// // Class AliRsnCutPIDTPC // // General implementation of a single cut strategy, which can be: // - a value contained in a given interval [--> IsBetween() ] // - a value equal to a given reference [--> MatchesValue()] // // In all cases, the reference value(s) is (are) given as data members // and each kind of cut requires a given value type (Int, UInt, Double), // but the cut check procedure is then automatized and chosen thanks to // an enumeration of the implemented cut types. // At the end, the user (or any other point which uses this object) has // to use the method IsSelected() to check if this cut has been passed. // // authors: Martin Vala (martin.vala@cern.ch) // Alberto Pulvirenti (alberto.pulvirenti@ct.infn.it) // #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliESDInputHandler.h" #include "AliRsnCutPIDTPC.h" ClassImp(AliRsnCutPIDTPC) //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutPIDTPC::AliRsnCutPIDTPC (const char *name, AliPID::EParticleType type, Double_t min, Double_t max, Bool_t rejectOutside) : AliRsnCut(name, AliRsnCut::kDaughter, min, max), fInitialized(kFALSE), fRejectOutside(rejectOutside), fMomMin(0.0), fMomMax(1E+20), fRefType(type), fESDpid(), fAODpid() { // // Main constructor. // } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutPIDTPC::AliRsnCutPIDTPC (const AliRsnCutPIDTPC& copy) : AliRsnCut(copy), fInitialized(kFALSE), fRejectOutside(copy.fRejectOutside), fMomMin(copy.fMomMin), fMomMax(copy.fMomMax), fRefType(copy.fRefType), fESDpid(copy.fESDpid), fAODpid(copy.fAODpid) { // // Copy constructor. // } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutPIDTPC& AliRsnCutPIDTPC::operator=(const AliRsnCutPIDTPC& copy) { // // Assignment operator // AliRsnCut::operator=(copy); fInitialized = kFALSE; fRejectOutside = copy.fRejectOutside; fMomMin = copy.fMomMin; fMomMax = copy.fMomMax; fRefType = copy.fRefType; fESDpid = copy.fESDpid; fAODpid = copy.fAODpid; return (*this); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutPIDTPC::SetBBParam(Double_t p0, Double_t p1, Double_t p2, Double_t p3, Double_t p4) { // // Properly set the Bethe-Bloch parameters in all places where it is needed. // fESDpid.GetTPCResponse().SetBetheBlochParameters(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4); fAODpid.GetTPCResponse().SetBetheBlochParameters(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnCutPIDTPC::IsSelected(TObject *object) { // // Cut checker. // // initialize if needed if (!fInitialized) Initialize(); // coherence check if (!TargetOK(object)) return kFALSE; // reject not TPC tracks AliVTrack *vtrack = dynamic_cast(fDaughter->GetRef()); if (!vtrack) return kFALSE; if (!IsTPC(vtrack)) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Track is not found in TPC"); return kFALSE; } // common evaluation variables Double_t mom; AliESDtrack *esdTrack = fDaughter->GetRefESDtrack(); AliAODTrack *aodTrack = fDaughter->GetRefAODtrack(); // get inner momentum, needed for BB computation if (esdTrack) mom = esdTrack->GetInnerParam()->P(); else if (aodTrack) mom = aodTrack->GetDetPid()->GetTPCmomentum(); else { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, Form("Impossible to process an object of type '%s'. Cut applicable only to ESD/AOD tracks", fDaughter->GetRef()->ClassName())); return kFALSE; } // assign PID nsigmas to default cut check value // since bad object types are rejected before, here we have an ESD track or AOD track if (esdTrack) fCutValueD = fESDpid.GetTPCResponse().GetNumberOfSigmas(mom, esdTrack->GetTPCsignal(), esdTrack->GetTPCsignalN(), fRefType); else fCutValueD = fAODpid.NumberOfSigmasTPC(aodTrack, fRefType); // use AliRsnCut default method to check cut Bool_t cutCheck = OkRangeD(); // now check the momentum: // -- if it stays inside the accepted range, track just checked // with respect to the nsigma band // -- if it stays outside the accepted range and 'fRejectOutside' is kTRUE, // track is always rejected, while if 'fRejectOutside' is kFALSE, // track is accepted if it stays inside the nsigma band if ((mom >= fMomMin && mom <= fMomMax)) return cutCheck; else { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, Form("Track momentum = %.5f, outside allowed range", mom)); return ((!fRejectOutside) && cutCheck); } } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutPIDTPC::Print(const Option_t *) const { // // Print information on this cut // AliInfo(Form("Cut name : %s", GetName())); AliInfo(Form("--> cut range (nsigma) : %.3f %.3f", fMinD, fMaxD)); AliInfo(Form("--> momentum range : %.3f %.3f", fMomMin, fMomMax)); AliInfo(Form("--> tracks outside range are: %s", (fRejectOutside ? "rejected" : "accepted"))); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutPIDTPC::Initialize() { // // Initialize ESD pid object from global one // AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); AliESDInputHandler *handler = dynamic_cast(mgr->GetInputEventHandler()); if (handler) { AliESDpid *pid = handler->GetESDpid(); fESDpid = (*pid); } fInitialized = kTRUE; }