// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // // AliLatexTable // // This class is used to produce tables using latex sintax. It can // than print the table as Latex source code (to be pasted on a paper) // or ASCII. // // The basic idea is that you add columns one after the other with the // SetNextCol method and than you insert this row. The SetNextCol // method comes in different flavours to alow the insertion of // different type of values (numbers with or without errors, // strings...). // // TODO: // 1. Make the class drawable // 2. Implement vertical lines in ascii print // 3. Print output in HTML format // // Author: Michele Floris, CERN // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "AliLatexTable.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TRegexp.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include #include "snprintf.h" #include "Varargs.h" #include "TPRegexp.h" #include "TMath.h" #include using namespace std; ClassImp(AliLatexTable); AliLatexTable::AliLatexTable(Int_t ncol, TString format) : fNcol(0), fFormat(""), fRows(0), fCols(0), fNcolReady(0){ // constructor, specify number of cols fNcol = ncol; fFormat = format; fNcolReady = 0; fRows = new TObjArray; fCols = new TObjArray; fRows->SetOwner(); fCols->SetOwner(); } AliLatexTable::~AliLatexTable() { // dtor if (fRows) delete fRows; if (fCols) delete fCols; } void AliLatexTable::SetNextCol(Int_t val){ // Set next column in current row - integer char col[200]; sprintf(col, " %d ", val); SetNextCol(col); } void AliLatexTable::SetNextCol(Int_t val, Int_t err){ // Set next column in current row - int +- int char col[200]; sprintf(col, " $%d \\pm %d$ ", val, err); SetNextCol(col); } void AliLatexTable::SetNextCol(Double_t val, Int_t scientificNotation){ // Set next column in current row - double, specify resolution char col[200]; if(scientificNotation >= 0) { char format[100]; // cout << format << endl; Double_t mantissa, exp; GetMantissaAndExpBase10(val, mantissa, exp); if (exp == 0) { sprintf(format, " $%%%d.%df $", scientificNotation, scientificNotation); sprintf(col, format, mantissa); } else { sprintf(format, " $%%%d.%df \\cdot 10^{%%0.0f} $", scientificNotation, scientificNotation); sprintf(col, format, mantissa, exp); } SetNextCol(col); } else if (scientificNotation < -1) { char format[100]; sprintf(format, " $%%%d.%df $", -scientificNotation,-scientificNotation); sprintf(col, format , val); SetNextCol(col); } else { sprintf(col, " %f ", val); SetNextCol(col); } } void AliLatexTable::SetNextCol(Double_t val, Double_t err, Int_t scientificNotation){ // Set next column in current row - double +- double, specify resolution // if scientific notation is != -1 is used to determine number of // digits in error //if it is > 0 exp notation is used //if it is < -1 number is truncated to the number of digits after //point dictated by scientificNotation, char col[200]; if(scientificNotation >=0 ) { Double_t mantissa, exp; GetMantissaAndExpBase10(val, mantissa, exp); Double_t mantissa_err, exp_err; GetMantissaAndExpBase10(err, mantissa_err, exp_err); Int_t nSigDigits =TMath::Nint(exp - exp_err); if(scientificNotation != 0) nSigDigits = nSigDigits + scientificNotation - 1; char format[100]; if (exp == 0) { sprintf(format, " $%%%d.%df \\pm %%%d.%df $", nSigDigits, nSigDigits, nSigDigits, nSigDigits); sprintf(col, format, mantissa, mantissa_err/TMath::Power(10,exp - exp_err)); } else { sprintf(format, " $%%%d.%df \\pm %%%d.%df \\cdot 10^{%%0.0f}$", nSigDigits, nSigDigits, nSigDigits, nSigDigits); sprintf(col, format, mantissa, mantissa_err/TMath::Power(10,exp - exp_err), exp); } //cout << format << endl; SetNextCol(col); } else if (scientificNotation < -1) { char format[100]; sprintf(format, " $%%%d.