/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 2007-2011, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Class to compute variables for correction framework // // for 3-body decays of D mesons (D+, Ds, Lc) // // in bins of cut variables // // Origin: Francesco Prino (prino@to.infn.it) // // Renu Bala (bala@to.infn.it) // // Davide Caffarri (cafarri@pd.infn.it) // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "AliCFVertexingHF.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "AliCFVertexingHF3Prong.h" #include "AliCFContainer.h" ClassImp(AliCFVertexingHF3Prong) //_________________________________________ AliCFVertexingHF3Prong::AliCFVertexingHF3Prong(Int_t decay): AliCFVertexingHF(), fDecay(decay) { // SetNProngs(3); fPtAccCut=new Float_t[fProngs]; fEtaAccCut=new Float_t[fProngs]; for(Int_t iP=0; iPMatchToMC(pdgCand,fmcArray,3,pdgDaughter); if (mcLabel == -1) return bSignAssoc; if (fRecoCandidate->NumberOfFakeDaughters()>0){ fFake = 0; // fake candidate if (fFakeSelection==1) return bSignAssoc; } if (fRecoCandidate->NumberOfFakeDaughters()==0){ fFake = 2; // non-fake candidate if (fFakeSelection==2) return bSignAssoc; } SetMCLabel(mcLabel); fmcPartCandidate = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(fmcLabel)); if (!fmcPartCandidate){ AliDebug(3,"No part candidate"); return bSignAssoc; } bSignAssoc = kTRUE; return bSignAssoc; } //______________________________________________ Bool_t AliCFVertexingHF3Prong::GetGeneratedValuesFromMCParticle(Double_t* vectorMC) { // // collecting all the necessary info from MC particle and fill vectorMC: 12 variables // pt_D // y_D // phi_D // ctau // cos point // pt_1 // pt_2 // pt_3 // d0_1 // d0_2 // d0_3 // zPrimVert // centrality Bool_t bGenValues = kFALSE; Int_t pdgCand = -1; if(fDecay==kDplustoKpipi){ pdgCand=411; }else if(fDecay==kDstoKKpi){ pdgCand=431; }else if(fDecay==kLctopKpi){ pdgCand=4122; }else{ AliError("WRONG DECAY SETTING"); return bGenValues; } Double_t vertD[3] = {0,0,0}; // D origin fmcPartCandidate->XvYvZv(vertD); // cm Int_t nprongs = 3; Int_t daughter[3]; Short_t charge = fmcPartCandidate->Charge(); // order the daughters as LS,OS,LS, e.g. D+ -> pi+ K- pi+ // the 2 LS are ordered so that in pos. 0 there is the one with lower label value Int_t index=0; Int_t nDauLS=0; Int_t nDauOS=0; Int_t nDau=fmcPartCandidate->GetNDaughters(); Int_t labelFirstDau = fmcPartCandidate->GetDaughter(0); if(nDau==3){ for(Int_t iDau=0; iDau<3; iDau++){ Int_t ind = labelFirstDau+iDau; AliAODMCParticle* part = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(ind)); if(!part){ AliError("Daughter particle not found in MC array"); return bGenValues; } Short_t signDau=part->Charge(); if(signDau==charge){ nDauLS++; daughter[index] = ind; index=2; }else{ daughter[1] = ind; nDauOS++; } } }else if(nDau==2){ for(Int_t iDau=0; iDau<2; iDau++){ Int_t ind = labelFirstDau+iDau; AliAODMCParticle* part = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(ind)); if(!part){ AliError("Daughter particle not found in MC array"); return bGenValues; } Int_t pdgCode=TMath::Abs(part->GetPdgCode()); if(pdgCode==211 || pdgCode==321 || pdgCode==2212){ Short_t signDau=part->Charge(); if(signDau==charge){ nDauLS++; daughter[index] = ind; index=2; }else{ daughter[1] = ind; nDauOS++; } }else{ Int_t nDauRes=part->GetNDaughters(); if(nDauRes!