// // Class AliRsnValue // // Definition of a single value which can be computed // from any of the defined input objects implemented // in the resonance package. // #include #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliRsnEvent.h" #include "AliRsnDaughter.h" #include "AliRsnMother.h" #include "AliRsnPairDef.h" #include "AliRsnValue.h" ClassImp(AliRsnValue) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnValue::AliRsnValue() : AliRsnTarget(), fComputedValue(0), fValueType(kValueTypes), fBinArray(0), fSupportObject(0x0) { // // Default constructor without arguments. // Initialize data members to meaningless values. // This method is provided for ROOT streaming, // but should never be used directly by a user. // AssignTarget(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnValue::AliRsnValue (const char *name, EValueType type, Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max) : AliRsnTarget(name, AliRsnTarget::kTargetTypes), fComputedValue(0.0), fValueType(type), fBinArray(0), fSupportObject(0x0) { // // Main constructor (version 1). // This constructor defines in meaningful way all data members, // and defined a fixed binnings, subdividing the specified interval // into that many bins as specified in the integer argument. // --- // This method is also the entry point for all instances // of this class which don't need to do binning (e.g.: TNtuple inputs), // since arguments 3 to 5 have default values which don't create any // binning array, in order not to allocate memory when this is useless. // AssignTarget(); SetBins(nbins, min, max); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnValue::AliRsnValue (const char *name, EValueType type, Double_t min, Double_t max, Double_t step) : AliRsnTarget(name, AliRsnTarget::kTargetTypes), fComputedValue(0.0), fValueType(type), fBinArray(0), fSupportObject(0x0) { // // Main constructor (version 2). // This constructor defines in meaningful way all data members // and creates enough equal bins of the specified size to cover // the required interval. // AssignTarget(); SetBins(min, max, step); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnValue::AliRsnValue (const char *name, EValueType type, Int_t nbins, Double_t *array) : AliRsnTarget(name, AliRsnTarget::kTargetTypes), fComputedValue(0.0), fValueType(type), fBinArray(0), fSupportObject(0x0) { // // Main constructor (version 3). // This constructor defines in meaningful way all data members // and creates a set of variable bins delimited by the passed array. // AssignTarget(); SetBins(nbins, array); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnValue::AliRsnValue(const AliRsnValue& copy) : AliRsnTarget(copy), fComputedValue(copy.fComputedValue), fValueType(copy.fValueType), fBinArray(copy.fBinArray), fSupportObject(copy.fSupportObject) { // // Copy constructor. // Duplicates the binning array and copies all settings. // Calls also the function that assigns properly the // expected target, depending on the computation type. // AssignTarget(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnValue& AliRsnValue::operator=(const AliRsnValue& copy) { // // Assignment operator. // Works like copy constructor. // AliRsnTarget::operator=(copy); fComputedValue = copy.fComputedValue; fBinArray = copy.fBinArray; fSupportObject = copy.fSupportObject; AssignTarget(); return (*this); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnValue::SetBins(Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max) { // // Set binning for the axis in equally spaced bins // where the number of bins, minimum and maximum are given. // if (!nbins) { fBinArray.Set(0); return; } fBinArray.Set(nbins + 1); Double_t mymax = TMath::Max(min, max); Double_t mymin = TMath::Min(min, max); Int_t k = 0; Double_t binSize = (mymax - mymin) / ((Double_t)nbins); fBinArray[0] = mymin; for (k = 1; k <= nbins; k++) fBinArray[k] = fBinArray[k-1] + binSize; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnValue::SetBins(Double_t min, Double_t max, Double_t step) { // // Set binning for the axis in equally spaced bins // where the bin size, minimum and maximum are given. // Double_t dblNbins = TMath::Abs(max - min) / step; Int_t intNbins = ((Int_t)dblNbins) + 1; SetBins(intNbins, min, max); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnValue::SetBins(Int_t nbins, Double_t *array) { // // Set binning for the axis in unequally spaced bins // using the same way it is done in TAxis // if (!nbins) { fBinArray.Set(0); return; } fBinArray.Adopt(nbins, array); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ const char* AliRsnValue::GetValueTypeName() const { // // This method returns a string to give a name to each possible // computation value. // switch (fValueType) { case kTrackP: return "SingleTrackPtot"; case kTrackPt: return "SingleTrackPt"; case kTrackEta: return "SingleTrackEta"; case kPairP1: return "PairPtotDaughter1"; case kPairP2: return "PairPtotDaughter2"; case kPairP1t: return "PairPtDaughter1"; case kPairP2t: return "PairPtDaughter2"; case kPairP1z: return "PairPzDaughter1"; case kPairP2z: return "PairPzDaughter2"; case kPairInvMass: return "PairInvMass"; case kPairInvMassMC: return "PairInvMassMC"; case kPairInvMassRes: return "PairInvMassResolution"; case kPairPt: return "PairPt"; case kPairPz: return "PairPz"; case kPairEta: return "PairEta"; case kPairMt: return "PairMt"; case kPairY: return "PairY"; case kPairPhi: return "PairPhi"; case kPairPhiMC: return "PairPhiMC"; case kPairPtRatio: return "PairPtRatio"; case kPairDipAngle: return "PairDipAngle"; case kPairCosThetaStar: return "PairCosThetaStar"; case kPairQInv: return "PairQInv"; case kPairAngleToLeading: return "PairAngleToLeading"; case kEventLeadingPt: return "EventLeadingPt"; case kEventMult: return "EventMult"; case kEventMultESDCuts: return "EventMultESDCuts"; case kEventVz: return "EventVz"; default: return "Undefined"; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnValue::AssignTarget() { // // This method assigns the target to be expected by this object // in the computation, depending on its type chosen in the enum. // switch (fValueType) { // track related values case kTrackP: case kTrackPt: case kTrackEta: SetTargetType(AliRsnTarget::kDaughter); // end of track-related values break; // pair related values case kPairP1: case kPairP2: case kPairP1t: case kPairP2t: case kPairP1z: case kPairP2z: case kPairInvMass: case kPairInvMassMC: case kPairInvMassRes: case kPairPt: case kPairPz: case kPairEta: case kPairMt: case kPairY: case kPairPhi: case kPairPhiMC: case kPairPtRatio: case kPairDipAngle: case kPairCosThetaStar: case kPairQInv: case kPairAngleToLeading: SetTargetType(AliRsnTarget::kMother); // end of pair-related values break; // event related values case kEventLeadingPt: case kEventMult: case kEventMultESDCuts: case kEventVz: SetTargetType(AliRsnTarget::kEvent); // end of event-related values break; // undefined value default: SetTargetType(AliRsnTarget::kTargetTypes); // undefined targets } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnValue::Eval(TObject *object, Bool_t useMC) { // // Evaluation of the required value. // Checks that the passed object is of the right type // and if this check is successful, computes the required value. // The output of the function tells if computing was successful, // and the values must be taken with GetValue(). // // cast the input to the allowed types AliRsnDaughter *daughter = dynamic_cast(object); AliRsnMother *mother = dynamic_cast(object); // common variables TLorentzVector pRec; // 4-momentum for single track or pair sum (reco) TLorentzVector pSim; // 4-momentum for single track or pair sum (MC) TLorentzVector pRec0; // 4-momentum of first daughter (reco) TLorentzVector pSim0; // 4-momentum of first daughter (MC) TLorentzVector pRec1; // 4-momentum of second daughter (reco) TLorentzVector pSim1; // 4-momentum of second daughter (MC) // check that the input object is the correct class type switch (fTargetType) { case AliRsnTarget::kDaughter: if (daughter) { pRec = daughter->Psim(); pSim = daughter->Prec(); } else { AliError(Form("[%s] expected: AliRsnDaughter, passed: [%s]", GetName(), object->ClassName())); return kFALSE; } break; case AliRsnTarget::kMother: if (mother) { pRec = mother->Sum(); pSim = mother->SumMC(); pRec0 = mother->GetDaughter(0)->Prec(); pRec1 = mother->GetDaughter(1)->Prec(); pSim0 = mother->GetDaughter(0)->Psim(); pSim1 = mother->GetDaughter(1)->Psim(); } else { AliError(Form("[%s] expected: AliRsnMother, passed: [%s]", GetName(), object->ClassName())); return kFALSE; } break; case AliRsnTarget::kEvent: if (!AliRsnTarget::GetCurrentEvent()) { AliError(Form("[%s] expected: AliRsnEvent, passed: [%s]", GetName(), object->ClassName())); return kFALSE; } break; default: AliError(Form("[%s] Wrong type", GetName())); return kFALSE; } // cast the support object to the types which could be needed AliESDtrackCuts *esdCuts = dynamic_cast(fSupportObject); AliRsnPairDef *pairDef = dynamic_cast(fSupportObject); // compute value depending on type switch (fValueType) { case kTrackP: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim.Mag() : pRec.Mag(); break; case kTrackPt: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim.Perp() : pRec.Perp(); break; case kTrackEta: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim.Eta() : pRec.Eta(); break; case kPairP1: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim0.Mag() : pRec0.Mag(); break; case kPairP2: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim1.Mag() : pRec1.Mag(); break; case kPairP1t: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim0.Perp() : pRec0.Perp(); break; case