#ifndef ALIGAMMACONVERSIONAODOBJECT_H #define ALIGAMMACONVERSIONAODOBJECT_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------------------------------- // Class containing the aod information from conversions //--------------------------------------------- //////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- ROOT system --- #include "TObject.h" class AliStack; class AliESDEvent; #include "TMath.h" class AliGammaConversionAODObject : public TObject { public: AliGammaConversionAODObject(); //constructor AliGammaConversionAODObject(const AliGammaConversionAODObject & g); //copy constructor AliGammaConversionAODObject & operator = (const AliGammaConversionAODObject & g); //assignment operator virtual ~AliGammaConversionAODObject() {;} //virtual destructor /* This function sets the Px */ void SetPx(Float_t px){fPx = px;} /* This function sets the Py */ void SetPy(Float_t py){fPy = py;} /* This function sets the Pz */ void SetPz(Float_t pz){fPz = pz;} ///Set E void SetE(Float_t e) { fE = e; } ///Set the Chi2 of reconstructed conversion gamma void SetChi2(Float_t chi2) {fChi2 = chi2;} /* This function sets the esd label of the first decay particle */ void SetLabel1(Int_t label){fLabel1 = label;} /* This function sets the esd label of the second decay particle */ void SetLabel2(Int_t label){fLabel2 = label;} ///Set Invariant mass void SetIMass(Float_t im) { fIMass = im; } ///Set the tag for decay meson void SetTag( Bool_t tagged ) { fTagged = tagged; } /* This function sets the MC stack */ void SetStack(AliStack* const stack){fMCStack=stack;} /* This function sets the ESD event*/ void SetESDEvent(AliESDEvent* const esdEvent){fESDEvent = esdEvent;} /// Get Px Float_t Px() const{return fPx;} /* This function returns the Py*/ Float_t Py() const{return fPy;} /* This function returns the Pz*/ Float_t Pz() const{return fPz;} //Get the Chi2 of particle Float_t Chi2() const {return fChi2;} //Get Pt of particle Float_t Pt() const {return TMath::Sqrt(fPx* fPx + fPy*fPy);} ///Get Energy of particle Float_t E() const {return TMath::Sqrt(fPx*fPx + fPy*fPy + fPz*fPz);} ///Get Phi of particle Float_t Phi() const { return fPx == 0.0 && fPy == 0.0 ? 0.0 : TMath::ATan2(fPy,fPx); } /* This function returns the esd label of the first electron */ Int_t GetLabel1() const{return fLabel1;} /* This function returns the esd label of the second electron */ Int_t GetLabel2()const {return fLabel2;} /// Get gamma tag (if tagged as decay photon) Bool_t IsTagged() const { return fTagged; } /* This function returns the Gamma MC label */ Int_t GetGammaMCLabel() const; /* This function returns the unique id of the electrons (if they have the same mother and unique id) */ Int_t GetElectronUniqueID() const; /* This function returns the MC label of the first electron*/ Int_t GetElectronMCLabel1() const; /* This function returns the MC label of the second electron*/ Int_t GetElectronMCLabel2() const; private: Float_t fPx; // Px Float_t fPy; // Py Float_t fPz; // Pz Float_t fE; // Pz Int_t fLabel1; //mc label or TClonesArray index of first decay particle Int_t fLabel2; //mc label or TClonesArray index of second decay particle Float_t fChi2; // Chi sq of reconstructed mother Float_t fIMass; //Invariant mass, 0 for photons Bool_t fTagged; // Is it tagged as decay pion (only for gammas) AliStack* fMCStack; //!transient pointer to the mc stack AliESDEvent * fESDEvent; //!transient pointer to the esdevent ClassDef(AliGammaConversionAODObject,2) }; #endif