#ifndef ALIDIELECTRONCF_H #define ALIDIELECTRONCF_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-2009, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //############################################################# //# # //# Class AliDielectronCF # //# Dielectron Correction Framework Manager # //# # //# Authors: # //# Anton Andronic, GSI / A.Andronic@gsi.de # //# Ionut C. Arsene, GSI / I.C.Arsene@gsi.de # //# Julian Book, Uni Ffm / Julian.Book@cern.ch # //# Frederick Kramer, Uni Ffm, / Frederick.Kramer@cern.ch # //# Magnus Mager, CERN / Magnus.Mager@cern.ch # //# WooJin J. Park, GSI / W.J.Park@gsi.de # //# Jens Wiechula, Uni HD / Jens.Wiechula@cern.ch # //# # //############################################################# #include #include #include "AliDielectronVarManager.h" class AliAnalysisCuts; class AliAnalysisFilter; class AliCFContainer; class AliDielectronPair; class TObjArray; class AliDielectronCF : public TNamed { public: enum {kNmaxAddSteps=50}; AliDielectronCF(); AliDielectronCF(const char* name, const char* title); virtual ~AliDielectronCF(); void SetStepForMCtruth(Bool_t steps=kTRUE) { fStepForMCtruth=steps; } void SetStepForNoCutsMCmotherPid(Bool_t steps=kTRUE) { fStepForNoCutsMCmotherPid=steps; } void SetStepForAfterAllCuts(Bool_t steps=kTRUE) { fStepForAfterAllCuts=steps; } void SetStepsForEachCut(Bool_t steps=kTRUE) { fStepsForEachCut=steps; } void SetStepsForCutsIncreasing(Bool_t steps=kTRUE) { fStepsForCutsIncreasing=steps; } void SetStepsForSignal(Bool_t steps=kTRUE) { fStepsForSignal=steps; } void SetStepsForBackground(Bool_t steps=kTRUE) { fStepsForBackground=steps; } void SetPdgMother(Int_t pdg) { fPdgMother=pdg; } void AddStepMask(UInt_t mask) { fStepMasks[fNStepMasks++]=mask; } void AddVariable(AliDielectronVarManager::ValueTypes type, Int_t nbins, Double_t min, Double_t max, Bool_t leg=kFALSE); void AddVariable(AliDielectronVarManager::ValueTypes type, TVectorD * const binLimits); void InitialiseContainer(const AliAnalysisFilter& filter); // void Fill(UInt_t mask, const TObject *particle); void Fill(UInt_t mask, const AliDielectronPair *particle); void FillMC(const TObject *particle); AliCFContainer* GetContainer() const { return fCfContainer; } private: UInt_t fVariables[AliDielectronVarManager::kNMaxValues]; //configured variables UInt_t fVariablesLeg[AliDielectronVarManager::kNMaxValues]; //configured variables for the legs Int_t fNSteps; // number of selection steps Int_t fNVars; // number of variables Int_t fNBins[kNmaxAddSteps]; // array of numbers ob bins of the vars Double_t fVarLoLimit[kNmaxAddSteps]; // array of the lower limits of the vars Double_t fVarUpLimit[kNmaxAddSteps]; // array of the upper limits of the vars TObjArray *fVarBinLimits; // alternative array of bin limits Int_t fNVarsLeg; // number of variables for the legs Int_t fNBinsLeg[kNmaxAddSteps]; // array of numbers ob bins of the vars for the legs Double_t fVarLoLimitLeg[kNmaxAddSteps]; // array of the lower limits of the vars for the legs Double_t fVarUpLimitLeg[kNmaxAddSteps]; // array of the upper limits of the vars for the legs Int_t fNCuts; // Number of cuts in the filter concerned Double_t *fValues; //! Value array for filling the container Bool_t fStepForMCtruth; //create a step for the MC truth Bool_t fStepForNoCutsMCmotherPid; //create a step for before cuts, but with MC truth of the mother Bool_t fStepForAfterAllCuts; //create a step for before cuts, but with MC truth of the mother Bool_t fStepsForEachCut; //create steps for each cut? Bool_t fStepsForCutsIncreasing; //create steps for increasing cut combinatons? //e.g. cut1&cut2, cut1&cut2&cut3 ... Bool_t fStepsForSignal; //steps for pure signal Bool_t fStepsForBackground; //steps for pure background UInt_t fStepMasks[kNmaxAddSteps]; //steps for additional cut combinatons UInt_t fNStepMasks; //number of configured step masks Int_t fPdgMother; //Pdg code of MCtruth validation AliCFContainer* fCfContainer; //the CF container Bool_t fHasMC; //if MC info is available Int_t fNAddSteps; //number of additional MC related steps per cut step AliDielectronCF(const AliDielectronCF &c); AliDielectronCF &operator=(const AliDielectronCF &c); ClassDef(AliDielectronCF,3) //Dielectron Correction Framework handler }; #endif