#ifndef ALIV0READER_H #define ALIV0READER_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------------------------------- // Class used to do analysis on conversion pairs //--------------------------------------------- //////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- ROOT system --- #include "TObject.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" // for CF #include "AliESDv0.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliKFParticle.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "AliGammaConversionHistograms.h" #include #include "AliCFManager.h" class TClonesArray; class TFormula; class Riostream; class TChain; //--- AliRoot system --- class AliStack; class AliMCEvent; // for CF class AliESDEvent; class AliMCEventHandler; class AliESDInputHandler; class AliESDVertex; class AliLog; class TChain; class TChain; class AliCFManager; // for CF class AliCFContainer; // for CF class AliTPCpidESD; // for dEdx cut based on nSigma to particle lines class AliV0Reader : public TObject { public: // for CF enum{ kStepGenerated = 0, kStepReconstructable = 1, kStepLikeSign = 2, kStepTPCRefit = 3, kStepKinks = 4, kStepGetOnFly = 5, kStepNContributors = 6, kStepTPCPID = 7, kStepR = 8, kStepLine = 9, kStepZ = 10, kStepNDF = 11, kStepChi2 = 12, kStepEta = 13, kStepPt = 14 }; AliV0Reader(); //constructor AliV0Reader(const AliV0Reader & g); //copy constructor AliV0Reader & operator = (const AliV0Reader & g); //assignment operator // virtual ~AliV0Reader() {;} //virtual destructor virtual ~AliV0Reader(); //virtual destructor /* *Initialize the reader */ void Initialize(); // for CF void SetCFManager(AliCFManager * const io){fCFManager = io;}; AliCFManager *GetCFManager() const {return fCFManager;} /* * Returns AliESDEvent */ AliESDEvent* GetESDEvent() const{return fESDEvent;} /* *Returns the number of v0s in the event, no cuts applied. */ Int_t GetNumberOfV0s() const{return fESDEvent->GetNumberOfV0s();} /* * Check if there are any more good v0s left in the v0 stack * if so, fCurrent v0 is set to this v0 and can be retrieved * by GetCurrentV0 function. * returns kFALSE if there is no more good v0s in the v0 stack */ Bool_t NextV0(); /* * Returns the v0 at the given index, no checks are done on the v0. */ AliESDv0* GetV0(Int_t index); /* * Returns the current v0 */ AliESDv0* GetCurrentV0() const{return fCurrentV0;} /* * Returns the negative ESD track which belongs to fCurrentV0 */ AliESDtrack* GetNegativeESDTrack(){return fESDEvent->GetTrack(fCurrentV0->GetNindex());} /* * Returns the positive ESD track which belongs to fCurrentV0 */ AliESDtrack* GetPositiveESDTrack(){return fESDEvent->GetTrack(fCurrentV0->GetPindex());} /* * Returns the negative KF particle which belongs to fCurrentV0 */ AliKFParticle* GetNegativeKFParticle() const{return fCurrentNegativeKFParticle;} /* * Returns the positive KF particle which belongs to fCurrentV0 */ AliKFParticle* GetPositiveKFParticle() const{return fCurrentPositiveKFParticle;} /* * Returns the KFParticle object of the 2 tracks. */ AliKFParticle* GetMotherCandidateKFCombination() const{return fCurrentMotherKFCandidate;} /* * Checks the probablity that the PID of the particle is what we want it to be. */ Bool_t CheckPIDProbability(Double_t negProbCut, Double_t posProbCut); /* * Checks if the PID of the two particles are within our cuts. */ void GetPIDProbability(Double_t &negPIDProb, Double_t &posPIDProb); /* *Get the negative MC TParticle from the stack */ TParticle * GetNegativeMCParticle() const{return fNegativeMCParticle;} /* *Get the positive MC TParticle from the stack */ TParticle * GetPositiveMCParticle() const{return fPositiveMCParticle;} /* *Get the mother MC TParticle from the stack */ TParticle * GetMotherMCParticle() const{return fMotherMCParticle;} /* * Flag to see if the v0 particles share the same mother */ Bool_t HasSameMCMother(); /* *Get the PID of the MC mother particle */ Int_t GetMotherMCParticlePDGCode() const{if(fMotherMCParticle != NULL){ cout<<"MCParticle exists"<GetPdgCode();} /* *Get the MC stack */ AliStack* GetMCStack() const{return fMCStack;} /* * Setup AliMCEventHandler */ AliMCEventHandler* GetMCTruth() const{return fMCTruth;} // for CF /* *Get the MC stack */ AliMCEvent* GetMCEvent() const{return fMCEvent;} // for CF /* *Get the magnetic field from the ESD event */ Double_t GetMagneticField() const{return fESDEvent->GetMagneticField();} /* *Get the primary vertex from the esd event */ const AliESDVertex *GetPrimaryVertex() const {return fESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertex();} /* * Set the PID of the negative track */ void SetNegativeTrackPID(Int_t negTrackPID){fNegativeTrackPID=negTrackPID;} /* * Set the PID of the positive track */ void SetPositiveTrackPID(Int_t posTrackPID){fPositiveTrackPID=posTrackPID;} /* * Set the flag to use the kfparticle class. Will also disable the use of esd tracks */ void UseKFParticle(){fUseKFParticle = kTRUE; fUseESDTrack = kFALSE;} /* * Set the flag to use the esd track class. Will also disable the use of kf particles */ void UseESDTrack(){fUseESDTrack = kTRUE; fUseKFParticle = kFALSE;} /* * Set the flag to use improved vertex or not */ void SetUseImprovedVertex(Bool_t useImprovedVertex){fUseImprovedVertex=useImprovedVertex;} /* * Return the number in the species array belonging to the negative or positive track pid. */ Int_t GetSpeciesIndex(Int_t chargeOfTrack); /* * Return the x coordinate of the v0 */ Double_t GetX() const{return fCurrentXValue;} /* * Return the y coordinate of the v0 */ Double_t GetY() const{return fCurrentYValue;} /* * Return the Z coordinate of the v0 */ Double_t GetZ() const{return fCurrentZValue;} /* * Return the radius of the v0 */ Double_t GetXYRadius() const{return sqrt((Double_t)(fCurrentXValue*fCurrentXValue + fCurrentYValue*fCurrentYValue));} /* * Get the opening angle between the two tracks */ Double_t GetOpeningAngle(){return fNegativeTrackLorentzVector->Angle(fPositiveTrackLorentzVector->Vect());} /* * Get the Cos Pointing angle between the two tracks */ Double_t GetCosPointingAngle(){return fCurrentV0->GetV0CosineOfPointingAngle();} /* * Get the DCA between the two tracks */ Double_t GetDcaDaughters(){return fCurrentV0->GetDcaV0Daughters();} /* * Get the Normalized DCA between the two tracks */ Double_t GetNormDcaDistDaughters(){return fCurrentV0->GetDcaV0Daughters()/fCurrentV0->GetDistSigma();} /* * Get the Likelihood for a Conversion */ Double_t GetLikelihoodAP(){return fCurrentV0->GetLikelihoodAP(0,0);} /* * Gets the Energy of the negative track. */ Double_t GetNegativeTrackEnergy() const{return fCurrentNegativeKFParticle->E();} /* * Gets the Energy of the positive track. */ Double_t