// // Class to do the sharing correction of FMD ESD data // #include "AliFMDSharingFilter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliFMDAnaParameters.h" #include ClassImp(AliFMDSharingFilter) #if 0 ; // This is for Emacs #endif //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::AliFMDSharingFilter() : TNamed(), fRingHistos(), fLowCut(0.3), fCorrectAngles(kFALSE), fEtaCorr(0) {} //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::AliFMDSharingFilter(const char* title) : TNamed("fmdSharingFilter", title), fRingHistos(), fLowCut(0.3), fCorrectAngles(kFALSE), fEtaCorr(0) { fRingHistos.Add(new RingHistos(1, 'I')); fRingHistos.Add(new RingHistos(2, 'I')); fRingHistos.Add(new RingHistos(2, 'O')); fRingHistos.Add(new RingHistos(3, 'I')); fRingHistos.Add(new RingHistos(3, 'O')); fEtaCorr = new TH2F("etaCorr", "Correction of #eta", 200, -4, 6, 200, -4, 6); fEtaCorr->SetXTitle("#eta from ESD"); fEtaCorr->SetYTitle("#eta from AnaParameters"); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::AliFMDSharingFilter(const AliFMDSharingFilter& o) : TNamed(o), fRingHistos(), fLowCut(o.fLowCut), fCorrectAngles(o.fCorrectAngles), fEtaCorr(o.fEtaCorr) { TIter next(&o.fRingHistos); TObject* obj = 0; while ((obj = next())) fRingHistos.Add(obj); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::~AliFMDSharingFilter() { fRingHistos.Delete(); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter& AliFMDSharingFilter::operator=(const AliFMDSharingFilter& o) { SetName(o.GetName()); SetTitle(o.GetTitle()); fLowCut = o.fLowCut; fCorrectAngles = o.fCorrectAngles; fRingHistos.Delete(); TIter next(&o.fRingHistos); TObject* obj = 0; while ((obj = next())) fRingHistos.Add(obj); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos* AliFMDSharingFilter::GetRingHistos(UShort_t d, Char_t r) const { Int_t idx = -1; switch (d) { case 1: idx = 0; break; case 2: idx = 1 + (r == 'I' || r == 'i' ? 0 : 1); break; case 3: idx = 3 + (r == 'I' || r == 'i' ? 0 : 1); break; } if (idx < 0 || idx >= fRingHistos.GetEntries()) return 0; return static_cast(fRingHistos.At(idx)); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDSharingFilter::Filter(const AliESDFMD& input, Bool_t lowFlux, AliESDFMD& output, Double_t vz) { output.Clear(); TIter next(&fRingHistos); RingHistos* o = 0; while ((o = static_cast(next()))) o->Clear(); AliFMDAnaParameters* pars = AliFMDAnaParameters::Instance(); for(UShort_t d = 1; d <= 3; d++) { Int_t nRings = (d == 1 ? 1 : 2); for (UShort_t q = 0; q < nRings; q++) { Char_t r = (q == 0 ? 'I' : 'O'); UShort_t nsec = (q == 0 ? 20 : 40); UShort_t nstr = (q == 0 ? 512 : 256); RingHistos* histos = GetRingHistos(d, r); for(UShort_t s = 0; s < nsec; s++) { Bool_t usedThis = kFALSE; Bool_t usedPrev = kFALSE; for(UShort_t t = 0; t < nstr; t++) { output.SetMultiplicity(d,r,s,t,0.); Float_t mult = SignalInStrip(input,d,r,s,t); // Keep dead-channel information. if(mult == AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult) output.SetMultiplicity(d,r,s,t,AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult); // If no signal or dead strip, go on. if (mult == AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult || mult == 0) continue; // Get the pseudo-rapidity Double_t eta1 = input.Eta(d,r,s,t); Double_t eta2 = pars->GetEtaFromStrip(d,r,s,t,vz); fEtaCorr->Fill(eta1, eta2); Double_t eta = eta2; // Fill the diagnostics histogram histos->fBefore->Fill(mult); // Get next and previous signal - if any Double_t prevE = 0; Double_t nextE = 0; if (t != 0) { prevE = SignalInStrip(input,d,r,s,t-1); if (prevE == AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult) prevE = 0; } if (t != nstr - 1) { nextE = SignalInStrip(input,d,r,s,t+1); if (nextE == AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult) nextE = 0; } Double_t mergedEnergy = MultiplicityOfStrip(mult,eta,prevE,nextE, lowFlux,d,r,s,t, usedPrev,usedThis); if (mergedEnergy > fLowCut) histos->Incr(); histos->fAfter->Fill(mergedEnergy); output.SetMultiplicity(d,r,s,t,mergedEnergy); output.SetEta(d,r,s,t,eta); } // for strip } // for sector } // for ring } // for detector next.Reset(); while ((o = static_cast(next()))) o->Finish(); return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliFMDSharingFilter::SignalInStrip(const AliESDFMD& input, UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t s, UShort_t t) const { Double_t mult = input.Multiplicity(d,r,s,t); if (mult == AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult || mult == 0) return mult; if (fCorrectAngles && !input.IsAngleCorrected()) mult = AngleCorrect(mult, input.Eta(d,r,s,t)); else if (!fCorrectAngles && input.IsAngleCorrected()) mult = DeAngleCorrect(mult, input.Eta(d,r,s,t)); return mult; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliFMDSharingFilter::GetHighCut(UShort_t d, Char_t r, Double_t eta) const { AliFMDAnaParameters* pars = AliFMDAnaParameters::Instance(); // Get the high cut. The high cut is defined as the // most-probably-value peak found from the energy distributions, minus // 2 times the width of the corresponding Landau. Double_t mpv = pars->GetMPV(d,r,eta); Double_t w = pars->GetSigma(d,r,eta); if (mpv > 100) AliWarning(Form("FMD%d%c, eta=%f, MPV=%f, W=%f", d, r, eta, mpv, w)); Double_t highCut = (mpv - 2 * w); return highCut; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliFMDSharingFilter::MultiplicityOfStrip(Double_t mult, Double_t eta, Double_t prevE, Double_t nextE, Bool_t lowFlux, UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t /*s*/, UShort_t /*t*/, Bool_t& usedPrev, Bool_t& usedThis) { // IF the multiplicity is very large, or below the cut, reject it, and // flag it as candidate for sharing if(mult > 12 || mult < fLowCut) { usedThis = kFALSE; usedPrev = kFALSE; return 0; } // If this was shared with the previous signal, return 0 and mark it as // not a candiate for sharing if(usedThis) { usedThis = kFALSE; usedPrev = kTRUE; return 0.; } //analyse and perform sharing on one strip // Calculate the total energy loss Double_t highCut = GetHighCut(d, r, eta); // If this signal is smaller than the next, and the next signal is smaller // than then the high cut, and it's a low-flux event, then mark this and // the next signal as candidates for sharing // // This is the test if the signal is the smaller of two possibly // shared signals. if (mult < nextE && nextE > highCut && lowFlux) { usedThis = kFALSE; usedPrev = kFALSE; return 0; } Double_t totalE = mult; // If the previous signal was larger than the low cut, and // the previous was smaller than high cut, and the previous signal // isn't marked as used, then add it's energy to this signal if (prevE > fLowCut && prevE < highCut && !usedPrev) totalE += prevE; // If the next signal is larger than the low cut, and // the next signal is smaller than the low cut, then add the next signal // to this, and marked the next signal as used if(nextE > fLowCut && nextE < highCut ) { totalE += nextE; usedThis = kTRUE; } // If we're processing on non-angle corrected data, we should do the // angle correction here if (!fCorrectAngles) totalE = AngleCorrect(totalE, eta); // Fill post processing histogram // if(totalE > fLowCut) // GetRingHistos(d,r)->fAfter->Fill(totalE); // Return value Double_t mergedEnergy = 0; if(totalE > 0) { // If we have a signal, then this is used (sharedPrev=true) and // the signal is set to the result mergedEnergy = totalE; usedPrev = kTRUE; } else { // If we do not have a signal (too low), then this is not shared, // and the next strip is not shared either usedThis = kFALSE; usedPrev = kFALSE; } return