/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id:$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include "AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE.h" #include "AliAnalyseLeadingTrackUE.h" #include "AliUEHistograms.h" #include "AliUEHist.h" #include "AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliAODHandler.h" #include "AliAODInputHandler.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliGenPythiaEventHeader.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliMCEventHandler.h" #include "AliVParticle.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Analysis class for Underlying Event studies w.r.t. leading track // // Look for correlations on the tranverse regions w.r.t // the leading track in the event // // This class needs input AODs. // The output is a list of analysis-specific containers. // // The AOD can be either connected to the InputEventHandler // for a chain of AOD files // or // to the OutputEventHandler // for a chain of ESD files, // in this case the class should be in the train after the jet-finder // // Authors: // Arian Abrahantes Quintana // Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus // Ernesto Lopez Torres // Sara Vallero // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp( AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE ) // Define global pointer AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE* AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE::fgTaskLeadingTrackUE=NULL; //____________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE:: AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE(const char* name): AliAnalysisTask(name,""), // general configuration fDebug(0), fMode(0), // pointers to UE classes fAnalyseUE(0x0), fHistosUE(0x0), fkTrackingEfficiency(0x0), // handlers and events fAOD(0x0), fArrayMC(0x0), fInputHandler(0x0), fMcEvent(0x0), fMcHandler(0x0), // histogram settings fListOfHistos(0x0), fBinsPtInHist(30), fMinJetPtInHist(0.), fMaxJetPtInHist(300.), // event QA fnTracksVertex(1), // QA tracks pointing to principal vertex (= 3 default) fZVertex(10.), // track cuts fTrackEtaCut(0.8), fLeadingTrackEtaCut(0.8), fFilterBit(0xFF), fSelectBit(0), fUseChargeHadrons(kFALSE), //For MC weighting fAvgTrials(1) { // Default constructor // Define input and output slots here // Input slot #0 works with a TChain DefineInput(0, TChain::Class()); // Output slot #0 writes into a TList container DefineOutput(0, TList::Class()); } /************** INTERFACE METHODS *****************************/ //______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE::Notify() { // Implemented Notify() to read the cross sections // and number of trials from pyxsec.root. // This will be used when merging different MC samples. // (Copied from AliAnalysisTaskJFSystematics) fAvgTrials = 1; TTree *tree = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetTree(); Float_t xsection = 0; Float_t trials = 1; if(tree){ TFile *curfile = tree->GetCurrentFile(); if (!curfile) { Error("Notify","No current file"); return kFALSE; } AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::PythiaInfoFromFile(curfile->GetName(),xsection,trials); //TO-DO //fHistosUE->GetXsec()->Fill("<#sigma>",xsection); // construct average trials Float_t nEntries = (Float_t)tree->GetTree()->GetEntries(); if(trials>=nEntries && nEntries>0.)fAvgTrials = trials/nEntries; } return kTRUE; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE::ConnectInputData(Option_t* /*option*/) { // Connect the input data if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo("ConnectInputData() "); // Since AODs can either be connected to the InputEventHandler // or to the OutputEventHandler ( the AOD is created by a previus task in the train ) // we need to get the pointer to the AODEvent correctly. // Delta AODs are also accepted. TObject* handler = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler(); if( handler && handler->InheritsFrom("AliAODInputHandler") ) { // input AOD fAOD = ((AliAODInputHandler*)handler)->GetEvent(); if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(" ==== Tracks and Jets from AliAODInputHandler"); } else { //output AOD handler = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetOutputEventHandler(); if( handler && handler->InheritsFrom("AliAODHandler") ) { fAOD = ((AliAODHandler*)handler)->GetAOD(); if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo(" ==== Tracks and Jets from AliAODHandler"); } else { // no AOD AliFatal("I can't get any AOD Event Handler"); return; } } // Initialize