#ifndef ALIDIMUINFOSTOREMC_H #define ALIDIMUINFOSTOREMC_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-2006, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //*********************************************************** // Class AliDimuInfoStoreMC // class used to extract and store info of MC particles // Author: X-M. Zhang, zhang@clermont.in2p3.fr // zhangxm@iopp.ccnu.edu.cn //*********************************************************** #include #include "AliDimuInfoStoreRD.h" class AliMuonInfoStoreMC; class AliDimuInfoStoreMC : public AliDimuInfoStoreRD { public: AliDimuInfoStoreMC(); AliDimuInfoStoreMC(AliMuonInfoStoreMC* const trk0, AliMuonInfoStoreMC* const trk1, Bool_t full=kFALSE); AliDimuInfoStoreMC(const AliDimuInfoStoreMC &src); AliDimuInfoStoreMC& operator=(const AliDimuInfoStoreMC &src); virtual ~AliDimuInfoStoreMC(); AliMuonInfoStoreMC* Muon(Int_t i) const { return (i<2 ? (AliMuonInfoStoreMC*)(fMuonRef[i].GetObject()) : 0x0); } TLorentzVector LorentzP() const { return fLorentzP; } Int_t DimuSource() const { return fSource; } static const char* StdBranchName() { return fgkStdBranchName.Data(); } static Int_t NSources() { return fgkNSources; } private: void FindDimuonSourceFast(); void FindDimuonSourceFull(); static const TString fgkStdBranchName; // Standard branch name static const Int_t fgkNSources; // num. of dimuon sources Bool_t fIsFull; // flag of using full analysis (for Pb-Pb) TLorentzVector fLorentzP; // lorentz momentum of MC particle Int_t fSource; // = 0, BBdiff // = 1, Bchain // = 2, DDdiff // = 3, Dchain // = 4, Resonance // = 5, UnCorr bkg ClassDef(AliDimuInfoStoreMC, 1); }; #endif