GetPositiveTrackEnergy() const{return fCurrentPositiveKFParticle->E();} /* * Gets the Energy of the mother candidate. */ Double_t GetMotherCandidateEnergy() const{return fCurrentMotherKFCandidate->E();} /* * Gets the Pt of the negative track. */ Double_t GetNegativeTrackPt() const{return fNegativeTrackLorentzVector->Pt();} /* * Gets the Pt of the positive track. */ Double_t GetPositiveTrackPt() const{return fPositiveTrackLorentzVector->Pt();} /* * Gets the Pt of the mother candidate. */ Double_t GetMotherCandidatePt() const{return fMotherCandidateLorentzVector->Pt();} /* * Gets the P of the mother candidate. */ Double_t GetMotherCandidateP() const{return fMotherCandidateLorentzVector->P();} /* * Gets the Eta of the negative track. */ Double_t GetNegativeTrackEta() const{return fNegativeTrackLorentzVector->Eta();} /* * Gets the Eta of the positive track. */ Double_t GetPositiveTrackEta() const{return fPositiveTrackLorentzVector->Eta();} /* * Gets the Eta of the mother candidate. */ Double_t GetMotherCandidateEta() const{return fMotherCandidateLorentzVector->Eta();} /* * Gets the NDF of the mother candidate. */ Double_t GetMotherCandidateNDF() const{return fCurrentMotherKFCandidate->GetNDF();} /* * Gets the Chi2 of the mother candidate. */ Double_t GetMotherCandidateChi2() const{return fCurrentMotherKFCandidate->GetChi2();} /* * Gets the Mass of the mother candidate. */ Double_t GetMotherCandidateMass() const{return fMotherCandidateKFMass;} /* * Gets the Width of the mother candidate. */ Double_t GetMotherCandidateWidth() const{return fMotherCandidateKFWidth;} /* * Gets the Phi of the negative track. */ Double_t GetNegativeTrackPhi() const; /* * Gets the Phi of the positive track. */ Double_t GetPositiveTrackPhi() const; /* * Gets the Phi of the mother candidate. */ Double_t GetMotherCandidatePhi() const; /* * Gets the Rapidity of the mother candidate. */ Double_t GetMotherCandidateRapidity() const; /* * Gets the P of the negative track. */ Double_t GetNegativeTrackP() const{return fNegativeTrackLorentzVector->P();} /* * Gets the P of the positive track. */ Double_t GetPositiveTrackP() const{return fPositiveTrackLorentzVector->P();} /* * Gets the dE/dx in the TPC of the negative track. */ Double_t GetNegativeTrackTPCdEdx() const{return fCurrentNegativeESDTrack->GetTPCsignal();} /* * Gets the dE/dx in the TPC of the positive track. */ Double_t GetPositiveTrackTPCdEdx() const{return fCurrentPositiveESDTrack->GetTPCsignal();} /* * Update data which need to be updated every event. */ void UpdateEventByEventData(); /* * Gets the MaxRCut value. */ Double_t GetMaxRCut() const{return fMaxR;} /* * Gets the Eta cut value. */ Double_t GetEtaCut() const{return fEtaCut;} /* * Gets the Pt cut value. */ Double_t GetPtCut() const{return fPtCut;} /* * Gets the MaxZCut value. */ Double_t GetMaxZCut() const{return fMaxZ;} /* * Gets the line cut values. */ Double_t GetLineCutZRSlope() const{return fLineCutZRSlope;} Double_t GetLineCutZValue() const{return fLineCutZValue;} /* * Gets the Chi2 cut value for the conversions. */ Double_t GetChi2CutConversion() const{return fChi2CutConversion;} /* * Gets the Chi2 cut value for the mesons. */ Double_t GetChi2CutMeson() const{return fChi2CutMeson;} Double_t GetPositiveTrackLength() const{return fCurrentPositiveESDTrack->GetIntegratedLength();} Double_t