// // *** Class AliRsnPair *** // // "Core" method for defining the work on a pari of particles. // For one analysis, one must setup one of this for each pair he wants to analyze, // adding to it all analysis which he desires to do. // Here he defines the cuts, and the particle types and charges, and can add // functions which do different operations on the same pair, and some binning // with respect to some kinematic variables (eta, momentum) // // authors: A. Pulvirenti (email: alberto.pulvirenti@ct.infn.it) // M. Vala (email: martin.vala@cern.ch) // #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliRsnEvent.h" #include "AliRsnFunction.h" #include "AliRsnPIDIndex.h" #include "AliRsnCutMgr.h" #include "AliRsnCutStd.h" #include "AliRsnPair.h" ClassImp(AliRsnPair) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnPair::AliRsnPair(EPairType type, AliRsnPairDef *def) : TObject(), fOnlyTrue(kFALSE), fIsMixed(kFALSE), fPairType(type), fPIDMethod(AliRsnDaughter::kRealistic), fPairDef(def), fCutMgr(0), fFunctions("AliRsnFunction", 0), fTrack1(), fTrack2(), fPairParticle() { // // Default constructor // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); SetUp(type); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnPair::AliRsnPair(const AliRsnPair& copy) : TObject(), fOnlyTrue(copy.fOnlyTrue), fIsMixed(copy.fIsMixed), fPairType(copy.fPairType), fPIDMethod(copy.fPIDMethod), fPairDef(copy.fPairDef), fCutMgr(copy.fCutMgr), fFunctions(copy.fFunctions), fTrack1(copy.fTrack1), fTrack2(copy.fTrack2), fPairParticle(copy.fPairParticle) { // // Default constructor // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnPair& AliRsnPair::operator=(const AliRsnPair& copy) { fOnlyTrue = copy.fOnlyTrue; fIsMixed = copy.fIsMixed; fPairType = copy.fPairType; fPIDMethod = copy.fPIDMethod; fPairDef = copy.fPairDef; fCutMgr = copy.fCutMgr; fTrack1 = copy.fTrack1; fTrack2 = copy.fTrack2; fPairParticle = copy.fPairParticle; Int_t i, n = copy.fFunctions.GetEntries(); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { AliRsnFunction *fcn = (AliRsnFunction*)copy.fFunctions[i]; if (fcn) AddFunction(fcn); } return (*this); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnPair::~AliRsnPair() { // // Destructor // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnPair::SetUp(EPairType type) { // // Sets up flag values by the pair types // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); switch (type) { case kNoPID: SetAllFlags(AliRsnDaughter::kNoPID, kFALSE); break; case kNoPIDMix: SetAllFlags(AliRsnDaughter::kNoPID, kTRUE); break; case kRealisticPID: SetAllFlags(AliRsnDaughter::kRealistic, kFALSE); break; case kRealisticPIDMix: SetAllFlags(AliRsnDaughter::kRealistic, kTRUE); break; case kPerfectPID: SetAllFlags(AliRsnDaughter::kPerfect, kFALSE); break; case kPerfectPIDMix: SetAllFlags(AliRsnDaughter::kPerfect, kTRUE); break; default : AliWarning("Wrong type selected: setting up for realistic PID - no mixing."); SetAllFlags(AliRsnDaughter::kRealistic, kFALSE); break; } AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnPair::Print(Option_t* /*option*/) const { // // Prints info about pair // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); AliInfo(Form("%s", GetPairHistTitle(0x0).Data())); AliInfo(Form("PDG %d %d", AliPID::ParticleCode(fPairDef->GetType(0)), AliPID::ParticleCode(fPairDef->GetType(1)))); AliInfo(Form("Masses %f %f", fPairDef->GetMass(0), fPairDef->GetMass(1))); AliInfo(Form("Number of functions %d", fFunctions.GetEntries())); switch (fPIDMethod) { case AliRsnDaughter::kNoPID: AliInfo("PID method: none"); break; case AliRsnDaughter::kRealistic: AliInfo("PID method: realistic"); break; case AliRsnDaughter::kPerfect: AliInfo("PID method: perfect"); break; default: AliInfo("PID method: undefined"); } AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnPair::LoopPair(AliRsnPIDIndex *const pidIndex1, AliRsnEvent *const ev1, AliRsnPIDIndex *const pidIndex2, AliRsnEvent *const ev2) { // // Prepare the loop for computation of functions. // Each PIDIndex is used to retrieve the appropriate array of indexes // of the tracks to be used in each event. // In case of single-event analysis, only the first two arguments are used // and both arrays are taken from the same PIDIndex and will loop on the same event // In case of mixing, all arguments are used, and first set of tracks will be found // in the first event with the first PIDIndex, and the second set of tracks will // be found in second event with second PIDIndex. // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); TArrayI *a1 = 0; TArrayI *a2 = 0; if (fPIDMethod == AliRsnDaughter::kNoPID) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2, Form("Returning indexes of with NO PID (%d) ...", fPIDMethod)); a1 = pidIndex1->GetTracksArray(fPIDMethod, fPairDef->GetCharge(0), AliPID::kUnknown); if (pidIndex2 && ev2) a2 = pidIndex2->GetTracksArray(fPIDMethod, fPairDef->GetCharge(1), AliPID::kUnknown); else a2 = pidIndex1->GetTracksArray(fPIDMethod, fPairDef->GetCharge(1), AliPID::kUnknown); } else { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2, Form("Returning indexes of with PID (%d) ...", fPIDMethod)); a1 = pidIndex1->GetTracksArray(fPIDMethod,fPairDef->GetCharge(0), (AliPID::EParticleType)fPairDef->GetType(0)); if (pidIndex2 && ev2) a2 = pidIndex2->GetTracksArray(fPIDMethod, fPairDef->GetCharge(1), (AliPID::EParticleType)fPairDef->GetType(1)); else a2 = pidIndex1->GetTracksArray(fPIDMethod, fPairDef->GetCharge(1), (AliPID::EParticleType)fPairDef->GetType(1)); } LoopPair(a1, a2, ev1, ev2); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnPair::LoopPair(TArrayI *a1, TArrayI *a2, AliRsnEvent *ev1, AliRsnEvent *ev2) { // // Loop on all pairs of tracks of the defined types/charges, // using the arrays of indexes and the events containing them. // This method is private, for safety reasons. // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); if (!ev1) {AliError(Form("ev1 is %p. skipping LoopPair() ...",ev1))return;} AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1,"ev1 is OK ..."); if (!ev2) { if (fIsMixed) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, "ev2 is null and fIsMixed is true. Skipping ..."); return; } ev2 = ev1; } if (!(ev1 == ev2)) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1,"ev1 is different then ev2 ..."); } if (!a1) {AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, "No TArrayI 1 from currentEvent->GetTracksArray(...)"); return;} if (!a2) {AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, "No TArrayI 2 from currentEvent->GetTracksArray(...)"); return;} AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1,Form("a1=%d a2=%d",a1->GetSize(),a2->GetSize())); if (a1->GetSize()<=0) {AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, "Size of TArrayI 1 is 0 or less ..."); return;} if (a2->GetSize()<=0) {AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, "Size of TArrayI 2 is 0 or less ..."); return;} AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug,Form("Indexes_a1=%d Indexes_a2=%d",a1->GetSize(),a2->GetSize())); // cuts on events if (!CutPass(ev1) || !CutPass(ev2)) return; AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1,"Event cut passed..."); AliRsnDaughter::SetPIDMethod(fPIDMethod); AliRsnFunction *fcn = 0; Bool_t isLikeSign = fPairDef->IsLikeSign(); Int_t j, startj = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < a1->GetSize(); i++) { // get track #1 ev1->SetDaughter(fTrack1, a1->At(i)); if (!fTrack1.IsOK()) continue; // assign the required PID type to track #1 fTrack1.SetRequiredPID(fPairDef->GetType(0)); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1,"daughter1 is OK ..."); // cuts on track #1 if (!CutPass(&fTrack1)) continue; AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1,"daughter1 cut passed ..."); // check starting index for searching the event: // for like-sign pairs we avoid duplicating the pairs if (isLikeSign) startj = i+1; else startj = 0; // loop on event for all track #2 to be combined with the found track #1 for (j = startj; j < a2->GetSize(); j++) { ev2->SetDaughter(fTrack2, a2->At(j)); if (!fTrack2.IsOK()) continue; AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1,"daughter2 is OK ..."); // assign the required PID type to track #2 fTrack2.SetRequiredPID(fPairDef->GetType(1)); // skip by default the case where the two tracks have the same index if (ev1 == ev2 && a1->At(i) == a2->At(j)) continue; // cuts on track #2 if (!CutPass(&fTrack2)) continue; AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1,"daughter2 cut passed ..."); // make pair fPairParticle.SetPair(&fTrack1, &fTrack2); // in case of request, check that it is true pair if (fOnlyTrue) { if (fPairParticle.CommonMother() != fPairDef->GetMotherPDG()) continue; if (fPairParticle.GetDaughter(0)->PerfectPID() != fPairDef->GetType(0)) continue; if (fPairParticle.GetDaughter(1)->PerfectPID() != fPairDef->GetType(1)) continue; } // cuts on pair if (!CutPass(&fPairParticle)) continue; AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, "pairParticle cut passed"); if (AliLog::GetDebugLevel("",GetName()) == AliLog::kDebug) fPairParticle.PrintInfo(); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug, "================= FILLING TO HISTOGRAM =================="); // fill all histograms TObjArrayIter nextFcn(&fFunctions); while ((fcn = (AliRsnFunction*)nextFcn())) { fcn->SetPairDef(fPairDef); fcn->SetPair(&fPairParticle); fcn->SetEvent(ev1); fcn->Fill(); } } } AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TList * AliRsnPair::GenerateHistograms(TString prefix,TList *list) { // // Generates needed histograms, giving them a name based on // the flags defined here, on the pair definition, and attaches // a prefix to it, according to the argument. // // All generated histograms are stored into the output TList. // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); // if (!list){ // TList *list = new TList(); // list->SetName(GetPairHistName(0x0).Data()); // } Char_t hName[255], hTitle[255]; //AliRsnFunction *fcn = 0; AliRsnFunction *fcn = 0; for (Int_t i=0;i< fFunctions.GetEntries();i++) { fcn = (AliRsnFunction*)fFunctions.At(i); sprintf(hName, "%s_%s", prefix.Data(), GetPairHistName(fcn).Data()); sprintf(hTitle, "%s", GetPairHistTitle(fcn).Data()); //TList *histos = fcn->Init(hName, hTitle); //list->Add(fcn->CreateHistogram(hName, hTitle)); if (fcn->IsUsingTH1()) list->Add(fcn->CreateHistogram(hName, hTitle)); else list->Add(fcn->CreateHistogramSparse(hName, hTitle)); //histos->Print(); //list->Add(histos); } // cout << "PRINTING LIST" << endl; // list->Print(); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); return list; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString AliRsnPair::GetPairTypeName(EPairType type) const { // // Returns type name, made with particle names ant chosen PID // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); switch (type) { case kNoPID : return ("NOPID_");break; case kNoPIDMix : return ("NOPIDMIX_");break; case kRealisticPID : return ("REALISTIC_");break; case kRealisticPIDMix : return ("REALISTICMIX_");break; case kPerfectPID : return ("PERFECT_");break; case kPerfectPIDMix : return ("PERFECTMIX_");break; default: AliWarning("Unrecognized value of EPairTypeName argument"); break; } return "NOTYPE"; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString AliRsnPair::GetPairName() const { // // Retruns pair name // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); TString sName; sName += GetPairTypeName(fPairType); sName += fPairDef->GetPairName(); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); return sName; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString AliRsnPair::GetPairHistName(AliRsnFunction *const fcn, TString text) const { // // Returns definitive histogram name // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); TString sName; if (fcn) { sName = fcn->GetName(); sName += "_"; } sName += GetPairName(); sName += "_"; if (fCutMgr) sName += fCutMgr->GetName(); sName += text; AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); return sName; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString AliRsnPair::GetPairHistTitle(AliRsnFunction *const fcn, TString text) const { // // Returns definitive histogram title // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); TString sTitle; if (fcn) { sTitle = fcn->GetTitle(); sTitle += " "; } sTitle += GetPairName(); sTitle +=" "; if (fCutMgr) sTitle += fCutMgr->GetTitle(); sTitle += text; AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); return sTitle; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnPair::AddFunction(AliRsnFunction *const fcn) { // // Adds a new computing function // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); Int_t size = fFunctions.GetEntries(); new(fFunctions[size]) AliRsnFunction(*fcn); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); } //________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnPair::CutPass(AliRsnDaughter *d) { // // Check if the AliRsnDaughter argument pass its cuts. // If the cut data member is not initialized for it, returns kTRUE. // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-AliRsnDaughter"); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); if (!fCutMgr) return kTRUE; else return fCutMgr->IsSelected(AliRsnCut::kParticle, d); } //________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnPair::CutPass(AliRsnPairParticle *p) { // // Check if the AliRsnPairParticle argument pass its cuts. // If the cut data member is not initialized for it, returns kTRUE. // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-AliRsnPairParticle"); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); if (!fCutMgr) return kTRUE; else return fCutMgr->IsSelected(AliRsnCut::kPair, p); } //________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnPair::CutPass(AliRsnEvent *e) { // // Check if the AliRsnEvent argument pass its cuts. // If the cut data member is not initialized for it, returns kTRUE. // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-AliRsnEvent"); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); if (!fCutMgr) return kTRUE; else return fCutMgr->IsSelected(AliRsnCut::kEvent, e); }