// // Computator for single daughters. // Implements a simple loop on tracks from one of the entry lists // filled by the task AliRsnInputHandler, adding a check on their // definition specified in the daughter def. // Author: A. Pulvirenti // #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliRsnEvent.h" #include "AliRsnDaughterDef.h" #include "AliRsnDaughterSelector.h" #include "AliRsnLoopDaughter.h" ClassImp(AliRsnLoopDaughter) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnLoopDaughter::AliRsnLoopDaughter(const char *name, Int_t listID, AliRsnDaughterDef *def) : AliRsnLoop(name), fTrueMC(kFALSE), fOnlyTrue(kFALSE), fListID(listID), fDef(def), fDaughter() { // // Default constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnLoopDaughter::AliRsnLoopDaughter(const AliRsnLoopDaughter& copy) : AliRsnLoop(copy), fTrueMC(copy.fTrueMC), fOnlyTrue(copy.fOnlyTrue), fListID(copy.fListID), fDef(copy.fDef), fDaughter(copy.fDaughter) { // // Copy constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnLoopDaughter& AliRsnLoopDaughter::operator=(const AliRsnLoopDaughter& copy) { // // Assignment operator // AliRsnLoop::operator=(copy); fTrueMC = copy.fTrueMC; fOnlyTrue = copy.fOnlyTrue; fListID = copy.fListID; fDaughter = copy.fDaughter; fDef = copy.fDef; return (*this); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnLoopDaughter::~AliRsnLoopDaughter() { // // Destructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnLoopDaughter::Print(Option_t* /*option*/) const { // // Prints info about pair // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnLoopDaughter::Init(const char *prefix, TList *list) { // // Initialization function. // Loops on all functions and eventual the ntuple, to initialize output objects. // return AliRsnLoop::Init(Form("%s_%s", prefix, GetName()), list); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliRsnLoopDaughter::DoLoop (AliRsnEvent *evMain, AliRsnDaughterSelector *selMain, AliRsnEvent *, AliRsnDaughterSelector *) { // // Loop function. // Computes what is needed from passed events. // Returns the number of pairs successfully processed. // if (!OkEvent(evMain)) return 0; Int_t i, il, nadd = 0, nlist = 0; TEntryList *list[2] = {0, 0}; if (fDef->IsChargeDefined()) { list[0] = selMain->GetSelected(fListID, fDef->GetChargeC()); list[1] = 0x0; nlist = 1; } else { list[0] = selMain->GetSelected(fListID, '+'); if (list[0]) { list[1] = selMain->GetSelected(fListID, '-'); nlist = 2; } else { list[0] = selMain->GetSelected(fListID, '0'); list[1] = 0x0; nlist = 1; } } // if it is required to loop over True MC, do this here and skip the rest of the method if (fTrueMC) return LoopTrueMC(evMain); TObjArrayIter next(&fOutputs); AliRsnListOutput *out = 0x0; for (il = 0; il < nlist; il++) { if (!list[il]) { AliError(Form("List #%d is null", il)); continue; } for (i = 0; i < list[il]->GetN(); i++) { evMain->SetDaughter(fDaughter, (Int_t)list[il]->GetEntry(i)); // check matching if (fOnlyTrue && !fDef->MatchesPID(&fDaughter)) continue; if (!fDef->MatchesCharge(&fDaughter)) continue; if (!fDef->MatchesRefType(&fDaughter)) continue; fDaughter.FillP(fDef->GetMass()); // fill outputs nadd++; next.Reset(); while ( (out = (AliRsnListOutput*)next()) ) { out->Fill(&fDaughter); } } } return nadd; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliRsnLoopDaughter::LoopTrueMC(AliRsnEvent *rsn) { // // Loop on event and fill containers // // check presence of MC reference if (!rsn->GetRefMC()) { AliError("Need a MC to compute efficiency"); return 0; } // check event type: // must be ESD or AOD, and then use a bool to know in the rest if (!rsn->IsESD() && !rsn->IsAOD()) { AliError("Need to process ESD or AOD input"); return 0; } // retrieve the MC primary vertex position // and do some additional coherence checks Int_t npart = 0; TClonesArray *listAOD = 0x0; if (rsn->IsESD()) { npart = rsn->GetRefMCESD()->GetNumberOfTracks(); } else { AliAODEvent *aod = rsn->GetRefMCAOD(); listAOD = (TClonesArray*)(aod->GetList()->FindObject(AliAODMCParticle::StdBranchName())); if (listAOD) npart = listAOD->GetEntries(); } // check number of particles if (!npart) { AliInfo("Empty event"); return 0; } // utility variables Int_t ipart, count = 0; TObjArrayIter next(&fOutputs); AliRsnListOutput *out = 0x0; Int_t pdg = AliRsnDaughter::SpeciesPDG(fDef->GetPID()); // loop over particles for (ipart = 0; ipart < npart; ipart++) { // check i-th particle if (rsn->IsESD()) { if (!rsn->GetRefMCESD()->Stack()->IsPhysicalPrimary(ipart)) continue; AliMCParticle *part = (AliMCParticle*)rsn->GetRefMCESD()->GetTrack(ipart); if (TMath::Abs(part->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) != pdg) continue; fDaughter.SetRef (rsn->GetRefMCESD()->GetTrack(ipart)); fDaughter.SetRefMC(rsn->GetRefMCESD()->GetTrack(ipart)); } else { AliAODMCParticle *part = (AliAODMCParticle*)listAOD->At(ipart); if (!part->IsPhysicalPrimary()) continue; if (TMath::Abs(part->GetPdgCode()) != pdg) continue; fDaughter.SetRef ((AliAODMCParticle*)listAOD->At(ipart)); fDaughter.SetRefMC((AliAODMCParticle*)listAOD->At(ipart)); } //if (fDaughter.GetPDG() != AliRsnDaughter::SpeciesPDG(fDef->GetPID())) continue; fDaughter.FillP(fDef->GetMass()); // fill outputs count++; next.Reset(); while ( (out = (AliRsnListOutput*)next()) ) { out->Fill(&fDaughter); } } return count; }