GetNegativeTrackLength() const{return fCurrentNegativeESDTrack->GetIntegratedLength();} Double_t GetPositiveNTPCClusters() const{return fCurrentPositiveESDTrack->GetTPCNcls();} Double_t GetNegativeNTPCClusters() const{return fCurrentNegativeESDTrack->GetTPCNcls();} /* * Sets the MaxRCut value. */ void SetMaxRCut(Double_t maxR){fMaxR=maxR;} /* * Sets the EtaCut value. */ void SetEtaCut(Double_t etaCut){fEtaCut=etaCut;} /* * Sets the PtCut value. */ void SetPtCut(Double_t ptCut){fPtCut=ptCut;} /* * Sets the MaxZCut value. */ void SetMaxZCut(Double_t maxZ){fMaxZ=maxZ;} /* * Sets the LineCut values. */ void SetLineCutZRSlope(Double_t LineCutZRSlope){fLineCutZRSlope=LineCutZRSlope;} void SetLineCutZValue(Double_t LineCutZValue){fLineCutZValue=LineCutZValue;} /* * Sets the Chi2Cut value for conversions. */ void SetChi2CutConversion(Double_t chi2){fChi2CutConversion=chi2;} /* * Sets the Chi2Cut for the mesons. */ void SetChi2CutMeson(Double_t chi2){fChi2CutMeson=chi2;} /* * Sets the XVertexCut value. */ void SetXVertexCut(Double_t xVtx){fCurrentXValue=xVtx;} /* * Sets the YVertexCut value. */ void SetYVertexCut(Double_t yVtx){fCurrentYValue=yVtx;} /* * Sets the ZVertexCut value. */ void SetZVertexCut(Double_t zVtx){fCurrentZValue=zVtx;} /* * Sets the PIDProbabilityCut value for track particles. */ void SetPIDProbability(Double_t pidProb){fPIDProbabilityCutPositiveParticle=pidProb; fPIDProbabilityCutNegativeParticle=pidProb;} /* * Sets the PIDProbability cut value for the negative track. */ void SetPIDProbabilityNegativeParticle(Double_t pidProb){fPIDProbabilityCutNegativeParticle=pidProb;} /* * Sets the PIDProbability cut value for the positive track. */ void SetPIDProbabilityPositiveParticle(Double_t pidProb){fPIDProbabilityCutPositiveParticle=pidProb;} /* * Sets the PIDnSigmaAboveElectron cut value for the tracks. */ void SetPIDnSigmaAboveElectronLine(Double_t nSigmaAbove){fPIDnSigmaAboveElectronLine=nSigmaAbove;} /* * Sets the PIDnSigmaBelowElectron cut value for the tracks. */ void SetPIDnSigmaBelowElectronLine(Double_t nSigmaBelow){fPIDnSigmaBelowElectronLine=nSigmaBelow;} /* * Sets the PIDnSigmaAbovePion cut value for the tracks. */ void SetPIDnSigmaAbovePionLine(Double_t nSigmaAbovePion){fPIDnSigmaAbovePionLine=nSigmaAbovePion;} /* * Sets the PIDMinPnSigmaAbovePion cut value for the tracks. */ void SetPIDMinPnSigmaAbovePionLine(Double_t MinPnSigmaAbovePion){fPIDMinPnSigmaAbovePionLine=MinPnSigmaAbovePion;} /* * Sets the SigmaMassCut value. */ void SetSigmaMass(Double_t sigmaMass){fNSigmaMass=sigmaMass;} /* * Sets the flag to enable/disable the usage of MC information. */ void SetDoMCTruth(Bool_t doMC){fDoMC = doMC;} /* * Sets the flag to enable/disable the cut dedx N sigma */ void SetDodEdxSigmaCut( Bool_t dodEdxSigmaCut){fDodEdxSigmaCut=dodEdxSigmaCut;} /* * Updates the V0 information of the current V0. */ Bool_t UpdateV0Information(); /* * Resets the V0 index. */ void ResetV0IndexNumber(){fCurrentV0IndexNumber=0;} /* * Sets the histograms. */ void SetHistograms(AliGammaConversionHistograms * const histograms){fHistograms=histograms;} /* * Check for primary vertex. */ Bool_t CheckForPrimaryVertex(); /* * Gets a vector of good v0s. */ vector GetCurrentEventGoodV0s() const{return fCurrentEventGoodV0s;} /* * Gets the vector of previous events v0s (for bacground analysis) */ vector GetPreviousEventGoodV0s() const{return