=2){ AliError("Wrong resonant decay"); return bGenValues; } Int_t labelFirstDauRes = part->GetDaughter(0); for(Int_t iDauRes=0; iDauRes<2; iDauRes++){ Int_t indDR = labelFirstDauRes+iDauRes; AliAODMCParticle* partDR = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(indDR)); if(!partDR){ AliError("Daughter particle not found in MC array"); return bGenValues; } Short_t signDau=partDR->Charge(); if(signDau==charge){ nDauLS++; daughter[index] = ind; index=2; }else{ daughter[1] = ind; nDauOS++; } } } } }else{ AliError(Form("Wrong number of daughters %d",nDau)); return bGenValues; } if(nDauLS!=2 || nDauOS!=1){ AliError(Form("Wrong decay channel: LS and OS daughters not OK: %d %d",nDauLS,nDauOS)); return bGenValues; } if(daughter[0]>daughter[2]){ Int_t tmp=daughter[0]; daughter[0]=daughter[2]; daughter[2]=tmp; } // getting the momentum from the daughters and decay vertex Double_t px[3],py[3],pz[3],pt[3]; Double_t vertDec[3] = {0,0,0}; // decay vertex for(Int_t iDau=0; iDau<3; iDau++){ AliAODMCParticle* part=dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(daughter[iDau])); if(!part){ AliError("Daughter particle not found in MC array"); return bGenValues; } px[iDau]=part->Px(); py[iDau]=part->Py(); pz[iDau]=part->Pz(); pt[iDau]=part->Pt(); if(iDau==0) part->XvYvZv(vertDec); } Double_t d0[3] = {0.,0.,0.}; // dummy values!!!! AliAODRecoDecayHF* decay = new AliAODRecoDecayHF(vertD,vertDec,nprongs,charge,px,py,pz,d0); Double_t cT = decay->Ct(pdgCand); vectorMC[0] = fmcPartCandidate->Pt(); vectorMC[1] = fmcPartCandidate->Y() ; vectorMC[2] = fmcPartCandidate->Phi(); vectorMC[3] = cT*1.E4 ; // in micron vectorMC[4] = 1.01; // cos pointing angle, dummy value, meaningless in MC vectorMC[5] = pt[0]; vectorMC[6] = pt[1]; vectorMC[7] = pt[2]; vectorMC[8] = 0.; // imppar0, dummy value, meaningless in MC vectorMC[9] = 0.; // imppar1, dummy value, meaningless in MC, in micron vectorMC[10] = 0.; // imppar2, dummy value, meaningless in MC, in micron vectorMC[11] = fzMCVertex; // z of reconstructed of primary vertex vectorMC[12] = fCentValue; // reconstructed centrality value vectorMC[13] = 1.; // always filling with 1 at MC level if (fDecay==kLctopKpi){ vectorMC[14] = 0.; vectorMC[15] = 0.; vectorMC[16] = 0.; vectorMC[17] = 0.; } bGenValues = kTRUE; return bGenValues; } //____________________________________________ Bool_t AliCFVertexingHF3Prong::GetRecoValuesFromCandidate(Double_t *vectorReco) const { // Fill vector (see above) with reconstructed quantities Bool_t bFillRecoValues=kFALSE; Int_t pdgCand = -1; if(fDecay==kDplustoKpipi){ pdgCand=411; }else if(fDecay==kDstoKKpi){ pdgCand=431; }else if(fDecay==kLctopKpi){ pdgCand=4122; // AliError("LambdaC not yet implemented"); // return bFillRecoValues; }else{ AliError("WRONG DECAY SETTING"); return bFillRecoValues; } AliAODRecoDecayHF3Prong *decay3 = (AliAODRecoDecayHF3Prong*)fRecoCandidate; Short_t charge=decay3->Charge(); Double_t rapidity=decay3->Y(pdgCand); Double_t cT=decay3->Ct(pdgCand); Double_t pt = decay3->Pt(); Double_t cosPointingAngle = decay3->CosPointingAngle(); Double_t phi = decay3->Phi(); Double_t dist12= decay3->GetDist12toPrim(); Double_t dist23 = decay3->GetDist23toPrim(); Double_t sigmVert = decay3->GetSigmaVert(); Int_t daughtSorted[3]; Int_t tmpIndex=0; Int_t nDauLS=0; Int_t nDauOS=0; for(Int_t iDau=0; iDau<3; iDau++){ AliAODTrack *trk = (AliAODTrack*)decay3->GetDaughter(iDau); Int_t label = TMath::Abs(trk->GetLabel()); Short_t chargedau=trk->Charge(); if(chargedau==charge){ daughtSorted[tmpIndex]=label; tmpIndex=2; nDauLS++; }else{ daughtSorted[1]=label; nDauOS++; } } if(nDauLS!=2 || nDauOS!