/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Class for AOD reconstructed heavy-flavour cascades // // Author: X-M. Zhang, zhangxm@iopp.ccnu.edu.cn ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliAODRecoDecay.h" #include "AliAODVertex.h" #include "AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong.h" #include "AliAODRecoCascadeHF.h" ClassImp(AliAODRecoCascadeHF) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliAODRecoCascadeHF::AliAODRecoCascadeHF() : AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong() { // // Default Constructor // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliAODRecoCascadeHF::AliAODRecoCascadeHF(AliAODVertex *vtx2, Short_t charge, Double_t *px, Double_t *py, Double_t *pz, Double_t *d0, Double_t *d0err, Double_t dca) : AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong(vtx2, px, py, pz, d0, d0err, dca) { // // Constructor with AliAODVertex for decay vertex // SetCharge(charge); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliAODRecoCascadeHF::AliAODRecoCascadeHF(AliAODVertex *vtx2, Short_t charge, Double_t *d0, Double_t *d0err, Double_t dca) : AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong(vtx2, d0, d0err, dca) { // // Constructor with decay vertex and without prongs momenta // SetCharge(charge); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliAODRecoCascadeHF::AliAODRecoCascadeHF(const AliAODRecoCascadeHF &source) : AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong(source) { // // Copy constructor // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliAODRecoCascadeHF &AliAODRecoCascadeHF::operator=(const AliAODRecoCascadeHF &source) { // // assignment operator // if(&source == this) return *this; AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong::operator=(source); return *this; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliAODRecoCascadeHF::~AliAODRecoCascadeHF() { // // Default Destructor // } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliAODRecoCascadeHF::InvMassDstarKpipi() const { // // 3 prong invariant mass of the D0 daughters and the soft pion // Double_t px[3],py[3],pz[3]; UInt_t pdg[3]={321,211,211}; pdg[0] = (Charge()>0 ? 211 : 321); // positive daughter of D0 px[0] = Get2Prong()->PxProng(0); py[0] = Get2Prong()->PyProng(0); pz[0] = Get2Prong()->PzProng(0); pdg[1] = (Charge()>0 ? 321 : 211); // negative daughter of D0 px[1] = Get2Prong()->PxProng(1); py[1] = Get2Prong()->PyProng(1); pz[1] = Get2Prong()->PzProng(1); pdg[2] = 211; // soft pion px[2] = PxProng(0); py[2] = PyProng(0); pz[2] = PzProng(0); Short_t dummycharge=0; Double_t dummyd0[3]={0,0,0}; AliAODRecoDecay *rd = new AliAODRecoDecay(0x0,3,dummycharge,px,py,pz,dummyd0); Double_t minv = rd->InvMass(3,pdg); delete rd; rd=NULL; return minv; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t AliAODRecoCascadeHF::MatchToMC(Int_t pdgabs,Int_t pdgabs2prong, TClonesArray *mcArray) const { // // Check if this candidate is matched to a MC signal // If no, return -1 // If yes, return label (>=0) of the AliAODMCParticle // if(pdgabs!=413) { printf("Only D*+ implemented\n"); return -1; } if(!GetNDaughters()) { AliError("No daughters available"); return -1; } AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong *the2Prong = Get2Prong(); Int_t lab2Prong = the2Prong->MatchToMC(pdgabs2prong,mcArray); if(lab2Prong<0) return -1; Int_t *dgLabels = new Int_t[GetNDaughters()]; // loop on daughters and write labels for(Int_t i=0; iGetLabel(); if(lab==-1) { // this daughter is the 2prong lab=lab2Prong; } else if(lab<-1) { printf("daughter with negative label\n"); continue; } dgLabels[i] = lab; } Int_t labMother = AliAODRecoDecay::MatchToMC(pdgabs,mcArray,dgLabels); delete [] dgLabels; dgLabels=NULL; return labMother; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bool_t AliAODRecoCascadeHF::SelectDstar(const Double_t *cutsDstar, const Double_t *cutsD0, Bool_t testD0) const { // // cutsDstar[0] = inv. mass half width of D* [GeV] // cutsDstar[1] = half width of (M_Kpipi-M_D0) [GeV] // cutsDstar[2] = PtMin of pi_s [GeV/c] // cutsDstar[3] = PtMax of pi_s [GeV/c] // cutsDstar[4] = theta, angle between the pi_s and decay plane of the D0 [rad] // // cutsD0[0] = inv. mass half width [GeV] // cutsD0[1] = dca [cm] // cutsD0[2] = cosThetaStar // cutsD0[3] = pTK [GeV/c] // cutsD0[4] = pTPi [GeV/c] // cutsD0[5] = d0K [cm] upper limit! // cutsD0[6] = d0Pi [cm] upper limit! // cutsD0[7] = d0d0 [cm^2] // cutsD0[8] = cosThetaPoint // check that the D0 passes the cuts // (if we have a D*+, it has to pass as D0, // if we have a D*-, it has to pass as D0bar) if(testD0) { Int_t okD0=0,okD0bar=0; Get2Prong()->SelectD0(cutsD0,okD0,okD0bar); if((Charge()==+1 && !okD0) || (Charge()==-1 && !okD0bar)) return kFALSE; } if( (PtProng(0)cutsDstar[3]) ) return kFALSE; Double_t mDstar = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(413)->Mass(); Double_t invmDstar = InvMassDstarKpipi(); if(TMath::Abs(mDstar-invmDstar)>cutsDstar[0]) return kFALSE; Double_t mD0 = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(421)->Mass(); if(TMath::Abs((mDstar-mD0)-DeltaInvMass())>cutsDstar[1]) return kFALSE; TVector3 p3Trk0(Get2Prong()->PxProng(0),Get2Prong()->PyProng(0),Get2Prong()->PzProng(0)); // from D0 TVector3 p3Trk1(Get2Prong()->PxProng(1),Get2Prong()->PyProng(1),Get2Prong()->PzProng(1)); // from D0 TVector3 p3Trk2(PxProng(0),PyProng(0),PzProng(0)); // pi_s TVector3 perp = p3Trk0.Cross(p3Trk1); Double_t theta = p3Trk2.Angle(perp); if(theta>(TMath::Pi()-theta)) theta = TMath::Pi() - theta; theta = TMath::Pi()/2. - theta; if(theta>cutsDstar[4]) return kFALSE; Double_t alpha = p3Trk0.Angle(p3Trk2); Double_t belta = p3Trk1.Angle(p3Trk2); Double_t cosphi01 = TMath::Cos(alpha) / TMath::Cos(theta); Double_t cosphi02 = TMath::Cos(belta) / TMath::Cos(theta); Double_t phi01 = TMath::ACos(cosphi01); Double_t phi02 = TMath::ACos(cosphi02); Double_t phi00 = p3Trk0.Angle(p3Trk1); if((phi01>phi00) || (phi02>phi00)) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------