/** * @defgroup pwg2_forward_scripts_makers Maker scripts * @ingroup pwg2_forward_scripts */ //==================================================================== /** * @file MakeAOD.C * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Wed Mar 23 09:40:10 2011 * * @brief Run first pass of the analysis - AOD generation * * @ingroup pwg2_forward_scripts_makers */ //==================================================================== /** * Run first pass of the analysis - that is read in ESD and produce AOD * * If the ROOT AliEn interface library (libRAliEn) can be loaded, * and the parameter @a name is not empty, then use the plugin to do * the analysis. Note that in this case, the output is placed * in a sub-directory named by @a name after escaping spaces and special * characters * * If PROOF mode is selected, then Terminate will be run on the master node * in any case. * * @param esddir ESD input directory. Any file matching the pattern * *AliESDs*.root are added to the chain * @param nEvents Number of events to process. If 0 or less, then * all events are analysed * @param proof If larger then 1, run in PROOF-Lite mode with this * many number of workers. * @param mc Data is assumed to be from simulations * @param centrality Whether to use centrality or not * @param name Name of train - free form. This will be the name * of the output directory if the plug-in is used * * @ingroup pwg2_forward_aod */ void MakeAOD(const char* esddir, Int_t nEvents = -1, Int_t proof = 0, Bool_t mc = false, Bool_t centrality = true, const char* name = 0, bool debug = false) { // --- Possibly use plug-in for this ------------------------------- if ((name && name[0] != '\0') && gSystem->Load("libRAliEn") >= 0) { const char* builder = "$(ALICE_ROOT)/PWG2/FORWARD/analysis2/trains/BuildTrain.C"; gROOT->LoadMacro(builder); BuildTrain("MakeAODTrain"); MakeAODTrain t(name, 0, 0, 0, centrality, false); t.SetDataDir(esddir); t.SetDataSet(""); t.SetProofServer(Form("workers=%d",proof)); t.SetUseGDB(debug); t.Run(proof > 0 ? "PROOF" : "LOCAL", "FULL", nEvents, mc, proof > 0); return; } // --- Libraries to load ------------------------------------------- gROOT->Macro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/FORWARD/analysis2/scripts/LoadLibs.C"); // --- Check for proof mode, and possibly upload pars -------------- if (proof> 0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/FORWARD/analysis2/scripts/LoadPars.C"); if (!LoadPars(proof)) { Error("MakeAOD", "Failed to load PARs"); return; } } // --- Our data chain ---------------------------------------------- gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/FORWARD/analysis2/scripts/MakeChain.C"); TChain* chain = MakeChain("ESD", esddir,true); // If 0 or less events is select, choose all if (nEvents <= 0) nEvents = chain->GetEntries(); // --- Set the macro path ------------------------------------------ gROOT->SetMacroPath(Form("%s:$(ALICE_ROOT)/PWG2/FORWARD/analysis2:" "$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros", gROOT->GetMacroPath())); // --- Creating the manager and handlers --------------------------- AliAnalysisManager *mgr = new AliAnalysisManager(name, "Forward multiplicity"); AliAnalysisManager::SetCommonFileName("forward.root"); // --- ESD input handler ------------------------------------------- AliESDInputHandler *esdHandler = new AliESDInputHandler(); mgr->SetInputEventHandler(esdHandler); // --- Monte Carlo handler ----------------------------------------- if (mc) { AliMCEventHandler* mcHandler = new AliMCEventHandler(); mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(mcHandler); mcHandler->SetReadTR(true); } // --- AOD output handler ------------------------------------------ AliAODHandler* aodHandler = new AliAODHandler(); mgr->SetOutputEventHandler(aodHandler); aodHandler->SetNeedsHeaderReplication(); aodHandler->SetOutputFileName("AliAOD.root"); // --- Add tasks --------------------------------------------------- // Physics selection gROOT->LoadMacro("AddTaskPhysicsSelection.C"); AddTaskPhysicsSelection(mc, kTRUE, kFALSE); // --- Fix up physics selection to give proper A,C, and E triggers - AliInputEventHandler* ih = static_cast(mgr->GetInputEventHandler()); AliPhysicsSelection* ps = static_cast(ih->GetEventSelection()); // Ignore trigger class when selecting events. This mean that we // get offline+(A,C,E) events too // ps->SetSkipTriggerClassSelection(true); // Centrality if(centrality) { gROOT->LoadMacro("AddTaskCentrality.C"); AliCentralitySelectionTask* centTask = AddTaskCentrality(); centTask->SetPass(1); if(mc)centTask->SetMCInput(); } // Copy header information gROOT->LoadMacro("AddTaskCopyHeader.C"); AddTaskCopyHeader(); // FMD gROOT->LoadMacro("AddTaskForwardMult.C"); AddTaskForwardMult(mc); // Central gROOT->LoadMacro("AddTaskCentralMult.C"); AddTaskCentralMult(mc); // --- Run the analysis -------------------------------------------- TStopwatch t; if (!mgr->InitAnalysis()) { Error("MakeAOD", "Failed to initialize analysis train!"); return; } // Skip terminate if we're so requested and not in Proof or full mode mgr->SetSkipTerminate(false); // Some informative output mgr->PrintStatus(); if (proof) mgr->SetDebugLevel(3); if (mgr->GetDebugLevel() < 1 && !proof) mgr->SetUseProgressBar(kTRUE,100); // Run the train t.Start(); Printf("=== RUNNING ANALYSIS on %9d events ==========================", nEvents); mgr->StartAnalysis(proof ? "proof" : "local", chain, nEvents); t.Stop(); t.Print(); } // // EOF //