// // See implementation or Doxygen comments for more information // #ifndef ALIAODFORWARDMULT_H #define ALIAODFORWARDMULT_H /** * @file AliAODForwardMult.h * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Wed Mar 23 13:58:00 2011 * * @brief * * @ingroup pwg2_forward_aod * */ #include #include class TBrowser; class TH1I; /** * Class that contains the forward multiplicity data per event * * This class contains a histogram of * @f[ * \frac{d^2N_{ch}}{d\eta d\phi}\quad, * @f] * as well as a trigger mask for each analysed event. * * The eta acceptance of the event is stored in the underflow bins of * the histogram. So to build the final histogram, one needs to * correct for this acceptance (properly weighted by the events), and * the vertex efficiency. This simply boils down to defining a 2D * histogram and summing the event histograms in that histogram. One * should of course also do proper book-keeping of the accepted event. * * @code * TTree* GetAODTree() * { * TFile* file = TFile::Open("AliAODs.root","READ"); * TTree* tree = static_cast(file->Get("aodTree")); * return tree; * } * * void Analyse() * { * TH2D* sum = 0; // Summed hist * TTree* tree = GetAODTree(); // AOD tree * AliAODForwardMult* mult = 0; // AOD object * Int_t nTriggered = 0; // # of triggered ev. * Int_t nWithVertex= 0; // # of ev. w/vertex * Int_t nAccepted = 0; // # of ev. used * Int_t nAvailable = tree->GetEntries(); // How many entries * Float_t vzLow = -10; // Lower ip cut * Float_t vzHigh = 10; // Upper ip cut * Int_t mask = AliAODForwardMult::kInel;// Trigger mask * tree->SetBranchAddress("forward", &forward); // Set the address * * for (int i = 0; i < nAvailable; i++) { * // Create sum histogram on first event - to match binning to input * if (!sum) sum = static_cast(mult->Clone("d2ndetadphi")); * * tree->GetEntry(i); * * // Other trigger/event requirements could be defined * if (!mult->IsTriggerBits(mask)) continue; * nTriggered++; * * // Check if we have vertex * if (!mult->HasIpZ()) continue; * nWithVertex++; * * // Select vertex range (in centimeters) * if (!mult->InRange(vzLow, vzHigh) continue; * nAccepted++; * * // Add contribution from this event * sum->Add(&(mult->GetHistogram())); * } * * // Get acceptance normalisation from underflow bins * TH1D* norm = sum->Projection("norm", 0, 1, ""); * // Project onto eta axis - _ignoring_underflow_bins_! * TH1D* dndeta = sum->Projection("dndeta", 1, -1, "e"); * // Normalize to the acceptance * dndeta->Divide(norm); * // Scale by the vertex efficiency * dndeta->Scale(Double_t(nWithVertex)/nTriggered, "width"); * // And draw the result * dndeta->Draw(); * } * @endcode * * The above code will draw the final @f$ dN_{ch}/d\eta@f$ for the * selected event class and vertex range * * The histogram can be used as input for other kinds of analysis too, * like flow, event-plane, centrality, and so on. * * @ingroup pwg2_forward * @ingroup pwg2_forward_aod */ class AliAODForwardMult : public TObject { public: /** * Bits of the trigger pattern */ enum { /** In-elastic collision */ kInel = 0x001, /** In-elastic collision with at least one SPD tracklet */ kInelGt0 = 0x002, /** Non-single diffractive collision */ kNSD = 0x004, /** Empty bunch crossing */ kEmpty = 0x008, /** A-side trigger */ kA = 0x010, /** B(arrel) trigger */ kB = 0x020, /** C-side trigger */ kC = 0x080, /** Empty trigger */ kE = 0x100, /** pileup from SPD */ kPileUp = 0x200, /** true NSD from MC */ kMCNSD = 0x400, /** Offline MB triggered */ kOffline = 0x800 }; /** * Bin numbers in trigger histograms */ enum { kBinAll=1, kBinInel, kBinInelGt0, kBinNSD, kBinA, kBinB, kBinC, kBinE, kBinPileUp, kBinMCNSD, kBinOffline, kWithTrigger, kWithVertex, kAccepted }; /** * Default constructor * * Used by ROOT I/O sub-system - do not use */ AliAODForwardMult(); /** * Constructor * * @param isMC Whether this was from MC or not */ AliAODForwardMult(Bool_t isMC); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~AliAODForwardMult() {} // Destructor /** * Initialize * * @param etaAxis Pseudo-rapidity axis */ void Init(const TAxis& etaAxis); /** * Get the @f$ d^2N_{ch}/d\eta d\phi@f$ histogram, * * @return @f$ d^2N_{ch}/d\eta d\phi@f$ histogram, */ const TH2D& GetHistogram() const { return fHist; } // Get histogram /** * Get the @f$ d^2N_{ch}/d\eta d\phi@f$ histogram, * * @return @f$ d^2N_{ch}/d\eta d\phi@f$ histogram, */ TH2D& GetHistogram() { return fHist; } // Get histogram /** * Get the trigger mask * * @return Trigger mask */ UInt_t GetTriggerMask() const { return fTriggers; } // Get triggers /** * Set the trigger mask * * @param trg Trigger mask */ void SetTriggerMask(UInt_t trg) { fTriggers = trg; } // Set triggers /** * Set bit(s) in trigger mask * * @param bits bit(s) to set */ void SetTriggerBits(UInt_t bits) { fTriggers |= bits; } // Set