// // Class AliRsnMother // // Implementation of a pair of tracks, for several purposes // - computing the total 4-momentum & inv. mass for output histos filling // - evaluating cut checks on the pair of particles // - evaluating any kind of kinematic value over their sum // // authors: Martin Vala (martin.vala@cern.ch) // Alberto Pulvirenti (alberto.pulvirenti@ct.infn.it) // #ifndef ALIRSNMOTHER_H #define ALIRSNMOTHER_H #include #include "AliRsnDaughter.h" class AliRsnPairDef; class AliRsnMother : public TObject { public: AliRsnMother(); AliRsnMother(const AliRsnMother &obj); AliRsnMother& operator=(const AliRsnMother &obj); virtual ~AliRsnMother(); void SetDefaultMass(Double_t mass) {fDefaultMass = mass; fRef.SetXYZM(fSum.X(),fSum.Y(),fSum.Z(),mass); fRefMC.SetXYZM(fSumMC.X(),fSumMC.Y(),fSumMC.Z(),mass);} TLorentzVector& Sum() {return fSum;} TLorentzVector& Ref() {return fRef;} TLorentzVector& SumMC() {return fSumMC;} TLorentzVector& RefMC() {return fRefMC;} Double_t OpeningAngle(Bool_t mc = kFALSE) const {if (fDaughter[0] && fDaughter[1]) return fDaughter[0]->P(mc).Angle(fDaughter[1]->P(mc).Vect()); return 1E6;} Double_t AngleTo(AliRsnDaughter track, Bool_t mc = kFALSE) const {return fSum.Angle(track.P(mc).Vect());} Double_t CosThetaStar(Bool_t first = kTRUE, Bool_t useMC = kFALSE); AliRsnDaughter* GetDaughter(const Int_t &index) const {if (index==0||index==1) return fDaughter[index]; return 0x0;} Bool_t IsLabelEqual() const {return abs(fDaughter[0]->GetLabel()) == abs(fDaughter[1]->GetLabel());} Bool_t IsIndexEqual() const {return (fDaughter[0]->GetID() == fDaughter[1]->GetID());} Int_t CommonMother() const; void SetDaughters(AliRsnDaughter * const daughter1, Double_t mass1, AliRsnDaughter * const daughter2, Double_t mass2); void ResetPair(); void PrintInfo(const Option_t *option = "ALL") const; Bool_t CheckPair() const; Bool_t MatchesDef(AliRsnPairDef *pairDef); private: Bool_t fUseMC; // choose if momenta are taken from ESD/AOD or MC Double_t fDefaultMass; // nominal resonance mass AliRsnDaughter *fDaughter[2]; // elements of the pair TLorentzVector fSum; // sum computed from the two daughters TLorentzVector fSumMC; // sum computed from the two daughters TLorentzVector fRef; // a 4-vector with same momentum as the sum but the nominal mass of mother TLorentzVector fRefMC; // a 4-vector with same momentum as the sum but the nominal mass of mother ClassDef(AliRsnMother,1) }; #endif