// // This class calculates the inclusive charged particle density // in each for the 5 FMD rings based on the MC truth. // // Input: // - AliMCEvent MC truth event infromation // // Output: // - None // // Corrections used: // - None // // #include "AliFMDMCDensityCalculator.h" #include #include "AliForwardCorrectionManager.h" #include "AliFMDStripIndex.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliESDFMD.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include ClassImp(AliFMDMCDensityCalculator) #if 0 ; // For Emacs #endif //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDMCDensityCalculator::~AliFMDMCDensityCalculator() { // // Destructor // if (fComps) fComps->Clear(); if (fFMD1i) delete fFMD1i; if (fFMD2i) delete fFMD2i; if (fFMD2o) delete fFMD2o; if (fFMD3i) delete fFMD3i; if (fFMD3o) delete fFMD3o; if (fFMD1iC) delete fFMD1iC; if (fFMD2iC) delete fFMD2iC; if (fFMD2oC) delete fFMD2oC; if (fFMD3iC) delete fFMD3iC; if (fFMD3oC) delete fFMD3oC; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDMCDensityCalculator& AliFMDMCDensityCalculator::operator=(const AliFMDMCDensityCalculator& o) { // // Assignement operator // // Parameters: // o Object to assign from // // Return: // Reference to this object // AliFMDDensityCalculator::operator=(o); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDMCDensityCalculator::Init(const TAxis& eAxis) { // // Initialize this object // // Parameters: // etaAxis Eta axis to use // AliFMDDensityCalculator::Init(eAxis); fFMD1i = Make(1,'I',eAxis); fFMD2i = Make(2,'I',eAxis); fFMD2o = Make(2,'O',eAxis); fFMD3i = Make(3,'I',eAxis); fFMD3o = Make(3,'O',eAxis); fFMD1iC = Make(1,'I'); fFMD2iC = Make(2,'I'); fFMD2oC = Make(2,'O'); fFMD3iC = Make(3,'I'); fFMD3oC = Make(3,'O'); fComps->Add(fFMD1i); fComps->Add(fFMD2i); fComps->Add(fFMD2o); fComps->Add(fFMD3i); fComps->Add(fFMD3o); fComps->Add(fFMD1iC); fComps->Add(fFMD2iC); fComps->Add(fFMD2oC); fComps->Add(fFMD3iC); fComps->Add(fFMD3oC); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDMCDensityCalculator::CalculateMC(const AliESDFMD& fmd, AliForwardUtil::Histos& hists) { // // Calculate the charged particle density from the MC track references. // // Parameters: // fmd Forward MC event // hists Histograms to fill // vz Interaction z coordinate @f$ v_z@f$ // vtxBin bin corresponding to @f$ v_z@f$ // // Return: // true on success // for (UShort_t d=1; d<=3; d++) { UShort_t nr = (d == 1 ? 1 : 2); for (UShort_t q=0; q 20) continue; Float_t phi = fmd.Phi(d,r,s,t) / 180 * TMath::Pi(); Float_t eta = fmd.Eta(d,r,s,t); Float_t corr = Correction(d, r, s, t, 0, eta, false); Float_t sig = (corr <= 0 ? 0 : mult / corr); h->Fill(eta,phi,sig); } } } } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ TProfile2D* AliFMDMCDensityCalculator::Make(UShort_t d, Char_t r, const TAxis& axis) const { // // MAke comparison profiles // // Parameters: // d Detector // r Ring // axis Eta axis // // Return: // Newly allocated profile object // TProfile2D* ret = new TProfile2D(Form("FMD%d%c_esd_vs_mc", d, r), Form("ESD/MC signal for FMD%d%c", d, r), axis.GetNbins(), axis.GetXmin(), axis.GetXmax(), (r == 'I' || r == 'i') ? 20 : 40, 0, 2*TMath::Pi()); ret->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta"); ret->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#varphi [degrees]"); ret->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("#LT incusive density ESD/MC#GT"); ret->SetDirectory(0); return ret; } //____________________________________________________________________ TH2D* AliFMDMCDensityCalculator::Make(UShort_t d, Char_t r) const { // // MAke comparison profiles // // Parameters: // d Detector // r Ring // // Return: // Newly allocated profile object // TH2D* ret = new TH2D(Form("FMD%d%c_corr_mc_esd", d, r), Form("ESD-MC correlation for FMD%d%c", d, r), 200, 0, 20, 200, 0, 20); ret->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{incl} (MC)"); ret->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#Delta/#Delta_{mp} (ESD)"); ret->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("Correlation"); ret->SetDirectory(0); return ret; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDMCDensityCalculator::Fill(UShort_t d, Char_t r, TH2* esd, TH2* mc) { // // Fill comparison profiles // // Parameters: // d Detector // r Ring // esd ESD histogram // mc MC histogram // if (!esd || !mc) return; TProfile2D* p = 0; TH2D* h = 0; switch (d) { case 1: p = fFMD1i; h = fFMD1iC; break; case 2: p = (r == 'I' || r == 'i' ? fFMD2i : fFMD2o); h = (r == 'I' || r == 'i' ? fFMD2iC : fFMD2oC); break; case 3: p = (r == 'I' || r == 'i' ? fFMD3i : fFMD3o); h = (r == 'I' || r == 'i' ? fFMD3iC : fFMD3oC); break; } if (!p) return; for (Int_t iEta = 1; iEta <= esd->GetNbinsX(); iEta++) { Double_t eta = esd->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(iEta); for (Int_t iPhi = 1; iPhi <= esd->GetNbinsY(); iPhi++) { Double_t phi = esd->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iPhi); Double_t mEsd = esd->GetBinContent(iEta,iPhi); Double_t mMc = mc->GetBinContent(iEta,iPhi); p->Fill(eta, phi, (mMc > 0 ? mEsd / mMc : 0)); h->Fill(mMc,mEsd); } } } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDMCDensityCalculator::CompareResults(AliForwardUtil::Histos& esd, AliForwardUtil::Histos& mc) { // // Compare the result of analysing the ESD for // the inclusive charged particle density to analysing // MC truth // // Parameters: // esd // mc // // Return: // true // Fill(1, 'I', esd.Get(1,'I'), mc.Get(1,'I')); Fill(2, 'I', esd.Get(2,'I'), mc.Get(2,'I')); Fill(2, 'O', esd.Get(2,'O'), mc.Get(2,'O')); Fill(3, 'I', esd.Get(3,'I'), mc.Get(3,'I')); Fill(3, 'O', esd.Get(3,'O'), mc.Get(3,'O')); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDMCDensityCalculator::DefineOutput(TList* dir) { // // Output diagnostic histograms to directory // // Parameters: // dir List to write in // AliFMDDensityCalculator::DefineOutput(dir); TList* d = static_cast(dir->FindObject(GetName())); fComps = new TList; fComps->SetName("esd_mc_comparison"); d->Add(fComps); } //____________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //