// // Definition for a single candidate daughter. // They can be chosen among the following possibilities: // // -- particle species, chosen in the enum AliRsnDaughter::ESpecies; // this option does two things: // -- when possible (needs MC) and required, allow to check is a daughter // is of the defined species (e.g.: for selecting true daughters of a resonance) // -- defines the mass to be assigned to this object, for any purpose // (e.g.: to compute its 4-momentum to be used for a resonance mass) // // -- track charge, which can be '+', '-', '0', // -- any other char leaves this undefined (use only in daughter monitor loops) // -- when doing resonance analysis, or when RSN Input handler needs to be used, // this must always be defined // // -- object type (track/V0/cascade) // -- could be needed to select tracks when particle species is not specified // -- works only in single daughter loops // // authors: A. Pulvirenti (alberto.pulvirenti@ct.infn.it) // M. Vala (martin.vala@cern.ch) // #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliRsnDaughterDef.h" ClassImp(AliRsnDaughterDef) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnDaughterDef::AliRsnDaughterDef() : fPID(AliRsnDaughter::kUnknown), fMass(0.0), fCharge(0), fRefType(AliRsnDaughter::kNoType) { // // This version of constructor leaves everything undefined: // this will cause all daughters to be accepted. // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnDaughterDef::AliRsnDaughterDef(AliRsnDaughter::ESpecies type, Char_t sign) : fPID(type), fMass(AliRsnDaughter::SpeciesMass(type)), fCharge(sign), fRefType(AliRsnDaughter::RefType(type)) { // // This version of constructor initializes the PID type (and then the mass) // and the charge (optional, leave 2nd argument to default to include both). // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnDaughterDef::AliRsnDaughterDef(EPARTYPE type, Char_t sign) : fPID(AliRsnDaughter::FromAliPID(type)), fMass(AliRsnDaughter::SpeciesMass(AliRsnDaughter::FromAliPID(type))), fCharge(sign), fRefType(AliRsnDaughter::RefType(AliRsnDaughter::FromAliPID(type))) { // // This version of constructor initializes the PID type (and then the mass) // and the charge (optional, leave 2nd argument to default to include both). // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnDaughterDef::AliRsnDaughterDef(AliRsnDaughter::ERefType refType, Char_t sign) : fPID(AliRsnDaughter::kUnknown), fMass(0.0), fCharge(sign), fRefType(refType) { // // This version of constructor initializes the object type // and the charge (optional, leave 2nd argument to default to include both), // and leaves the PID type undefined. // This is useful when one is interested in all tracks/V0s/cascades without // requiring them to be identified as a certain species, but if one then requires // an object linked to this definition to compute a rapidity or a transverse mass, // this will not work. // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnDaughterDef::AliRsnDaughterDef(const AliRsnDaughterDef ©) : TObject(copy), fPID(copy.fPID), fMass(copy.fMass), fCharge(copy.fCharge), fRefType(copy.fRefType) { // // Copy constructor has standard behavior. // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ const AliRsnDaughterDef& AliRsnDaughterDef::operator=(const AliRsnDaughterDef ©) { // // Assignment operator has standard behavior. // if (this == ©) return *this; fMass = copy.fMass; fCharge = copy.fCharge; fPID = copy.fPID; fRefType = copy.fRefType; return (*this); }