/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // // QA class for TRD PID // Evaluate TRD PID using well identified reference tracks // For more information see implementation file // #ifndef ALIHFETRDPIDQA_H #define ALIHFETRDPIDQA_H #ifndef ROOT_TNamed #include #endif #ifndef ROOT_THnSparse #include #endif class TCollection; class TF1; class TGraph; class TH1; class TList; class TObjArray; class AliAODTrack; class AliESDtrack; class AliVTrack; class AliHFEpidTRD; class AliHFEtrdPIDqa : public TNamed{ public: AliHFEtrdPIDqa(); AliHFEtrdPIDqa(const Char_t *name); AliHFEtrdPIDqa(const AliHFEtrdPIDqa &ref); AliHFEtrdPIDqa &operator=(const AliHFEtrdPIDqa &ref); virtual void Copy(TObject &o) const; virtual Long64_t Merge(TCollection *coll); virtual ~AliHFEtrdPIDqa(); void ProcessTracks(TObjArray * const l, Int_t species); void ProcessTrack(AliVTrack *track, Int_t species); void Init(); void FinishAnalysis(); void StoreResults(const Char_t *filename = "HFEtrdPIDqa.root"); void SaveThresholdParameters(const Char_t * filename = "TRD.Thresholds.root"); void DrawTracklet(Int_t tracklet); void ClearLists(); //--------------------------------------------------- // Getters for Histograms THnSparseF *GetLikelihoodHistogram() const { return fLikeTRD; } THnSparseF *GetQAHistogram() const { return fQAtrack; } THnSparseF *GetdEdxHistogram() const { return fQAdEdx; } THnSparseF *GetHistoTruncMean() const { return fTRDtruncMean; } //--------------------------------------------------- protected: // Description of the containers we use to store basic information // we access in the Post Processing. For all containers we have a // common part containing species, momentum and number of tracklets, // and a specific part. For both containers we define the number of // variables too enum QuantitiesCommon_t{ kSpecies = 0, kP = 1, kNTracklets = 2, kQuantitiesCommon = 3 }; enum QuantitiesLike_t{ kElectronLike = 3, kQuantitiesLike = 4 }; enum QuantitiesQAtrack_t{ kNonZeroTrackletCharge = 3, kNClusters = 4, kQuantitiesQA = 5 }; enum QuantitiesdEdx_t{ kdEdx = 3, kQuantitiesdEdx = 4 }; enum QuantitiesTruncMean_t{ kTPCdEdx = 3, kTRDdEdxMethod1 = 4, kTRDdEdxMethod2 = 5, kQuantitiesTruncMean = 6 }; void ProcessTrackESD(AliESDtrack *track, Int_t species); void ProcessTrackAOD(AliAODTrack * const track, Int_t species); void FillTRDLikelihoods(AliESDtrack *track, Int_t species); void FillTRDQAplots(AliESDtrack *track, Int_t species); void AnalyseNTracklets(Int_t nTracklets); Int_t GetThresholdBin(TH1 * const input, Double_t efficiency); Bool_t CalculateEfficiency(TH1 * const input, Int_t threshbin, Double_t *params); TF1 *MakeThresholds(TGraph *input); void CreateLikelihoodHistogram(); void CreateQAHistogram(); void CreatedEdxHistogram(); void CreateHistoTruncatedMean(); private: enum{ kNElectronEffs = 6 }; static const Double_t fgkElectronEff[kNElectronEffs]; // Electron efficiency bins static const Int_t fgkNBinsCommon[kQuantitiesCommon]; // Number of bins for common quantities static const Double_t fgkMinBinCommon[kQuantitiesCommon]; // Bin Limits for common quantities (lower limit) static const Double_t fgkMaxBinCommon[kQuantitiesCommon]; // Bin Limits for common quantities (upper limit) AliHFEpidTRD *fTRDpid; // HFE PID for TRD THnSparseF *fLikeTRD; // Histo for Likelihoods THnSparseF *fQAtrack; // QA histo for quantities based on track level THnSparseF *fQAdEdx; // QA for tracklet charge THnSparseF *fTRDtruncMean; // QA for truncated mean // List for Histograms: TList *fPionEfficiencies; //! List for Pion efficiencies TList *fProtonEfficiencies; //! List for Proton efficiencies TList *fKaonEfficiencies; //! List for Kaon efficiencies TList *fThresholds; //! List for Threshold Graphs ClassDef(AliHFEtrdPIDqa, 2) // QA class for TRD PID }; #endif