// // Class AliRsnValue // // Definition of a single value which can be computed // from any of the defined input objects implemented // in the resonance package. // #include "AliRsnEvent.h" #include "AliRsnDaughter.h" #include "AliRsnMother.h" #include "AliRsnPairDef.h" #include "AliRsnValue.h" ClassImp(AliRsnValue) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnValue::AliRsnValue() : TNamed(), fValue(0.0), fType(kValueTypes), fArray(0) { // // Main constructor (version 1) // This can also be created without any argument. // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnValue::AliRsnValue (const char *name, EValueType type, Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max) : TNamed(name, ""), fValue(0.0), fType(type), fArray(0) { // // Main constructor (version 1) // This can also be created without any argument. // SetBins(nbins, min, max); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnValue::AliRsnValue (const char *name, EValueType type, Double_t min, Double_t max, Double_t step) : TNamed(name, ""), fValue(0.0), fType(type), fArray(0) { // // Main constructor (version 2) // SetBins(min, max, step); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnValue::AliRsnValue (const char *name, EValueType type, Int_t nbins, Double_t *array) : TNamed(name, ""), fValue(0.0), fType(type), fArray(0) { // // Main constructor (version 2) // SetBins(nbins, array); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnValue::SetBins(Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max) { // // Set binning for the axis in equally spaced bins // where the number of bins, minimum and maximum are given. // fArray.Set(nbins + 1); Double_t mymax = TMath::Max(min, max); Double_t mymin = TMath::Min(min, max); Int_t k = 0; Double_t binSize = (mymax - mymin) / ((Double_t)nbins); fArray[0] = mymin; for (k = 1; k <= nbins; k++) fArray[k] = fArray[k-1] + binSize; for (k = 0; k < fArray.GetSize() - 1; k++) AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 3, Form("Bin #%d: %f - %f", k, fArray[k], fArray[k+1])); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnValue::SetBins(Double_t min, Double_t max, Double_t step) { // // Set binning for the axis in equally spaced bins // where the bin size, minimum and maximum are given. // Double_t dblNbins = TMath::Abs(max - min) / step; Int_t intNbins = ((Int_t)dblNbins) + 1; SetBins(intNbins, min, max); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnValue::SetBins(Int_t nbins, Double_t *array) { // // Set binning for the axis in unequally spaced bins // using the same way it is done in TAxis // fArray.Adopt(nbins, array); for (Int_t k = 0; k < fArray.GetSize() - 1; k++) AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 3, Form("Bin #%d: %f - %f", k, fArray[k], fArray[k+1])); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnValue::Eval(AliRsnMother * const mother, AliRsnPairDef * const pairDef, AliRsnEvent * const event) { // // Evaluation of the required value. // Checks that the passed object is of the right type // and if this check is successful, returns the required value. // The output of the function tells if it was successful, // and the values must be taken with GetValue(). // // avoid segfaults if (!mother) return kFALSE; if (!pairDef) return kFALSE; Double_t mass = pairDef->GetMotherMass(); switch (fType) { case kTrack1P: fValue = mother->GetDaughter(0)->P().Mag(); break; case kTrack2P: fValue = mother->GetDaughter(1)->P().Mag(); break; case kTrack1Pt: fValue = mother->GetDaughter(0)->P().Perp(); break; case kTrack2Pt: fValue = mother->GetDaughter(1)->P().Perp(); break; case kTrack1Px: fValue = mother->GetDaughter(0)->P().X(); break; case kTrack1Py: fValue = mother->GetDaughter(0)->P().Y(); break; case kTrack1Pz: fValue = mother->GetDaughter(0)->P().Z(); break; case kTrack2Px: fValue = mother->GetDaughter(1)->P().X(); break; case kTrack2Py: fValue = mother->GetDaughter(1)->P().Y(); break; case kTrack2Pz: fValue = mother->GetDaughter(1)->P().Z(); break; case kPairInvMass: fValue = mother->Sum().M(); break; case kPairInvMassMC: fValue = mother->SumMC().M(); break; case kPairInvMassRes: fValue = (mother->SumMC().M() - mother->Sum().M()) / mother->SumMC().M(); break; case kPairPt: fValue = mother->Sum().Perp(); break; case kPairEta: fValue = mother->Sum().Eta(); break; case kPairMt: if (TMath::Abs(mass) < 1E-5) AliWarning(Form("Suspicious mass value specified: %f", mass)); fValue = (TMath::Sqrt(mother->Sum().Perp2() + mass*mass) - mass); break; case kPairY: if (TMath::Abs(mass) < 1E-5) AliWarning(Form("Suspicious mass value specified: %f", mass)); mother->SetDefaultMass(mass); fValue = mother->Ref().Rapidity(); break; case kPairCosThetaStar: fValue = mother->CosThetaStar(); break; case kPairCosThetaStar1: //fValue = TMath::Cos(mother->ThetaStar(kTRUE, kFALSE)); break; case kPairCosThetaStar2: //fValue = TMath::Cos(mother->ThetaStar(kFALSE, kFALSE)); break; case kPairCosThetaStarMC1: //fValue = TMath::Cos(mother->ThetaStar(kTRUE, kTRUE)); break; case kPairCosThetaStarMC2: //fValue = TMath::Cos(mother->ThetaStar(kFALSE, kTRUE)); break; case kAngleToLeading: { int ID1 = (mother->GetDaughter(0))->GetID(); int ID2 = (mother->GetDaughter(1))->GetID(); int leadingID = event->SelectLeadingParticle(0); if(leadingID == ID1 || leadingID == ID2) return kFALSE; AliRsnDaughter leadingPart = event->GetDaughter(leadingID); AliVParticle *ref = leadingPart.GetRef(); fValue = ref->Phi() - mother->Sum().Phi(); //return angle w.r.t. leading particle in the range -pi/2, 3/2pi while(fValue >= TMath::Pi()) fValue -= 2*TMath::Pi(); while(fValue < -0.5*TMath::Pi()) fValue += 2*TMath::Pi(); //Printf("%g", fValue); } break; case kEventMult: if (!event) fValue = 0.0; fValue = (Double_t)event->GetMultiplicity(); break; case kLeadingPt: { int leadingID = event->SelectLeadingParticle(0); if(leadingID >= 0) { AliRsnDaughter leadingPart = event->GetDaughter(leadingID); AliVParticle *ref = leadingPart.GetRef(); fValue = ref->Pt(); } else fValue = 0; } break; case kQInv: { TLorentzVector diff = mother->GetDaughter(0)->P() - mother->GetDaughter(1)->P(); fValue = diff.M(); } break; default: AliWarning("Invalid value type"); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnValue::Eval(AliRsnDaughter * const daughter, AliRsnEvent * const event) { // // Evaluation of the required value. // Checks that the passed object is of the right type // and if this check is successful, returns the required value. // The output of the function tells if it was successful, // and the values must be taken with GetValue(). // // avoid segfaults if (!daughter) return kFALSE; switch (fType) { default: AliWarning("Invalid value type"); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnValue::Print(Option_t *) const { // // Print all bins // Int_t i, n = fArray.GetSize(); TString msg("Array values: "); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) msg += Form("%f, ", fArray[i]); AliInfo(Form("Axis name: %s", GetName())); AliInfo(msg.Data()); }