#ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKCALOCONV_H #define ALIANALYSISTASKCALOCONV_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------------------------------- // Class used to do analysis on conversion pairs //--------------------------------------------- //////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" class AliESDInputHandler; class AliESDEvent; class AliAODEvent; class AliMCEvent; class TList; class AliCFContainer ; class AliStack; class AliESDpid ; class AliEMCALGeoUtils ; class AliPHOSGeoUtils ; class AliExternalTrackParam ; class AliAnalysisTaskCaloConv : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskCaloConv(); AliAnalysisTaskCaloConv(const char* name); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskCaloConv() ;// virtual destructor // Implementation of interface methods virtual void Init(); virtual void LocalInit() {Init();} virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option); virtual void Terminate(Option_t * /*option*/){} virtual void ConnectInputData(Option_t * option); void SetPi0Threshold1(Double_t thrs=0.5){fPi0Thresh1=thrs ; } //Threshold 1 for Calo photon void SetPi0Threshold2(Double_t thrs=1.){fPi0Thresh2=thrs ; } //Threshold 2 for Calo Photon void SetTriggerFlags(Bool_t flag){fTriggerCINT1B=flag;} //PID setters void SetDEdxCuts(Double_t sEUp=5., Double_t sEDn=-3., Double_t sPiUp=0., Double_t sPiDn=1.){ fnSigmaAboveElectronLine= sEUp; fnSigmaBelowElectronLine=sEDn; fnSigmaAbovePionLine=sPiUp; fpnSigmaAbovePionLine=sPiDn;} void SetConvProbCut(Double_t prob=0.){ fprobCut=prob;} void SetConvMaxRCut(Double_t maxR=180.){fmaxR=maxR ;} void SetConvMaxZCut(Double_t maxZ=240.){fmaxZ=maxZ ;} void SetConvMaxEtaCut(Double_t eta=0.9){fetaCut=eta ;} void SetConvMinPtCut(Double_t minPt=0.02){fptCut=minPt ;} void SetConvMaxChi2Cut(Double_t chi2=30.){fchi2CutConversion=chi2 ;} protected: void InitGeometry() ; //Create PHOS/EMCAL geometry void ProcessMC(); void SelectConvPhotons() ; //collects V0s in event void SelectPHOSPhotons(); //collects PHOS photons in event void SelectEMCALPhotons(); //collects EMCAL photons in event void FillRealMixed() ; //Fills Real and Mixed inv.mass distributions void FillHistogram(const char * key,Double_t x) const ; //Fill 1D histogram witn name key void FillHistogram(const char * key,Double_t x, Double_t y) const ; //Fill 2D histogram witn name key void FillHistogram(const char * key,Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const ; //Fill 3D histogram witn name key Double_t PlanarityAngle(const AliExternalTrackParam * pos, const AliExternalTrackParam * neg)const ; private: AliAnalysisTaskCaloConv(const AliAnalysisTaskCaloConv&); // Not implemented AliAnalysisTaskCaloConv& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskCaloConv&); // Not implemented enum{ kCaloPIDdisp = BIT(14), kCaloPIDtof = BIT(15), kCaloPIDneutral= BIT(16) }; enum{ kConvOnFly= BIT(14), kConvKink = BIT(15), kConvdEdx = BIT(16), kConvProb = BIT(17), kConvR = BIT(18), kConvZR = BIT(19), kConvNDF = BIT(20), kConvEta = BIT(21), kConvPlan = BIT(22) }; AliESDEvent* fESDEvent; //!pointer to the ESDEvent AliESDpid * fESDpid ; //class for Track PID calculation AliStack * fStack; //! pointer to the MC particle stack TList * fOutputContainer; //final histogram container TList * fCFOutputContainer; //Correction Fremework conntainer AliCFContainer * fConvCFCont ; //Container for Conv. photons correction calculation AliCFContainer * fPHOSCFCont ; //Container for Conv. photons correction calculation AliCFContainer * fEMCALCFCont ; //Container for Conv. photons correction calculation AliCFContainer * fPi0CFCont ; //Container for Conv. photons correction calculation Bool_t fTriggerCINT1B; //Flag to select trigger CINT1B Double_t fMinOpeningAngleGhostCut; // minimum angle cut AliPHOSGeoUtils *fPHOSgeom; //!PHOS geometry AliEMCALGeoUtils *fEMCALgeom; //!EMCAL geometry Double_t fPi0Thresh1 ; //Threshold 1 for pi0 calibration Double_t fPi0Thresh2 ; //Threshold 2 for pi0 calibration //Containers for storing previous events // 10 bins for vtx class TList * fPHOSEvents[10] ; //Container for PHOS photons TList * fEMCALEvents[10] ; //Container for EMCAL photons TList * fConvEvents[10] ; //Container for conversion photons TClonesArray * fConvEvent ; //Conversion photons in current event TClonesArray * fPHOSEvent ; //PHOS photons in current event TClonesArray * fEMCALEvent ; //EMCAL photons in current event Double_t fnSigmaAboveElectronLine; Double_t fnSigmaBelowElectronLine; Double_t fnSigmaAbovePionLine; Double_t fpnSigmaAbovePionLine; Double_t fprobCut; Double_t fmaxR ; Double_t fmaxZ ; Double_t fetaCut ; Double_t fptCut ; Double_t fchi2CutConversion ; ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskCaloConv, 1); // Analysis task for conversion + calorimeters }; #endif //ALIANALYSISTASKCALOCO_H