#define AliAnalysisTaskTrigChEff_cxx // ROOT includes #include "TChain.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TString.h" #include "TList.h" // STEER includes #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDMuonTrack.h" #include "AliESDInputHandler.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliAODTrack.h" #include "AliAODInputHandler.h" // ANALYSIS includes #include "AliAnalysisTask.h" #include "AliAnalysisDataSlot.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliAnalysisTaskTrigChEff.h" ClassImp(AliAnalysisTaskTrigChEff) //________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskTrigChEff::AliAnalysisTaskTrigChEff(const char *name) : AliAnalysisTask(name,""), fESD(0), fAOD(0), fAnalysisType("ESD"), fList(0) { // /// Constructor. // // Input slot #0 works with an Ntuple DefineInput(0, TChain::Class()); // Output slot #0 writes into a TObjArray container DefineOutput(0, TList::Class()); } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskTrigChEff::ConnectInputData(Option_t *) { // /// Connect ESD or AOD here /// Called once // TTree* tree = dynamic_cast (GetInputData(0)); if (!tree) { Printf("ERROR: Could not read chain from input slot 0"); } else { // Disable all branches and enable only the needed ones // The next two lines are different when data produced as AliESDEvent is read if(fAnalysisType == "ESD") { tree->SetBranchStatus("*", kFALSE); tree->SetBranchStatus("MuonTracks.*", kTRUE); AliESDInputHandler *esdH = dynamic_cast (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()); if (!esdH) { Printf("ERROR: Could not get ESDInputHandler"); } else fESD = esdH->GetEvent(); } else if(fAnalysisType == "AOD") { AliAODInputHandler *aodH = dynamic_cast (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()); if (!aodH) { Printf("ERROR: Could not get AODInputHandler"); } else fAOD = aodH->GetEvent(); } else Printf("Wrong analysis type: Only ESD and AOD types are allowed!"); } } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskTrigChEff::CreateOutputObjects() { // /// Create histograms /// Called once // Printf(" CreateOutputObjects of task %s\n", GetName()); TString cathCode[2] = {"bendPlane", "nonBendPlane"}; TString countTypeName[2] = {"CountInCh", "NonCountInCh"}; const Char_t* yAxisTitle = "counts"; const Int_t kNboards = 234; //AliMpConstants::NofLocalBoards(); const Int_t kFirstTrigCh = 11;//AliMpConstants::NofTrackingChambers()+1; Int_t chamberBins = kNchambers; Float_t chamberLow = kFirstTrigCh-0.5, chamberHigh = kFirstTrigCh+kNchambers-0.5; const Char_t* chamberName = "chamber"; Int_t slatBins = kNslats; Float_t slatLow = 0-0.5, slatHigh = kNslats-0.5; const Char_t* slatName = "slat"; Int_t boardBins = kNboards; Float_t boardLow = 1-0.5, boardHigh = kNboards+1.-0.5; const Char_t* boardName = "board"; TString baseName, histoName; fList = new TList(); TH1F* histo; histo = new TH1F("nTracksInSlat", "Num. of tracks used for efficiency calculation", slatBins, slatLow, slatHigh); histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(slatName); histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("num of used tracks"); fList->AddAt(histo, kHtracksInSlat); histo = new TH1F("nTracksInBoard", "Num. of tracks used for efficiency calculation", boardBins, boardLow, boardHigh); histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(boardName); histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("num of used tracks"); fList->AddAt(histo, kHtracksInBoard); for(Int_t hType=0; hTypeGetXaxis()->SetTitle(chamberName); histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yAxisTitle); fList->AddAt(histo, hindex + cath); } // loop on cath } // loop on counts for(Int_t hType=0; hTypeGetXaxis()->SetTitle(slatName); histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yAxisTitle); fList->AddAt(histo, hindex + chCath); } // loop on chamber } // loop on cath } // loop on counts for(Int_t hType=0; hTypeGetXaxis()->SetTitle(boardName); histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yAxisTitle); fList->AddAt(histo, hindex + chCath); } // loop on chamber } // loop on cath } // loop on counts } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskTrigChEff::Exec(Option_t *) { // /// Main loop /// Called for each event // Int_t nTracks = 0, board = 0; UShort_t pattern = 0; AliESDMuonTrack *esdTrack = 0x0; AliAODTrack* aodTrack = 0x0; if(fAnalysisType == "ESD") { if (!fESD) { Printf("ERROR: fESD not available"); return; } nTracks = fESD->GetNumberOfMuonTracks(); } else if(fAnalysisType == "AOD") { if (!fAOD) { Printf("ERROR: fAOD not available"); return; } nTracks = fAOD->GetNumberOfTracks(); } // Object declaration const Int_t kFirstTrigCh = 11; //AliMpConstants::NofTrackingChambers()+1; for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < nTracks; itrack++) { if(fAnalysisType == "ESD") { esdTrack = fESD->GetMuonTrack(itrack); pattern = esdTrack->GetHitsPatternInTrigCh(); board = esdTrack->LoCircuit(); } else if(fAnalysisType == "AOD") { aodTrack = fAOD->GetTrack(itrack); if(!aodTrack->IsMuonTrack()) continue; pattern = aodTrack->GetHitsPatternInTrigCh(); board = 0; // aodTrack->LoCircuit(); Lo Circuit not implemented in AOD } Int_t effFlag = GetEffFlag(pattern); if(effFlag < kChEff) continue; // Track not good for efficiency calculation Int_t slat = GetSlat(pattern); if(effFlag >= kSlatEff) ((TH1F*)fList->At(kHtracksInSlat))->Fill(slat); if(effFlag >= kBoardEff) ((TH1F*)fList->At(kHtracksInBoard))->Fill(board); for(Int_t cath=0; cath=0){ whichType = kChNonEff; currCh = ineffCh; nChambers = -1; } Int_t iChamber = kFirstTrigCh + currCh; Int_t hindex = (whichType==kAllChEff) ? kHchamberAllEff : kHchamberNonEff; ((TH1F*)fList->At(hindex + cath))->Fill(iChamber); if(effFlag < kSlatEff) continue; // Track crossed different slats Int_t chCath = GetPlane(cath, currCh); hindex = (whichType==kAllChEff) ? kHslatAllEff : kHslatNonEff; ((TH1F*)fList->At(hindex + chCath))->Fill(slat); if(effFlag < kBoardEff) continue; // Track crossed different boards hindex = (whichType==kAllChEff) ? kHboardAllEff : kHboardNonEff; ((TH1F*)fList->At(hindex + chCath))->Fill(board); } // loop on chambers } // loop on cathodes } // Post final data. It will be written to a file with option "RECREATE" PostData(0, fList); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskTrigChEff::Terminate(Option_t *) { // /// Draw result to the screen /// Called once at the end of the query. // if (!gROOT->IsBatch()) { TCanvas *can[kNcathodes]; TH1F *num = 0x0; TH1F *den = 0x0; for(Int_t cath=0; cathSetFillColor(10); can[cath]->SetHighLightColor(10); can[cath]->SetLeftMargin(0.15); can[cath]->SetBottomMargin(0.15); can[cath]->Divide(2,2); for(Int_t ch=0; chAt(kHboardAllEff + chCath)->Clone()); den = (TH1F*)(fList->At(kHboardNonEff + chCath)->Clone()); den->Add(num); num->Divide(den); can[cath]->cd(ch+1); num->DrawCopy("E"); } } } } //________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliAnalysisTaskTrigChEff::IsChInefficient(UShort_t pattern, Int_t cathode) { // /// Check which chamber was inefficient. // Int_t ineffCh = -999; for(Int_t ch=0; ch> invert) & 0x01; if(!response) ineffCh = ch; } return ineffCh; }