void ReadAODVertexingHF(const char *aodFileName="AliAOD.root", const char *aodHFFileName="AliAOD.VertexingHF.root") { // // Example macro to read D0->Kpi candidates from AOD (having the // standard AOD + a friend heavy-flavour AOD) and apply cuts // Origin: A.Dainese // Bool_t useParFiles=kFALSE; gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG3/vertexingHF/LoadLibraries.C"); LoadLibraries(useParFiles); // create a test histogram TH2F *hCPtaVSd0d0 = new TH2F("hCPtaVSd0d0","D^{0} correlation plot",1000,-50000,50000,1000,-1,1); hCPtaVSd0d0->SetXTitle("Product of impact parameters [#mu m^{2}]"); hCPtaVSd0d0->SetYTitle("Cosine of pointing angle"); TH1F *hMass = new TH1F("hMass","D^{0} mass plot",100,1.7,2); hMass->SetXTitle("Invariant mass [GeV]"); hMass->SetYTitle("Entries"); TH1F *hSecVtxZ = new TH1F("hSecVtxZ","D^{0} decay vertex z",1000,-10,10); hSecVtxZ->SetXTitle("z of decay vertex [cm]"); hSecVtxZ->SetYTitle("Entries"); TH1F *hDeltaMassDstar = new TH1F("hDeltaMassDstar","D* delta mass plot",100,0,0.3); hDeltaMassDstar->SetXTitle("M(Kpipi)-M(Kpi) [GeV]"); hDeltaMassDstar->SetYTitle("Entries"); // open input file and get the TTree TFile inFile(aodFileName,"READ"); if (!inFile.IsOpen()) return; TTree *aodTree = (TTree*)inFile.Get("aodTree"); aodTree->AddFriend("aodTree",aodHFFileName); AliAODEvent *aod = new AliAODEvent(); aod->ReadFromTree(aodTree); // load heavy flavour vertices TClonesArray *arrayVerticesHF = (TClonesArray*)aod->GetList()->FindObject("VerticesHF"); // load D0->Kpi candidates TClonesArray *arrayD0toKpi = (TClonesArray*)aod->GetList()->FindObject("D0toKpi"); // load 3prong candidates TClonesArray *array3Prong = (TClonesArray*)aod->GetList()->FindObject("Charm3Prong"); // load D* candidates TClonesArray *arrayDstar = (TClonesArray*)aod->GetList()->FindObject("Dstar"); // load cascade (V0+track) candidates TClonesArray *arrayCascades = (TClonesArray*)aod->GetList()->FindObject("CascadesHF"); Double_t cutsD0[9]= // cutsD0[0] = inv. mass half width [GeV] // cutsD0[1] = dca [cm] // cutsD0[2] = cosThetaStar // cutsD0[3] = pTK [GeV/c] // cutsD0[4] = pTPi [GeV/c] // cutsD0[5] = d0K [cm] upper limit! // cutsD0[6] = d0Pi [cm] upper limit! // cutsD0[7] = d0d0 [cm^2] // cutsD0[8] = cosThetaPoint {1000., 100000., 1.1, 0., 0., 100000., 100000., 100000000., -1.1}; Double_t cutsDstar[5]= // (to be passed to AliAODRecoCascadeHF::SelectDstar()) // 0 = inv. mass half width of D* [GeV] // 1 = half width of (M_Kpipi-M_Kpi) [GeV] // 2 = PtMin of pi_s [GeV/c] // 3 = PtMax of pi_s [GeV/c] // 4 = theta, angle between the trace of pi_s and D0 decay plane [rad] {999999., 999999., 0.1, 1.0, 0.5}; Double_t cutsLctoV0[9]=// cuts on Lambdac candidates to V0+bachelor // (to be passed to AliAODRecoDecayHF3Prong::SelectLctoV0()) // 0 = inv. mass half width in K0s hypothesis [GeV] // 1 = inv. mass half width in Lambda hypothesis [GeV] // 2 = inv. mass V0 in K0s hypothesis half width [GeV] // 3 = inv. mass V0 in Lambda hypothesis half width [GeV] // 4 = pT min Bachelor track [GeV/c] // 5 = pT min V0-Positive track [GeV/c] // 6 = pT min V0-Negative track [GeV/c] // 7 = dca cut on the V0 (cm) // 8 = dca cut on the cascade (cm) {2.0,2.0,1.