common pointers Initialize(); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE::CreateOutputObjects() { // Create the output container if (fDebug > 1) AliInfo("CreateOutputObjects()"); // Initialize class with main algorithms, event and track selection. fAnalyseUE = new AliAnalyseLeadingTrackUE(); fAnalyseUE->SetParticleSelectionCriteria(fFilterBit, fUseChargeHadrons, fLeadingTrackEtaCut); fAnalyseUE->SetDebug(fDebug); // Initialize output list of containers if (fListOfHistos != NULL){ delete fListOfHistos; fListOfHistos = NULL; } if (!fListOfHistos){ fListOfHistos = new TList(); fListOfHistos->SetOwner(kTRUE); } // Initialize class to handle histograms fHistosUE = new AliUEHistograms; // add histograms to list fListOfHistos->Add(fHistosUE); //fListOfHistos->Add(new TH2F("multVsLeadStep5", ";multiplicity;leading pT", 100, -0.5, 99.5, 20, 0, 10)); // Add task configuration to output list AddSettingsTree(); PostData(0,fListOfHistos); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE::Exec(Option_t */*option*/) { // array of MC particles if (fMcHandler){ fArrayMC = dynamic_cast(fAOD->FindListObject(AliAODMCParticle::StdBranchName())); if (!fArrayMC)AliFatal("No array of MC particles found !!!"); } // Get number of trials from MC header Float_t nTrials = 1; if (fMcHandler) { fMcEvent = fMcHandler->MCEvent(); if (fMcEvent) { // TO-DO: extend to PHOJET AliGenPythiaEventHeader* pythiaGenHeader = AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::GetPythiaEventHeader(fMcEvent); if(pythiaGenHeader){ nTrials = pythiaGenHeader->Trials(); } } } // TO-DO //fHistosUE->GetTrials()->Fill("#sum{ntrials}",fAvgTrials); // Analyse the event if (fMode) AnalyseCorrectionMode(); else AnalyseDataMode(); PostData(0,fListOfHistos); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE::Terminate(Option_t */*option*/) { // Terminate analysis if( fDebug > 1 ) AliInfo("End analysis"); if (!gROOT->IsBatch()){ fListOfHistos = dynamic_cast (GetOutputData(0)); if (!fListOfHistos){ AliError("Histogram List is not available"); return; }else{ // Draw something } } else { AliInfo(" Batch mode, not histograms will be shown..."); } } /******************** ANALYSIS METHODS *****************************/ //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE::AddSettingsTree() { //Write settings to output list TTree *settingsTree = new TTree("UEAnalysisSettings","Analysis Settings in UE estimation"); settingsTree->Branch("fFilterBit", &fFilterBit,"FilterBit/I"); settingsTree->Branch("fSelectBit", &fSelectBit,"EventSelectionBit/I"); settingsTree->Branch("fLeadingTrackEtaCut", &fLeadingTrackEtaCut, "LeadingTrackEtaCut/D"); settingsTree->Branch("fUseChargeHadrons", &fUseChargeHadrons,"UseChHadrons/O"); settingsTree->Fill(); fListOfHistos->Add(settingsTree); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE::AnalyseCorrectionMode() { // Run the analysis on MC to get the correction maps PostData(0,fListOfHistos); if ( fDebug > 3 ) AliInfo( " Processing event in Corrections mode ..." ); //PROCESS TYPE (ND,SD,DD) AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::MCProcessType eventId = AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::kInvalidProcess; if (fMcHandler && fMcEvent) { AliGenEventHeader* genHeader = fMcEvent->GenEventHeader(); eventId = AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::GetPythiaEventProcessType(genHeader,kFALSE); if (eventId<0){ eventId = AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::GetDPMjetEventProcessType(genHeader,kFALSE); } if (eventId<0 && fDebug>1)AliInfo("No Pythia or Phojet Header retrived!"); } Int_t fillId=-1; if (eventId == AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::kND)fillId = 0; if (eventId == AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::kSD)fillId = 1; if (eventId == AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::kDD)fillId = 2; // count all events fHistosUE->FillEvent(fillId, -1); // Only consider MC events within the vtx-z region used also as cut on the reconstructed vertex if (!fAnalyseUE->VertexSelection(fMcEvent, 0, fZVertex)) return; // Get MC-true leading particle (but do not cut out events!) TObjArray *ltMC = (TObjArray*)fAnalyseUE->FindLeadingObjects(fArrayMC); AliVParticle* leadingMC = 0; if (ltMC) leadingMC = (AliVParticle*) ltMC->At(0); // it can happen that there is no MC leading particle in the acceptance required (|eta|<0.8) // and we do not want to base the event slection on MC information // Sort MC-true charged particles // as output you get an array of 3 lists of particles