/************************************************************************* * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // // Utility class for V0 PID // Identifies Electrons, Pions and Protons using gamma conversions and // the decays of K0s and Lambdas // Containers with samples of Electrons, Pions and Protons can be accessed // via GetListOfElectrons() etc. // // Authors: // Matus Kalisky // Markus Heide // Markus Fasel // #include #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliAODv0.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDv0.h" #include "AliKFVertex.h" #include "AliVEvent.h" #include "AliVTrack.h" #include "AliMCParticle.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliHFEV0cuts.h" #include "AliHFEV0info.h" #include "AliHFEcollection.h" #include "AliHFEV0pid.h" ClassImp(AliHFEV0pid) //____________________________________________________________ AliHFEV0pid::AliHFEV0pid(): TObject() , fInputEvent(NULL) , fNtracks(0) , fMCEvent(NULL) , fMCon(kFALSE) , fPrimaryVertex(NULL) , fElectrons(NULL) , fPionsK0(NULL) , fPionsL(NULL) , fKaons(NULL) , fProtons(NULL) , fGammas(NULL) , fK0s(NULL) , fLambdas(NULL) , fAntiLambdas(NULL) , fIndices(NULL) , fQA(NULL) , fV0cuts(NULL) , fOutput(NULL) { // // Default constructor // fElectrons = new TObjArray(); fPionsK0 = new TObjArray(); fPionsL = new TObjArray(); fKaons = new TObjArray(); fProtons = new TObjArray(); fElectrons->SetOwner(); fPionsK0->SetOwner(); fProtons->SetOwner(); fPionsL->SetOwner(); fKaons->SetOwner(); fGammas = new TObjArray(); fK0s = new TObjArray(); fLambdas = new TObjArray(); fAntiLambdas = new TObjArray(); fIndices = new AliHFEV0pidTrackIndex(); } //____________________________________________________________ AliHFEV0pid::~AliHFEV0pid(){ // // Destructor // Remove Containers // if(fElectrons) delete fElectrons; if(fPionsK0) delete fPionsK0; if(fPionsL) delete fPionsL; if(fKaons) delete fKaons; if(fProtons) delete fProtons; if(fGammas) delete fGammas; if(fK0s) delete fK0s; if(fLambdas) delete fLambdas; if(fAntiLambdas) delete fAntiLambdas; if(fIndices) delete fIndices; if(fQA) delete fQA; if(fV0cuts) delete fV0cuts; if(fOutput) delete fOutput; } //____________________________________________________________ void AliHFEV0pid::InitQA(){ // // Initialize QA histograms // fOutput = new TList(); fV0cuts = new AliHFEV0cuts(); fV0cuts->Init("V0cuts"); if(!fQA){ fQA = new AliHFEcollection("v0pidQA", "QA histograms for V0 selection"); fQA->CreateTH1F("h_nV0s", "No. of found and accepted V0s", 5, -0.5, 4.5); // QA histograms for invariant mass fQA->CreateTH1F("h_InvMassGamma", "Gamma invariant mass; inv mass [GeV/c^{2}]; counts", 100, 0, 0.25); fQA->CreateTH1F("h_InvMassK0s", "K0s invariant mass; inv mass [GeV/c^{2}]; counts", 200, 0.4, 0.65); fQA->CreateTH1F("h_InvMassL", "Lambda invariant mass; inv mass [GeV/c^{2}]; counts", 100, 1.05, 1.15); fQA->CreateTH1F("h_InvMassAL", "Lambda invariant mass; inv mass [GeV/c^{2}]; counts", 100, 1.05, 1.15); // QA histograms for p distribution (of the daughters) fQA->CreateTH1F("h_P_electron", "P distribution of the gamma electrons; p (GeV/c); counts", 100, 0.1, 10); fQA->CreateTH1F("h_P_K0pion", "P distribution of the K0 pions; p (GeV/c); counts", 100, 0.1, 10); fQA->CreateTH1F("h_P_Lpion", "P distribution of the Lambda pions; p (GeV/c); counts", 100, 0.1, 10); fQA->CreateTH1F("h_P_Lproton", "P distribution of the Lambda protons; p (GeV/c); counts", 100, 0.1, 10); // QA pt of the V0 fQA->CreateTH1F("h_Pt_Gamma", "Pt