#ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKUE_H #define ALIANALYSISTASKUE_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Analysis class for Underlying Event studies // // Look for correlations on the tranverse regions to // the leading charged jet // // This class needs as input AOD with track and Jets. // The output is a list of histograms // // AOD can be either connected to the InputEventHandler // for a chain of AOD files // or // to the OutputEventHandler // for a chain of ESD files, so this case class should be // in the train after the Jet finder // // Arian.Abrahantes.Quintana@cern.ch // Ernesto.Lopez.Torres@cern.ch // vallero@physi.uni-heidelberg.de // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliAnalysisTask.h" class AliAnalyseUE; class AliHistogramsUE; class AliAODEvent; class AliAODInputHandler; class AliESDEvent; class TH1F; class TH2F; class TH1I; class TProfile; class TTree; class TVector3; class AliAnalysisTaskUE : public AliAnalysisTask { public: AliAnalysisTaskUE(const char* name="AliAnalysisTaskUE"); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskUE() {if ( fListOfHistos ) delete fListOfHistos; } AliAnalysisTaskUE(const AliAnalysisTaskUE &det); AliAnalysisTaskUE& operator=(const AliAnalysisTaskUE &det); // return instance of the singleton static AliAnalysisTaskUE* Instance(); // Implementation of interace methods virtual Bool_t Notify(); virtual void ConnectInputData(Option_t *); virtual void CreateOutputObjects(); virtual void Exec(Option_t *option); virtual void Terminate(Option_t *); // Setters/Getters virtual void SetDebugLevel( Int_t level ) { fDebug = level; } virtual const Int_t GetDebugLevel() { return fDebug; } void SetPtRangeInHist( Int_t bin, Double_t min, Double_t max ) { fBinsPtInHist = bin; fMinJetPtInHist = min; fMaxJetPtInHist = max; } // Read AODs void SelectAODBranch(const char* val) { fAODBranch = val; } virtual const TString GetAODBranch() { return fAODBranch; } virtual const AliAODEvent* GetAOD() { return fAOD; } // Setters/Getters for MC void SetConstrainDistance(Bool_t val1, Double_t val2){ fMinDistance = val2; fConstrainDistance = val1;} void SetSimulateChJetPt(){fSimulateChJetPt = kTRUE;} void SetUseAODMCParticle(){fUseAliStack = kFALSE;} void SetUseMCBranch(){fUseMCParticleBranch = kTRUE;} virtual const Bool_t GetConstrainDistance() {return fConstrainDistance;} virtual const Double_t GetMinDistance() {return fMinDistance;} virtual const Bool_t GetSimulateChJetPt(){return fSimulateChJetPt;} virtual const Bool_t GetUseAODMCParticle(){return fUseAliStack;} virtual const Bool_t GetUseMCParticleBranch(){return fUseMCParticleBranch;} //Setters for Events QA void SetZVertex( Double_t val ) { fZVertex = val; } void SetTracksInVertex( Int_t val ){ fnTracksVertex = val; } // Setters/Getters for UE Analysis void SetAnaTopology( Int_t val ) { fAnaType = val; } void SetConePosition(Int_t val) { fConePosition= val; } void SetConeRadius( Double_t val ) { fConeRadius = val; } void SetDoNotNormalizeQuantities() { fIsNorm2Area = kFALSE; } void SetFilterBit( UInt_t val ) { fFilterBit = val; } void SetJetsOnFly( Bool_t val ) { fJetsOnFly = val; } void SetPtSumOrdering( Int_t val ) { fOrdering = val; } void SetRegionType( Int_t val ) { fRegionType = val; } void SetUseChargeHadrons( Bool_t val ) { fUseChargeHadrons = val; } void SetUseChPartJet( Int_t val ) { fUseChPartJet = val; } void SetUseNegativeChargeType() { fUsePositiveCharge = kFALSE; } void SetUseSingleCharge() { fUseSingleCharge = kTRUE; } virtual const Int_t GetAnaTopology() { return fAnaType; } virtual const Int_t GetConePosition() { return fConePosition; } virtual const Double_t GetConeRadius() { return fConeRadius; } virtual const Bool_t GetDoNotNormalizeQuantities() { return fIsNorm2Area; } virtual const UInt_t GetFilterBit() { return fFilterBit; } virtual const Bool_t GetJetsOnFly() { return fJetsOnFly; } virtual const Int_t GetPtSumOrdering() { return fOrdering; } virtual const Int_t GetRegionType() { return fRegionType; } virtual const Bool_t GetUseChargeHadrons() { return fUseChargeHadrons; } virtual const Int_t GetUseChPartJet() { return fUseChPartJet; } virtual const Bool_t GetUseNegativeChargeType() { return fUsePositiveCharge; } virtual const