%df \\pm %%%d.%df $", -scientificNotation,-scientificNotation,-scientificNotation,-scientificNotation); sprintf(col, format , val, err); SetNextCol(col); } else { sprintf(col, " $%f \\pm %f$ ", val, err); SetNextCol(col); } } void AliLatexTable::SetNextCol(Double_t val, Double_t err, Double_t errSyst, Int_t scientificNotation){ // Set next column in current row - double +- double +- double, specify resolution // if scientific notation is != -1 is used to determine number of // digits in error //if it is > 0 exp notation is used //if it is < -1 number is truncated to the number of digits after //point dictated by scientificNotation, char col[200]; if(scientificNotation >=0 ) { Double_t mantissa, exp; GetMantissaAndExpBase10(val, mantissa, exp); Double_t mantissa_err, exp_err; GetMantissaAndExpBase10(err, mantissa_err, exp_err); Double_t mantissa_errsyst, exp_errsyst; GetMantissaAndExpBase10(errSyst, mantissa_errsyst, exp_errsyst); Int_t nSigDigits =TMath::Nint(exp - exp_err); if(scientificNotation != 0) nSigDigits = nSigDigits + scientificNotation - 1; char format[100]; if (exp == 0) { sprintf(format, " $%%%d.%df \\pm %%%d.%df \\pm %%%d.%df $", nSigDigits, nSigDigits, nSigDigits, nSigDigits, nSigDigits, nSigDigits); sprintf(col, format, mantissa, mantissa_err/TMath::Power(10,exp - exp_err), mantissa_errsyst/TMath::Power(10,exp - exp_errsyst)); } else { sprintf(format, " $%%%d.%df \\pm %%%d.%df \\pm %%%d.%df \\cdot 10^{%%0.0f}$", nSigDigits, nSigDigits, nSigDigits, nSigDigits, nSigDigits, nSigDigits); sprintf(col, format, mantissa, mantissa_err/TMath::Power(10,exp - exp_err), mantissa_errsyst/TMath::Power(10,exp - exp_errsyst), exp); } //cout << format << endl; SetNextCol(col); } else if (scientificNotation < -1) { char format[100]; sprintf(format, " $%%%d.%df \\pm %%%d.%df \\pm %%%d.%df $", -scientificNotation,-scientificNotation,-scientificNotation,-scientificNotation, -scientificNotation,-scientificNotation); sprintf(col, format , val, err); SetNextCol(col); } else { sprintf(col, " $%f \\pm %f \\pm %f$ ", val, err, errSyst); SetNextCol(col); } } // void AliLatexTable::SetNextColPrintf(const char *va_(fmt), ...){ // const Int_t buf_size = 1024; // hope it's long enough // char colBuffer[buf_size]; // va_list ap; // va_start(ap, va_(fmt)); // Int_t n = vsnprintf(colBuffer, buf_size, fmt, ap); // if (n == -1 || n >= buf_size) { // Error("SetNextCol", "vsnprintf error!"); // } // va_end(ap); // // for(int iobj=0; iobjAdd(new TObjString(val)); fNcolReady++; } void AliLatexTable::InsertCustomRow(TString row){ // insert a full row from string. Make sure you have all the columns fRows->Add(new TObjString(row)); } void AliLatexTable::InsertRow(){ // Insert the row, based on all the individual columns if ( fNcolReady != fNcol) { Warning("InsertRow", "Wrong number of cols: %d (!= %d)", fNcolReady, fNcol); } TString row = ""; for(Int_t icol = 0; icol < fNcol; icol++){ row = row + ((TObjString*) fCols->At(icol))->String(); if(icol != (fNcol-1)) row = row + " & "; } row+="\\\\"; fRows->Add(new TObjString(row)); fNcolReady = 0; fCols->Clear(); } void AliLatexTable::InsertHline(){ // insert an horizontal line fRows->Add(new TObjString("\\hline")); } Int_t * AliLatexTable::GetColWidths() { // Compute the width of columns, for nice ascii printing Int_t * col_widths= new Int_t[fNcol]; Int_t nrow = fRows->GetEntriesFast(); for(Int_t icol = 0; icol < fNcol; icol++){ col_widths[icol] = 0; } for(Int_t irow = 0; irow < nrow; irow++){ TString