// // Histogram and fit the energy loss distributions for the FMD // // Inputs: // - AliESDEvent // // Outputs: // - None // // Histograms: // // Corrections used: // - None // // // #include "AliFMDEnergyFitterTask.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliAODForwardMult.h" #include "AliForwardCorrectionManager.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliAnalysisDataSlot.h" #include "AliAnalysisDataContainer.h" #include #include #include #include #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliGenHijingEventHeader.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include //==================================================================== AliFMDEnergyFitterTask::AliFMDEnergyFitterTask() : AliAnalysisTaskSE(), fFirstEvent(true), fEventInspector(), fEnergyFitter(), fList(0), fbLow(0), fbHigh(100) { // // Constructor // } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDEnergyFitterTask::AliFMDEnergyFitterTask(const char* name) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fFirstEvent(true), fEventInspector("event"), fEnergyFitter("energy"), fList(0), fbLow(0), fbHigh(100) { // // Constructor // // Parameters: // name Name of task // DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); DefineOutput(2, TList::Class()); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDEnergyFitterTask::AliFMDEnergyFitterTask(const AliFMDEnergyFitterTask& o) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(o), fFirstEvent(o.fFirstEvent), fEventInspector(o.fEventInspector), fEnergyFitter(o.fEnergyFitter), fList(o.fList), fbLow(o.fbLow), fbHigh(o.fbHigh) { // // Copy constructor // // Parameters: // o Object to copy from // DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); DefineOutput(2, TList::Class()); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDEnergyFitterTask& AliFMDEnergyFitterTask::operator=(const AliFMDEnergyFitterTask& o) { // // Assignment operator // // Parameters: // o Object to assign from // // Return: // Reference to this object // AliAnalysisTaskSE::operator=(o); fFirstEvent = o.fFirstEvent; fEventInspector = o.fEventInspector; fEnergyFitter = o.fEnergyFitter; fList = o.fList; fbLow = o.fbLow; fbHigh = o.fbHigh; return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDEnergyFitterTask::SetDebug(Int_t dbg) { // // Set the debug level // // Parameters: // dbg Debug level // fEventInspector.SetDebug(dbg); fEnergyFitter.SetDebug(dbg); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDEnergyFitterTask::Init() { // // Initialize the task // // fFirstEvent = true; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDEnergyFitterTask::InitializeSubs() { // // Initialise the sub objects and stuff. Called on first event // // AliForwardCorrectionManager& fcm = AliForwardCorrectionManager::Instance(); UShort_t sys = fEventInspector.GetCollisionSystem(); UShort_t sNN = fEventInspector.GetEnergy(); Short_t fld = fEventInspector.GetField(); fcm.Init(sys, sNN, fld, 0); TAxis eAxis(0,0,0); TAxis vAxis(10,-10,10); fEnergyFitter.Init(eAxis); fEventInspector.Init(vAxis); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDEnergyFitterTask::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // // Create output objects // // fList = new TList; fList->SetOwner(); fEventInspector.DefineOutput(fList); fEnergyFitter.DefineOutput(fList); PostData(1, fList); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDEnergyFitterTask::UserExec(Option_t*) { // // Process each event // // Parameters: // option Not used // // static Int_t cnt = 0; // cnt++; // Get the input data AliMCEvent* mcevent = MCEvent(); if(mcevent) { AliHeader* header = mcevent->Header(); AliGenHijingEventHeader* hijingHeader = dynamic_cast(header->GenEventHeader()); if(hijingHeader) { Float_t b = hijingHeader->ImpactParameter(); if(bfbHigh) return; else std::cout<<"Selecting event with impact parameter "<(InputEvent()); // AliInfo(Form("Event # %6d (esd=%p)", cnt, esd)); if (!esd) { AliWarning("No ESD event found for input event"); return; } // On the first event, initialize the parameters if (fFirstEvent && esd->GetESDRun()) { fEventInspector.ReadRunDetails(esd); AliInfo(Form("Initializing with parameters from the ESD:\n" " AliESDEvent::GetBeamEnergy() ->%f\n" " AliESDEvent::GetBeamType() ->%s\n" " AliESDEvent::GetCurrentL3() ->%f\n" " AliESDEvent::GetMagneticField()->%f\n" " AliESDEvent::GetRunNumber() ->%d\n", esd->GetBeamEnergy(), esd->GetBeamType(), esd->GetCurrentL3(), esd->GetMagneticField(), esd->GetRunNumber())); // AliFMDAnaParameters* pars = AliFMDAnaParameters::Instance(); // pars->SetParametersFromESD(esd); // pars->PrintStatus(); fFirstEvent = false; InitializeSubs(); } Bool_t lowFlux = kFALSE; UInt_t triggers = 0; UShort_t ivz = 0; Double_t vz = 0; Double_t cent = 0; UShort_t nClusters = 0; UInt_t found = fEventInspector.Process(esd, triggers, lowFlux, ivz, vz, cent, nClusters); if (found & AliFMDEventInspector::kNoEvent) return; if (found & AliFMDEventInspector::kNoTriggers) return; if (found & AliFMDEventInspector::kNoSPD) return; if (found & AliFMDEventInspector::kNoFMD) return; if (found & AliFMDEventInspector::kNoVertex) return; if (found & AliFMDEventInspector::kBadVertex) return; // if(cent > 0) { // if( cent < 40 || cent >50 ) return; // else std::cout<<"selecting event with cent "<GetFMDData(); // Do the energy stuff if (!fEnergyFitter.Accumulate(*esdFMD, cent, triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kEmpty)){ AliWarning("Energy fitter failed"); return; } PostData(1, fList); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDEnergyFitterTask::Terminate(Option_t*) { // // End of job // // Parameters: // option Not used // AliInfo(Form("Running terminate of %s", GetName())); TList* list = dynamic_cast(GetOutputData(1)); if (!list) { AliError(Form("No output list defined (%p)", GetOutputData(1))); if (GetOutputData(1)) GetOutputData(1)->Print(); return; } AliInfo("Fitting energy loss spectra"); fEnergyFitter.Fit(list); // Make a deep copy and post that as output 2 TList* list2 = static_cast(list->Clone(Form("%sResults", list->GetName()))); list2->SetOwner(); PostData(2, list2); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDEnergyFitterTask::Print(Option_t*) const { // // Print information // // Parameters: // option Not used // } // // EOF //