#ifndef ALIANAGAMMAJETLEADCONE_H #define ALIANAGAMMAJETLEADCONE_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ /* History of cvs commits: * * $Log$ * Revision 1.2 2007/08/17 12:40:04 schutz * New analysis classes by Gustavo Conesa * * Revision 2007/07/26 10:32:09 schutz * new analysis classes in the the new analysis framework * * */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Class that contains the algorithm for the reconstruction of jet, cone around leading particle // Class created from old AliPHOSGammaJet // (see AliRoot versions previous Release 4-09) //-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (INFN-LNF) #include "AliAnaGammaCorrelation.h" class AliAnaGammaJetLeadCone : public AliAnaGammaCorrelation { public: AliAnaGammaJetLeadCone() ; // default ctor AliAnaGammaJetLeadCone(const AliAnaGammaJetLeadCone & g) ; // cpy ctor AliAnaGammaJetLeadCone & operator = (const AliAnaGammaJetLeadCone & g) ;//cpy assignment virtual ~AliAnaGammaJetLeadCone() ; //virtual dtor TList * GetCreateOutputObjects(); void InitParameters(); void Print(const Option_t * opt) const; Bool_t AreSeveralConeAndPtCuts() const {return fSeveralConeAndPtCuts ; } void SetSeveralConeAndPtCuts(Bool_t several){fSeveralConeAndPtCuts = several ;} Bool_t IsPbPb() const {return fPbPb ; } void SetPbPb(Bool_t opt){fPbPb = opt; } Double_t GetEtaEMCALCut() const {return fEtaEMCALCut;} Double_t GetPhiEMCALCut(Int_t i) const {return fPhiEMCALCut[i];} void SetEtaEMCALCut(Double_t etacut) {fEtaEMCALCut = etacut ; } void SetPhiEMCALCut(Double_t phi, Int_t i){fPhiEMCALCut[i] = phi; } Double_t GetPtJetSelectionCut() const {return fPtJetSelectionCut ; } Double_t GetJetRatioMaxCut() const {return fJetRatioMaxCut ; } Double_t GetJetRatioMinCut() const {return fJetRatioMinCut ; } void SetPtJetSelectionCut(Double_t cut){fPtJetSelectionCut = cut; } void SetJetSelection(UInt_t select){ fSelect= select ; } Int_t GetJetNCones() const {return fJetNCone ; } Int_t GetJetNPtThres() const {return fJetNPt ; } Float_t GetJetCone() const {return fJetCone ; } Float_t GetJetPtThreshold() const {return fJetPtThreshold ; } Float_t GetJetPtThresPbPb() const {return fJetPtThresPbPb ; } Float_t GetJetCones(Int_t i) const {return fJetCones[i] ; } Float_t GetJetPtThreshold(Int_t i) const {return fJetPtThres[i] ; } TString GetJetConeName(Int_t i) const {return fJetNameCones[i] ; } TString GetJetPtThresName(Int_t i) const {return fJetNamePtThres[i] ; } void SetJetNCones(Int_t n){fJetNCone = n ; } void SetJetNPtThresholds(Int_t n){fJetNPt = n ; } void SetJetCones(Int_t i, Float_t cone, TString sc) {fJetCones[i] = cone ; fJetNameCones[i] = sc; }; void SetCone(Float_t cone) {fJetCone = cone; } void SetJetPtThreshold(Float_t pt){fJetPtThreshold = pt; }; void SetJetPtThresPbPb(Float_t pt){fJetPtThresPbPb = pt; }; void SetJetPtThresholds(Int_t i,Float_t pt, TString spt){fJetPtThres[i] = pt ; fJetNamePtThres[i] = spt; }; void SetJetRatioCutRange(Double_t ratiomin, Double_t ratiomax) {fJetRatioMaxCut =ratiomax; fJetRatioMinCut = ratiomin ; } void SetJetCTSRatioCutRange(Double_t ratiomin, Double_t ratiomax) {fJetCTSRatioMaxCut =ratiomax; fJetCTSRatioMinCut = ratiomin ; } void MakeGammaCorrelation(TParticle * pGamma, TClonesArray * plCTS, TClonesArray * plNe) ; private: Double_t CalculateJetRatioLimit(const Double_t ptg, const Double_t *param, const Double_t *x); void FillJetHistos(TClonesArray * pl, Double_t ptg, Double_t ptl,TString type, TString lastname); Bool_t IsJetSelected(const Double_t ptg, const Double_t ptjet); void MakeJet(TClonesArray * plCTS, TClonesArray * plNe, TParticle * pGamma, TParticle* pLeading, TString lastname); void GetLeadingCharge(TClonesArray * pl, TParticle *pGamma, TParticle * pLeading) const ; void GetLeadingPi0 (TClonesArray * pl, TParticle *pGamma, TParticle * pLeading) ; Bool_t GetLeadingParticle(TClonesArray * plCTS, TClonesArray * plNe, TParticle *pGamma, TParticle * pLeading) ; void SetJet(TParticle * part, Bool_t & b, Float_t cone, Double_t eta, Double_t phi); private: Bool_t fPbPb; // PbPb event Bool_t fSeveralConeAndPtCuts; // To play with the jet cone size and pt th. Double_t fEtaEMCALCut ; // Eta EMCAL acceptance Double_t fPhiEMCALCut[2] ; // Phi cut maximum //Jet selection parameters //Fixed cuts (old) Double_t fJetCTSRatioMaxCut ; // Leading particle/gamma Ratio cut maximum Double_t fJetCTSRatioMinCut ; // Leading particle/gamma Ratio cut minimum Double_t fJetRatioMaxCut ; // Jet/gamma Ratio cut maximum Double_t fJetRatioMinCut ; // Jet/gamma Ratio cut minimum //Cuts depending on jet pt Double_t fJetE1[2]; //Rec. jet energy parameters Double_t fJetE2[2]; //Rec. jet energy parameters Double_t fJetSigma1[2];//Rec. sigma of jet energy parameters Double_t fJetSigma2[2];//Rec. sigma of jet energy parameters Double_t fBkgMean[6]; //Background mean energy Double_t fBkgRMS[6]; //Background RMS Double_t fJetXMin1[6]; //X Factor to set jet min limit for pp Double_t fJetXMin2[6]; //X Factor to set jet min limit for PbPb Double_t fJetXMax1[6]; //X Factor to set jet max limit for pp Double_t fJetXMax2[6]; //X Factor to set jet max limit for PbPb Int_t fJetNCone ; // Number of jet cones sizes Int_t fJetNPt ; // Number of jet particle pT threshold Double_t fJetCone ; // Jet cone sizes under study (!fSeveralConeAndPtCuts) Double_t fJetCones[10]; // Jet cone sizes under study (fSeveralConeAndPtCuts) TString fJetNameCones[10]; // String name of cone to append to histos Double_t fJetPtThreshold; // Jet pT threshold under study(!fSeveralConeAndPtCuts) Double_t fJetPtThresPbPb; // Jet pT threshold under study(!fSeveralConeAndPtCuts) Double_t fJetPtThres[10]; // Jet pT threshold under study(fSeveralConeAndPtCuts) TString fJetNamePtThres[10]; // String name of pt th to append to histos Double_t fPtJetSelectionCut; // Jet pt to change to low pt jets analysis UInt_t fSelect ; //kTRUE: Selects all jets, no limits. //Histograms TH2F * fhPhiCharged ; TH2F * fhPhiNeutral ; TH2F * fhEtaCharged ; TH2F * fhEtaNeutral ; TH2F * fhDeltaPhiGammaCharged ; TH2F * fhDeltaPhiGammaNeutral ; TH2F * fhDeltaEtaGammaCharged ; TH2F * fhDeltaEtaGammaNeutral ; TH2F * fhAnglePairLeading ; TH2F * fhInvMassPairLeading ; TH2F * fhChargedRatio ; TH2F * fhNeutralRatio ; TH1F * fhNBkg ; TH2F * fhNLeading ; TH1F * fhNJet ; TH2F * fhJetRatio ; TH2F * fhJetPt ; TH2F * fhBkgRatio ; TH2F * fhBkgPt ; TH2F * fhJetFragment ; TH2F * fhBkgFragment ; TH2F * fhJetPtDist ; TH2F * fhBkgPtDist ; TH2F * fhJetRatios[5][5]; TH2F * fhJetPts[5][5]; TH2F * fhBkgRatios[5][5]; TH2F * fhBkgPts[5][5]; TH2F * fhNLeadings[5][5]; TH1F * fhNJets[5][5]; TH1F * fhNBkgs[5][5]; TH2F * fhJetFragments[5][5]; TH2F * fhBkgFragments[5][5]; TH2F * fhJetPtDists[5][5]; TH2F * fhBkgPtDists[5][5]; ClassDef(AliAnaGammaJetLeadCone,1) } ; #endif //ALIANAGAMMAJETLEADCONE_H