// // Class AliRsnCutSet // // This is the front-end for cut management and checking. // It must be prepared by adding all required single cuts, // and then with a logical expression which combines all cuts // with the "AND", "OR" and "NOT" operators. // #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliRsnExpression.h" #include "AliRsnCutSet.h" ClassImp(AliRsnCutSet) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutSet::AliRsnCutSet(AliRsnCut::ETarget target) : TNamed(), fTarget(target), fCuts(0), fNumOfCuts(0), fCutScheme(""), fCutSchemeIndexed(""), fBoolValues(0), fIsScheme(kFALSE), fExpression(0) { // // Constructor without name (not recommended) // fBoolValues = new Bool_t[1]; AliRsnExpression::fgCutSet = this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutSet::AliRsnCutSet(TString name, AliRsnCut::ETarget target) : TNamed(name, name), fTarget(target), fCuts(0), fNumOfCuts(0), fCutScheme(""), fCutSchemeIndexed(""), fBoolValues(0), fIsScheme(kFALSE), fExpression(0) { // // Constructor with argument name (recommended) // fBoolValues = new Bool_t[1]; fExpression = 0; AliRsnExpression::fgCutSet = this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutSet::AliRsnCutSet(const AliRsnCutSet & copy) : TNamed((TNamed) copy), fTarget(copy.fTarget), fCuts(copy.fCuts), fNumOfCuts(copy.fNumOfCuts), fCutScheme(copy.fCutScheme), fCutSchemeIndexed(copy.fCutSchemeIndexed), fBoolValues(0), fIsScheme(copy.fIsScheme), fExpression(copy.fExpression) { // // Copy constructor // AliRsnExpression::fgCutSet = this; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutSet::~AliRsnCutSet() { // // Destructor // delete fExpression; delete [] fBoolValues; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutSet::AddCut(AliRsnCut *cut) { // // Add a new cut. // This must be done for all components of the final expression. // If the target of the cut does not match the target of this, // the cut is not added. // if (!cut->IsTarget(fTarget)) { AliError("Cut target does not match the cut-set target. Not added."); return; } Int_t i; AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug,"<-"); fCuts.Add(cut); fNumOfCuts++; if (fBoolValues) delete [] fBoolValues; fBoolValues = new Bool_t[fNumOfCuts]; for (i = 0; i < fNumOfCuts; i++) { fBoolValues[i] = kTRUE; } AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug,Form("%d",fCuts.GetEntriesFast())); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug,"->"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutSet::ShowCuts() const { // // Prints all cuts // AliRsnCut *cut; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fCuts.GetEntriesFast() ;i++) { cut = (AliRsnCut*)fCuts.At (i); cut->Print(); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnCutSet::IsSelected(TObject *obj1, TObject *obj2) { // // Checks an object according to the cut expression defined here. // Int_t i; if (!fNumOfCuts) return kTRUE; Bool_t boolReturn = kTRUE; AliRsnCut *cut; for (i = 0; i < fNumOfCuts; i++) { cut = (AliRsnCut*)fCuts.At(i); fBoolValues[i] = cut->IsSelected(obj1, obj2); } if (fIsScheme) boolReturn = Passed(); return boolReturn; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutSet::SetCutScheme(const TString & theValue) { // // Define the combination of cuts with logical operators // and using the names given to all defined cuts. // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug,"<-"); fCutScheme = theValue; SetCutSchemeIndexed(theValue); fIsScheme = kTRUE; AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug,"->"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutSet::SetCutSchemeIndexed(TString theValue) { // // Internal method which indexes all cuts to organize their combo // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug,"<-"); theValue.Append(" "); // fCutSchemeIndexed = theValue; fCutSchemeIndexed = GetCutSchemeIndexed(); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug,"->"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliRsnCutSet::GetIndexByCutName(TString s) { // // Retrieve the cut index from its name // Int_t i; AliRsnCut *cut; for (i = 0; i < fCuts.GetEntriesFast(); i++) { cut = (AliRsnCut*) fCuts.At(i); if (!s.CompareTo(cut->GetName())) return i; } return -1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnCutSet::Passed() { // // Combines the cuts according to expression // and gives a global response to the cut check // AliRsnExpression::fgCutSet = this; if (!fExpression) { fExpression = new AliRsnExpression(fCutSchemeIndexed); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug,"fExpression was created."); } return fExpression->Value(*GetCuts()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnCutSet::IsValidScheme() { // // Validity check on cut expression specified by user // TString str(fCutScheme); AliRsnCut *cut; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNumOfCuts; i++) { cut = (AliRsnCut*)fCuts.At(i); str.ReplaceAll(cut->GetName(),""); } str.ReplaceAll("&",""); str.ReplaceAll("!",""); str.ReplaceAll("|",""); str.ReplaceAll("(",""); str.ReplaceAll(")",""); if (!str.IsNull()) { AliError(Form("Cut scheme '%s' is not valid !!!",fCutScheme.Data())); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; // return (!(ShowCutScheme().Contains("Error"))); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString AliRsnCutSet::ShowCutScheme() { // // Utility method to check validity of expression // return fCutScheme; // return fExpression->Unparse(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliRsnCutSet::TestExpression(TString opt) { // AliRsnCut *cut1 = new AliRsnCut ("aaa","aaa"); // cut1->SetCutValues (AliRsnCut::kEsdPt,0.0,1.0); // AliRsnCut *cut2 = new AliRsnCut ("bbb","bbb"); // cut2->SetCutValues (AliRsnCut::kEsdPt,1.,2.0); // AliRsnCut *cut3 = new AliRsnCut ("ccc","ccc"); // cut3->SetCutValues (AliRsnCut::kEsdPt,2.0,3.0); // // AliRsnCutSet* set = new AliRsnCutSet ("setOne"); // set->AddCut (cut1); // set->AddCut (cut2); // set->AddCut (cut3); // // set->SetCutScheme ("(aaa&!(ccc))&(bbb&!(ccc))"); // // set->ShowCuts (); AliDebug(1, opt.Data()); return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutSet::PrintSetInfo() { // // Show data about the cut set // Int_t i; AliInfo("========== Rsn Cut Set info =============="); AliInfo(Form("Scheme : %s",fCutScheme.Data())); AliInfo(Form("Scheme : %s",fCutSchemeIndexed.Data())); AliInfo(Form("Num of Cuts: %d", fCuts.GetEntriesFast())); AliInfo("====== Cuts ======"); AliRsnCut *cut; for (i = 0; i < fCuts.GetEntriesFast(); i++) { cut = (AliRsnCut*) fCuts.At(i); if (cut) AliInfo(Form("%d %d",i,fBoolValues[i])); } AliInfo("========== END Rsn Cut Mgr info =============="); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString AliRsnCutSet::GetCutSchemeIndexed() { // // Internal method to retrieve the list of cuts with their indexes // for evaluation of cut expression // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug,"<-"); Int_t i; TString str(fCutScheme); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug,Form("Num of cuts %d",fCuts.GetEntriesFast())); AliRsnCut *cut; for (i = 0; i < fCuts.GetEntriesFast(); i++) { cut = (AliRsnCut*) fCuts.At(i); str.ReplaceAll(cut->GetName(),Form("%d",i)); } AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug,"->"); return str; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutSet::SetEvent(AliRsnEvent *event) { // // Set the reference event to all contained cuts // Int_t i; AliRsnCut *cut; for (i = 0; i < fCuts.GetEntriesFast(); i++) { cut = (AliRsnCut*) fCuts.At(i); if (cut) cut->SetEvent(event); } }