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1000.,1000.}; Int_t nTotHF=0,nTotD0toKpi=0,nTotDstar=0,nTot3Prong=0,nTotCasc=0; AliAODVertex *vtx1=0; // loop over events Int_t nEvents = aodTree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t nEv = 0; nEv < nEvents; nEv++) { cout<<"\n------------ Event: "<GetEvent(nEv); //aodTree->BranchRef(); //print event info aod->GetHeader()->Print(); // primary vertex vtx1 = (AliAODVertex*)aod->GetPrimaryVertex(); vtx1->Print(); // make trkIDtoEntry register (temporary) Int_t trkIDtoEntry[100000]; for(Int_t it=0;itGetNumberOfTracks();it++) { AliAODTrack *track = aod->GetTrack(it); trkIDtoEntry[track->GetID()]=it; } // loop over D0->Kpi candidates Int_t nD0toKpi = arrayD0toKpi->GetEntriesFast(); nTotD0toKpi += nD0toKpi; cout<<"Number of D0->Kpi: "<UncheckedAt(iD0toKpi); Bool_t unsetvtx=kFALSE; if(!d->GetOwnPrimaryVtx()) { d->SetOwnPrimaryVtx(vtx1); // needed to compute all variables unsetvtx=kTRUE; } Int_t okD0=0,okD0bar=0; if(d->SelectD0(cutsD0,okD0,okD0bar)) { //cout<<1e8*d->Prodd0d0()<Fill(d->InvMassD0(),0.5); hMass->Fill(d->InvMassD0bar(),0.5); hCPtaVSd0d0->Fill(1e8*d->Prodd0d0(),d->CosPointingAngle()); hSecVtxZ->Fill(d->GetSecVtxZ()); //cout<GetSecVtxX() <GetDaughter(0); AliAODTrack *trk1 = (AliAODTrack*)d->GetDaughter(1); if(!trk0 || !trk1) { trk0=aod->GetTrack(trkIDtoEntry[d->GetProngID(0)]); trk1=aod->GetTrack(trkIDtoEntry[d->GetProngID(1)]); cout<<"references to standard AOD not available"<Pt()<Pt()<<" (AliAODRecoDecay); "<GetMagneticField(),1000.,dz,covdz); cout<<"D0 impact parameter rphi: "<UnsetOwnPrimaryVtx(); } // loop over D* candidates Int_t nDstar = arrayDstar->GetEntriesFast(); nTotDstar += nDstar; cout<<"Number of D*->D0pi: "<UncheckedAt(iDstar); Bool_t unsetvtx=kFALSE; if(!c->GetOwnPrimaryVtx()) { c->SetOwnPrimaryVtx(vtx1); // needed to compute all variables c->Get2Prong()->SetOwnPrimaryVtx(vtx1); unsetvtx=kTRUE; } if(c->SelectDstar(cutsDstar,cutsD0)) { hDeltaMassDstar->Fill(c->DeltaInvMass()); // get daughters AliAODTrack *trk = (AliAODTrack*)c->GetBachelor(); AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong *d = (AliAODRecoDecayHF2Prong*)c->Get2Prong(); cout<<"pt of soft pi: "<Pt()<Pt()<UnsetOwnPrimaryVtx(); c->Get2Prong()->UnsetOwnPrimaryVtx(); } } // count 3prong candidates Int_t n3Prong = array3Prong->GetEntriesFast(); nTot3Prong += n3Prong; cout<<"Number of Charm->3Prong: "<GetEntriesFast(); nTotHF += nVtxsHF; cout<<"Number of heavy-flavour vertices: "<UncheckedAt(iVtx); // print info //cout << iVtx << ": vertex z position: " << vtxHF->GetZ() << endl; } // count cascade candidates if (arrayCascades){ Int_t nCasc = arrayCascades->GetEntriesFast(); nTotCasc+=nCasc; cout << "Number of Cascades: "<Kpi: %d\n",nTotD0toKpi); printf("\n Total D*->D0pi: %d\n",nTotDstar); printf("\n Total Charm->3Prong: %d\n",nTot3Prong); if (arrayCascades) printf("\n Total Cascades: %d\n",nTotCasc); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","c1",0,0,800,700); c1->Divide(2,2); c1->cd(1); hCPtaVSd0d0->Draw("colz"); c1->cd(2); hMass->SetFillColor(4); hMass->Draw(); c1->cd(3); hSecVtxZ->SetFillColor(2); hSecVtxZ->Draw(); c1->cd(4); hDeltaMassDstar->SetFillColor(3); hDeltaMassDstar->Draw(); return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ReadAODVertexingHFsa(const char *aodHFFileName="AliAOD.VertexingHF.sa.root") { // // Example macro to read D0->Kpi candidates from a stand-alone // heavy-flavour AOD (i.e. without standard AOD) and apply cuts // Origin: A.Dainese // Bool_t useParFiles=kFALSE; gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG3/vertexingHF/LoadLibraries.C"); LoadLibraries(useParFiles); // create a test histogram TH2F *hCPtaVSd0d0 = new TH2F("hCPtaVSd0d0","D^{0} correlation plot",1000,-50000,50000,1000,-1,1); hCPtaVSd0d0->SetXTitle("Product of impact parameters [#mu m^{2}]"); hCPtaVSd0d0->SetYTitle("Cosine of pointing angle"); TH1F *hMass = new TH1F("hMass","D^{0} mass plot",100,1.7,2); hMass->SetXTitle("Invariant mass [GeV]"); hMass->SetYTitle("Entries"); TH1F *hSecVtxZ = new TH1F("hSecVtxZ","D^{0} decay vertex z",1000,-10,10); hSecVtxZ->SetXTitle("z of decay vertex [cm]"); hSecVtxZ->SetYTitle("Entries"); // open input file and get the TTree TFile inFile(aodHFFileName,"READ"); if (!inFile.IsOpen()) return; TTree *aodTree = (TTree*)inFile.Get("aodTree"); AliAODEvent *aod = new AliAODEvent(); aod->ReadFromTree(aodTree); // load heavy flavour vertices TClonesArray *arrayVerticesHF = (TClonesArray*)aod->GetList()->FindObject("VerticesHF"); // load D0->Kpi candidates TClonesArray *arrayD0toKpi = (TClonesArray*)aod->GetList()->FindObject("D0toKpi"); Double_t cutsD0[9]= // cutsD0[0] = inv. mass half width [GeV] // cutsD0[1] = dca [cm] // cutsD0[2] = cosThetaStar // cutsD0[3] = pTK [GeV/c] // cutsD0[4] = pTPi [GeV/c] // cutsD0[5] = d0K [cm] upper limit! // cutsD0[6] = d0Pi [cm] upper limit! // cutsD0[7] = d0d0 [cm^2] // cutsD0[8] = cosThetaPoint {1000., 100000., 1.1, 0., 0., 100000., 100000., 100000000., -1.1}; Int_t nTotHF=0,nTotD0toKpi=0; AliAODVertex *vtx1=0; // loop over events Int_t nEvents = aodTree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t nEv = 0; nEv < nEvents; nEv++) { cout<<"\n------------ Event: "<GetEvent(nEv); //aodTree->BranchRef(); // loop over D0->Kpi candidates Int_t nD0toKpi = arrayD0toKpi->GetEntriesFast(); nTotD0toKpi += nD0toKpi; cout<<"Number of D0->Kpi: "<UncheckedAt(iD0toKpi); Int_t okD0=0,okD0bar=0; if(d->SelectD0(cutsD0,okD0,okD0bar)) { //cout<<1e8*d->Prodd0d0()<Fill(d->InvMassD0(),0.5); hMass->Fill(d->InvMassD0bar(),0.5); hCPtaVSd0d0->Fill(1e8*d->Prodd0d0(),d->CosPointingAngle()); hSecVtxZ->Fill(d->GetSecVtxZ()); //cout<GetSecVtxZ() <Kpi: %d\n",nTotD0toKpi); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c","c",0,0,1000,1000); c->Divide(2,2); c->cd(1); hCPtaVSd0d0->Draw("colz"); c->cd(2); hMass->SetFillColor(4); hMass->Draw(); c->cd(3); hSecVtxZ->SetFillColor(2); hSecVtxZ->Draw(); return; }