Bool_t GetUseSingleCharge() { return fUseSingleCharge; } // Jet cuts void SetJet1EtaCut( Double_t val ) { fJet1EtaCut = val; } void SetJet2DeltaPhiCut( Double_t val ) { fJet2DeltaPhiCut = val; } void SetJet2RatioPtCut( Double_t val ) { fJet2RatioPtCut = val; } void SetJet3PtCut( Double_t val ) { fJet3PtCut = val; } void SetPtMinChPartJet( Double_t val ) { fChJetPtMin = val; } virtual const Double_t GetJet1EtaCut() { return fJet1EtaCut; } virtual const Double_t GetJet2DeltaPhiCut() { return fJet2DeltaPhiCut; } virtual const Double_t GetJet2RatioPtCut() { return fJet2RatioPtCut; } virtual const Double_t GetJet3PtCut() { return fJet3PtCut; } virtual const Double_t GetPtMinChPartJet() { return fChJetPtMin; } // track cuts void SetTrackEtaCut( Double_t val ) { fTrackEtaCut = val; } void SetTrackPtCut( Double_t val ) { fTrackPtCut = val; } virtual const Double_t GetTrackEtaCut() { return fTrackEtaCut; } virtual const Double_t GetTrackPtCut() { return fTrackPtCut; } AliHistogramsUE* fHistosUE; //! points to AliHistogramsUE class protected: static AliAnalysisTaskUE* fgTaskUE; // Pointer to single instance private: void AddSettingsTree(); void AnalyseUE(); void FillAvePartPtRegion( Double_t leadingE, Double_t ptMax, Double_t ptMin ); void FillMultRegion( Double_t leadingE, Double_t nTrackPtmax, Double_t nTrackPtmin, Double_t ptMin ); void FillSumPtRegion( Double_t leadingE, Double_t ptMax, Double_t ptMin ); TObjArray* FindChargedParticleJets(); Int_t IsTrackInsideRegion(TVector3 *jetVect, TVector3 *partVect); void QSortTracks(TObjArray &a, Int_t first, Int_t last); void SetRegionArea(TVector3 *jetVect); TObjArray* SortChargedParticles(); void WriteSettings(); AliAnalyseUE* fAnaUE; //! points to AliAnalyseUE class AliAODEvent* fAOD; //! AOD Event TString fAODBranch; // Jet branch name from standard AOD Int_t fDebug; // Debug flag TList* fListOfHistos; // Output list of histograms // Config Int_t fBinsPtInHist; // # bins for Pt histos range Bool_t fIsNorm2Area; // Apply Area Normalization to collected observables Double_t fMaxJetPtInHist; // max Jet Pt value for histo range Double_t fMinJetPtInHist; // min Jet Pt value for histo range // For MC Bool_t fConstrainDistance; // Constrain Distance between rec jet and pyth Double_t fMinDistance; // Minimum distance between rec jet and pyth Bool_t fSimulateChJetPt; // Naive simulation of charged jet Pt from original Jet in MC Header Bool_t fUseAliStack; // Use AliSatck for particle info otherwise "mcparticles" branch in AOD Bool_t fUseMCParticleBranch; // Run Over mcparticles branch in AOD // Cuts Events type Int_t fnTracksVertex; // QA tracks pointing to principal vertex (= 3 default) Double_t fZVertex; // Position of Vertex in Z direction // Cuts UE analysis Int_t fAnaType; // Analysis type on jet topology: // 1=inclusive (default) // 2=back to back inclusive // 3=back to back exclusive // 4=Pt max (max Pt track in region) // 5=gama jet (back to back) ??? // Minimum bias // 31 = Semi jet (charged leading particle jets) // 32 = Random jetcone ? // 33 = Swiss chees ? Int_t fConePosition; // This parameter set how will cone center in transversal zone will be set // 1 : To be used in any jet topology (default value) // eta_cone = eta_leadingjet // phi_cone = phi_leadingjet + - 90 // 2 : To be used in multiple jet topology (code will cry otherwise) // eta_cone = (eta_leadingjet + eta_subleadingjet)/2 // phi_cone = phi_leadingjet + - 90 Double_t fConeRadius; // if selected Cone-like region type, set Radius (=0.7 default) UInt_t fFilterBit; // Select tracks from an specific track cut (default 0xFF all track selected) Bool_t fJetsOnFly; // if jets are reconstructed on the fly from AOD tracks (see ConnectInputData() ) // UE analysis is conducted in different type of regions // Transverse are those like defined in: R. Field Acta Physica Polonica B. Vol 36 No. 2 pg 167 (2005) // Cone regions like defined in: Phys. Rev. D 70, 072002 (2004) Int_t fRegionType; // 1 = transverse regions (default) // 2 = cone regions Bool_t fUseChargeHadrons; // Only use charge hadrons Bool_t fUseChPartJet; // Use "Charged Particle Jet" instead of jets from AOD see FindChargedParticleJets() // Theoreticians ask for tools charge-aware // especially those which are related to