); AliAnalysisManager* am = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); AliAODHandler* ah = dynamic_cast(am->GetOutputEventHandler()); if (!ah) AliFatal("No AOD output handler set in analysis manager"); ah->AddBranch("TH2D", &fHist); // Post data for ALL output slots >0 here, to get at least an empty histogram PostData(1, fOutput); } //____________________________________________________________________ inline UShort_t CentralMultTask::CheckEvent(const AliESDEvent& esd, Double_t& vz) { // Do some fast cuts first vz = 0; // Get the analysis manager - should always be there AliAnalysisManager* am = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!am) { AliWarning("No analysis manager defined!"); return 0; } // Get the input handler - should always be there AliInputEventHandler* ih = static_cast(am->GetInputEventHandler()); if (!ih) { AliWarning("No input handler"); return 0; } // Trigger mask UInt_t mask = ih->IsEventSelected(); Bool_t isMinBias = (mask == AliVEvent::kMB) ? 1 : 0; UShort_t ret = 0; if (isMinBias) ret |= kValidTrigger; // check for good reconstructed vertex if (!(esd.GetPrimaryVertex()->GetStatus())) { if (fDebug) AliWarning("Primary vertex has bad status"); return ret; } if (!(esd.GetPrimaryVertexSPD()->GetStatus())) { if (fDebug) AliWarning("Primary SPD vertex has bad status"); return ret; } // if vertex is from spd vertexZ, require more stringent cut if (esd.GetPrimaryVertex()->IsFromVertexerZ()) { if (esd.GetPrimaryVertex()->GetDispersion() > 0.02 || esd.GetPrimaryVertex()->GetZRes() > 0.25) { if (fDebug) AliWarning(Form("Primary vertex dispersion=%f (0.02) zres=%f (0.05)", esd.GetPrimaryVertex()->GetDispersion(), esd.GetPrimaryVertex()->GetZRes())); return ret; } } // One can add a cut on the vertex z position here vz = esd.GetPrimaryVertex()->GetZ(); Double_t vl = fNEventsVtx->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); Double_t vh = fNEventsVtx->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); if (vz < vl || vz > vh) { if (fDebug) AliWarning(Form("Primary vertex vz=%f out of range [%f,%f]", vz, vl, vh)); return ret; } ret |= kValidVertex; return ret; } //____________________________________________________________________ inline void CentralMultTask::UserExec(Option_t *) { // Main loop AliESDEvent* esd = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); if (!esd) { AliError("Cannot get the ESD event"); return; } fHist->Reset(); // Check event Double_t vz = 0; UShort_t eventFlags = CheckEvent(*esd, vz); if (!(eventFlags & kValidTrigger)) return; // No trigger else { fNEventsTr->Fill(vz); if (eventFlags & kValidVertex) fNEventsVtx->Fill(vz); else return; // No trigger or no vertex } // flags for secondary and rejected tracks // set this bit in ESD tracks if it is rejected by a cut const int kRejBit = BIT(15); // set this bit in ESD tracks if it is secondary according to a cut const int kSecBit = BIT(16); Int_t total = 0; Int_t nESDTracks = esd->GetNumberOfTracks(); // Loop over ESD tracks for(Int_t i = 0; i < nESDTracks; i++){ // flag the tracks AliESDtrack* track = esd->GetTrack(i); // if track is a secondary from a V0, flag as a secondary if (track->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kMultInV0)) { track->SetBit(kSecBit); continue; } Double_t eta = track->Eta(); Double_t phi = track->Phi(); // check tracks with ITS part if (track->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kITSin)) { // Check ITS pure stand-alone - and if it is, reject it if (track->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kITSpureSA)) { track->SetBit(kRejBit); continue; } // Check DCA - if not close enough reject it as secondary if (!fDCAwSPD.AcceptTrack(track) && !fDCAwoSPD.AcceptTrack(track)) { track->SetBit(kSecBit); continue; } // Check if this is an ITS complementary - no TPC in if (!track->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kTPCin)) { if (fQITS.AcceptTrack(track)) { // Check ITS quality fITS->Fill(eta); fAll->Fill(eta); } else track->SetBit(kRejBit); } else { // Not ITS SA or TPC+ITS if (fQGlo.AcceptTrack(track)) { // Check ITS quality fGlobal->Fill(eta); fAll->Fill(eta); } else track->SetBit(kRejBit); } if (track->IsOn(kSecBit) || track->IsOn(kRejBit)) continue; // fill d2n/detadphi fHist->Fill(eta, phi); } } // Get multiplicity from SPD tracklets const AliMultiplicity* spdmult = esd->GetMultiplicity(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetNumberOfTracklets(); ++i){ // if counting tracks+tracklets, // check if clusters were already used in tracks Int_t id1,id2; spdmult->GetTrackletTrackIDs(i,0,id1,id2); AliESDtrack* tr1 = id1>=0 ? esd->GetTrack(id1) : 0; AliESDtrack* tr2 = id2>=0 ? esd->GetTrack(id2) : 0; // if ((tr1 && tr1->TestBit(kSecBit)) || // Flagged as secondary (tr2 && tr2->TestBit(kSecBit)) || // Flagged as secondary (tr1 && !tr1->TestBit(kRejBit)) || // already accounted for (tr2 && !tr2->TestBit(kRejBit))) // already accounted for continue; ++total; Double_t eta = spdmult->GetEta(i); Double_t phi = spdmult->GetPhi(i); // Increment d2n/detadphi from an SPD tracklet if (fUseTracklets) { fHist->Fill(eta, phi); fAll->Fill(eta); total++; } fTracklets->Fill(eta); } if (fDebug) AliInfo(Form("A total of %d tracks", total)); // NEW HISTO should be filled before this point, as PostData puts the // information for this iteration of the UserExec in the container PostData(1, fOutput); } //________________________________________________________________________ inline void CentralMultTask::Terminate(Option_t *) { // Draw result to screen, or perform fitting, normalizations Called // once at the end of the query fOutput = dynamic_cast (GetOutputData(1)); if(!fOutput) { AliError("Could not retrieve TList fOutput"); return; } TH1D* all = static_cast(fOutput->FindObject("all")); TH1D* global = static_cast(fOutput->FindObject("global")); TH1D* its = static_cast(fOutput->FindObject("its")); TH1D* tracklets = static_cast(fOutput->FindObject("tracklets")); TH1D* eventsTr = static_cast(fOutput->FindObject("nEventsTr")); TH1D* eventsVtx = static_cast(fOutput->FindObject("nEventsVtx")); Int_t nTriggers = eventsTr->GetEntries(); Int_t nVertex = eventsVtx->GetEntries(); if (nTriggers <= 0 || nVertex <= 0) { AliWarning("No data in the events histogram!"); nTriggers = 1; } all ->Scale(1. / nTriggers, "width"); global ->Scale(1. / nTriggers, "width"); its ->Scale(1. / nTriggers, "width"); tracklets->Scale(1. / nTriggers, "width"); THStack* stack = new THStack("components", "Components"); if (fUseTracklets) stack->Add(tracklets); stack->Add(global); stack->Add(its); fOutput->Add(stack); } //======================================================================== inline AliAnalysisTask* AddTaskCentralMult() { // analysis manager AliAnalysisManager* mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); // Make our object. 2nd argumenent is absolute max Eta // 3rd argument is absolute max Vz CentralMultTask* task = new CentralMultTask("Global", 2, 10); // if physics selection performed in UserExec(), // this line should be commented // task->SelectCollisionCandidates(AliVEvent::kMB); mgr->AddTask(task); // create containers for input/output AliAnalysisDataContainer *output = mgr->CreateContainer("Central", TList::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, AliAnalysisManager::GetCommonFileName()); // connect input/output mgr->ConnectInput(task, 0, mgr->GetCommonInputContainer()); mgr->ConnectOutput(task, 1, output); return task; } //________________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //