// // Class AliRsnPairManager // // A collection of pairs for an analysis. // The function of this collection is just for purposes of well-sorting // the analyzed pairs into upper-level groups, in the case of a wide // analysis containing many resonances at once, or different settings for the same one. // // Each PairMgr will result in a separate list of histograms, which // can be seen as a folder in the output file, whose name is given by this object. // // author: M. Vala (email: martin.vala@cern.ch) // #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliRsnPairManager.h" ClassImp(AliRsnPairManager) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnPairManager::AliRsnPairManager(const char*name) : AliRsnVManager(name) { // // Default constructor // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug +2, "<-"); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug +2, "->"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ //void AliRsnPairManager::Add(AliRsnPair *pair) void AliRsnPairManager::Add(TObject *objPair) { // // Adds a new AliRsnPair to the list owned by this object. // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2, "<-"); AliRsnPair *pair = dynamic_cast(objPair); if (!pair) { AliWarning(Form("Pair is %p. Skipping ...", pair)); return; } AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, Form("Adding %s [%d entries] ...", pair->GetPairName().Data(), fArray.GetEntries())); fArray.Add((AliRsnPair*)pair); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2, "->"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnPairManager::Print(Option_t* /*dummy*/) const { // // Overload of TObject::Print() method. // With respect to the other print method, adds a title string. // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); AliInfo(Form("\t\t======== Pair Manager %s ========", GetName())); PrintArray(); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnPairManager::PrintArray() const { // // Prints all pairs // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"<-"); AliRsnPair *pair = 0; TObjArrayIter next(&fArray); while ((pair = (AliRsnPair*)next())) pair->Print(); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2,"->"); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TList* AliRsnPairManager::InitAllPairs() { // // Initialize all pairs, and builds a TList of histograms // which are created by each of them, in order to link it // to the output handler in the AnalysisTasks. // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2, "<-"); TList *list = new TList(); list->SetName(GetName()); list->SetOwner(); AliRsnPair *pair = 0; TObjArrayIter next(&fArray); Int_t i = 0; while ((pair = (AliRsnPair*)next())) { if (!pair) continue; AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, Form("InitAllPairs of the PairManager(%s) [%d] ...", pair->GetPairName().Data(), i++)); list->Add(pair->GenerateHistograms(GetName())); } AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2, "->"); return list; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnPairManager::ProcessAllPairs (AliRsnPIDIndex *pidIndexes1, AliRsnEvent *ev1, AliRsnPIDIndex *pidIndexes2, AliRsnEvent *ev2) { // // Processes one (single-event analysis) or two (event-mixing) events // to fill histograms in all stored pairs. // AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2, "<-"); AliRsnPair *pair = 0; TObjArrayIter next(&fArray); Int_t i=0; while ((pair = (AliRsnPair*)next())) { if (!pair) continue; AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+1, Form("ProcessAllPairs of the PairManager(%s) [%d] ...", pair->GetPairName().Data(), i++)); pair->LoopPair(pidIndexes1, ev1, pidIndexes2, ev2); } AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug+2, "->"); }