#ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKCHECKPERFORMANCECASCADE_H #define ALIANALYSISTASKCHECKPERFORMANCECASCADE_H /* See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ // //----------------------------------------------------------------- // // AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascade class // // This task is for a performance study of cascade identification. // // It works with MC info and ESD. // // Use with AOD tree = under development // // Origin : A.Maire Mar2009, antonin.maire@ires.in2p3.fr // // Modified : A.Maire Jan2010, antonin.maire@ires.in2p3.fr // //----------------------------------------------------------------- class TList; class TH1F; class TH2F; class AliESDEvent; class AliESDpid; class AliCFContainer; #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" class AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascade : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascade(); AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascade(const char *name ); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascade() {} //virtual void ConnectInputData(Option_t *); virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option); virtual Int_t DoESDTrackWithTPCrefitMultiplicity(const AliESDEvent *lESDevent); virtual void Terminate(Option_t *); void SetDebugLevelCascade(Int_t lDebugCascade = 0) {fDebugCascade = lDebugCascade;} void SetCollidingSystems (Short_t collidingSystems = 0) {fCollidingSystems = collidingSystems;} void SetAnalysisType (const char* analysisType = "ESD") {fAnalysisType = analysisType;} private: Int_t fDebugCascade; // Denug Flag for this task devoted to cascade TString fAnalysisType; // "ESD" or "AOD" analysis type Short_t fCollidingSystems; // 0 = pp collisions or 1 = AA collisions AliESDpid *fESDpid; // Tool data member to manage the TPC Bethe-Bloch info TList *fListHistCascade; //! List of Cascade histograms // - Histos TH1F *fHistMCTrackMultiplicity; //! MC Track multiplicity // proton TH1F *fHistEtaGenProton; //! MC Pseudo-rapidity of any generated p+ (no cuts in acceptance) TH1F *fHistEtaGenAntiProton; //! MC Pseudo-rapidity of any generated p+ (no cuts in acceptance) // Part 1 - Generated cascades //-------------- // Xi- TH1F *fHistEtaGenCascXiMinus; //! MC Pseudo-rapidity of any generated Xi- (no cuts in acceptance) TH2F *f2dHistGenPtVsGenYGenXiMinus; //! MC Pt Vs MC Y of generated Xi- // - Histos planned for Xi- emitted within the acceptance (cuts in theta + pt of daughters) // = findable cascades TH1F *fHistThetaGenCascXiMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the generated Xi- TH2F *f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiMinus; //! MC Pt Vs MC y of the findable Xi- TH1F *fHistThetaLambdaXiMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the Lambda daughter of the generated Xi- TH1F *fHistThetaBachXiMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the Bachelor (pi-) TH1F *fHistThetaMesDghterXiMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the mesonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, pi- TH1F *fHistThetaBarDghterXiMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the baryonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, p+ TH1F *fHistPtBachXiMinus; //! MC Pt of the Bachelor (pi-) (Control Plot) TH1F *fHistPtMesDghterXiMinus; //! MC Pt of the meson daughter of the 'Lambda0', pi- (Control Plot) TH1F *fHistPtBarDghterXiMinus; //! MC Pt of the baryon daughter of the 'Lambda0', p+ (Control Plot) //-------------- // Xi+ TH1F *fHistEtaGenCascXiPlus; //! MC Pseudo-rapidity of any generated Xi+ (no cuts in acceptance) TH2F *f2dHistGenPtVsGenYGenXiPlus; //! MC Pt Vs MC Y of generated Xi+ // - Histos planned for Xi+ emitted within the acceptance (cuts in theta + pt of daughters) TH1F *fHistThetaGenCascXiPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the generated Xi+ TH2F *f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiPlus; //! MC Pt Vs MC y of the findable Xi+ TH1F *fHistThetaLambdaXiPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the anti-Lambda daughter of the generated Xi+ TH1F *fHistThetaBachXiPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the Bachelor (pi+) TH1F *fHistThetaMesDghterXiPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the mesonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, pi+ TH1F *fHistThetaBarDghterXiPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the baryonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, p- TH1F *fHistPtBachXiPlus; //! MC Pt of the Bachelor (pi+) (Control