multiplicity and MC-tunings // see arXiv:hep-ph/0507008v3 Bool_t fUsePositiveCharge; //If Single type of charge used then set which one (=kTRUE default positive) Bool_t fUseSingleCharge; //Make analysis for a single type of charge (=kFALSE default) Int_t fOrdering; // Pt and multiplicity summation ordering: // 1=CDF-like -independent sorting according quantity to be scored: Double sorting- (default) // if Pt summation will be scored take Pt minimum between both zones and // fill Pt Max. and Min. histog. accordingly // if Multiplicity summation will be scored take Mult. minimum between both zones and // fill Mult Max and Min histog. accordingly // Bib: // 2=Marchesini-like (Only Pt sorting: Single sorting) // sort only according Pt summation scored, find minimum between both zones and // fill Pt and Multiplicity Max and Min summation histog. following only this criterium // Bib: Phys. Rev. D 38, 3419 (1988) // 3=Nameless pt per track single sorting // sort according to pt per track scored in each transverse zone // lowest values indicates minimum zone. // 4=User Selection sorting (NOTE: USER must implement it within cxx) // Jet cuts Double_t fChJetPtMin; // Min Pt for charged Particle Jet Double_t fJet1EtaCut; // |jet1 eta| < fJet1EtaCut (fAnaType = 1,2,3) Double_t fJet2DeltaPhiCut; // |Jet1.Phi - Jet2.Phi| < fJet2DeltaPhiCut (fAnaType = 2,3) Double_t fJet2RatioPtCut; // Jet2.Pt/Jet1Pt > fJet2RatioPtCut (fAnaType = 2,3) Double_t fJet3PtCut; // Jet3.Pt < fJet3PtCut (fAnaType = 3) // track cuts Double_t fTrackEtaCut; // Eta cut on tracks in the regions (fRegionType=1) Double_t fTrackPtCut; // Pt cut of tracks in the regions // MC cross-section Double_t fAvgTrials; // average trials used to fill the fh1Trials histogram in case we do not have trials on a event by event basis /* // Histograms TH1F* fhNJets; //! number of reco. jets or leading particles TH1F* fhEleadingPt; //! pT distribution of leading-jet (leading-particle) TH1F* fhMinRegPtDist; //! pT distribution in MIN region TH1F* fhRegionMultMin; //! average pT in MIN region TH1F* fhMinRegAvePt; //! sum pT in MIN region TH1F* fhMinRegSumPt; //! maximum particle pT in MAX region TH1F* fhMinRegMaxPtPart; //! sum pT vs. multiplicity in MIN region TH1F* fhMinRegSumPtvsMult; //! TH2F* fhdNdEtaPhiDist; //! phi and eta correlation with leading-jet (leading particle) TH2F* fhFullRegPartPtDistVsEt; //! particle pT distribution vs. transverse energy in FULL region TH2F* fhTransRegPartPtDistVsEt; //! particle pT distribution vs. transverse energy in TRANSVERSE (MIN+MAX) region TH1F* fhRegionSumPtMaxVsEt; //! sum pT vs. transverse energy in MAX region TH1I* fhRegionMultMax; //! multiplicity in MAX region TH1F* fhRegionMultMaxVsEt; //! multiplicity vs. transverse energy in MAX region TH1F* fhRegionSumPtMinVsEt; //! sum pT vs. transverse energy in MIN region TH1F* fhRegionMultMinVsEt; //! multiplicity vs. transverse energy in MIN region TH1F* fhRegionAveSumPtVsEt; //! average sum pT in 2 regions TH1F* fhRegionDiffSumPtVsEt; //! difference sum pT in 2 regions TH1F* fhRegionAvePartPtMaxVsEt; //! average particle pT vs. transverse energy in MAX region TH1F* fhRegionAvePartPtMinVsEt; //! average particle pT vs. transverse energy in MIN region TH1F* fhRegionMaxPartPtMaxVsEt; //! maximum particle pT vs. transverse energy in MAX region TH2F* fhRegForwardMult; //! multiplicity in FORWARD region TH2F* fhRegForwardSumPtvsMult; //! sum pT vs. multiplicity in FORWARD region TH2F* fhRegBackwardMult; //! multiplicity in BACKWARD region TH2F* fhRegBackwardSumPtvsMult; //! sum pT vs. multiplicity in BACKWARD region TH2F* fhRegForwardPartPtDistVsEt; //! particle pT distribution vs. transverse energy in FORWARD region TH2F* fhRegBackwardPartPtDistVsEt; //! particle pT distribution vs. transverse energy in BACKWARD TH2F* fhRegTransMult; //! multiplicity in TRANSVERSE (MIN+MAX) region TH2F* fhRegTransSumPtVsMult; //! sum pT vs. multiplicity in TRANSVERSE (MIN+MAX) region TH2F* fhMinRegSumPtJetPtBin; //! TH2F* fhMaxRegSumPtJetPtBin; //! TH1F* fhVertexMult; //! vertex multiplicity TProfile* fh1Xsec; //! cross-section from MC TH1F* fh1Trials; //! number of trials from MC */ ClassDef( AliAnalysisTaskUE, 6); // Analysis task for Underlying Event analysis }; #endif