// // Class AliRsnFunction // // This class defines a base classe to implement a function // which uses the internal RSN package event format (AliRsnEvent). // It contains some default flags which turn out to be useful: // - a flag to select only the "true" pairs (tracks from same resonance) // - a flag to know if the computation is done over two events (mixing) // // Any kind of analysis object should be implemented as inheriting from this // because the AliRsnAnalyzer which executes the analysis will accept a collection // of such objects, in order to have a unique format of processing method // // The user who implements a kind of computation type should inherit from // this class and override the virtual functions defined in it, which // initialize the final output histogram and define how to process data. // // // author: A. Pulvirenti (email: alberto.pulvirenti@ct.infn.it) // #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliRsnDaughter.h" #include "AliRsnEvent.h" #include "AliRsnPairDef.h" #include "AliRsnMother.h" #include "AliRsnValue.h" #include "AliRsnFunction.h" ClassImp(AliRsnFunction) //________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnFunction::AliRsnFunction(Bool_t useTH1) : TObject(), fPairDef(0x0), fAxisList("AliRsnValue", 0), fPair(0x0), fEvent(0x0), fUseTH1(useTH1), fSize(0), fH1(0x0), fHSparse(0x0) { // // Constructor. // } //________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnFunction::AliRsnFunction(const AliRsnFunction ©) : TObject(copy), fPairDef(copy.fPairDef), fAxisList(copy.fAxisList), fPair(copy.fPair), fEvent(copy.fEvent), fUseTH1(copy.fUseTH1), fSize(copy.fSize), fH1(0x0), fHSparse(0x0) { // // Copy constructor. // } //________________________________________________________________________________________ const AliRsnFunction& AliRsnFunction::operator=(const AliRsnFunction& copy) { // // Assignment operator. // //SetName(copy.GetName()); //SetTitle(copy.GetTitle()); fPairDef = copy.fPairDef; fPair = copy.fPair; fEvent = copy.fEvent; fUseTH1 = copy.fUseTH1; fSize = copy.fSize; if (fH1) delete fH1; fH1 = 0x0; if (fHSparse) delete fHSparse; fHSparse = 0x0; return (*this); } //________________________________________________________________________________________ const char* AliRsnFunction::GetName() const { // // Defines the name of this object according to // the function type and binning // TString name(""); TObjArrayIter next(&fAxisList); AliRsnValue *axis = 0; while ((axis = (AliRsnValue*)next())) { if (name.Length() > 1) name += '_'; name += axis->GetName(); } return name.Data(); } //________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnFunction::AddAxis(AliRsnValue *const axis) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); Int_t size = fAxisList.GetEntries(); new(fAxisList[size]) AliRsnValue(*axis); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); if (fAxisList.GetEntries() > 3) { AliWarning("A TH1-type output cannot add more than 3 axes: switching to THnSparse -- THIS COULD CAUSE VERY LARGE FILES!!!"); fUseTH1 = kFALSE; } } //________________________________________________________________________________________ TH1* AliRsnFunction::CreateHistogram(const char *histoName, const char *histoTitle) { // // Creates and returns the histogram defined using // arguments fo name and title, and the first histoDef for binning. // Variable-sized histogram binning is always called, due to use of histoDef, // even if the bins are equal, since they are defined in this class. // Eventually present histoDef's in other slots of array (1, 2) are ignored. // // This version produces a THnSparseF. // fSize = fAxisList.GetEntries(); if (!fSize) { AliError("No axes defined"); return 0x0; } else if (fSize < 1 || fSize > 3) { AliError("Too few or too many axes defined"); return 0x0; } // retrieve binnings for main and secondary axes AliRsnValue *fcnAxis; TArrayD array[3]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fSize; i++) { fcnAxis = (AliRsnValue*)fAxisList.At(i); if (!fcnAxis) { AliError("Empty axis"); array[i].Set(2); array[i][0] = -1E5; array[i][1] = -1E5; continue; } else { array[i] = fcnAxis->GetArray(); } } // create histogram depending on the number of axes switch (fSize) { case 1: fH1 = new TH1F(histoName, histoTitle, array[0].GetSize() - 1, array[0].GetArray()); break; case 2: fH1 = new TH2F(histoName, histoTitle, array[0].GetSize() - 1, array[0].GetArray(), array[1].GetSize() - 1, array[1].GetArray()); break; case 3: fH1 = new TH3F(histoName, histoTitle, array[0].GetSize() - 1, array[0].GetArray(), array[1].GetSize() - 1, array[1].GetArray(), array[2].GetSize() - 1, array[2].GetArray()); break; } fH1->Sumw2(); return fH1; } //________________________________________________________________________________________ THnSparseF* AliRsnFunction::CreateHistogramSparse(const char *histoName, const char *histoTitle) { // // Creates and returns the histogram defined using // arguments fo name and title, and the first histoDef for binning. // Variable-sized histogram binning is always called, due to use of histoDef, // even if the bins are equal, since they are defined in this class. // Eventually present histoDef's in other slots of array (1, 2) are ignored. // // This version produces a THnSparseF. // fSize = fAxisList.GetEntries(); if (!fSize) { AliError("No axes defined"); return 0x0; } // initialize the array of number of bins for each axis // taking it from the stored values, while for the bins // they are set as summied and defined later Double_t dummyD; Int_t *nbins = new Int_t[fSize]; AliRsnValue *fcnAxis = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < fSize; i++) { fcnAxis = (AliRsnValue*)fAxisList.At(i); if (!fcnAxis) { nbins[i] = 1; AliError("Empty axis"); continue; } nbins[i] = fcnAxis->GetArray().GetSize() - 1; } // create histogram fHSparse = new THnSparseF(histoName, histoTitle, fSize, nbins, &dummyD, &dummyD); fHSparse->Sumw2(); // update the various axes using the definitions given in the array of axes here for (Int_t i = 0; i < fSize; i++) { fcnAxis = (AliRsnValue*)fAxisList.At(i); if (!fcnAxis) { AliError("Empty axis: doing unique bin betweeen -100000 and 100000"); continue; } fHSparse->SetBinEdges(i, fcnAxis->GetArray().GetArray()); } return fHSparse; } //________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnFunction::Fill() { // // Fill function histogram with values computed from given input object. // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug +2,"->"); Int_t i; Double_t *values = new Double_t[fSize]; AliRsnValue *fcnAxis = 0; for (i = 0; i < fSize; i++) { fcnAxis = (AliRsnValue*)fAxisList.At(i); if (!fcnAxis) { values[i] = 0.0; continue; } if (fcnAxis->Eval(fPair, fPairDef, fEvent)) values[i] = (Double_t)((Float_t)fcnAxis->GetValue()); } // fill histogram if (fUseTH1) { // check presence of output histogram if (!fH1) { AliError("Required a TH1 whish is not initialized"); return kFALSE; } // fill according to dimensions switch (fSize) { case 1: { TH1F *h1 = (TH1F*)fH1; h1->Fill(values[0]); } break; case 2: { TH2F *h2 = (TH2F*)fH1; h2->Fill(values[0], values[1]); } break; case 3: { TH3F *h3 = (TH3F*)fH1; h3->Fill(values[0], values[1], values[2]); } break; default: AliError(Form("Wrong size : %d", fSize)); return kFALSE; } } else { // check presence of output histogram if (!fHSparse) { AliError("Required a THnSparseF which is not initialized"); return kFALSE; } fHSparse->Fill(values); } delete [] values; AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug +2,"->"); return kTRUE; }