fPreviousEventGoodV0s;} void SetUseOwnXYZCalculation(Bool_t flag){fUseOwnXYZCalculation=flag;} Bool_t GetHelixCenter(AliESDtrack* track, Double_t b,Int_t charge, Double_t center[2]); Bool_t GetConvPosXY(AliESDtrack* ptrack,AliESDtrack* ntrack, Double_t b, Double_t convpos[2]); Double_t GetConvPosZ(AliESDtrack* ptrack,AliESDtrack* ntrack, Double_t b); private: AliStack * fMCStack; // pointer to MonteCarlo particle stack AliMCEventHandler* fMCTruth; // for CF pointer to the MC object AliMCEvent *fMCEvent; // for CF pointer to MC event TChain * fChain; // pointer to the TChain AliESDInputHandler* fESDHandler; //! pointer to esd object AliESDEvent *fESDEvent; //! pointer to esd object // for CF AliCFManager *fCFManager; // pointer to the cf manager // AliCFContainer *container; // for dEdx cut based on nSigma to a particle line AliTPCpidESD * fTPCpid; AliGammaConversionHistograms *fHistograms; //! pointer to histogram handling class Int_t fCurrentV0IndexNumber; // the current v0 index number AliESDv0 * fCurrentV0; //! pointer to the current v0 AliKFParticle * fCurrentNegativeKFParticle; //! pointer to the negative KF particle AliKFParticle * fCurrentPositiveKFParticle; //! pointer to the positive KF particle AliKFParticle * fCurrentMotherKFCandidate; //! pointer to the positive KF particle AliESDtrack * fCurrentNegativeESDTrack; //! pointer to the negative ESD track AliESDtrack * fCurrentPositiveESDTrack; //! pointer to the positive ESD track TLorentzVector * fNegativeTrackLorentzVector; //! pointer to the negative Track Lorentz Vector TLorentzVector * fPositiveTrackLorentzVector; //! pointer to the positive Track Lorentz Vector TLorentzVector * fMotherCandidateLorentzVector; //! pointer to the mother candidate Track Lorentz Vector Double_t fCurrentXValue; // current x value Double_t fCurrentYValue; // current y value Double_t fCurrentZValue; // current z value Int_t fPositiveTrackPID; // positive track pid Int_t fNegativeTrackPID; // negative track pid TParticle *fNegativeMCParticle; //! TParticle *fPositiveMCParticle; //! TParticle *fMotherMCParticle; //! Double_t fMotherCandidateKFMass; // mass of mother candidate KF particle Double_t fMotherCandidateKFWidth; // width of mother candidate KF particle Bool_t fUseKFParticle; // flag Bool_t fUseESDTrack; // flag Bool_t fDoMC; // flag //cuts Double_t fMaxR; //r cut Double_t fEtaCut; //eta cut Double_t fPtCut; // pt cut Double_t fMaxZ; //z cut Double_t fLineCutZRSlope; //linecut Double_t fLineCutZValue; //linecut Double_t fChi2CutConversion; //chi2cut Double_t fChi2CutMeson; //chi2cut Double_t fPIDProbabilityCutNegativeParticle; //pid cut Double_t fPIDProbabilityCutPositiveParticle; //pid cut Bool_t fDodEdxSigmaCut; // flag to use the dEdxCut based on sigmas Double_t fPIDnSigmaAboveElectronLine; Double_t fPIDnSigmaBelowElectronLine; Double_t fPIDnSigmaAbovePionLine; Double_t fPIDMinPnSigmaAbovePionLine; Double_t fXVertexCut; //vertex cut Double_t fYVertexCut; //vertex cut Double_t fZVertexCut; // vertexcut Double_t fNSigmaMass; //nsigma cut Bool_t fUseImprovedVertex; //flag Bool_t fUseOwnXYZCalculation; //flag that determines if we use our own calculation of xyz (markus) vector fCurrentEventGoodV0s; //vector of good v0s vector fPreviousEventGoodV0s; // vector of good v0s from prevous events ClassDef(AliV0Reader,4) }; #endif