row(((TObjString*) fRows->At(irow))->String()); if(row.Contains("\\hline"))continue; StripLatex(row, "ASCII"); TObjArray * cols = row.Tokenize("&"); if(cols->GetEntries() != fNcol) { Error("GetColWidths", "Wrong number of cols in row %s: %d - %d", row.Data(), cols->GetEntries(), fNcol); } for(Int_t icol = 0; icol < fNcol; icol++){ Int_t w = ((TObjString *) cols->At(icol))->String().Length(); if (w>col_widths[icol]) col_widths[icol] = w; } } return col_widths; } void AliLatexTable::PrintTable(Option_t * opt){ // Print the table on screen. You can specify the format with opt. // Currently supported: // "" -> LaTeX // "ASCII" -> plain ASCII // "HTML" -> HTML, to be improved if(TString(opt) == "ASCII" || TString(opt)=="HTML") { Int_t nrow = fRows->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t * col_widths = GetColWidths(); Int_t total_lenght = 0; for(Int_t icol = 0; icol < fNcol; icol++) total_lenght = total_lenght + col_widths[icol] + 2 ; for(Int_t irow = 0; irow < nrow; irow++){ TString row = ((TObjString*) fRows->At(irow))->String(); if (row.Contains("\\hline") ){ for(Int_t il = 0; il < total_lenght; il++) printf("-"); printf("\n"); continue; } StripLatex(row, opt); TObjArray * cols = row.Tokenize("&"); for(Int_t icol = 0; icol < fNcol; icol++){ const char * colstr = ((TObjString *) cols->At(icol))->String().Data(); char format [200]; sprintf(format, "%%%ds", col_widths[icol] + 2); printf(format, colstr); } printf ("\n"); } return; } cout << "\\begin{tabular}{"<GetEntriesFast(); for(Int_t irow = 0; irow < nrow; irow++){ cout << ((TObjString*) fRows->At(irow))->String() << endl; } cout << "\\end{tabular}" << endl; } // void AliLatexTable::ParseExponent(TString &expo){ // // TString parseExponent = col; // TRegexp re = "e[+-][0-9][0-9]"; // // cout << col << endl; // if(expo.Contains(re)){ // Int_t index = expo.Index(re); // TString replacement = "\\cdot 10^{"; // replacement = replacement + expo(index+1, 3) +"}"; // // cout << replacement <<" --- "<< endl; // replacement.ReplaceAll("+",""); // // cout << "B: " << expo << endl; // // cout << "RE " << expo(re) << endl; // expo.ReplaceAll(expo(re), replacement); // // cout << "A: " << expo << endl; // // recursion to parse all exponents // if (expo.Contains(re)) ParseExponent(expo); // } // else Warning("", "Error parsing exponent"); // } void AliLatexTable::GetMantissaAndExpBase10(Double_t num, Double_t &man, Double_t &exp) { // Helper used to get mantissa and exponent exp = TMath::Floor(TMath::Log10(TMath::Abs(num))); man = num / TMath::Power(10, exp); // cout << "" << endl; // cout << num << " = " << man << " x10^{"<", ">"); text.ReplaceAll("\\left<", "<"); text.ReplaceAll("\\rangle", ">"); text.ReplaceAll("\\langle", "<"); } else if (format == "HTML") { text.ReplaceAll("\\right>", "⟩"); text.ReplaceAll("\\left<", "⟨"); text.ReplaceAll("\\rangle", "⟩"); text.ReplaceAll("\\langle", "⟨"); } if(text.Contains("multicolumn")) { // cout << "col " << text.Data() << endl; // in case of multicol span, replace first column with content and // add n empty cols TObjArray * array = TPRegexp("multicolumn\{(.*)\\}\{.*\\}\{(.*)\\}").MatchS(text); // Added double \\ because gcc 4 triggers hard error on unknown escape sequence. Hope it still works... const TString content = ((TObjString *)array->At(2))->GetString(); Int_t nspan = ((TObjString *)array->At(1))->GetString().Atoi(); text = content; // cout << "ns " << nspan << ((TObjString *)array->At(1))->GetString() << endl; // cout << "t " << text << endl; for(Int_t ispan = 1; ispan < nspan; ispan++){ text+=" & "; } // cout << "t " << text << endl; } text.ReplaceAll("\\mathrm", ""); text.ReplaceAll("\\", ""); text.Strip(TString::EStripType(1), ' '); }