of the gamma conversion; p_{T} (GeV/c); counts", 100, 0, 10); fQA->CreateTH1F("h_Pt_K0", "Pt of the K0; p_{T} (GeV/c); counts", 100, 0, 10); fQA->CreateTH1F("h_Pt_L", "Pt of the Lambda; p_{T} (GeV/c); counts", 100, 0, 10); fQA->CreateTH1F("h_Pt_AL", "Pt of the Lambda; p_{T} (GeV/c); counts", 100, 0, 10); // Armenteros plot V0 preselection fQA->CreateTH2F("h_AP_all_V0s", "armenteros plot for all V0 candidates; #alpha; Q_{T}", 200, -1, 1, 200, 0, 0.25); fQA->CreateTH2F("h_AP_selected_V0s", "armenteros plot for all V0 candidates; #alpha; Q_{T}", 200, -1, 1, 200, 0, 0.25); // // !!! MC plots !!! // fQA->CreateTH2F("h_AP_MC_all_V0s", "armenteros plot for all MC tagged V0s; #alpha; Q_{T}", 200, -1, 1, 200, 0, 0.25); fQA->CreateTH2F("h_AP_MC_Gamma", "armenteros plot for MC tagged Gammas; #alpha; Q_{T}", 200, -1, 1, 200, 0, 0.25); fQA->CreateTH2F("h_AP_MC_K0", "armenteros plot for MC tagged K0s; #alpha; Q_{T}", 200, -1, 1, 200, 0, 0.25); fQA->CreateTH2F("h_AP_MC_Lambda", "armenteros plot for MC tagged Lambdas; #alpha; Q_{T}", 200, -1, 1, 200, 0, 0.25); fQA->CreateTH2F("h_AP_MC_ALambda", "armenteros plot for MC tagged A-Lambdass; #alpha; Q_{T}", 200, -1, 1, 200, 0, 0.25); // armenteros plots for different V0 momenta - MC signal only fQA->CreateTH2Fvector1(12, "h_AP_MC_Gamma_p", "armenteros plot for MC tagged Gammas; #alpha; Q_{T}", 200, -1., 1., 200, 0., 0.25); fQA->CreateTH2Fvector1(12, "h_AP_MC_K0_p", "armenteros plot for MC tagged K0s; #alpha; Q_{T}", 200, -1., 1., 200, 0., 0.25); fQA->CreateTH2Fvector1(12, "h_AP_MC_Lambda_p", "armenteros plot for MC tagged Lambdas; #alpha; Q_{T}", 200, -1., 1., 200, 0., 0.25); // } } //____________________________________________________________ void AliHFEV0pid::Process(AliVEvent * const inputEvent){ // // Find protons, pions and electrons using V0 decays and // store the pointers in the TObjArray // Int_t nGamma = 0, nK0s = 0, nLambda = 0, nPhi = 0; fInputEvent = inputEvent; fNtracks = fInputEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); fIndices->Init(fInputEvent->GetNumberOfV0s() * 2); fPrimaryVertex = new AliKFVertex(*(fInputEvent->GetPrimaryVertex())); if(!fPrimaryVertex) return; fV0cuts->SetInputEvent(fInputEvent); fV0cuts->SetPrimaryVertex(fPrimaryVertex); if(fMCEvent) fV0cuts->SetMCEvent(fMCEvent); Int_t check[fNtracks]; memset(check, 0, sizeof(Int_t)*fNtracks); Int_t v0status = 0; //BenchmarkV0finder(); for(Int_t iv0 = 0; iv0 < fInputEvent->GetNumberOfV0s(); iv0++){ if(!TString(fInputEvent->IsA()->GetName()).CompareTo("AliESDEvent")){ // case ESD SetESDanalysis(); AliESDv0 *esdV0 = (static_cast(fInputEvent))->GetV0(iv0); if(!esdV0) continue; if(!esdV0->GetOnFlyStatus()) continue; // Take only V0s from the On-the-fly v0 finder v0status = ProcessV0(esdV0); } else { // case AOD SetAODanalysis(); AliAODv0 *aodV0 = (static_cast(fInputEvent))->GetV0(iv0); if(aodV0->GetOnFlyStatus()) continue; // Take only V0s from the On-the-fly v0 finder v0status = ProcessV0(aodV0); if(AliHFEV0cuts::kUndef != v0status){ } } switch(v0status){ case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoGamma: nGamma++; break; case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoK0: nK0s++; break; case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoPhi: nPhi++; break; case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoLambda: nLambda++; break; }; } AliDebug(1, Form("Number of gammas : %d", nGamma)); AliDebug(1, Form("Number of K0s : %d", nK0s)); AliDebug(1, Form("Number of Phis : %d", nPhi)); AliDebug(1, Form("Number of Lambdas : %d", nLambda)); AliDebug(1, "Number of stored tracks:"); AliDebug(1, Form("Number of electrons : %d", fElectrons->GetEntries())); AliDebug(1, Form("Number of K0 pions : %d", fPionsK0->GetEntries())); AliDebug(1, Form("Number of Lambda pions : %d", fPionsL->GetEntries())); AliDebug(1, Form("Number of Phi kaons : %d", fKaons->GetEntries())); AliDebug(1, Form("Number of protons : %d", fProtons->GetEntries())); delete fPrimaryVertex; } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliHFEV0pid::ProcessV0(TObject *v0){ // // Process single V0 // Apply general cut and special cuts for gamma, K0s, Lambda // if(!v0) return AliHFEV0cuts::kUndef; // CHECK AliESDv0* esdV0 = dynamic_cast(v0); if( ! esdV0 ) { AliError("Unexpected v0 type."); return AliHFEV0cuts::kUndef; } AliVTrack* daughter[2]; daughter[0] = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent->GetTrack(esdV0->GetPindex())); daughter[1] = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent->GetTrack(esdV0->GetNindex())); if(!daughter[0] || !daughter[1]) return AliHFEV0cuts::kUndef; if(fMCEvent != NULL) fMCon = kTRUE; //printf("-D: fMCEvent %x, fMCon: %i\n", fMCEvent, fMCon); Int_t dMC[2] = {-1, -1}; Int_t idMC = AliHFEV0cuts::kUndef; if(IsESDanalysis()){ if(fMCon){ idMC = IdentifyV0(v0, dMC); //printf("--D: V0 pid: %i, P: %i, N: %i\n", id, d[0], d[1]); fV0cuts->SetCurrentV0id(idMC); fV0cuts->SetDaughtersID(dMC); } // check common single track cuts for(Int_t i=0; i<2; ++i){ if(!fV0cuts->TrackCutsCommon(static_cast(daughter[i]))) return AliHFEV0cuts::kUndef; } // check commom V0 cuts // CHECK if(!fV0cuts->V0CutsCommon(esdV0)) return AliHFEV0cuts::kUndef; } // preselect the V0 candidates based on the Armenteros plot Int_t id = PreselectV0(esdV0, idMC); // store the resutls if(AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoGamma == id && IsGammaConv(v0)){ fQA->Fill("h_nV0s", AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoGamma); return AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoGamma; } else if(AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoK0 == id && IsK0s(v0)){ fQA->Fill("h_nV0s", AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoK0); return AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoK0; } else if(AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoLambda == TMath::Abs(id) && IsLambda(v0)){ fQA->Fill("h_nV0s", AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoLambda); return AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoLambda; } else return AliHFEV0cuts::kUndef; } //____________________________________________________________ void AliHFEV0pid::Flush(){ // // Clear the Lists // AliDebug(1, "Flushing containers"); fProtons->Delete(); fPionsK0->Delete(); fPionsL->Delete(); fElectrons->Delete(); fIndices->Flush(); } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliHFEV0pid::PreselectV0(AliESDv0 * const v0, Int_t idMC){ // // Based on Armenteros plot preselet the possible identity of the V0 candidate // if(!v0) return -1; // momentum dependent armenteros plots ArmenterosPlotMC(v0, idMC); // comupte the armenteros variables Float_t ar[2]; fV0cuts->Armenteros(v0, ar); // for clarity const Float_t alpha = ar[0]; const Float_t qt = ar[1]; //printf(" -D: Alpha: %f, QT: %f \n", alpha, qt); if(TMath::Abs(alpha) > 1) return AliHFEV0cuts::kUndef; fQA->Fill("h_AP_all_V0s", alpha, qt); // fill a few MC tagged histograms - AP plots if(fMCEvent){ switch(idMC){ case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoGamma : fQA->Fill("h_AP_MC_all_V0s", alpha, qt); fQA->Fill("h_AP_MC_Gamma", alpha, qt); break; case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoK0 : fQA->Fill("h_AP_MC_all_V0s", alpha, qt); fQA->Fill("h_AP_MC_K0", alpha, qt); break; case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoLambda : fQA->Fill("h_AP_MC_all_V0s", alpha, qt); fQA->Fill("h_AP_MC_Lambda", alpha, qt); break; case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoALambda : fQA->Fill("h_AP_MC_all_V0s", alpha, qt); fQA->Fill("h_AP_MC_ALambda", alpha, qt); break; } } // Gamma cuts const Double_t cutAlphaG = 0.35; const Double_t cutQTG = 0.05; const Double_t cutAlphaG2[2] = {0.6, 0.8}; const Double_t cutQTG2 = 0.04; // K0 cuts const Float_t cutQTK0[2] = {0.1075, 0.215}; const Float_t cutAPK0[2] = {0.199, 0.8}; // parameters for curved QT cut // Lambda & A-Lambda cuts const Float_t cutQTL = 0.03; const Float_t cutAlphaL[2] = {0.35, 0.7}; const Float_t cutAlphaAL[2] = {-0.7, -0.35}; const Float_t cutAPL[3] = {0.107, -0.69, 0.5}; // parameters fir curved QT cut // Check for Gamma candidates if(qt < cutQTG){ if( (TMath::Abs(alpha) < cutAlphaG) ){ fQA->Fill("h_AP_selected_V0s", alpha, qt); return AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoGamma; } } // additional region - should help high pT gammas if(qt < cutQTG2){ if( (TMath::Abs(alpha) > cutAlphaG2[0]) && (TMath::Abs(alpha) < cutAlphaG2[1]) ){ fQA->Fill("h_AP_selected_V0s", alpha, qt); return AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoGamma; } } // Check for K0 candidates Float_t q = cutAPK0[0] * TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(1 - alpha*alpha/(cutAPK0[1]*cutAPK0[1]))); if( (qt > cutQTK0[0]) && (qt < cutQTK0[1]) && (qt > q) ){ fQA->Fill("h_AP_selected_V0s", alpha, qt); return AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoK0; } if( (alpha > 0) && (alpha > cutAlphaL[0]) && (alpha < cutAlphaL[1]) && (qt > cutQTL)){ q = cutAPL[0] * TMath::Sqrt(1 - ( (alpha + cutAPL[1]) * (alpha + cutAPL[1])) / (cutAPL[2]*cutAPL[2]) ); if( qt < q ){ fQA->Fill("h_AP_selected_V0s", alpha, qt); return AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoLambda; } } // Check for A-Lambda candidates if( (alpha < 0) && (alpha > cutAlphaAL[0]) && (alpha < cutAlphaAL[1]) && (qt > cutQTL)){ q = cutAPL[0] * TMath::Sqrt(1 - ( (alpha - cutAPL[1]) * (alpha - cutAPL[1]) ) / (cutAPL[2]*cutAPL[2]) ); if( qt < q ){ fQA->Fill("h_AP_selected_V0s", alpha, qt); return AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoLambda; } } return AliHFEV0cuts::kUndef; } //____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliHFEV0pid::IsGammaConv(TObject *v0){ // // Identify Gamma // if(!v0) return kFALSE; AliVTrack* daughter[2]; Int_t pIndex = 0, nIndex = 0; Double_t invMass = 0.; Double_t mPt = 0.; Int_t v0id = -1; if(IsESDanalysis()){ // ESD - cut V0 AliESDv0 *esdV0 = static_cast(v0); v0id = esdV0->GetLabel(); // apply FULL gamma cuts if(!fV0cuts->GammaCuts(esdV0)) return kFALSE; invMass = esdV0->GetEffMass(AliPID::kElectron, AliPID::kElectron); pIndex = esdV0->GetPindex(); nIndex = esdV0->GetNindex(); mPt = esdV0->Pt(); } else { // AOD Analysis - not possible to cut AliAODv0 *aodV0 = static_cast(v0); v0id = aodV0->GetID(); pIndex = aodV0->GetPosID(); nIndex = aodV0->GetNegID(); invMass = aodV0->InvMass2Prongs(0, 1, kElectron, kElectron); } daughter[0] = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent->GetTrack(pIndex)); daughter[1] = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent->GetTrack(nIndex)); if(!daughter[0] || !daughter[1]) return