// // Class AliRsnCutPIDTOF // // Implements the PID check with TOF detector, // computed as a compatibility within a given range // expressed in number of sigmas w.r. to expected time. // Uses the default cut checking facilities of AliRsnCut // to check this. // // authors: Martin Vala (martin.vala@cern.ch) // Alberto Pulvirenti (alberto.pulvirenti@ct.infn.it) // #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliESDInputHandler.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDpid.h" #include "AliAODTrack.h" #include "AliAODpidUtil.h" #include "AliRsnCutPIDTOF.h" ClassImp(AliRsnCutPIDTOF) //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutPIDTOF::AliRsnCutPIDTOF (const char *name, AliPID::EParticleType ref, Double_t min, Double_t max, Bool_t rejectUnmatched) : AliRsnCut(name, AliRsnCut::kDaughter, min, max), fRejectUnmatched(rejectUnmatched), fRefType(AliPID::kUnknown), fRefMass(0.0), fESDpid(0x0), fAODpid(0x0) { // // Default constructor. // To set the reference PID type, calls the SetRefType method, // which sets the mass accordingly and coherently. // SetRefType(ref); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutPIDTOF::AliRsnCutPIDTOF(const AliRsnCutPIDTOF& copy) : AliRsnCut(copy), fRejectUnmatched(copy.fRejectUnmatched), fRefType(AliPID::kUnknown), fRefMass(0.0), fESDpid(copy.fESDpid), fAODpid(copy.fAODpid) { // // Copy constructor. // To set the reference PID type, calls the SetRefType method, // which sets the mass accordingly and coherently. // SetRefType(copy.fRefType); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutPIDTOF& AliRsnCutPIDTOF::operator=(const AliRsnCutPIDTOF& copy) { // // Assignment operator. // To set the reference PID type, calls the SetRefType method, // which sets the mass accordingly and coherently. // fRejectUnmatched = copy.fRejectUnmatched; fESDpid = copy.fESDpid; fAODpid = copy.fAODpid; SetRefType(copy.fRefType); return (*this); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnCutPIDTOF::IsSelected(TObject *object) { // // Cut checker. // // coherence check if (!TargetOK(object)) return kFALSE; // reject always non-track objects AliVTrack *vtrack = fDaughter->Ref2Vtrack(); if (!vtrack) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, Form("Impossible to process an object of type '%s'. Cut applicable only to ESD/AOD tracks", fDaughter->GetRef()->ClassName())); return kFALSE; } // checks that track is matched in TOF: // if not, the track is accepted or rejected // depending on the 'fRejectUnmatched' data member: // -- kTRUE --> all unmatched tracks are rejected // -- kFALSE --> all unmatched tracks are accepted (it is assumed that other PIDs are done) if (!IsMatched(vtrack)) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Track is not matched with TOF"); if (fRejectUnmatched) return kFALSE; } // retrieve real object type and // prepare some useful variables Double_t tof, sigma, times[5]; Double_t &ref = times[(Int_t)fRefType]; AliESDtrack *esdTrack = fDaughter->Ref2ESDtrack(); AliAODTrack *aodTrack = fDaughter->Ref2AODtrack(); // cut check depends on the object type if (esdTrack) { // setup the ESD PID object AliESDEvent *esd = 0x0; if (fEvent) esd = fEvent->GetRefESD(); if (!esd) { AliError("Processing an ESD track, but target is not an ESD event"); return kFALSE; } if (!fESDpid) fESDpid = new AliESDpid; fESDpid->SetTOFResponse(esd, AliESDpid::kTOF_T0); // get time of flight, reference times and sigma esdTrack->GetIntegratedTimes(times); tof = (Double_t)(esdTrack->GetTOFsignal() - fESDpid->GetTOFResponse().GetStartTime(esdTrack->P())); sigma = (Double_t)fESDpid->GetTOFResponse().GetExpectedSigma(esdTrack->P(), ref, fRefMass); // port values to standard AliRsnCut checker fCutValueD = (tof - ref) / sigma; return OkRangeD(); } else if (aodTrack) { // for AOD tracks, all operations are done by the AOD PID utility if (!fAODpid) fAODpid = new AliAODpidUtil; fCutValueD = (Double_t)fAODpid->NumberOfSigmasTOF(aodTrack, fRefType); return OkRangeD(); } else { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, Form("Impossible to process an object of type '%s'. Cut applicable only to ESD/AOD tracks", fDaughter->GetRef()->ClassName())); return kFALSE; } } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutPIDTOF::Print(const Option_t *) const { // // Print information on this cut // AliInfo(Form("Cut name, type : %s %s", GetName(), ClassName())); AliInfo(Form("TOF PID cut range (sigmas): %.3f %.3f", fMinD, fMaxD)); AliInfo(Form("Unmatched tracks are : %s", (fRejectUnmatched ? "rejected" : "accepted"))); }