#include "AliRsnMiniParticle.h" #include "AliRsnMiniPair.h" ClassImp(AliRsnMiniPair) //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnMiniPair::Fill (AliRsnMiniParticle *p1, AliRsnMiniParticle *p2, Double_t m1, Double_t m2, Double_t refMass) { // // Fill this object with data coming // from arguments // p1->Set4Vector(fP1[0], m1, kFALSE); p2->Set4Vector(fP2[0], m2, kFALSE); p1->Set4Vector(fP1[1], m1, kTRUE ); p2->Set4Vector(fP2[1], m2, kTRUE ); fMother = -1; if (p1->Mother() == p2->Mother()) { fMother = p1->Mother(); fMotherPDG = p1->MotherPDG(); } Int_t i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { fSum[i] = fP1[i] + fP2[i]; fRef[i].SetXYZM(fSum[i].X(), fSum[i].Y(), fSum[i].Z(), refMass); } } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliRsnMiniPair::CosThetaStar(Bool_t useMC) { // // Return cosine of angle of one daughter to the resonance momentum in its rest frame // TLorentzVector &mother = fSum[ID(useMC)]; TLorentzVector &daughter0 = fP1[ID(useMC)]; TLorentzVector &daughter1 = fP2[ID(useMC)]; TVector3 momentumM(mother.Vect()); TVector3 normal(mother.Y() / momentumM.Mag(), -mother.X() / momentumM.Mag(), 0.0); // Computes first the invariant mass of the mother Double_t mass0 = daughter0.M(); Double_t mass1 = daughter1.M(); Double_t p0 = daughter0.Vect().Mag(); Double_t p1 = daughter1.Vect().Mag(); Double_t E0 = TMath::Sqrt(mass0 * mass0 + p0 * p0); Double_t E1 = TMath::Sqrt(mass1 * mass1 + p1 * p1); Double_t MotherMass = TMath::Sqrt((E0 + E1) * (E0 + E1) - (p0 * p0 + 2.0 * daughter0.Vect().Dot(daughter1.Vect()) + p1 * p1)); MotherMass = mother.M(); // Computes components of beta Double_t betaX = -mother.X() / mother.E(); Double_t betaY = -mother.Y() / mother.E(); Double_t betaZ = -mother.Z() / mother.E(); // Computes Lorentz transformation of the momentum of the first daughter // into the rest frame of the mother and theta* daughter0.Boost(betaX, betaY, betaZ); TVector3 momentumD = daughter0.Vect(); Double_t cosThetaStar = normal.Dot(momentumD) / momentumD.Mag(); return cosThetaStar; } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnMiniPair::InvertP(Bool_t first) { // // Inverts one 4-momentum and recompute sum // Int_t i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (first) fP1[i].Vect() *= -1.0; else fP2[i].Vect() *= -1.0; fSum[i] = fP1[i] + fP2[i]; fRef[i].SetXYZM(fSum[i].X(), fSum[i].Y(), fSum[i].Z(), fRef[i].M()); } }