// // Class AliRsnLoopEffPair // // Inherits from basic AliRsnLoopEff for efficiency, // and computed efficiencies for single-tracks // // author: Alberto Pulvirenti (alberto.pulvirenti@ct.infn.it) // #include #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" #include "AliAODMCHeader.h" #include "AliRsnEvent.h" #include "AliRsnCutManager.h" #include "AliRsnDaughterDef.h" #include "AliRsnPairDef.h" #include "AliRsnLoopEffPair.h" ClassImp(AliRsnLoopEffPair) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnLoopEffPair::AliRsnLoopEffPair(const char *name, AliRsnPairDef *def) : AliRsnLoopEff(name, 1), fDef(def), fMother() { // // Default constructor. // Do not repeat 'DefineOutput' since it is done in base class and we don't add new ones. // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnLoopEffPair::AliRsnLoopEffPair(const AliRsnLoopEffPair& copy) : AliRsnLoopEff(copy), fDef(copy.fDef), fMother(copy.fMother) { // // Copy constrtuctor. // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnLoopEffPair& AliRsnLoopEffPair::operator=(const AliRsnLoopEffPair& copy) { // // Assignment operator. // Owned data members are meaningless for this operator. // AliRsnLoopEff::operator=(copy); fDef = copy.fDef; return (*this); } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnLoopEffPair::AssignMotherAndDaughters(AliRsnEvent *rsnEvent, Int_t ipart) { // // Calls the appropriate assignment method // // setup pointers fMother.SetDaughter(0, &fDaughter[0]); fMother.SetDaughter(1, &fDaughter[1]); fMother.SetRefEvent(rsnEvent); fDaughter[0].SetOwnerEvent(rsnEvent); fDaughter[1].SetOwnerEvent(rsnEvent); if (rsnEvent->IsESD()) return AssignMotherAndDaughtersESD(rsnEvent, ipart); else if (rsnEvent->IsAOD()) return AssignMotherAndDaughtersAOD(rsnEvent, ipart); else { AliError("Unrecognized input event"); return kFALSE; } } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnLoopEffPair::AssignMotherAndDaughtersESD(AliRsnEvent *rsnEvent, Int_t ipart) { // // Gets a particle in the MC event and try to assign it to the mother. // If it has two daughters, retrieve them and assign also them. // NOTE: assignment is done only for MC, since reconstructed match is assigned in the same way // for ESD and AOD, if available // --- // Implementation for ESD inputs // AliMCEvent *mc = rsnEvent->GetRefMCESD(); AliStack *stack = mc->Stack(); AliMCParticle *mother = (AliMCParticle*)mc->GetTrack(ipart); TParticle *motherP = mother->Particle(); Int_t ntracks = stack->GetNtrack(); // check PDG code and exit if it is wrong if (TMath::Abs(motherP->GetPdgCode()) != fDef->GetMotherPDG()) return kFALSE; // check number of daughters and exit if it is not 2 if (motherP->GetNDaughters() < 2) return kFALSE; // check distance from primary vertex TLorentzVector vprod; motherP->ProductionVertex(vprod); if (!CheckDistanceFromPV(vprod.X(), vprod.Y(), vprod.Z())) { AliDebugClass(1, "Distant production vertex"); return kFALSE; } // get the daughters and check their PDG code and charge: // if they match one of the pair daughter definitions, // assign them as MC reference of the 'fDaughter' objects fDaughter[0].Reset(); fDaughter[1].Reset(); Int_t index[2] = {motherP->GetFirstDaughter(), motherP->GetLastDaughter()}; Int_t i, pdg; Short_t charge; AliMCParticle *daughter = 0x0; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // check index for stack if (index[i] < 0 || index[i] > ntracks) { AliError(Form("Index %d overflow: value = %d, max = %d", i, index[i], ntracks)); return kFALSE; } // get daughter and its PDG and charge daughter = (AliMCParticle*)mc->GetTrack(index[i]); pdg = TMath::Abs(daughter->Particle()->GetPdgCode()); charge = (Short_t)(daughter->Particle()->GetPDG()->Charge() / 3); // check if it matches one definition if (fDef->GetDef1().MatchesPDG(pdg) && fDef->GetDef1().MatchesChargeS(charge)) { fDaughter[0].SetGood(); fDaughter[0].SetRefMC(daughter); fDaughter[0].SetLabel(index[i]); } else if (fDef->GetDef2().MatchesPDG(pdg) && fDef->GetDef2().MatchesChargeS(charge)) { fDaughter[1].SetGood(); fDaughter[1].SetRefMC(daughter); fDaughter[1].SetLabel(index[i]); } } // return success if both daughters were assigned if (fDaughter[0].IsOK() && fDaughter[1].IsOK()) { return kTRUE; } else { fDaughter[0].Reset(); fDaughter[1].Reset(); return kFALSE; } } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnLoopEffPair::AssignMotherAndDaughtersAOD(AliRsnEvent *rsnEvent, Int_t ipart) { // // Gets a particle in the MC event and try to assign it to the mother. // If it has two daughters, retrieve them and assign also them. // NOTE: assignment is done only for MC, since reconstructed match is assigned in the same way // for ESD and AOD, if available // --- // Implementation for AOD inputs // AliAODEvent *aod = rsnEvent->GetRefAOD(); TClonesArray *listAOD = (TClonesArray*)(aod->GetList()->FindObject(AliAODMCParticle::StdBranchName())); AliAODMCParticle *mother = (AliAODMCParticle*)listAOD->At(ipart); Int_t ntracks = listAOD->GetEntries(); // check PDG code and exit if it is wrong if (TMath::Abs(mother->GetPdgCode()) != fDef->GetMotherPDG()) return kFALSE; // check number of daughters and exit if it is not 2 if (mother->GetNDaughters() < 2) return kFALSE; // check distance from primary vertex Double_t vprod[3] = {(Double_t)mother->Xv(), (Double_t)mother->Yv(), (Double_t)mother->Zv()}; Double_t dv = DistanceFromPV(vprod[0], vprod[1], vprod[2]); if (dv > fMaxDistPV) { AliDebugClass(1, "Distant production vertex"); return kFALSE; } // get the daughters and check their PDG code and charge: // if they match one of the pair daughter definitions, // assign them as MC reference of the 'fDaughter' objects fDaughter[0].Reset(); fDaughter[1].Reset(); Int_t index[2] = {(Int_t)mother->GetDaughter(0), (Int_t)mother->GetDaughter(1)}; Int_t i, pdg; Short_t charge; AliAODMCParticle *daughter = 0x0; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // check index for stack if (index[i] < 0 || index[i] > ntracks) { AliError(Form("Index %d overflow: value = %d, max = %d", i, index[i], ntracks)); return kFALSE; } // get daughter and its PDG and charge daughter = (AliAODMCParticle*)listAOD->At(index[i]); pdg = TMath::Abs(daughter->GetPdgCode()); charge = (Short_t)(daughter->Charge() / 3); // check if it matches one definition if (fDef->GetDef1().MatchesPDG(pdg) && fDef->GetDef1().MatchesChargeS(charge)) { fDaughter[0].SetGood(); fDaughter[0].SetRefMC(daughter); fDaughter[0].SetLabel(index[i]); } else if (fDef->GetDef2().MatchesPDG(pdg) && fDef->GetDef2().MatchesChargeS(charge)) { fDaughter[1].SetGood(); fDaughter[1].SetRefMC(daughter); fDaughter[1].SetLabel(index[i]); } } // return success if both daughters were assigned if (fDaughter[0].IsOK() && fDaughter[1].IsOK()) { return kTRUE; } else { fDaughter[0].Reset(); fDaughter[1].Reset(); return kFALSE; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliRsnLoopEffPair::DoLoop(AliRsnEvent *rsn, AliRsnDaughterSelector*, AliRsnEvent*, AliRsnDaughterSelector*) { // // Loop on event and fill containers // // check event cuts if (!OkEvent(rsn)) return 0; // retrieve output fOutput = (AliRsnListOutput*)fOutputs[0]; // check presence of MC reference if (!rsn->GetRefMC()) { AliError("Need a MC to compute efficiency"); return 0; } // check presence of event if (!rsn->GetRef()) { AliError("Need an event to compute efficiency"); return 0; } // check event type: // must be ESD or AOD, and then use a bool to know in the rest if (!rsn->IsESD() && !rsn->IsAOD()) { AliError("Need to process ESD or AOD input"); return 0; } // retrieve the MC primary vertex position // and do some additional coherence checks Int_t i, npart = 0; if (rsn->IsESD()) { TArrayF mcVertex(3); AliGenEventHeader *genEH = rsn->GetRefMCESD()->GenEventHeader(); genEH->PrimaryVertex(mcVertex); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) fVertex[i] = (Double_t)mcVertex[i]; npart = rsn->GetRefMCESD()->GetNumberOfTracks(); } else { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) fVertex[i] = 0.0; AliAODEvent *aod = rsn->GetRefMCAOD(); TClonesArray *listAOD = (TClonesArray*)(aod->GetList()->FindObject(AliAODMCParticle::StdBranchName())); if (listAOD) npart = listAOD->GetEntries(); AliAODMCHeader *mcH = static_cast(aod->FindListObject(AliAODMCHeader::StdBranchName())); if (mcH) mcH->GetVertex(fVertex); } // check number of particles if (!npart) { AliInfo("Empty event"); return 0; } // utility variables Int_t ipart, istep, count = 0, nsteps = fSteps.GetEntries(); Int_t ntracks = rsn->GetAbsoluteSum(); AliRsnDaughter check; // loop over particles for (ipart = 0; ipart < npart; ipart++) { // check i-th particle if (!AssignMotherAndDaughters(rsn, ipart)) continue; // if assignment was successful, for first step, use MC info fDaughter[0].SetRef(fDaughter[0].GetRefMC()); fDaughter[1].SetRef(fDaughter[1].GetRefMC()); fMother.SetRefEvent(rsn); fMother.ComputeSum(fDef->GetDef1().GetMass(), fDef->GetDef2().GetMass(), fDef->GetMotherMass()); fOutput->Fill(&fMother, 0); count++; // for each further step, try to find two tracks which pass the related cuts for (istep = 0; istep < nsteps; istep++) { AliRsnCutManager *cuts = (AliRsnCutManager*)fSteps[istep]; fDaughter[0].SetBad(); fDaughter[1].SetBad(); for (i = 0; i < ntracks; i++) { rsn->SetDaughter(check, i); if (!cuts->PassCommonDaughterCuts(&check)) continue; if (TMath::Abs(check.GetLabel()) == fDaughter[0].GetLabel()) { if (!cuts->PassDaughter1Cuts(&check)) continue; fDaughter[0].SetRef(check.GetRef()); fDaughter[0].SetGood(); } else if (TMath::Abs(check.GetLabel()) == fDaughter[1].GetLabel()) { if (!cuts->PassDaughter2Cuts(&check)) continue; fDaughter[1].SetRef(check.GetRef()); fDaughter[1].SetGood(); } if (fDaughter[0].IsOK() && fDaughter[1].IsOK()) { fMother.ComputeSum(fDef->GetDef1().GetMass(), fDef->GetDef2().GetMass(), fDef->GetMotherMass()); if (cuts->PassMotherCuts(&fMother)) { fOutput->Fill(&fMother, 1 + istep); break; } } } } } return count; }