Plot) TH1F *fHistPtMesDghterXiPlus; //! MC Pt of the meson daughter of the 'Lambda0', pi+ (Control Plot) TH1F *fHistPtBarDghterXiPlus; //! MC Pt of the baryon daughter of the 'Lambda0', p- (Control Plot) //-------------- // Omega- TH1F *fHistEtaGenCascOmegaMinus; //! MC Pseudo-rapidity of any generated Omega- (no cuts in acceptance) TH2F *f2dHistGenPtVsGenYGenOmegaMinus; //! MC Pt Vs MC Y of generated Omega- // - Histos planned for Omega- emitted within the acceptance (cuts in theta + pt of daughters) TH1F *fHistThetaGenCascOmegaMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the generated Omega- TH2F *f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaMinus; //! MC Pt Vs MC y of the findable Omega- TH1F *fHistThetaLambdaOmegaMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the Lambda daughter of the generated Omega- TH1F *fHistThetaBachOmegaMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the Bachelor (K-) TH1F *fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the mesonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, pi- TH1F *fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaMinus; //! MC Theta angle of the baryonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, p+ TH1F *fHistPtBachOmegaMinus; //! MC Pt of the Bachelor (K-) (Control Plot) TH1F *fHistPtMesDghterOmegaMinus; //! MC Pt of the meson daughter of the 'Lambda0', pi- (Control Plot) TH1F *fHistPtBarDghterOmegaMinus; //! MC Pt of the baryon daughter of the 'Lambda0', p+ (Control Plot) //-------------- // Omega+ TH1F *fHistEtaGenCascOmegaPlus; //! MC Pseudo-rapidity of any generated Omega+ (no cuts in acceptance) TH2F *f2dHistGenPtVsGenYGenOmegaPlus; //! MC Pt Vs MC Y of generated Omega+ // - Histos planned for Omega+ emitted within the acceptance (cuts in theta + pt of daughters) TH1F *fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the generated Omega+ TH2F *f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaPlus; //! MC Pt Vs MC y of the findable Omega+ TH1F *fHistThetaLambdaOmegaPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the anti-Lambda daughter of the generated Omega+ TH1F *fHistThetaBachOmegaPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the Bachelor (K+) TH1F *fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the mesonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, pi+ TH1F *fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaPlus; //! MC Theta angle of the baryonic V0 daughter in the generated cascade, p- TH1F *fHistPtBachOmegaPlus; //! MC Pt of the Bachelor (K+) (Control Plot) TH1F *fHistPtMesDghterOmegaPlus; //! MC Pt of the meson daughter of the 'Lambda0', pi+ (Control Plot) TH1F *fHistPtBarDghterOmegaPlus; //! MC Pt of the baryon daughter of the 'Lambda0', p- (Control Plot) // Part 2 - Any reconstructed cascades + reconstructed cascades associated with MC // 2.1 - Effective mass and PID // - Effective mass histos for all the cascade candidates TH1F *fHistMassXiMinus; //! reconstructed cascade effective mass, under Xi- hyp. TH1F *fHistMassXiPlus; //! reconstructed cascade effective mass, under Xi+ hyp. TH1F *fHistMassOmegaMinus; //! reconstructed cascade effective mass, under Omega- hyp. TH1F *fHistMassOmegaPlus; //! reconstructed cascade effective mass, under Omega+ hyp. // - Effective mass histos with reconstruction combined PID TH1F *fHistMassWithCombPIDXiMinus; //! reconstructed Xi- effective mass, with bach. comb PID TH1F *fHistMassWithCombPIDXiPlus; //! reconstructed Xi+ effective mass, with bach. comb PID TH1F *fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaMinus; //! reconstructed Omega- effective mass, with bach. comb PID TH1F *fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaPlus; //! reconstructed Omega+ effective mass, with bach. comb PID // - PID Probability versus MC Pt(bachelor track) TH2F *f2dHistPIDprobaKaonVsMCPtBach; //! Comb. PID probability for the bach. to be a Kaon Vs MC pt(bach) TH2F *f2dHistPIDprobaPionVsMCPtBach; //! Comb. PID probability for the bach. to be a Pion Vs MC pt(bach) // - Effective mass histos with perfect MC PID TH1F *fHistMassWithMcPIDXiMinus; //! reconstructed Xi- effective mass, with MC bach. PID TH1F *fHistMassWithMcPIDXiPlus; //! reconstructed Xi+ effective mass, with MC bach. PID TH1F *fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaMinus; //! reconstructed Omega- effective mass, with MC bach. PID TH1F *fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaPlus; //! reconstructed Omega+ effective mass, with MC bach. PID // 2.2 - Associated candidates // - Effective mass histos for the cascade