mergedEnergy; } //____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliFMDSharingFilter::AngleCorrect(Double_t mult, Double_t eta) const { Double_t theta = 2 * TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-eta)); if (eta < 0) theta -= TMath::Pi(); return mult * TMath::Cos(theta); } //____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliFMDSharingFilter::DeAngleCorrect(Double_t mult, Double_t eta) const { Double_t theta = 2 * TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-eta)); if (eta < 0) theta -= TMath::Pi(); return mult / TMath::Cos(theta); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::ScaleHistograms(TList* dir, Int_t nEvents) { if (nEvents <= 0) return; TList* d = static_cast(dir->FindObject(GetName())); if (!d) return; TIter next(&fRingHistos); RingHistos* o = 0; while ((o = static_cast(next()))) o->ScaleHistograms(d, nEvents); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::DefineOutput(TList* dir) { TList* d = new TList; d->SetName(GetName()); dir->Add(d); d->Add(fEtaCorr); TIter next(&fRingHistos); RingHistos* o = 0; while ((o = static_cast(next()))) { o->Output(d); } } //==================================================================== AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::RingHistos() : AliForwardUtil::RingHistos(), fBefore(0), fAfter(0), fHits(0), fNHits(0) {} //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::RingHistos(UShort_t d, Char_t r) : AliForwardUtil::RingHistos(d,r), fBefore(0), fAfter(0), fHits(0), fNHits(0) { fBefore = new TH1D(Form("%s_ESD_Eloss", fName.Data()), Form("Energy loss in %s (reconstruction)", fName.Data()), 1000, 0, 25); fAfter = new TH1D(Form("%s_Ana_Eloss", fName.Data()), Form("Energy loss in %s (sharing corrected)", fName.Data()), 1000, 0, 25); fBefore->SetXTitle("#Delta E/#Delta E_{mip}"); fBefore->SetYTitle("P(#Delta E/#Delta E_{mip})"); fBefore->SetFillColor(kRed+1); fBefore->SetFillStyle(3001); // fBefore->Sumw2(); fBefore->SetDirectory(0); fAfter->SetXTitle("#Delta E/#Delta E_{mip}"); fAfter->SetYTitle("P(#Delta E/#Delta E_{mip})"); fAfter->SetFillColor(kBlue+1); fAfter->SetFillStyle(3001); // fAfter->Sumw2(); fAfter->SetDirectory(0); fHits = new TH1D(Form("%s_Hits", fName.Data()), Form("Number of hits in %s", fName.Data()), 200, 0, 200000); fHits->SetDirectory(0); fHits->SetXTitle("# of hits"); fHits->SetFillColor(kGreen+1); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::RingHistos(const RingHistos& o) : AliForwardUtil::RingHistos(o), fBefore(o.fBefore), fAfter(o.fAfter), fHits(o.fHits), fNHits(o.fNHits) {} //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos& AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::operator=(const RingHistos& o) { AliForwardUtil::RingHistos::operator=(o); fDet = o.fDet; fRing = o.fRing; if (fBefore) delete fBefore; if (fAfter) delete fAfter; if (fHits) delete fHits; fBefore = static_cast(o.fBefore->Clone()); fAfter = static_cast(o.fAfter->Clone()); fHits = static_cast(o.fHits->Clone()); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::~RingHistos() { if (fBefore) delete fBefore; if (fAfter) delete fAfter; if (fHits) delete fHits; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::Finish() { fHits->Fill(fNHits); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::ScaleHistograms(TList* dir, Int_t nEvents) { TList* l = GetOutputList(dir); if (!l) return; TH1D* before = static_cast(l->FindObject(Form("%s_ESD_ELoss", fName.Data()))); TH1D* after = static_cast(l->FindObject(Form("%s_Ana_ELoss", fName.Data()))); if (before) before->Scale(1./nEvents); if (after) after->Scale(1./nEvents); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::Output(TList* dir) { TList* d = DefineOutputList(dir); d->Add(fBefore); d->Add(fAfter); d->Add(fHits); dir->Add(d); } //____________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //