// // Class AliRsnAnalysisSE // // TODO // // authors: Martin Vala (martin.vala@cern.ch) // Alberto Pulvirenti (alberto.pulvirenti@ct.infn.it) // #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliRsnPairMgr.h" #include "AliRsnEventBuffer.h" #include "AliMCEventHandler.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliRsnAnalysisSE.h" ClassImp(AliRsnAnalysisSE) //________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnAnalysisSE::AliRsnAnalysisSE(const char * name, Int_t bufferSize) : AliRsnAnalysisTaskSEBase(name), fDoesMixing(kFALSE), fMixingNum(0), fMixingCut(0x0), fPairMgrs(0), fOutList(0x0), fBuffer(0x0), fBufferSize(bufferSize) { // // Default constructor // InitIOVars(); DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnAnalysisSE::~AliRsnAnalysisSE() { // // Destructor // } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnAnalysisSE::InitIOVars() { // // Init input output values // AliRsnAnalysisTaskSEBase::InitIOVars(); fBuffer = 0; fOutList = 0; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnAnalysisSE::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // // UserCreateOutputObjects() of AliAnalysisTaskSE // OpenFile(0); fOutList = new TList(); fOutList->SetOwner(); AliRsnPair *def=0; AliRsnPairMgr *mgr=0; TList *listTmp; fDoesMixing = kFALSE; for (Int_t iMgr=0 ;iMgr< fPairMgrs.GetEntries();iMgr++) { mgr = (AliRsnPairMgr *) fPairMgrs.At(iMgr); if (!mgr) continue; listTmp = new TList(); listTmp->SetName(mgr->GetName()); for (Int_t i=0;i< mgr->GetPairs()->GetEntriesFast();i++) { def = (AliRsnPair *) mgr->GetPairs()->At(i); if (def) { listTmp->Add(def->GenerateHistograms(mgr->GetName())); if (def->IsMixed()) fDoesMixing = kTRUE; } } fOutList->Add(listTmp); } TH1I *hUsed = new TH1I("hRsnUsed", "skipped and used events in this analysis", 2, 0, 2); fOutList->Add(hUsed); fBuffer = new AliRsnEventBuffer(fBufferSize); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnAnalysisSE::UserExec(Option_t *) { // // UserExec() of AliAnalysisTaskSE // static UInt_t eventID = 0; if (fEntry++ % 100 == 0) cout << "[" << GetName() << "] : processing entry " << fEntry-1 << endl; TH1I *h = (TH1I*)fOutList->FindObject("hRsnUsed"); AliRsnEvent *curEvent = GetRsnEventFromInputType(); if (curEvent) { curEvent->SetUniqueID(eventID++); ProcessEventAnalysis(curEvent); PostEventProcess(); h->Fill(1); } else { h->Fill(0); } PostData(1, fOutList); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnAnalysisSE::Terminate(Option_t *) { // // Terminate() of AliAnalysisTask // fOutList = dynamic_cast(GetOutputData(1)); if (!fOutList) { AliError("At end of analysis, output list is NULL"); return; } //fOutList->Print(); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnAnalysisSE::ProcessEventAnalysis(AliRsnEvent *curEvent) { // // Process of one event // // Adds event to Event Buffer fBuffer->AddEvent(curEvent); Int_t index = fBuffer->GetEventsBufferIndex(); Int_t nmatches; TArrayI matched(0); if (fDoesMixing) matched = FindGoodMatches(index, nmatches); // loop over all Pair managers AliRsnPairMgr *mgr=0; for (Int_t iMgr=0 ;iMgr< fPairMgrs.GetEntries();iMgr++) { mgr = (AliRsnPairMgr *) fPairMgrs.At(iMgr); AliRsnPair *pair=0; for (Int_t i=0;i< mgr->GetPairs()->GetEntriesFast();i++) { pair = (AliRsnPair *) mgr->GetPairs()->At(i); if (!pair->IsMixed()) { pair->ProcessPair(curEvent, 0); } else { Int_t i, iev; for (i = 0; i < matched.GetSize(); i++) { iev = matched[i]; if (iev < 0) continue; AliRsnEvent *evmatch = fBuffer->GetEvent(iev); pair->ProcessPair(curEvent, evmatch); if (!pair->IsPairEqual()) pair->ProcessPair(evmatch, curEvent); } } } } } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnAnalysisSE::PostEventProcess(const Short_t & index) { // // Post process of one event // if (fInputType[index] != kRSN) return; if (fBuffer->GetDeleteBufferWhenReset() == kFALSE) { fRSN[index] = (AliRsnEvent*) fBuffer->GetNextEvent(); SetBranchAddress(0 , "rsnEvents", &fRSN[index]); } } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnAnalysisSE::AddPairMgr(AliRsnPairMgr * pairmgr) { fPairMgrs.Add(pairmgr); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnAnalysisSE::AddPairMgrFromConfig(TString configfile,TString analysisName) { gROOT->LoadMacro(configfile.Data()); configfile.ReplaceAll(".C",""); analysisName.ReplaceAll("_","-"); AliRsnPairMgr *mgrRsn = (AliRsnPairMgr *) gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("%s(\"%s\");", configfile.Data(),analysisName.Data())); if (!mgrRsn) return; fPairMgrs.Add(mgrRsn); } //________________________________________________________________________ TArrayI AliRsnAnalysisSE::FindGoodMatches(Int_t iRef, Int_t &foundMatches) { // initialize the output array to the size of required mixed events // and initialize all members to -1 Int_t i; TArrayI matched(fMixingNum); for (i = 0; i < fMixingNum; i++) matched[i] = -1; foundMatches = 0; // starts from the position behind the reference index // and goes backward; if it reaches the value 0, stops AliRsnEvent *refEvent = fBuffer->GetEvent(iRef); if (!refEvent) return matched; AliRsnEvent *matchEvent = 0x0; Int_t checkIndex; for (checkIndex = iRef - 1; ; checkIndex--) { if (checkIndex < 0) checkIndex = fBuffer->GetEventsBufferSize() - 1; if (checkIndex == iRef) break; matchEvent = fBuffer->GetEvent(checkIndex); if (!matchEvent) continue; if (fMixingCut) { if (!fMixingCut->IsSelected(AliRsnCut::kMixEvent, refEvent, matchEvent)) continue; } // assign to current array slot the matched event // and increment current slot and stops if it exceeds array size matched[foundMatches++] = checkIndex; if (foundMatches >= fMixingNum) break; } // returns the current index value, // which is also the number of matched events found return matched; }