candidates associated with MC, without PID info TH1F *fHistAsMCMassXiMinus; //! reconstr. cascade effective mass, under Xi- hyp. for Associated cand. TH1F *fHistAsMCMassXiPlus; //! reconstr. cascade effective mass, under Xi+ hyp. for Associated cand. TH1F *fHistAsMCMassOmegaMinus; //! reconstr. cascade effective mass, under Omega- hyp. for Associated cand. TH1F *fHistAsMCMassOmegaPlus; //! reconstr. cascade effective mass, under Omega+ hyp. for Associated cand. // - Generated Pt Vs generated Y of the cascade candidates associated with MC // + having the proper maximum proba of combined PID for the bachelor TH2F *f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiMinus; //! Pt(gen) Vs Y(gen) from the MC Xi- associated with Reco cand + with PID info TH2F *f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiPlus; //! Pt(gen) Vs Y(gen) from the MC Xi+ associated with Reco cand + with PID info TH2F *f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus; //! Pt(gen) Vs Y(gen) from the MC Omega- associated with Reco cand + with PID info TH2F *f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus; //! Pt(gen) Vs Y(gen) from the MC Omega+ associated with Reco cand + with PID info // - Generated Pt Vs generated Y, for the cascade candidates associated with MC, without PID info TH2F *f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiMinus; //! gen. Pt Vs gen. Rap. from the MC Xi- associated with a reconstr. cascade TH2F *f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiPlus; //! gen. Pt Vs gen. Rap. from the MC Xi+ associated with a reconstr. cascade TH2F *f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus; //! gen. Pt Vs gen. Rap. from the MC Omega- associated with a reconstr. cascade TH2F *f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus; //! gen. Pt Vs gen. Rap. from the MC Omega+ associated with a reconstr. cascade // - Generated Eta of the the cascade candidates associated with MC, without PID info TH1F *fHistAsMCGenEtaXiMinus; //! generated Eta from the MC Xi- associated with a reconstr. cascade TH1F *fHistAsMCGenEtaXiPlus; //! generated Eta from the MC Xi+ associated with a reconstr. cascade TH1F *fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaMinus; //! generated Eta from the MC Omega- associated with a reconstr. cascade TH1F *fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaPlus; //! generated Eta from the MC Omega+ associated with a reconstr. cascade // - Resolution in Pt as function of generated Pt TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResPtXiMinus; //! resolution in Pt as function of gen. Pt, for Xi- TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResPtXiPlus; //! resolution in Pt as function of gen. Pt, for Xi- TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaMinus; //! resolution in Pt as function of gen. Pt, for Omega- TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaPlus; //! resolution in Pt as function of gen. Pt, for Omega+ // - Resolution in R(2D) as function of generated R TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResRXiMinus; //! resolution in transv. R = f(transv. gen. R), for Xi- TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResRXiPlus; //! resolution in transv. R = f(transv. gen. R), for Xi+ TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResROmegaMinus; //! resolution in transv. R = f(transv. gen. R), for Omega- TH2F *f2dHistAsMCResROmegaPlus; //! resolution in transv. R = f(transv. gen. R), for Omega+ // - Compilation of all PID plots (3D = casc. transv. momemtum Vs Casc Eff mass Vs Y), stored into an AliCFContainer AliCFContainer *fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus; //! for Xi- : Container to store any 3D histos with the different PID flavours AliCFContainer *fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus; //! for Xi+ : Container to store any 3D histos with the different PID flavours AliCFContainer *fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus; //! for Omega-: Container to store any 3D histos with the different PID flavours AliCFContainer *fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus; //! for Omega+: Container to store any 3D histos with the different PID flavours AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascade(const AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascade&); // not implemented AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascade& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascade&); // not implemented ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascade, 3); }; #endif