#ifndef AliBtoJPSItoEleAnalysis_H #define AliBtoJPSItoEleAnalysis_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class AliBtoJPSItoEleAnalysis // Reconstruction and analysis B -> J/\psi + X // |_> e+ e- // // Origin: G.E Bruno giuseppe.bruno@ba.infn.it // based on Class for charm golden channel (D0->Kpi) //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliRun.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class AliBtoJPSItoEleAnalysis : public TNamed { public: // AliBtoJPSItoEleAnalysis(); virtual ~AliBtoJPSItoEleAnalysis(); void ApplySelection(const Char_t *inName="AliBtoJPSItoEle.root", const Char_t *outName="AliBtoJPSItoEle_sele.root") const; void FindCandidates(Int_t evFirst=0,Int_t evLast=0, const Char_t *outName="AliBtoJPSItoEle.root"); void MakeTracksRefFile(AliRun *gAlice,Int_t evFirst=0,Int_t evLast=0) const; void PrintStatus() const; void SetVertexOnTheFly() { fVertexOnTheFly=kTRUE; } void SetSimulation() { fSim=kTRUE; } void SetOnlySignal() { fOnlySignal=kTRUE; } void SetOnlyPrimaryJpsi() { fOnlyPrimaryJpsi=kTRUE; } void SetOnlySignalAndPrimaryJpsi() { fOnlySignal=kTRUE; fOnlyPrimaryJpsi=kTRUE; } void SetPtCut(Double_t pt=0.) { fPtCut=pt; } void Setd0Cut(Double_t d0=0.) { fd0Cut=d0; } void SetPidCut(Double_t pid=0.) { fPidCut=pid; } void SetMassCut(Double_t deltaM=1000.) { fMassCut=deltaM; } void SetBCuts(Double_t cut0=1000.,Double_t cut1=100000., Double_t cut2=1.1,Double_t cut3=0.,Double_t cut4=0., Double_t cut5=100000.,Double_t cut6=100000., Double_t cut7=100000000.,Double_t cut8=-1.1); void SetBCuts(const Double_t cuts[9]); void SetPID(const Char_t * pid="TRDTPCparam") { fPID=pid; } // void SetKFPrimVertex() { fKFPrimVertex=kTRUE; } //new setter void SetKFSecondVertex() {fKFSecondVertex=kTRUE;} //new setter void UnSetKFSecondVertex() {fKFSecondVertex=kFALSE;} //new setter // void SetKFTopConstr() { fKFTopConstr=kTRUE; } //new setter // private: // Bool_t fVertexOnTheFly; // flag for primary vertex reco on the fly Bool_t fSim; // flag for the analysis of simulated events Bool_t fOnlySignal; // write to file only signal candidates (for sim) Bool_t fOnlyPrimaryJpsi;// write to file only primary Jpsi candidates (for sim) TString fPID; // PID scheme Double_t fV1[3]; // primary vertex position (in cm) Double_t fPtCut; // minimum track pt (in GeV/c) Double_t fd0Cut; // minimum track |rphi impact parameter| (in micron) Double_t fMassCut; // maximum of |InvMass-M(J/Psi)| (in GeV) Double_t fPidCut; // min. pid probability as an electron Bool_t fKFSecondVertex; // flag for Kalmann Filter reco of secondary vertex // Bool_t fKFTopConstr; // flag for Kalmann Filter topological constraint in primary vtx reco // Bool_t fKFPrimVertex; // flag for Kalmann Filter reco of primary vertex Double_t fBCuts[9]; // cuts on b candidates (see SetBCuts()) // (to be passed to function AliBtoJPSItoEle::Select()) // 0 = inv. mass half width [GeV] // 1 = dca [micron] // 2 = cosThetaStar // 3 = pTP [GeV/c] (positron) // 4 = pTN [GeV/c] (electron) // 5 = d0P [micron] upper limit! // 6 = d0N [micron] upper limit! // 7 = d0d0 [micron^2] // 8 = cosThetaPoint // Double_t CalculateTOFmass(Double_t mom,Double_t length,Double_t time) const; Bool_t SelectInvMass(const Double_t p[6]) const; void SelectTracks(AliESDEvent *event, TObjArray &trksP,Int_t *trkEntryP,Int_t &nTrksP, TObjArray &trksN,Int_t *trkEntryN,Int_t &nTrksN) const; void SetVertex1(Double_t x=0.,Double_t y=0.,Double_t z=0.) { fV1[0]=x;fV1[1]=y;fV1[2]=z; } void SimulationInfo(TTree *treeBin,TTree *treeBout) const; Bool_t SingleTrkCuts(const AliESDtrack& trk, Double_t b) const; // ClassDef(AliBtoJPSItoEleAnalysis,2) // Reconstruction of B->JPSI-> e+e- candidates class }; #endif