kPairP2t: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim1.Perp() : pRec1.Perp(); break; case kPairP1z: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim0.Z() : pRec0.Z(); break; case kPairP2z: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim1.Z() : pRec1.Z(); break; case kPairInvMass: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim.M() : pRec.M(); break; case kPairInvMassRes: fComputedValue = (pSim.M() - pRec.M()) / pSim.M(); break; case kPairPt: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim.Perp() : pRec.Perp(); break; case kPairEta: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim.Eta() : pRec.Eta(); break; case kPairMt: // for this computation, replace the computed mass with the default mass // for doing this, an initialized pairDef is required to get the mass if (!pairDef) { AliError(Form("[%s] Required a correctly initialized PairDef to compute this value", GetName())); fComputedValue = 1E+10; return kFALSE; } else { pRec.SetXYZM(pRec.X(), pRec.Y(), pRec.Z(), pairDef->GetMotherMass()); pSim.SetXYZM(pSim.X(), pSim.Y(), pSim.Z(), pairDef->GetMotherMass()); fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim.Mt() : pRec.Mt(); } break; case kPairY: // for this computation, replace the computed mass with the default mass // for doing this, an initialized pairDef is required to get the mass if (!pairDef) { AliError(Form("[%s] Required a correctly initialized PairDef to compute this value", GetName())); fComputedValue = 1E+10; return kFALSE; } else { pRec.SetXYZM(pRec.X(), pRec.Y(), pRec.Z(), pairDef->GetMotherMass()); pSim.SetXYZM(pSim.X(), pSim.Y(), pSim.Z(), pairDef->GetMotherMass()); fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim.Rapidity() : pRec.Rapidity(); } break; case kPairPhi: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim.Phi() : pRec.Phi(); break; case kPairPtRatio: if (useMC) { fComputedValue = TMath::Abs(pSim0.Perp() - pSim1.Perp()); fComputedValue /= TMath::Abs(pSim0.Perp() + pSim1.Perp()); } else { fComputedValue = TMath::Abs(pRec0.Perp() - pRec1.Perp()); fComputedValue /= TMath::Abs(pRec0.Perp() + pRec1.Perp()); } break; case kPairDipAngle: fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim0.Angle(pSim1.Vect()) : pRec0.Angle(pRec1.Vect()); fComputedValue = TMath::Abs(TMath::Cos(fComputedValue)); break; case kPairCosThetaStar: fComputedValue = mother->CosThetaStar(useMC); break; case kPairQInv: pSim0 -= pSim1; pRec0 -= pRec1; fComputedValue = useMC ? pSim0.M() : pRec0.M(); break; case kPairAngleToLeading: { AliRsnEvent *event = AliRsnTarget::GetCurrentEvent(); int ID1 = (mother->GetDaughter(0))->GetID(); int ID2 = (mother->GetDaughter(1))->GetID(); //int leadingID = event->SelectLeadingParticle(0); Int_t leadingID = event->GetLeadingParticleID(); if (leadingID == ID1 || leadingID == ID2) return kFALSE; AliRsnDaughter leadingPart = event->GetDaughter(leadingID); AliVParticle *ref = leadingPart.GetRef(); fComputedValue = ref->Phi() - mother->Sum().Phi(); //return angle w.r.t. leading particle in the range -pi/2, 3/2pi while(fComputedValue >= TMath::Pi()) fComputedValue -= 2*TMath::Pi(); while(fComputedValue < -0.5*TMath::Pi()) fComputedValue += 2*TMath::Pi(); //Printf("%g", fComputedValue); } break; case kEventMult: fComputedValue = (Double_t)AliRsnTarget::GetCurrentEvent()->GetMultiplicity(0x0); break; case kEventMultESDCuts: // this value requires an initialized ESDtrackCuts if (!esdCuts) { AliError(Form("[%s] Required a correctly initialized ESDtrackCuts to compute this value", GetName())); fComputedValue = 1E+10; return kFALSE; } fComputedValue = (Double_t)AliRsnTarget::GetCurrentEvent()->GetMultiplicity(esdCuts); break; case kEventLeadingPt: { int leadingID = AliRsnTarget::GetCurrentEvent()->GetLeadingParticleID(); //fEvent->SelectLeadingParticle(0); if(leadingID >= 0) { AliRsnDaughter leadingPart = AliRsnTarget::GetCurrentEvent()->GetDaughter(leadingID); AliVParticle *ref = leadingPart.GetRef(); fComputedValue = ref->Pt(); } else fComputedValue = 0; } break; case kEventVz: fComputedValue = AliRsnTarget::GetCurrentEvent()->GetRef()->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetZ(); break; default: AliError(Form("[%s] Invalid value type for this computation", GetName())); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnValue::Print(Option_t * /*option */) const { // // Print informations about this object // AliInfo("=== VALUE INFO ================================================="); AliInfo(Form(" Name : %s", GetName())); AliInfo(Form(" Type : %s", GetValueTypeName())); AliInfo(Form(" Current computed value: %f", fComputedValue)); Int_t i; for (i = 0; i < fBinArray.GetSize(); i++) { AliInfo(Form(" Bin limit #%d = %f", i, fBinArray[i])); } AliInfo(Form(" Support object : %s", (fSupportObject ? fSupportObject->ClassName() : " NO SUPPORT"))); AliInfo("=== END VALUE INFO ============================================="); }