#ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKLAMBDAC_H #define ALIANALYSISTASKLAMBDAC_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ //************************************************************************* // Class AliAnalysisTaskSELambdac // AliAnalysisTaskSE for the Lambdac candidates Invariant Mass Histogram and //comparison of heavy-flavour decay candidates // to MC truth (kinematics stored in the AOD) // r.romita@gsi.de //************************************************************************* #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" #include "AliAnalysisVertexingHF.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliRDHFCutsLctopKpi.h" #include "AliRDHFCuts.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "AliAODpidUtil.h" class AliAnalysisTaskSELambdac : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskSELambdac(); AliAnalysisTaskSELambdac(const char *name, Bool_t fillNtuple,AliRDHFCutsLctopKpi *lccutsana, AliRDHFCutsLctopKpi *lccutsprod); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskSELambdac(); void SetReadMC(Bool_t readMC=kTRUE){fReadMC=readMC;} void SetMCPid(){fMCPid=kTRUE;fReadMC=kTRUE;fRealPid=kFALSE;fResPid=kFALSE;return;} void SetRealPid(){fRealPid=kTRUE;fMCPid=kFALSE;return;} void SetResonantPid(){fResPid=kTRUE;fRealPid=kTRUE;fMCPid=kFALSE;return;} void SetCutsKF(Float_t cutsKF[10]){for(Int_t i=0;i<10;i++){fCutsKF[i]=cutsKF[i];}return;} void SetUseKF(Bool_t useKF=kTRUE){fUseKF=useKF;} void SetAnalysis(Bool_t analysis=kTRUE){fAnalysis=analysis;} void SetMassLimits(Float_t range); void SetMassLimits(Float_t lowlimit, Float_t uplimit); void SetPtBinLimit(Int_t n, Float_t *limitarray); void SetFillVarHists(Bool_t setter) {fFillVarHists=setter;return;} Float_t GetUpperMassLimit() const {return fUpmasslimit;} Float_t GetLowerMassLimit() const {return fLowmasslimit;} Int_t GetNBinsPt() const {return fNPtBins;} Double_t GetPtBinLimit(Int_t ibin) const ; Bool_t IspiKpMC(AliAODRecoDecayHF3Prong *d,TClonesArray *arrayMC) const ; Bool_t IspKpiMC(AliAODRecoDecayHF3Prong *d,TClonesArray *arrayMC) const ; Int_t IspiKpResonant(AliAODRecoDecayHF3Prong *d,Double_t field) const ; Int_t IspKpiResonant(AliAODRecoDecayHF3Prong *d,Double_t field) const ; Bool_t VertexingKF(AliAODRecoDecayHF3Prong *d,Int_t *pdgs,Double_t field) const ; Int_t MatchToMCLambdac(AliAODRecoDecayHF3Prong *d,TClonesArray *arrayMC) const ; Bool_t GetLambdacDaugh(AliAODMCParticle *part, TClonesArray *arrayMC) const ; void FillMassHists(AliAODEvent *aod,AliAODRecoDecayHF3Prong *part, TClonesArray *arrayMC, AliRDHFCutsLctopKpi *cuts); void FillVarHists(AliAODRecoDecayHF3Prong *part, TClonesArray *arrMC, AliRDHFCutsLctopKpi *cuts, TList *listout,AliAODEvent *aod); // Implementation of interface methods virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void Init(); virtual void LocalInit() {Init();} virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option); virtual void Terminate(Option_t *option); private: AliAnalysisTaskSELambdac(const AliAnalysisTaskSELambdac &source); AliAnalysisTaskSELambdac& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskSELambdac& source); Int_t GetHistoIndex(Int_t iPtBin) const { return iPtBin*3;} Int_t GetSignalHistoIndex(Int_t iPtBin) const { return iPtBin*3+1;} Int_t GetBackgroundHistoIndex(Int_t iPtBin) const { return iPtBin*3+2;} Int_t GetLSHistoIndex(Int_t iPtBin)const { return iPtBin*5;} Bool_t ReconstructKF(AliAODRecoDecayHF3Prong *d,Int_t *pdgs,Double_t field) const; enum {kMaxPtBins=10}; TList *fOutput; //! list send on output slot 0 TH1F *fHistNEvents; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fhChi2; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fhMassPtGreater3; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fhMassPtGreater3TC; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fhMassPtGreater3Kp; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fhMassPtGreater3KpTC; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fhMassPtGreater3Lpi; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fhMassPtGreater3LpiTC; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fhMassPtGreater2; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fhMassPtGreater2TC; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fhMassPtGreater2Kp; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fhMassPtGreater2KpTC; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fhMassPtGreater2Lpi; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fhMassPtGreater2LpiTC; //!hist. for No. of events TH1F *fMassHist[3*kMaxPtBins]; //!hist. for inv mass (LC) TH1F *fMassHistTC[3*kMaxPtBins]; //!hist. for inv mass (TC) TH1F *fMassHistLpi[3*kMaxPtBins]; //!hist. for inv mass (LC) TH1F *fMassHistLpiTC[3*kMaxPtBins]; //!hist. for inv mass (TC) TH1F *fMassHistKp[3*kMaxPtBins]; //!hist. for inv mass (LC) TH1F *fMassHistKpTC[3*kMaxPtBins]; //!hist. for inv mass (TC) TNtuple *fNtupleLambdac; //! output ntuple Float_t fUpmasslimit; //upper inv mass limit for histos Float_t fLowmasslimit; //lower inv mass limit for histos Float_t fCutsKF[10]; //cuts with KF vertexer Int_t fNPtBins; //number of bins in Pt for histograms AliRDHFCutsLctopKpi *fRDCutsAnalysis; //Cuts for Analysis AliRDHFCutsLctopKpi *fRDCutsProduction; //Production Cuts TList *fListCuts; //list of cuts Double_t fArrayBinLimits[kMaxPtBins+1]; //limits for the Pt bins Bool_t fFillNtuple; // flag for filling ntuple Bool_t fReadMC; //flag for access to MC Bool_t fMCPid; //flag for access to MC Bool_t fRealPid; //flag for real PID Bool_t fResPid; //flag for PID with resonant channels Bool_t fUseKF; //flag to cut with KF vertexer Bool_t fAnalysis; //apply analysis cuts AliAnalysisVertexingHF *fVHF; // Vertexer heavy flavour (used to pass the cuts) Bool_t fFillVarHists; TH1F *fNentries; TList *fOutputMC; AliAODpidUtil* fUtilPid; ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskSELambdac,4); // AliAnalysisTaskSE for the invariant mass analysis of heavy-flavour decay candidates (Lambdac) }; #endif