/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // // Class for EMCAL PID // Implements the abstract base class AliHFEpidBase // IsInitialized() does the PID decision with energy and // momentum matching (e/p) // // Authors: // Shingo Sakai // // // #include #include "AliESDInputHandler.h" #include "AliESDpid.h" #include "AliHFEdetPIDqa.h" #include "AliHFEpidEMCAL.h" #include "AliHFEpidQAmanager.h" #include "AliHFEemcalPIDqa.h" //#include "AliVCluster.h" //#include "AliVCaloCells.h" //#include "AliVEvent.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliPID.h" //#include "AliESDEvent.h" //#include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliHFEpidEMCAL.h" ClassImp(AliHFEpidEMCAL) //___________________________________________________________________ AliHFEpidEMCAL::AliHFEpidEMCAL(): AliHFEpidBase() , fPID(NULL) , feopMim(0.8) , feopMax(1.4) { // // Constructor // } //___________________________________________________________________ AliHFEpidEMCAL::AliHFEpidEMCAL(const Char_t *name): AliHFEpidBase(name) , fPID(NULL) , feopMim(0.8) , feopMax(1.4) { // // Constructor // } //___________________________________________________________________ AliHFEpidEMCAL::AliHFEpidEMCAL(const AliHFEpidEMCAL &c): AliHFEpidBase("") , fPID(NULL) , feopMim(0.8) , feopMax(1.4) { // // Copy operator // c.Copy(*this); } //___________________________________________________________________ AliHFEpidEMCAL &AliHFEpidEMCAL::operator=(const AliHFEpidEMCAL &ref){ // // Assignment operator // if(this != &ref){ ref.Copy(*this); } return *this; } //___________________________________________________________________ AliHFEpidEMCAL::~AliHFEpidEMCAL(){ // // Destructor // if(fPID) delete fPID; } //___________________________________________________________________ void AliHFEpidEMCAL::Copy(TObject &ref) const { // // Performs the copying of the object // AliHFEpidEMCAL &target = dynamic_cast(ref); target.fPID = fPID; target.feopMax = feopMax; target.feopMim = feopMim; AliHFEpidBase::Copy(ref); } //___________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliHFEpidEMCAL::InitializePID(Int_t /*run*/){ // // InitializePID: EMCAL experts have to implement code here // return kTRUE; } //___________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliHFEpidEMCAL::IsSelected(const AliHFEpidObject *track, AliHFEpidQAmanager *pidqa) const { //Function to a return a code indicating whether or not an electron candidate is selected // // if(track==NULL)return 0; if(!fkPIDResponse) return 0; AliDebug(2, "PID object available"); // EMCal not fESDpid (s.s Feb. 11) const AliVTrack *trk = dynamic_cast(track->GetRecTrack()); if (trk == NULL) return 0; //AliHFEpidObject::AnalysisType_t anaType = track->IsESDanalysis() ? AliHFEpidObject::kESDanalysis : AliHFEpidObject::kAODanalysis; if(!(trk->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kEMCALmatch)) return 0; AliDebug(2, "Track Has EMCAL PID"); //if(pidqa) pidqa->ProcessTrack(track, AliHFEpid::kEMCALpid, AliHFEdetPIDqa::kBeforePID); // not QA for EMCal, will be added (s.s Feb. 11) double feopMimCut = 0.0; double feopMaxCut = 0.0; feopMimCut = feopMim; feopMaxCut = feopMax; if(feopMax >900) // not use fix cut { feopMimCut = CalEopCutMim(track->GetRecTrack(),0); feopMaxCut = CalEopCutMax(track->GetRecTrack(),0); } if(feopMax < -900) // not use fix cut for MC { feopMimCut = CalEopCutMim(track->GetRecTrack(),1); feopMaxCut = CalEopCutMax(track->GetRecTrack(),1); } //printf("eop cuts org; %g; %g \n",feopMim,feopMax); //printf("eop cuts ; %g; %g \n",feopMimCut,feopMaxCut); Double_t eop = MomentumEnergyMatchV2(track->GetRecTrack()); // get eop (What is GetRecTrack ?) AliDebug(2, Form("Energy - Momentum Matching e/p : %f", eop)); AliDebug(2, Form("E/p cut ; %g ; %g \n", feopMim,feopMax)); Int_t pdg = 0; //if(eop>feopMim && eopfeopMim && eopfeopMimCut && eopProcessTrack(track, AliHFEpid::kEMCALpid, AliHFEdetPIDqa::kAfterPID); } else { pdg = 211; // EMCal doesn't separate pi,k.p by e/p. return