THStack* GetStack(const TList& forward, const char* sub, const char* name) { TList* lsub = &forward; if (sub && sub[0] != '\0') lsub = static_cast(forward.FindObject(sub)); if (!lsub) { Warning("GetStack", "Sub list %s not found in %s", sub, forward.GetName()); return 0; } THStack* ret = static_cast(lsub->FindObject(name)); if (!ret) Warning("GetStack" "Stack %s not found in %s", name, sub); return ret; } TH1* Rebin(TH1* h, Int_t rebin) { if (rebin <= 1) return h; h->Rebin(rebin); h->Scale(1. / rebin); return h; } TH1* Ratio(const TH1* h1, const TH1* h2) { if (!h1) return; if (!h2) return; TH1* copy = static_cast(h2->Clone("tmp")); copy->SetName(Form("%s_%s", h2->GetName(), h1->GetName())); copy->SetTitle(Form("%s/%s", h2->GetTitle(), h1->GetTitle())); copy->SetDirectory(0); copy->Divide(h1); return copy; } Int_t Ratio(THStack* r, const THStack* h1, const THStack* h2) { if (!h1) return 0; if (!h2) return 0; int n1 = h1->GetHists()->GetEntries(); int n2 = h2->GetHists()->GetEntries(); int nH = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n1 && i < n2; i++) { TH1* hh1 = static_cast(h1->GetHists()->At(i)); TH1* hh2 = static_cast(h2->GetHists()->At(i)); TH1* h = Ratio(hh1, hh2); if (!h) continue; nH++; r->Add(h); } return nH; } void AddToAll(THStack* all, const TH1* h, Bool_t singleStep) { TH1* copy = static_cast(h->Clone(Form("%s_copy", h->GetName()))); copy->SetDirectory(0); if (singleStep) { copy->SetMarkerColor(kGray); copy->SetLineColor(kGray); } all->Add(copy); } void DimEntry(Int_t thisId, Int_t step, TLegendEntry* e) { Int_t col = (thisId == step || step <= 0) ? kBlack : kGray; e->SetMarkerColor(col); e->SetLineColor(col); e->SetTextColor(col); } void DrawStep(THStack* deltas, THStack* nchs, THStack* prims, TH1* dndeta, Int_t step) { THStack* all = new THStack("all", "Analysis steps"); if (step > 0) all->SetTitle(Form("Step %d", step)); if (deltas) { deltas->SetTitle("#sum_{} #Delta/#Delta_{mip}"); TIter next(deltas->GetHists()); TH1* h = 0; while ((h = static_cast(next()))) { h->SetMarkerStyle(25); // Info("DrawStep", "Adding %s", h->GetName()); AddToAll(all, h, step>0); } } if (nchs) { nchs->SetTitle("#sum_{} N_{ch,incl}"); TIter next(nchs->GetHists()); TH1* h = 0; while ((h = static_cast(next()))) { h->SetMarkerStyle(21); // Info("DrawStep", "Adding %s", h->GetName()); AddToAll(all, h, step>0); } } if (prims) { prims->SetTitle("#sum_{} N_{ch,primary}"); TIter next(prims->GetHists()); TH1* h = 0; while ((h = static_cast(next()))) { h->SetMarkerStyle(22); // Info("DrawStep", "Adding %s", h->GetName()); AddToAll(all, h, step>0); } } if (dndeta) { dndeta->SetTitle("1/N dN_{ch}/d#eta"); dndeta->SetMarkerStyle(20); dndeta->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); // Info("DrawStep", "Adding %s", dndeta->GetName()); AddToAll(all, dndeta, step>0); } all->Draw("nostack"); all->GetHistogram()->SetXTitle("#eta"); all->GetHistogram()->SetYTitle("signal"); all->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(132); all->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(132); all->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(132); all->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(132); c->SetGridx(); TLegend* l = new TLegend(.33, .2, .53, .9); TLegendEntry* e = 0; l->SetFillColor(0); l->SetFillStyle(0); l->SetBorderSize(0); l->SetNColumns(1); l->SetTextFont(132); Int_t i = 0; if (deltas) { TIter next(deltas->GetHists()); TH1* h = 0; while ((h = static_cast(next()))) { e = l->AddEntry(Form("dummy%02d", i++),h->GetTitle(),"pl"); e->SetMarkerStyle(20); e->SetMarkerColor(h->GetMarkerColor()); } e = l->AddEntry(Form("dummy%02d", i++), deltas->GetTitle(),"pl"); TH1* h = static_cast(deltas->GetHists()->At(0)); e->SetMarkerStyle(h->GetMarkerStyle()); DimEntry(1, step, e); } if (nchs) { e = l->AddEntry(Form("dummy%02d",i++),nchs->GetTitle(),"pl"); TH1* h = static_cast(nchs->GetHists()->At(0)); e->SetMarkerStyle(h->GetMarkerStyle()); DimEntry(2, step, e); } if (prims) { e = l->AddEntry(Form("dummy%02d", i++), prims->GetTitle(),"pl"); TH1* h = static_cast(prims->GetHists()->At(0)); e->SetMarkerStyle(h->GetMarkerStyle()); DimEntry(3, step, e); } if (dndeta) { e = l->AddEntry(Form("dummy%02d", i++), dndeta->GetTitle(),"pl"); e->SetMarkerStyle(dndeta->GetMarkerStyle()); DimEntry(4, step, e); } l->Draw(); TString what; if (step > 0) { switch (step) { case 1: deltas->Draw("same nostack"); what = "After merging"; break; case 2: nchs->Draw("same nostack"); what = "After particle counting"; break; case 3: prims->Draw("same nostack"); what = "After corrections"; break; case 4: dndeta->Draw("same"); what = "After normalisation"; break; default: Error("DrawSteps", "Unknown step: %d (must be in 1-4)"); break; } } TLatex* ltx = new TLatex(.95, .85, what); ltx->SetNDC(); ltx->SetTextSize(.07); ltx->SetTextAlign(33); ltx->SetTextFont(132); ltx->Draw(); } void DrawSteps(const char* filename="forward.root", Bool_t single=true) { gStyle->SetPalette(1); gStyle->SetOptFit(0); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename, "READ"); if (!file) { Error("DrawMCResult", "failed to open %s", filename); return; } const char* fname2 = "forward_dndeta.root"; TFile* file2 = TFile::Open(fname2, "READ"); if (!file2) { Error("DrawSteps", "File %s not found", fname2); } TList* forward = static_cast(file->Get("Forward")); if (!forward) { Error("DrawMCResult", "List Forward not found in %s", filename); return; } TList* forwardRes = (file2 ? static_cast(file2->Get("ForwardResults")) : 0); TList* forwardAll = (forwardRes ? static_cast(forwardRes->FindObject("all")) : 0); // THStack* res = GetStack(*forward, "ringResults", "all"); // THStack* mcRes = GetStack(*forward, "mcRingResults", "all"); THStack* deltas = GetStack(*forward, "fmdSharingFilter", "sums"); THStack* nchs = GetStack(*forward, "fmdDensityCalculator", "sums"); THStack* prims = GetStack(*forward, "fmdCorrector", "sums"); TH1* dndeta = (forwardAll ? static_cast(forwardAll->FindObject("dndetaForward")): 0); Info("DrawSteps", "Got steps deltas=%p, nchs=%p, prims=%p, dndeta=%p", deltas, nchs, prims, dndeta); gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(0); gStyle->SetTitleFillColor(0); gStyle->SetTitleStyle(0); gStyle->SetTitleX(.7); gStyle->SetTitleY(.95); gStyle->SetTitleH(.1); gStyle->SetTitleW(.25); gStyle->SetOptTitle(1); // gStyle->SetTitleColor(kBlack); if (!single) { TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("c", "C", 900, 700); c->SetFillColor(0); c->SetBorderSize(0); c->SetTopMargin(0.05); c->SetRightMargin(0.05); DrawStep(deltas, nchs, prims, dndeta, 0); c->SaveAs("steps_all.png"); return; } Int_t nSteps = 0; if (deltas) nSteps++; if (nchs) nSteps++; if (prims) nSteps++; if (dndeta) nSteps++; Int_t w = (nSteps >= 4 ? 1100 : 700); Int_t h = (nSteps >= 4 ? 800 : 1100); TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("c", "C", w, h); c->SetFillColor(0); c->SetBorderSize(0); c->SetTopMargin(0.05); c->SetRightMargin(0.05); if (nSteps >= 4) c->Divide(2,(nSteps+1)/2,0,0); else c->Divide(1,nSteps,0,0); for (Int_t i=1; i<=nSteps; i++) { TVirtualPad* p = c->cd(i); p->SetFillColor(0); p->SetFillStyle(0); p->SetBorderSize(0); p->SetGridx(); p->SetGridy(); DrawStep(deltas, nchs, prims, dndeta, i); } c->SaveAs("steps_comic.png"); } // // EOF //