kFALSE; // DEBUG AliDebug(1, Form("Gamma identified, daughter IDs: %d,%d", daughter[0]->GetID(), daughter[1]->GetID())); // AFTER all gamma cuts fQA->Fill("h_Pt_Gamma", mPt); fQA->Fill("h_InvMassGamma", invMass); // Identified gamma - store tracks in the electron containers if(!fIndices->Find(daughter[0]->GetID())){ AliDebug(1, Form("Gamma identified, daughter IDs: %d,%d", daughter[0]->GetID(), daughter[1]->GetID())); fElectrons->Add(new AliHFEV0info(daughter[0], daughter[1]->GetID(), v0id)); fIndices->Add(daughter[0]->GetID(), AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoElectron); } if(!fIndices->Find(daughter[1]->GetID())){ AliDebug(1, Form("Gamma identified, daughter IDs: %d,%d", daughter[1]->GetID(), daughter[1]->GetID())); fElectrons->Add(new AliHFEV0info(daughter[1], daughter[0]->GetID(), v0id)); fIndices->Add(daughter[1]->GetID(), AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoElectron); } fGammas->Add(v0); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliHFEV0pid::IsK0s(TObject *v0){ // // Identify K0s // if(!v0) return kFALSE; AliVTrack* daughter[2]; Int_t pIndex = 0, nIndex = 0; Int_t v0id = -1; Double_t invMass = 0.; Double_t mPt = 0.; if(IsESDanalysis()){ // ESD - cut V0 AliESDv0 *esdV0 = static_cast(v0); if(!fV0cuts->K0Cuts(esdV0)) return kFALSE; v0id = esdV0->GetLabel(); pIndex = esdV0->GetPindex(); nIndex = esdV0->GetNindex(); invMass = esdV0->GetEffMass(AliPID::kPion, AliPID::kPion); mPt = esdV0->Pt(); } else { // AOD Analysis - not possible to cut AliAODv0 *aodV0 = static_cast(v0); aodV0->GetID(); pIndex = aodV0->GetPosID(); nIndex = aodV0->GetNegID(); invMass = aodV0->MassK0Short(); } daughter[0] = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent->GetTrack(pIndex)); daughter[1] = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent->GetTrack(nIndex)); if(!daughter[0] || !daughter[1]) return kFALSE; fQA->Fill("h_Pt_K0", mPt); fQA->Fill("h_InvMassK0s", invMass); AliDebug(1, Form("K0 identified, daughter IDs: %d,%d", daughter[0]->GetID(), daughter[1]->GetID())); // AFTER all K0 cuts // Identified gamma - store tracks in the electron containers if(!fIndices->Find(daughter[0]->GetID())){ AliDebug(1, Form("Adding K0 Pion track with ID %d", daughter[0]->GetID())); fPionsK0->Add(new AliHFEV0info(daughter[0], daughter[1]->GetID(), v0id)); fIndices->Add(daughter[0]->GetID(), AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoPionK0); } if(!fIndices->Find(daughter[1]->GetID())){ AliDebug(1, Form("Adding K0 Pion track with ID %d", daughter[1]->GetID())); fPionsK0->Add(new AliHFEV0info(daughter[1], daughter[0]->GetID(), v0id)); fIndices->Add(daughter[1]->GetID(), AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoPionK0); } fK0s->Add(v0); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliHFEV0pid::IsPhi(TObject *v0){ // // Identify Phi - very preliminary - requires diffrent approach (V0 fnder is not effective) // //const Double_t kPhiMass=TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(333)->Mass(); // PDG phi mass //AliVTrack* daughter[2]; //Double_t invMass = 0.; if(!v0) return kFALSE; Int_t pIndex = 0, nIndex = 0; if(IsESDanalysis()){ // ESD - cut V0 AliESDv0 *esdV0 = static_cast(v0); pIndex = esdV0->GetPindex(); nIndex = esdV0->GetNindex(); } else { // PRELIMINARY - !!! // AOD Analysis - not possible to cut } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliHFEV0pid::IsLambda(TObject *v0){ // // Identify Lambda // if(!v0) return kFALSE; AliVTrack* daughter[2]; Int_t pIndex = 0, nIndex = 0; Double_t invMass = 0.; Bool_t isLambda = kTRUE; // Lambda - kTRUE, Anti Lambda - kFALSE Double_t mPt = 0.; Int_t v0id = -1; if(IsESDanalysis()){ // ESD - cut V0 AliESDv0 *esdV0 = static_cast(v0); v0id = esdV0->GetLabel(); if(!fV0cuts->LambdaCuts(esdV0,isLambda)) return kFALSE; mPt = esdV0->Pt(); if(fV0cuts->CheckSigns(esdV0)){ pIndex = esdV0->GetPindex(); nIndex = esdV0->GetNindex(); } else{ pIndex = esdV0->GetNindex(); nIndex = esdV0->GetPindex(); } } else { // PRELIMINARY - !!! // AOD Analysis - not possible to cut // again - two cases as above AliAODv0 *aodV0 = static_cast(v0); v0id = aodV0->GetID(); pIndex = aodV0->GetPosID(); nIndex = aodV0->GetNegID(); invMass = aodV0->MassLambda(); } daughter[0] = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent->GetTrack(pIndex)); daughter[1] = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent->GetTrack(nIndex)); if(!daughter[0] || !daughter[1]) return kFALSE; // lambda if(isLambda){ fQA->Fill("h_Pt_L", mPt); fQA->Fill("h_InvMassL", invMass); if(!fIndices->Find(daughter[0]->GetID())){ fProtons->Add(new AliHFEV0info(daughter[0], daughter[1]->GetID(), v0id)); fIndices->Add(daughter[0]->GetID(), AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoProton); } if(!fIndices->Find(daughter[1]->GetID())){ fPionsL->Add(new AliHFEV0info(daughter[1], daughter[0]->GetID(), v0id)); fIndices->Add(daughter[1]->GetID(), AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoPionL); } } // antilambda else{ fQA->Fill("h_Pt_AL", mPt); fQA->Fill("h_InvMassAL", invMass); if(!fIndices->Find(daughter [1]->GetID())){ fProtons->Add(new AliHFEV0info(daughter[1], daughter[0]->GetID(), v0id)); fIndices->Add(daughter[1]->GetID(), AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoProton); } if(!fIndices->Find(daughter [0]->GetID())){ fPionsL->Add(new AliHFEV0info(daughter[0], daughter[1]->GetID(), v0id)); fIndices->Add(daughter [0]->GetID(), AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoPionL); } } if(isLambda) fLambdas->Add(v0); else fAntiLambdas->Add(v0); return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________ Int_t AliHFEV0pid::IdentifyV0(TObject *esdV0, Int_t d[2]){ // // for MC only, returns the V0 Id // // // be carefull about changing the return values - they are used later selectively // In particulra "-2" means that identity of either of the daughters could not be // estimated // AliESDv0 *v0 = dynamic_cast(esdV0); if(!v0) return -1; AliESDtrack* dN, *dP; Int_t iN, iP; iN = iP = -1; iP = v0->GetPindex(); iN = v0->GetNindex(); if(iN < 0 || iP < 0) return -1; if(iN >= fNtracks || iP >= fNtracks) return -1; dP = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent->GetTrack(iP)); dN = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent->GetTrack(iN)); if(!dN || !dP) return -1; // as of 26/10/2010 // there is still a problem with wrong assignment of positive and negative // V0 daughter in V0 finder - a check is necessary // if the V0 daughters are miss-assigned - swap their labels Bool_t sign = fV0cuts->CheckSigns(v0); // get the MC labels Int_t lN, lP; if(sign){ lN = dN->GetLabel(); lP = dP->GetLabel(); } else{ lP = dN->GetLabel(); lN = dP->GetLabel(); } if(lN < 0 || lP < 0) return -2; // get the associated MC particles AliMCParticle *mcP, *mcN; mcP = dynamic_cast(fMCEvent->GetTrack(lP)); mcN = dynamic_cast(fMCEvent->GetTrack(lN)); if(!mcP || !mcN) return -2; // identify the daughter tracks and their mothers Int_t pdgP, pdgN; pdgP = TMath::Abs(mcP->PdgCode()); pdgN = TMath::Abs(mcN->PdgCode()); // store the daughter ID for later use d[0] = pdgP; d[1] = pdgN; //printf(" -D: pdgP: %i, pdgN: %i\n", pdgP, pdgN); // lablel of the mother particle // -1 may mean it was a primary particle Int_t lPm, lNm; lPm = mcP->GetMother(); lNm = mcN->GetMother(); if(-1==lPm || -1==lNm) return -3; // return if mothers are not the same particle if(lPm != lNm) return -3; // get MC mother particle - now we need only 1 AliMCParticle *m = dynamic_cast(fMCEvent->GetTrack(lPm)); if(!m) return -2; // mother PDG Int_t pdgM = m->PdgCode(); // if(3122 == TMath::Abs(pdgM)){ // printf("-D: v0 signs: %i\n", fV0cuts->CheckSigns(v0)); // printf("-D: pdgM: %i, pdgN: %i, pdgP: %i \n", pdgM, pdgN, pdgP); // } // now check the mother and daughters identity if(22 == TMath::Abs(pdgM) && 11 == pdgN && 11 == pdgP) return AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoGamma; if(310 == TMath::Abs(pdgM) && 211 == pdgN && 211 == pdgP) return AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoK0; if(-3122 == pdgM && 2212 == pdgN && 211 == pdgP) return AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoALambda; if(3122 == pdgM && 211 == pdgN && 2212 == pdgP) return AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoLambda; return AliHFEV0cuts::kUndef; } //____________________________________________________________ void AliHFEV0pid::BenchmarkV0finder(){ // // produce histograms for all findable V0s that are // were selected byt the (oline) V0 finder and can // be used to estimate the efficiency of teh V0 cuts // for(Int_t iv0 = 0; iv0 < fInputEvent->GetNumberOfV0s(); iv0++){ AliESDv0 *esdV0 = (static_cast(fInputEvent))->GetV0(iv0); if(!esdV0) continue; if(!esdV0->GetOnFlyStatus()) continue; // Take only V0s from the On-the-fly v0 finder // indetify the V0 candidate Int_t idV0 = AliHFEV0cuts::kUndef; Int_t idD[2] = {-1, -1}; idV0 = IdentifyV0(esdV0, idD); } } //____________________________________________________________ void AliHFEV0pid::ArmenterosPlotMC(AliESDv0 * const v0, Int_t idMC){ // // Armenteros plots as a function of Mohter Momentum // //const Float_t minP = 0.1; //const Float_t maxP = 10.; // approx log bins - over the 0.1 - 10 GeV/c const Float_t bins[13] = {0.1, 0.1468, 0.2154, 0.3162, 0.4642, 0.6813, 1.0, 1.4678, 2.1544, 3.1623, 4.6416, 6.8129, 10.0}; Float_t ar[2]; fV0cuts->Armenteros(v0, ar); Float_t p = v0->P(); if( (p <= bins[0]) || (p >= bins[12])) return; Int_t pBin = 0; Float_t tmp = bins[0]; while(tmp < p){ ++pBin; tmp = bins[pBin]; } pBin--; if(AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoGamma == idMC) fQA->Fill("h_AP_MC_Gamma_p", pBin, ar[0], ar[1]); if(AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoK0 == idMC) fQA->Fill("h_AP_MC_K0_p", pBin, ar[0], ar[1]); if(AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoLambda == TMath::Abs(idMC)) fQA->Fill("h_AP_MC_Lambda_p", pBin, ar[0], ar[1]); } //____________________________________________________________ AliHFEV0pid::AliHFEV0pidTrackIndex::AliHFEV0pidTrackIndex(): fNElectrons(0) , fNPionsK0(0) , fNPionsL(0) , fNKaons(0) , fNProtons(0) , fIndexElectron(NULL) , fIndexPionK0(NULL) , fIndexPionL(NULL) , fIndexKaon(NULL) , fIndexProton(NULL) { // // Default Constructor // } //____________________________________________________________ AliHFEV0pid::AliHFEV0pidTrackIndex::~AliHFEV0pidTrackIndex(){ // // Destructor // if(fIndexElectron) delete[] fIndexElectron; if(fIndexPionK0) delete[] fIndexPionK0; if(fIndexPionL) delete[] fIndexPionL; if(fIndexProton) delete[] fIndexProton; } //____________________________________________________________ void AliHFEV0pid::AliHFEV0pidTrackIndex::Flush(){ // // Reset containers // if(fIndexElectron) delete[] fIndexElectron; fIndexElectron = NULL; if(fIndexPionK0) delete[] fIndexPionK0; fIndexPionK0 = NULL; if(fIndexPionL) delete[] fIndexPionL; fIndexPionL = NULL; if(fIndexKaon) delete[] fIndexKaon; fIndexKaon = NULL; if(fIndexProton) delete[] fIndexProton; fIndexProton = NULL; fNElectrons = 0; fNPionsK0 = 0; fNPionsL = 0; fNKaons = 0; fNProtons = 0; } //____________________________________________________________ void AliHFEV0pid::AliHFEV0pidTrackIndex::Init(Int_t capacity){ // // Initialize container // fIndexElectron = new Int_t[capacity]; fIndexPionK0 = new Int_t[capacity]; fIndexPionL = new Int_t[capacity]; fIndexProton = new Int_t[capacity]; } //____________________________________________________________ void AliHFEV0pid::AliHFEV0pidTrackIndex::Add(Int_t index, Int_t species){ // // Add new index to the list of identified particles // switch(species){ case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoElectron: fIndexElectron[fNElectrons++] = index; break; case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoPionK0: fIndexPionK0[fNPionsK0++] = index; break; case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoPionL: fIndexPionL[fNPionsL++] = index; break; case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoProton: fIndexProton[fNProtons++] = index; break; }; } //____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliHFEV0pid::AliHFEV0pidTrackIndex::Find(Int_t index, Int_t species) const { // // Find track index in the specific sample of particles // Int_t *container = NULL; Int_t n = 0; switch(species){ case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoElectron: container = fIndexElectron; n = fNElectrons; break; case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoPionK0: container = fIndexPionK0; n = fNPionsK0; break; case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoPionL: container = fIndexPionL; n = fNPionsL; break; case AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoProton: container = fIndexProton; n = fNProtons; break; } if(!container) return kFALSE; if(n == 0) return kFALSE; Bool_t found = kFALSE; for(Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(container[i] == index){ found = kTRUE; break; } } return found; } //____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliHFEV0pid::AliHFEV0pidTrackIndex::Find(Int_t index) const { // // Find index in all samples // if(Find(index, AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoElectron)) return kTRUE; else if(Find(index, AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoPionK0)) return kTRUE; else if(Find(index, AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoPionL)) return kTRUE; else return Find(index, AliHFEV0cuts::kRecoProton); } //____________________________________________________________ TList *AliHFEV0pid::GetListOfQAhistograms(){ // // Getter for V0 PID QA histograms // TList *tmp = fV0cuts->GetList(); tmp->SetName("V0cuts"); fOutput->Add(tmp); if(fQA){ tmp = 0x0; tmp = fQA->GetList(); tmp->SetName("V0pid"); fOutput->Add(tmp); } tmp = 0x0; tmp = fV0cuts->GetListMC(); tmp->SetName("V0cutsMC"); //printf(" -D: adding MC V0 cuts stuff\n"); fOutput->Add(tmp); return fOutput; }