belonging to different regions: // - at 0: towards // - at 1: away // - at 2: transverse MIN // - at 3: transverse MAX TObjArray *regionSortedParticlesMC = (TObjArray*)fAnalyseUE->SortRegions(leadingMC, fArrayMC, 0x0); TObjArray *regionsMinMaxMC = (TObjArray*)fAnalyseUE->GetMinMaxRegion((TList*)regionSortedParticlesMC->At(2),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesMC->At(3)); // Fill UE containers (step, leading track, towards particles, away particles, transverse MIN and MAX particles) // (MC-true leading particle and MC-true all particles) // STEP 0 fHistosUE->Fill(fillId,AliUEHist::kCFStepAll,leadingMC,(TList*)regionSortedParticlesMC->At(0),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesMC->At(1),(TList*)regionsMinMaxMC->At(0),(TList*)regionsMinMaxMC->At(1)); // Trigger selection ************************************************ if (fAnalyseUE->TriggerSelection(fInputHandler)) { // PILEUP-CUT Bool_t select = kTRUE; if (fSelectBit) select = AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::TestSelectInfo(fSelectBit); if (!select) fHistosUE->FillEvent(fillId, -2); else { // Count events that pass AliPhysicsSelection // Fill UE containers (step, leading track, towards particles, away particles, transverse MIN and MAX particles) // (MC-true leading particle and MC-true all particles) // STEP 1 fHistosUE->Fill(fillId,AliUEHist::kCFStepTriggered,leadingMC,(TList*)regionSortedParticlesMC->At(0),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesMC->At(1),(TList*)regionsMinMaxMC->At(0),(TList*)regionsMinMaxMC->At(1)); // count number of MC tracks above 150 MeV/c Int_t nMCTracks = 0; if (leadingMC && leadingMC->Pt() > 0.15) nMCTracks++; for (Int_t i=0; i<4; i++) for (Int_t j=0; j<((TList*)regionSortedParticlesMC->At(i))->GetEntries(); j++) if (((AliVParticle*) ((TList*)regionSortedParticlesMC->At(i))->At(j))->Pt() > 0.15) nMCTracks++; //((TH2F*)fListOfHistos->FindObject("multVsLeadStep5"))->Fill(nMCTracks, leadingMC->Pt()); // Vertex selection ************************************************* if (fAnalyseUE->VertexSelection(fAOD, fnTracksVertex, fZVertex)) { // Count events that pass Vertex selection // Fill UE containers (step, leading track, towards particles, away particles, transverse MIN and MAX particles) // (MC-true leading particle and MC-true all particles) // STEP 2 fHistosUE->Fill(fillId,AliUEHist::kCFStepVertex,leadingMC,(TList*)regionSortedParticlesMC->At(0),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesMC->At(1),(TList*)regionsMinMaxMC->At(0),(TList*)regionsMinMaxMC->At(1)); // Get Reconstructed leading particle ******************************* TObjArray *ltRECO = fAnalyseUE->FindLeadingObjects(fAOD); if (ltRECO) { // Count events where a reconstructed track was found in |eta|<0.8 // the pT cut will be set when projecting output containers // for leading particle correlation plots if (leadingMC) { fHistosUE->Fill(leadingMC, (AliVParticle*)ltRECO->At(0)); } // If there is no MC leading track the container is not filled, so the number of entries in the container might be different // from the number of events after the selection, since the selection is based on RECO tracks // Fill UE containers (step, leading track, towards particles, away particles, transverse MIN and MAX particles) // (MC-true leading particle and MC-true all particles) // STEP 3 fHistosUE->Fill(fillId,AliUEHist::kCFStepAnaTopology,leadingMC,(TList*)regionSortedParticlesMC->At(0),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesMC->At(1),(TList*)regionsMinMaxMC->At(0),(TList*)regionsMinMaxMC->At(1)); //Sort RECO particles w.r.t. MC-leading and return matched (primary) MC particle // (you cannot sort tracks w.r.t. RECO-leading and plot it vs. MC-leading ...) TObjArray *regionSortedParticlesRECOLTMC = (TObjArray*)fAnalyseUE->SortRegions(leadingMC, fAOD, fArrayMC); TObjArray *regionsMinMaxRECOLTMC = (TObjArray*)fAnalyseUE->GetMinMaxRegion((TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECOLTMC->At(2),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECOLTMC->At(3)); // Fill UE containers (step, leading track, towards particles, away particles, transverse MIN and MAX particles) // (MC leading particle and RECO-matched (quantities from MC particle) all particles) // STEP 4 fHistosUE->Fill(fillId,AliUEHist::kCFStepTrackedOnlyPrim,leadingMC,(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECOLTMC->At(0),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECOLTMC->At(1),(TList*)regionsMinMaxRECOLTMC->At(0),(TList*)regionsMinMaxRECOLTMC->At(1)); // comparing this step with step 3 (for all-tracks observables) you get the tracking efficiency //Sort RECO particles w.r.t. MC-leading and return matched (primary+secondary) MC particle // (you cannot sort tracks w.r.t. RECO-leading and plot it vs. MC-leading ...) TObjArray *regionSortedParticlesRECOLTMC2 = (TObjArray*)fAnalyseUE->SortRegions(leadingMC, fAOD, fArrayMC,kFALSE); TObjArray *regionsMinMaxRECOLTMC2 = (TObjArray*)fAnalyseUE->GetMinMaxRegion((TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECOLTMC2->At(2),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECOLTMC2->At(3)); // Fill UE containers (step, leading track, towards particles, away particles, transverse MIN and MAX particles) // (MC leading particle and RECO-matched (quantities from MC particle) all particles) // STEP 5 fHistosUE->Fill(fillId,AliUEHist::kCFStepTracked,leadingMC,(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECOLTMC2->At(0),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECOLTMC2->At(1),(TList*)regionsMinMaxRECOLTMC2->At(0),(TList*)regionsMinMaxRECOLTMC2->At(1)); // comparing this step with step 3 (for all-tracks observables) you get the tracking efficiency // SWITCH TO RECONSTRUCTED TRACKS ************************************ // The next steps correspond to track selections // Sort RECO particles w.r.t. RECO-leading and return RECO particle TObjArray *regionSortedParticlesRECO = (TObjArray*)fAnalyseUE->SortRegions((AliVParticle*)ltRECO->At(0), fAOD,0); TObjArray *regionsMinMaxRECO = (TObjArray*)fAnalyseUE->GetMinMaxRegion((TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECO->At(2),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECO->At(3)); // Fill UE containers (step, leading track, towards particles, away particles, transverse MIN and MAX particles) // (RECO leading particle and RECO all particles) // STEP 6 fHistosUE->Fill(fillId,AliUEHist::kCFStepReconstructed,(AliVParticle*)ltRECO->At(0),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECO->At(0),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECO->At(1),(TList*)regionsMinMaxRECO->At(0),(TList*)regionsMinMaxRECO->At(1)); // STEP 8 for reduced efficiency study FillReducedEfficiency(fillId, AliUEHist::kCFStepBiasStudy, ltRECO, kFALSE); FillReducedEfficiency(fillId, AliUEHist::kCFStepBiasStudy2, ltRECO, kTRUE); // count number of reco tracks above 150 MeV/c Int_t nRecoTracks = 0; if (((AliVParticle*) ltRECO->At(0))->Pt() > 0.15) nRecoTracks++; for (Int_t i=0; i<4; i++) for (Int_t j=0; j<((TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECO->At(i))->GetEntries(); j++) if (((AliVParticle*) ((TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECO->At(i))->At(j))->Pt() > 0.15) nRecoTracks++; if (leadingMC && leadingMC->Pt() > 0.5) fHistosUE->GetCorrelationMultiplicity()->Fill(nMCTracks, nRecoTracks); if (leadingMC) { // Match reco leading track with true ********************************* Int_t recoLabel = ((AliAODTrack*)ltRECO->At(0))->GetLabel(); Int_t mcLabel = ((AliAODMCParticle*)leadingMC)->GetLabel(); if (recoLabel != mcLabel) return; // Fill UE containers (step, leading track, towards particles, away particles, transverse MIN and MAX particles) // (RECO-MATCHED leading particle and RECO all particles) // STEP 7 fHistosUE->Fill(fillId,AliUEHist::kCFStepRealLeading,(AliVParticle*)ltRECO->At(0),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECO->At(0),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECO->At(1),(TList*)regionsMinMaxRECO->At(0),(TList*)regionsMinMaxRECO->At(1)); // comparing this step with step 6 (for leading-track observables) you get the efficiency to reconstruct the leading track // comparing this step with step 6 (for all-tracks observables) you see how leading-track misidentification affects the final distributions } delete regionSortedParticlesRECOLTMC; delete regionsMinMaxRECOLTMC; delete regionSortedParticlesRECOLTMC2; delete regionsMinMaxRECOLTMC2; delete regionSortedParticlesRECO; delete regionsMinMaxRECO; delete ltRECO; } // lt reco } // vertex } // pileup } //phyiscs selection if (ltMC) delete ltMC; delete regionSortedParticlesMC; delete regionsMinMaxMC; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE::AnalyseDataMode() { // Run the analysis on DATA or MC to get raw distributions PostData(0,fListOfHistos); if ( fDebug > 3 ) AliInfo( " Processing event in Data mode ..." ); Int_t eventId = 0; // Fill the "event-counting-container", it is needed to get the number of events remaining after each event-selection cut fHistosUE->FillEvent(eventId, AliUEHist::kCFStepAll); // Trigger selection ************************************************ if (!fAnalyseUE->TriggerSelection(fInputHandler)) return; // PILEUP-CUT Bool_t select = kTRUE; if (fSelectBit) select = AliAnalysisHelperJetTasks::TestSelectInfo(fSelectBit); if (!select) { fHistosUE->FillEvent(eventId, -2); return; } // Fill the "event-counting-container", it is needed to get the number of events remaining after each event-selection cut fHistosUE->FillEvent(eventId, AliUEHist::kCFStepTriggered); // Vertex selection ************************************************* if(!fAnalyseUE->VertexSelection(fAOD, fnTracksVertex, fZVertex)) return; // Fill the "event-counting-container", it is needed to get the number of events remaining after each event-selection cut fHistosUE->FillEvent(eventId, AliUEHist::kCFStepVertex); // comparing this step with previous one you get the vertex selection efficiency from data (?) // Get Reconstructed leading particle ******************************* TObjArray *ltRECO = fAnalyseUE->FindLeadingObjects(fAOD); if (!ltRECO) return; // fill control distributions fHistosUE->Fill(0, (AliVParticle*)ltRECO->At(0)); // Fill the "event-counting-container", it is needed to get the number of events remaining after each event-selection cut fHistosUE->FillEvent(eventId, AliUEHist::kCFStepAnaTopology); // Switch to reconstructed tracks ************************************ // Sort RECO particles w.r.t. RECO-leading and return RECO particle TObjArray *regionSortedParticlesRECO = (TObjArray*)fAnalyseUE->SortRegions((AliVParticle*)ltRECO->At(0), fAOD,0); TObjArray *regionsMinMaxRECO = (TObjArray*)fAnalyseUE->GetMinMaxRegion((TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECO->At(2),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECO->At(3)); // Fill UE containers (step, leading track, towards particles, away particles, transverse MIN and MAX particles) // (RECO leading particle and RECO all particles) // STEP 6 fHistosUE->Fill(eventId,AliUEHist::kCFStepReconstructed,(AliVParticle*)ltRECO->At(0),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECO->At(0),(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECO->At(1),(TList*)regionsMinMaxRECO->At(0),(TList*)regionsMinMaxRECO->At(1)); // STEP 8 and 9 for reduced efficiency study FillReducedEfficiency(eventId, AliUEHist::kCFStepBiasStudy, ltRECO, kFALSE); FillReducedEfficiency(eventId, AliUEHist::kCFStepBiasStudy2, ltRECO, kTRUE); delete ltRECO; delete regionSortedParticlesRECO; delete regionsMinMaxRECO; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE::FillReducedEfficiency(Int_t eventId, AliUEHist::CFStep step, const TObjArray* ltRECO, Bool_t twoStep) { // remove leading particle using fkTrackingEfficiency and use subleading particle to fill the histograms // // if twoStep is kTRUE, do a two step procedure where in each step only 50% of the loss due to the tracking efficiency is applied if (!fkTrackingEfficiency) return; TObjArray* particleList = (TObjArray*) ltRECO->Clone(); AliVParticle* leading = (AliVParticle*) particleList->At(0); if (!leading) return; // remove particles depending on tracking efficiency Int_t count = (twoStep) ? 2 : 1; for (Int_t i=0; iGetBinContent(fkTrackingEfficiency->GetXaxis()->FindBin(leading->Pt())); if (twoStep) trackingEff = 0.5 * (trackingEff + 1); if (gRandom->Uniform() > trackingEff) { //Printf("LOWEFF: Removing leading particle"); particleList->RemoveAt(0); particleList->Compress(); } if (particleList->GetEntries() == 0) { delete particleList; return; } leading = (AliVParticle*) particleList->At(0); } TObjArray *regionSortedParticlesRECOLowEff = fAnalyseUE->SortRegions(leading, particleList, 0); TObjArray *regionsMinMaxRECOLowEff = fAnalyseUE->GetMinMaxRegion((TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECOLowEff->At(2), (TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECOLowEff->At(3)); fHistosUE->Fill(eventId,step,leading,(TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECOLowEff->At(0), (TList*)regionSortedParticlesRECOLowEff->At(1), (TList*)regionsMinMaxRECOLowEff->At(0), (TList*)regionsMinMaxRECOLowEff->At(1)); delete regionSortedParticlesRECOLowEff; delete regionsMinMaxRECOLowEff; delete particleList; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskLeadingTrackUE::Initialize() { // input handler fInputHandler = (AliInputEventHandler*) ((AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager())->GetInputEventHandler()); // MC handler fMcHandler = dynamic_cast (AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetMCtruthEventHandler()); }