#ifndef ALIGAMMACONVERSIONHISTOGRAMS_H #define ALIGAMMACONVERSIONHISTOGRAMS_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------------------------------- // Class used to do analysis on conversion pairs //--------------------------------------------- //////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TString.h" #include "Riostream.h" #include class TMap; class TList; class TH1F; class TH2F; class TH3F; class AliGammaConversionHistograms{ public: AliGammaConversionHistograms(); //constructor AliGammaConversionHistograms(const AliGammaConversionHistograms & original); //copy constructor AliGammaConversionHistograms & operator = (const AliGammaConversionHistograms & original); //assignment operator virtual ~AliGammaConversionHistograms(); //virtual destructor // TList * GetOutputContainer(); void GetOutputContainer(TList *fOutputContainer); Int_t GetRBin(Double_t radius) const; Int_t GetPhiBin(Double_t phi) const; Int_t GetZBin(Double_t radius) const; void InitializeMappingValues(Int_t nPhiHistograms, Int_t nRHistograms, Int_t nBinsR, Double_t minRadius, Double_t maxRadius,Int_t nBinsPhi, Double_t minPhi, Double_t maxPhi); void AddMappingHistograms(Int_t nPhiHistograms, Int_t nRHistograms,Int_t nXBins, Double_t firstX, Double_t lastX, Int_t nYBins, Double_t firstY, Double_t lastY, TString xAxisTitle="", TString yAxisTitle=""); /* * Adds a TH1F histogram to the histogram map and create a key for it */ void AddHistogram(TString histogramName, TString histogramTitle, Int_t nXBins, Double_t firstX,Double_t lastX,TString xAxisTitle="", TString yAxisTitle=""); /* * Adds a TH2F histogram to the histogram map and create a key for it */ void AddHistogram(TString histogramName, TString histogramTitle, Int_t nXBins, Double_t firstX, Double_t lastX, Int_t nYBins, Double_t firstY, Double_t lastY, TString xAxisTitle="", TString yAxisTitle="", Int_t logAxis =-1); /* * Adds a TH3F histogram to the histogram map and create a key for it */ void AddHistogram(TString histogramName, TString histogramTitle, Int_t nXBins, Double_t firstX, Double_t lastX, Int_t nYBins, Double_t firstY, Double_t lastY, Int_t nZBins, Double_t firstZ, Double_t lastZ, TString xAxisTitle="", TString yAxisTitle="", TString zAxisTitle="", Int_t logAxis =-1); /* * Create a logx binning suitable for dEdx plots */ Bool_t BinLogAxis(const char* name, Int_t dim); /* * Adds a TH1F Table to the table map and create a key for it */ void AddTable(TString tableName,TString tableTitle,Int_t nXBins, const char * axesLabel[]); /* * Adds a TH2F Table */ void AddTable(TString tableName,TString tableTitle,Int_t nXBins, const char * axesXLabel[],Int_t nYBins, const char* axesYLabel[]); /* * Adds a TH3F Table */ void AddTable(TString tableName,TString tableTitle,Int_t nXBins, const char * axesXLabel[],Int_t nYBins, const char* axesYLabel[],Int_t nZBins, const char* axesZLabel[]); /* * Fills a TH1F histogram with the given name with the given value */ void FillHistogram(TString histogramName, Double_t xValue) const; /* * Fills a TH2F histogram with the given name with the given value */ void FillHistogram(TString histogramName, Double_t xValue, Double_t yValue) const; /* * Fills a TH3F histogram with the given name with the given value */ void FillHistogram(TString histogramName, Double_t xValue, Double_t yValue, Double_t zValue) const; /* * Fills a TH1F table with the given name with the given value */ void FillTable(TString tableName, Double_t xValue) const; /* * Fills a TH2F table with the given name with the given value */ void FillTable(TString tableName, Double_t xValue, Double_t yValue) const; /* * Fills a TH3F table with the given name with the given value */ void FillTable(TString tableName, Double_t xValue, Double_t yValue, Double_t zValue) const; /* *Returns a pointer to the histogram associated with name. */ TObject* GetValue(const TString& name); private: TMap* fHistogramMap; // histogram map Int_t fNPhiIndex; //phi index Int_t fNRIndex; //r index Int_t fNZIndex; //z index // Double_t fRBinLimits[8]; // Limits of the radius bins Double_t fRBinLimits[14]; // Limits of the radius bins Double_t fZBinLimits[13]; // Limits of the Z bins Double_t fMinRadius; //min radius cut Double_t fMaxRadius; //max radius cut Double_t fDeltaR; // delta r Double_t fMinPhi; //min phi Double_t fMaxPhi; // max phi Double_t fDeltaPhi;//delta phi TList * fMappingContainer; //mapping container TList * fBackgroundContainer; // background container TList * fDebugContainer; // debug container TList * fResolutionContainer; //resolution container TList * fMatchContainer; //match container TList * fESDContainer;//esd container TList * fMCContainer; // MC container TList * fTableContainer; // table container TList * fOtherContainer; // other container TList * f3DContainer; // 3D container ClassDef(AliGammaConversionHistograms,3) }; #endif