pion code as same as TRD } AliDebug(1, Form("eID %g ; %d \n",eop,pdg)); //printf("eID %g ; %d \n",eop,pdg); return pdg; } //__________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliHFEpidEMCAL::CalEopCutMax(const AliVParticle *const track, Int_t flageop) const { double maxCut = 0.0; const AliESDtrack *esdtrack = dynamic_cast(track); if(esdtrack==NULL)return maxCut; double Pt = esdtrack->Pt(); if(flageop<0.5) { double meanP[3] = {0.991,1.0819,0.235}; double sigP[3] = {6.52e-02,2.04e-01,3.34e-01}; double mean = meanP[0]*tanh(meanP[1]+meanP[2]*Pt); double sig = sigP[0]/tanh(sigP[1]+sigP[2]*Pt); maxCut = mean+3.0*sig; } else { double meanP[3] = {0.99,1.299,0.35}; double sigP[3] = {4.11e-02,1.588e-01,2.664e-01}; double mean = meanP[0]*tanh(meanP[1]+meanP[2]*Pt); double sig = sigP[0]/tanh(sigP[1]+sigP[2]*Pt); maxCut = mean+3.0*sig; } return maxCut; } Double_t AliHFEpidEMCAL::CalEopCutMim(const AliVParticle *const track, Int_t flageop) const { double mimCut = 0.0; const AliESDtrack *esdtrack = dynamic_cast(track); if(esdtrack==NULL)return mimCut; double Pt = esdtrack->Pt(); if(flageop<0.5) // real { //printf("real"); double meanP[3] = {0.991,1.0819,0.235}; double sigP[3] = {6.52e-02,2.04e-01,3.34e-01}; double mean = meanP[0]*tanh(meanP[1]+meanP[2]*Pt); double sig = sigP[0]/tanh(sigP[1]+sigP[2]*Pt); mimCut = mean-2.0*sig; } else // MC { //printf("MC"); double meanP[3] = {0.99,1.299,0.35}; double sigP[3] = {4.11e-02,1.588e-01,2.664e-01}; double mean = meanP[0]*tanh(meanP[1]+meanP[2]*Pt); double sig = sigP[0]/tanh(sigP[1]+sigP[2]*Pt); mimCut = mean-2.0*sig; } return mimCut; } //___________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliHFEpidEMCAL::MomentumEnergyMatchV2(const AliVParticle *const track) const { // Returns e/p & Rmatch Double_t matchclsE = 9999.9; double feop = -9999.9; const AliESDtrack *esdtrack = dynamic_cast(track); if(esdtrack==NULL)return feop; const AliESDEvent *evt = esdtrack->GetESDEvent(); Int_t icl = esdtrack->GetEMCALcluster(); AliVCluster *cluster = (AliVCluster*) evt->GetCaloCluster(icl); if(!cluster->IsEMCAL()) {return feop;} matchclsE = cluster->E(); if(matchclsE<9999.0) feop = matchclsE/esdtrack->P(); return feop; } /* //____________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliHFEpidEMCAL::MomentumEnergyMatchV1(const AliVParticle *track) const { // Returns e/p if an electron is matched Float_t clsPos[3]; Double_t trkPos[3]; Double_t matchclsE = 9999.9; const AliESDtrack *esdtrack = dynamic_cast(track); AliESDEvent *evt = esdtrack->GetESDEvent(); Double_t magF = evt->GetMagneticField(); Double_t magSign = 1.0; if(magF<0)magSign = -1.0; //printf("magF ; %g ; %g \n", magF,magSign); if (!TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->GetField()) { printf("Loading field map...\n"); //AliMagF* field = new AliMagF("Maps","Maps", 1., 1., AliMagF::k5kG); AliMagF* field = new AliMagF("Maps","Maps", magSign, magSign, AliMagF::k5kG); // for 10d TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->SetField(field); } AliEMCALTrack *emctrack = new AliEMCALTrack(*esdtrack); Double_t fieldB[3]; emctrack->GetBxByBz(fieldB); //printf("%g %g %g \n", fieldB[0], fieldB[1], fieldB[2]); for(Int_t icl=0; iclGetNumberOfCaloClusters(); icl++) { AliVCluster *cluster = (AliVCluster*) evt->GetCaloCluster(icl); if(!cluster->IsEMCAL()) continue; cluster->GetPosition(clsPos); if(!emctrack->PropagateToGlobal(clsPos[0],clsPos[1],clsPos[2],0.,0.) ) continue; emctrack->GetXYZ(trkPos); TVector3 clsPosVec(clsPos[0],clsPos[1],clsPos[2]); TVector3 trkPosVec(trkPos[0],trkPos[1],trkPos[2]); Double_t delEmcphi = clsPosVec.Phi()-trkPosVec.Phi(); // track cluster matching Double_t delEmceta = clsPosVec.Eta()-trkPosVec.Eta(); // track cluster matching double rmatch = sqrt(pow(delEmcphi,2)+pow(delEmceta,2)); if(rmatch<0.02) { matchclsE = cluster->E(); } } delete emctrack; double feop = -9999.9; if(matchclsE<9999) feop = matchclsE/esdtrack->P(); // if(feop!=-9999.9)printf("%f\n",feop) ; return feop; } */