trigger bits /** * Check if bit(s) are set in the trigger mask * * @param bits Bits to test for * * @return */ Bool_t IsTriggerBits(UInt_t bits) const; /** * Whether we have any trigger bits */ Bool_t HasTrigger() const { return fTriggers != 0; } // Check for triggers /** * Clear all data * * @param option Passed on to TH2::Reset verbatim */ void Clear(Option_t* option=""); /** * browse this object * * @param b Browser */ void Browse(TBrowser* b); /** * This is a folder * * @return Always true */ Bool_t IsFolder() const { return kTRUE; } // Always true /** * Print content * * @param option Passed verbatim to TH2::Print */ void Print(Option_t* option="") const; /** * Set the z coordinate of the interaction point * * @param ipZ Interaction point z coordinate */ void SetIpZ(Float_t ipZ) { fIpZ = ipZ; } // Set Ip's Z coordinate /** * Set the center of mass energy per nucleon-pair. This is stored * in the (0,0) of the histogram * * @param sNN Center of mass energy per nucleon pair (GeV) */ void SetSNN(UShort_t sNN); /** * Get the collision system number * - 0: Unknown * - 1: pp * - 2: PbPb * * @param sys Collision system number */ void SetSystem(UShort_t sys); /** * Set the event centrality * * @param c Centrality */ void SetCentrality(Float_t c) { fCentrality = c; } /** * Set the z coordinate of the interaction point * * @return Interaction point z coordinate */ Float_t GetIpZ() const { return fIpZ; } // Get Ip's Z coordinate /** * Check if we have a valid z coordinate of the interaction point * * @return True if we have a valid interaction point z coordinate */ Bool_t HasIpZ() const; /** * Get the center of mass energy per nucleon pair (GeV) * * @return Center of mass energy per nucleon pair (GeV) */ UShort_t GetSNN() const; /** * Get the collision system number * - 0: Unknown * - 1: pp * - 2: PbPb * * @return Collision system number */ UShort_t GetSystem() const; /** * Check if the z coordinate of the interaction point is within the * given limits. Note that the convention used corresponds to the * convention used in ROOTs TAxis. * * @param low Lower cut (inclusive) * @param high Upper cut (exclusive) * * @return true if @f$ low \ge ipz < high@f$ */ Bool_t InRange(Float_t low, Float_t high) const; /** * Get the event centrality * * * @return */ Float_t GetCentrality() const { return fCentrality; } /** * Check if we have a valid centrality * * * @return */ Bool_t HasCentrality() const { return !(fCentrality < 0); } /** * Get the name of the object * * @return Name of object */ const Char_t* GetName() const { return (fIsMC ? "ForwardMC" : "Forward"); } /** * Check if event meets the passses requirements. * * It returns true if @e all of the following is true * * - The trigger is within the bit mask passed. * - The vertex is within the specified limits. * - The centrality is within the specified limits, or if lower * limit is equal to or larger than the upper limit. * * If a histogram is passed in the last parameter, then that * histogram is filled with the trigger bits. * * @param triggerMask Trigger mask * @param vzMin Minimum @f$ v_z@f$ (in centimeters) * @param vzMax Maximum @f$ v_z@f$ (in centimeters) * @param cMin Minimum centrality (in percent) * @param cMax Maximum centrality (in percent) * @param hist Histogram to fill * * @return @c true if the event meets the requirements */ Bool_t CheckEvent(Int_t triggerMask=kInel, Double_t vzMin=-10, Double_t vzMax=10, UShort_t cMin=0, UShort_t cMax=100, TH1* hist=0) const; /** * Get a string correspondig to the trigger mask * * @param mask Trigger mask * * @return Static string (copy before use) */ static const Char_t* GetTriggerString(UInt_t mask); /** * Make a histogram to record triggers in. * * The bins defined by the trigger enumeration in this class. One * can use this enumeration to retrieve the number of triggers for * each class. * * @param name Name of the histogram * * @return Newly allocated histogram */ static TH1I* MakeTriggerHistogram(const char* name="triggers"); protected: Bool_t fIsMC; // Whether this is from MC TH2D fHist; // Histogram of d^2N_{ch}/(deta dphi) for this event UInt_t fTriggers; // Trigger bit mask Float_t fIpZ; // Z coordinate of the interaction point Float_t fCentrality; // Event centrality static const Float_t fgkInvalidIpZ; // Invalid IpZ value ClassDef(AliAODForwardMult,2); // AOD forward multiplicity }; //____________________________________________________________________ inline Bool_t AliAODForwardMult::InRange(Float_t low, Float_t high) const { return HasIpZ() && fIpZ >= low && fIpZ < high; } //____________________________________________________________________ inline Bool_t AliAODForwardMult::IsTriggerBits(UInt_t bits) const { return HasTrigger() && ((fTriggers & bits) == bits); } #endif // Local Variables: // mode: C++ // End: