// This class is used to print a table which can be pasted on a latex // document #ifndef ALILATEXTABLE_H #define ALILATEXTABLE_H #if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) #include "TObject.h" #include "TString.h" class TObjArray; #endif using namespace std; class AliLatexTable : public TObject { public: AliLatexTable() : fNcol(1), fFormat("c"), fRows(0), fCols(0), fNcolReady(0) {;} AliLatexTable(Int_t ncol, TString format); ~AliLatexTable(); // first you set the value of each column void SetNextCol(Int_t val); void SetNextCol(Int_t val, Int_t err); void SetNextCol(Double_t val, Int_t scientificNotation = -1); // if different from -1 gives significant digits void SetNextCol(Double_t val, Double_t err, Int_t scientificNotation = -1); void SetNextCol(Double_t val, Double_t err, Double_t errSyst, Int_t scientificNotation = -1); void SetNextCol(TString val); // // allows to use printf syntax // void SetNextColPrintf(const char *va_(fmt), ...); // Then you add the row (it's up to user make sure all columns are // there) void InsertRow(); // insert a row without building it up with the methods. May be // usefull for header or multcol rows void InsertCustomRow(TString row); void InsertHline(); void PrintTable(Option_t * opt = ""); // void ParseExponent(TString &expo); void GetMantissaAndExpBase10(Double_t num, Double_t &man, Double_t &exp) ; // used to print columns with correct width Int_t * GetColWidths(); void StripLatex(TString &row, TString format) ; private: Int_t fNcol; // number of columns TString fFormat; // latex format (es "c|ccc") TObjArray * fRows; // rows TObjArray * fCols; // columns Int_t fNcolReady; // number of cols ready to be insert AliLatexTable(const AliLatexTable&); AliLatexTable& operator=(const AliLatexTable&); ClassDef(AliLatexTable, 1) }; #endif