=1){ AliError("Wrong decay channel: number of OS and LS tracks not OK"); return bFillRecoValues; } if(daughtSorted[0]>daughtSorted[2]){ Int_t tmp=daughtSorted[0]; daughtSorted[0]=daughtSorted[2]; daughtSorted[2]=tmp; } Double_t d0prong0 = decay3->Getd0Prong(daughtSorted[0]); Double_t d0prong1 = decay3->Getd0Prong(daughtSorted[1]); Double_t d0prong2 = decay3->Getd0Prong(daughtSorted[2]); vectorReco[0] = pt; vectorReco[1] = rapidity; vectorReco[2] = phi; vectorReco[3] = cT*1.E4; // in micron vectorReco[4] = cosPointingAngle; // in micron vectorReco[5] = decay3->PtProng(daughtSorted[0]); vectorReco[6] = decay3->PtProng(daughtSorted[1]); vectorReco[7] = decay3->PtProng(daughtSorted[2]); vectorReco[8] = decay3->Getd0Prong(daughtSorted[0]); vectorReco[9] = decay3->Getd0Prong(daughtSorted[1]); vectorReco[10] = decay3->Getd0Prong(daughtSorted[2]); vectorReco[11] = fzPrimVertex; // z of reconstructed of primary vertex vectorReco[12] = fCentValue; //reconstructed centrality value vectorReco[13] = fFake; // whether the reconstructed candidate was a fake (fFake = 0) or not (fFake = 2) if(fDecay==kLctopKpi){ Double_t sumd02 =(d0prong0*d0prong0 + d0prong1*d0prong1 + d0prong2*d0prong2); vectorReco[14] = dist12*1.E4; vectorReco[15] = dist23*1.E4; vectorReco[16] = sigmVert*1.E4; vectorReco[17] = sumd02*1.E8; } bFillRecoValues = kTRUE; return bFillRecoValues; } //_____________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCFVertexingHF3Prong::CheckMCChannelDecay() const { // Check the pdg codes of the daughters Bool_t checkCD = kFALSE; Int_t pdgCand = -1; Int_t pdgDaughter[3]={-1,-1,-1}; if(fDecay==kDplustoKpipi){ pdgCand=411; pdgDaughter[0]=321; pdgDaughter[1]=211; pdgDaughter[2]=211; }else if(fDecay==kDstoKKpi){ pdgCand=431; pdgDaughter[0]=321; pdgDaughter[1]=321; pdgDaughter[2]=211; }else if(fDecay==kLctopKpi){ pdgCand=4122; pdgDaughter[0]=2212; pdgDaughter[1]=321; pdgDaughter[2]=211; // AliError("LambdaC not yet implemented"); // return checkCD; }else{ AliError("WRONG DECAY SETTING"); return checkCD; } Int_t daughter[3]; Int_t nDau=fmcPartCandidate->GetNDaughters(); Int_t labelFirstDau = fmcPartCandidate->GetDaughter(0); if(nDau==3){ for(Int_t iDau=0; iDau<3; iDau++){ Int_t ind = labelFirstDau+iDau; AliAODMCParticle* part = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(ind)); if(!part){ AliError("Daughter particle not found in MC array"); return checkCD; } daughter[iDau]=TMath::Abs(part->GetPdgCode()); } }else if(nDau==2){ Int_t nDauFound=0; for(Int_t iDau=0; iDau<2; iDau++){ Int_t ind = labelFirstDau+iDau; AliAODMCParticle* part = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(ind)); if(!part){ AliError("Daughter particle not found in MC array"); return checkCD; } Int_t pdgCode=TMath::Abs(part->GetPdgCode()); if(pdgCode==211 || pdgCode==321 || pdgCode==2212){ if(nDauFound>=3) return checkCD; daughter[nDauFound]=pdgCode; nDauFound++; }else{ Int_t nDauRes=part->GetNDaughters(); if(nDauRes!=2) return checkCD; Int_t labelFirstDauRes = part->GetDaughter(0); for(Int_t iDauRes=0; iDauRes<2; iDauRes++){ Int_t indDR = labelFirstDauRes+iDauRes; AliAODMCParticle* partDR = dynamic_cast(fmcArray->At(indDR)); if(!partDR){ AliError("Daughter particle not found in MC array"); return checkCD; } Int_t pdgCodeDR=TMath::Abs(partDR->GetPdgCode()); if(nDauFound>=3) return checkCD; daughter[nDauFound]=pdgCodeDR; nDauFound++; } } } }else{ return checkCD; } for(Int_t iDau1=0; iDau1<3; iDau1++){ for(Int_t iDau2=iDau1; iDau2<3; iDau2++){ if(daughter[iDau1]