#ifndef ALIANALYSISHELPERJETTASKS_H #define ALIANALYSISHELPERJETTASKS_H #include "TObject.h" class AliMCEvent; class AliAODJet; class AliVEvent; class TString; class TArrayI; class AliGenPythiaEventHeader; class TVector3; class AliGenEventHeader; // // Helper Class that contains a lot of // usefull static functions jet matchin pythia access etc. // class AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks : public TObject { public: AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks() : TObject() {;} virtual ~AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks(){;} enum {kMaxJets = 6}; // needed for array size not to fragemnt memory on the heap by many new/delete enum { kNone = 1<<0, kBunchBunch = 1<<1, kBunchEmpty = 1<<2, kEmptyEmpty= 1<<3, kV0A=1<<4, kV0C=1<<5, kNoV0BG=1<<6, kSPDFO=1<<7, kPhysicsSelection = 1<<8, kVertexIn = 1<<9, kIsCosmic = 1<<10, kIsPileUp = 1<<11, kIsMCND=1<<12, kIsMCDD=1<<13, kIsMCSD=1<<14, kTotalSelections = (1<<15) - 1}; enum Trigger {kAcceptAll = 0,kMB1,kMB2,kMB3,kSPDGFO,kTrigger}; // // same as in PWG0Helper enum MCProcessType { kInvalidProcess = -1, kND = 0x1, kDD = 0x2, kSD = 0x4, kOnePart = 0x8 }; static AliGenPythiaEventHeader* GetPythiaEventHeader(const AliMCEvent *mcEvent); static void PrintStack(AliMCEvent *mcEvent,Int_t iFirst = 0,Int_t iLast = 0,Int_t iMaxPrint = 10); static void GetClosestJets(AliAODJet *genJets, const Int_t &kGenJets, const AliAODJet *recJets, const Int_t &kRecJets, Int_t *iGenIndex, Int_t *iRecIndex, Int_t iDebug = 0, Float_t maxDist = 0.3); static void GetClosestJets(const TList *genJetsList,const Int_t &kGenJets, const TList *recJetsList,const Int_t &kRecJets, TArrayI &iGenIndex,TArrayI &iRecIndex, Int_t iDebug = 0,Float_t maxDist = 0.3); static void GetJetMatching(const TList *genJetsList, const Int_t &kGenJets, const TList *recJetsList, const Int_t &kRecJets, TArrayI &iMatchIndex, TArrayF &fPtFraction, Int_t iDebug = 0, Float_t maxDist = 0.3); static Double_t GetFractionOfJet(const AliAODJet *recJet,const AliAODJet *genJet); static void MergeOutputDirs(const char* cFiles,const char* cPattern,const char *cOutFile,Bool_t bUpdate = false); // merges all directories containing the pattern static void MergeOutput(char* cFiles, char* cDir = "",char *cList = "",char* cOutFile ="allpt.root",Bool_t bUpdate = false); // Merges the files in the input text file needs the two histograms fh1PtHard_Trials, fh1Xsec and the name of the input list static Bool_t PythiaInfoFromFile(const char* currFile,Float_t &fXsec,Float_t &fTrials);// get the cross section and the trails either from pyxsec.root or from pysec_hists.root static Bool_t PrintDirectorySize(const char* currFile,Int_t iDetail = -1); // print the size of the output on a given file static Bool_t GetEventShapes(TVector3 &n01,const TVector3 * pTrack, Int_t nTracks, Double_t * eventShapes); static MCProcessType GetPythiaEventProcessType(AliGenEventHeader* aHeader, Bool_t adebug = kFALSE); static MCProcessType GetDPMjetEventProcessType(AliGenEventHeader* aHeader, Bool_t adebug = kFALSE); static Int_t GetLastProcessType() { return fgLastProcessType; } static Bool_t Selected(Bool_t bSet = kFALSE,Bool_t bNew = kTRUE); // static function to store the state of selection from service task static Double_t ReactionPlane(Bool_t bSet = kFALSE,Double_t fNew = 0); static Int_t GetPhiBin(Double_t phi,Int_t fNRPbins); static Bool_t IsPileUp(); // Wrapper for SelectInfo with PileUp static Bool_t IsCosmic(); // Wrapper for SelectInfo with cosmic static Bool_t TestSelectInfo(UInt_t iMask); // Wrapper for testing the SelectInfo bitmask static Bool_t TestEventClass(Int_t iClass); // Wrapper for testing the SelectInfo bitmask static UInt_t SelectInfo(Bool_t bSet = kFALSE,UInt_t iNew = 0); // static function to store the state bitmask of the selection from service task static Int_t EventClass(Bool_t bSet = kFALSE,Int_t iNew = 0); // static function to store the event class of the selection from service task // these methods have been essentially copied from PWG0/AliTriggerAnalysis and expanded to use with AOD static Bool_t IsTriggerFired(const AliVEvent* aEsd, Trigger trigger); private: static Int_t fgLastProcessType; // stores the raw value of the last process type extracted ClassDef(AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks, 6) }; #endif // ALIANALYSISHELPERJETTASKS_H