/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // // Class for electrons from beauty study // Counting electrons from beauty // by DCA cuts, background subtraction // // Authors: // Hongyan Yang // Carlo Bombonati // #ifndef ALIHFEDISPLACEDELECTRONS_H #define ALIHFEDISPLACEDELECTRONS_H #ifndef ROOT_TObject #include #endif #ifndef ROOT_TPDGCode #include #endif class TChain; class TTree; class TFile; class TPDGCode; class TString; class TList; class AliLog; class THnSparse; class TObjArray; class AliStack; class AliMCEvent; class AliESDEvent; class AliVEvent; class AliESDtrack; class AliESDVertex; class AliHFEdisplacedElectrons : public TObject{ public: enum{ kPDGelectron = kElectron, kPDGgamma = kGamma, kPDGpi0 = kPi0, kPDGpion = kPiPlus, kPDGeta = 221, kPDGcharm = kCharm, kPDGbeauty = kBottom }; // PDG codes to be used AliHFEdisplacedElectrons(); // default constructor AliHFEdisplacedElectrons(const AliHFEdisplacedElectrons &p); // copy constructor AliHFEdisplacedElectrons &operator=(const AliHFEdisplacedElectrons &ref); // assignment operator virtual ~AliHFEdisplacedElectrons(); void InitAnalysis(); void CreateOutputs(TList* const displacedList); void FillMcOutput(AliESDEvent* fESD, AliMCEvent* fMC, AliMCParticle* mctrack); void FillEsdOutput(AliESDEvent* fESDEvent, AliESDtrack *track, AliStack *stack); void FillDataOutput(AliESDEvent* fESDEvent, AliESDtrack *track); Int_t GetMCpid(AliStack* stack, Int_t label) const; Bool_t HasMCData() const { return TestBit(kHasMCData); }; void SetHasMCData(Bool_t hasMCdata = kTRUE) { SetBit(kHasMCData,hasMCdata); }; void SetDebugLevel(Int_t debugLevel){ fDeDebugLevel = debugLevel; }; void SetNitsCluster(Int_t nITScls){ fNclustersITS = nITScls;}; void SetMinPrimVtxContrib(Int_t nContrib){fMinNprimVtxContributor = nContrib;}; void PostAnalysis() const; private: enum{ kHasMCData = BIT(15), // bitset for mc data usage kHasESDData = BIT(16) }; enum{ kElePhotonConv = 0, kEleDirectPhotonConv = 1, kElePi0 = 2, kEleEta = 3, kEleB = 4, kEleC = 5, kEleBC = 6, kEleMissID = 7, kEleMissIDpion = 8, kPion = 8 }; // electron source index enum{ kMcElectron = 0, kEsdElectron = 1, kDataElectron = 2 }; // MC or Data enum{ kNDcaMin = 42, kNPtIntv = 14, kNKineVar = 3 }; // several constant to be used Int_t CheckCharm(AliStack *const stack, Int_t eleLabel); Bool_t IsB(Int_t pdg); Bool_t IsC(Int_t pdg); Int_t ElectronFromSource(AliStack *stack, Int_t eleLabel) const; Int_t ElePhotonDirect(AliStack *stack, Int_t label) const; Int_t ElectronFromCharm(AliStack *stack, Int_t eleLabel) const; Int_t CharmFromBeauty(AliStack *stack, Int_t charmLabel) const; Int_t GetMotherLabel(AliStack *stack, Int_t label) const; Float_t GetRapidity(TParticle *part) const; Float_t GetTrackRapidity(AliESDtrack *track) const; static const Float_t fgkDcaMinIntv[kNDcaMin]; // DCA cut min limit static const Float_t fgkDcaMinPtIntv[kNPtIntv-1]; // DCA cut min limit in different pT bins static const Float_t fgkPtIntv[kNPtIntv]; // all pt bins static const Char_t *fgkKineVar[kNKineVar]; // particle names static const Char_t *fgkKineVarTitle[kNKineVar]; // particle names UInt_t fDeDebugLevel; // debug level Int_t fNclustersITS; // ITS clusters Int_t fMinNprimVtxContributor; // minimum number of contributors to the primary vtx THnSparseF *fTHnSparseDcaMcEleInfo; //! container for MC pion part THnSparseF *fTHnSparseDcaEsdEleInfo; //! container for MC electron part THnSparseF *fTHnSparseDcaDataEleInfo; //! container for Data electron part TList *fDeOutputList; //! output container ClassDef(AliHFEdisplacedElectrons, 0); }; #endif