/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: $ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Base class for reading data: MonteCarlo, ESD or AOD, of PHOS EMCAL and // Central Barrel Tracking detectors (CTS). // Not all MC particles/tracks/clusters are kept, some kinematical/fidutial restrictions are done. // Mother class of : AliCaloTrackESDReader: Fills ESD data in 3 TObjArrays (PHOS, EMCAL, CTS) // : AliCaloTrackMCReader: Fills Kinematics data in 3 TObjArrays (PHOS, EMCAL, CTS) // : AliCaloTrackAODReader: Fills AOD data in 3 TObjArrays (PHOS, EMCAL, CTS) // //-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (LNF-INFN) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- ROOT system --- #include #include "TFile.h" //---- ANALYSIS system ---- #include "AliCaloTrackReader.h" #include "AliFidutialCut.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliAODMCHeader.h" #include "AliGenPythiaEventHeader.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" ClassImp(AliCaloTrackReader) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliCaloTrackReader::AliCaloTrackReader() : TObject(), fEventNumber(-1), fCurrentFileName(""),fDataType(0), fDebug(0), fFidutialCut(0x0), fComparePtHardAndJetPt(kFALSE), fPtHardAndJetPtFactor(7), fCTSPtMin(0), fEMCALPtMin(0),fPHOSPtMin(0), fAODCTS(new TObjArray()), fAODEMCAL(new TObjArray()), fAODPHOS(new TObjArray()), fEMCALCells(0x0), fPHOSCells(0x0), fInputEvent(0x0), fOutputEvent(0x0),fMC(0x0), fFillCTS(0),fFillEMCAL(0),fFillPHOS(0), fFillEMCALCells(0),fFillPHOSCells(0), fSecondInputAODTree(0x0), fSecondInputAODEvent(0x0), fSecondInputFileName(""),fSecondInputFirstEvent(0), fAODCTSNormalInputEntries(0), fAODEMCALNormalInputEntries(0), fAODPHOSNormalInputEntries(0), fTrackStatus(0), fReadStack(kFALSE), fReadAODMCParticles(kFALSE) { //Ctor //Initialize parameters InitParameters(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliCaloTrackReader::AliCaloTrackReader(const AliCaloTrackReader & g) : TObject(g), fEventNumber(g.fEventNumber), fCurrentFileName(g.fCurrentFileName), fDataType(g.fDataType), fDebug(g.fDebug), fFidutialCut(g.fFidutialCut), fComparePtHardAndJetPt(g.fComparePtHardAndJetPt), fPtHardAndJetPtFactor(g.fPtHardAndJetPtFactor), fCTSPtMin(g.fCTSPtMin), fEMCALPtMin(g.fEMCALPtMin),fPHOSPtMin(g.fPHOSPtMin), fAODCTS(new TObjArray(*g.fAODCTS)), fAODEMCAL(new TObjArray(*g.fAODEMCAL)), fAODPHOS(new TObjArray(*g.fAODPHOS)), fEMCALCells(new TNamed(*g.fEMCALCells)), fPHOSCells(new TNamed(*g.fPHOSCells)), fInputEvent(g.fInputEvent), fOutputEvent(g.fOutputEvent), fMC(g.fMC), fFillCTS(g.fFillCTS),fFillEMCAL(g.fFillEMCAL),fFillPHOS(g.fFillPHOS), fFillEMCALCells(g.fFillEMCALCells),fFillPHOSCells(g.fFillPHOSCells), fSecondInputAODTree(g.fSecondInputAODTree), fSecondInputAODEvent(g.fSecondInputAODEvent), fSecondInputFileName(g.fSecondInputFileName), fSecondInputFirstEvent(g.fSecondInputFirstEvent), fAODCTSNormalInputEntries(g.fAODCTSNormalInputEntries), fAODEMCALNormalInputEntries(g.fAODEMCALNormalInputEntries), fAODPHOSNormalInputEntries(g.fAODPHOSNormalInputEntries), fTrackStatus(g.fTrackStatus), fReadStack(g.fReadStack), fReadAODMCParticles(g.fReadAODMCParticles) { // cpy ctor } //_________________________________________________________________________ AliCaloTrackReader & AliCaloTrackReader::operator = (const AliCaloTrackReader & source) { // assignment operator if(&source == this) return *this; fDataType = source.fDataType ; fDebug = source.fDebug ; fEventNumber = source.fEventNumber ; fCurrentFileName = source.fCurrentFileName ; fFidutialCut = source.fFidutialCut; fComparePtHardAndJetPt = source.fComparePtHardAndJetPt; fPtHardAndJetPtFactor = source.fPtHardAndJetPtFactor; fCTSPtMin = source.fCTSPtMin ; fEMCALPtMin = source.fEMCALPtMin ; fPHOSPtMin = source.fPHOSPtMin ; fAODCTS = new TObjArray(*source.fAODCTS) ; fAODEMCAL = new TObjArray(*source.fAODEMCAL) ; fAODPHOS = new TObjArray(*source.fAODPHOS) ; fEMCALCells = new TNamed(*source.fEMCALCells) ; fPHOSCells = new TNamed(*source.fPHOSCells) ; fInputEvent = source.fInputEvent; fOutputEvent = source.fOutputEvent; fMC = source.fMC; fFillCTS = source.fFillCTS; fFillEMCAL = source.fFillEMCAL; fFillPHOS = source.fFillPHOS; fFillEMCALCells = source.fFillEMCALCells; fFillPHOSCells = source.fFillPHOSCells; fSecondInputAODTree = source.fSecondInputAODTree; fSecondInputAODEvent = source.fSecondInputAODEvent; fSecondInputFileName = source.fSecondInputFileName; fSecondInputFirstEvent = source.fSecondInputFirstEvent; fAODCTSNormalInputEntries = source.fAODCTSNormalInputEntries; fAODEMCALNormalInputEntries = source.fAODEMCALNormalInputEntries; fAODPHOSNormalInputEntries = source.fAODPHOSNormalInputEntries; fTrackStatus = source.fTrackStatus; fReadStack = source.fReadStack; fReadAODMCParticles = source.fReadAODMCParticles; return *this; } //_________________________________ AliCaloTrackReader::~AliCaloTrackReader() { //Dtor if(fFidutialCut) delete fFidutialCut ; if(fAODCTS){ fAODCTS->Clear() ; delete fAODCTS ; } if(fAODEMCAL){ fAODEMCAL->Clear() ; delete fAODEMCAL ; } if(fAODPHOS){ fAODPHOS->Clear() ; delete fAODPHOS ; } if(fEMCALCells){ fEMCALCells->Clear() ; delete fEMCALCells ; } if(fPHOSCells){ fPHOSCells->Clear() ; delete fPHOSCells ; } if(fInputEvent) delete fInputEvent ; if(fOutputEvent) delete fOutputEvent ; if(fMC) delete fMC ; if(fSecondInputAODTree){ fSecondInputAODTree->Clear(); delete fSecondInputAODTree; } if(fSecondInputAODEvent) delete fSecondInputAODEvent ; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::ComparePtHardAndJetPt(){ // Check the event, if the requested ptHard is much larger than the jet pT, then there is a problem. // Only for PYTHIA. if(!fReadStack) return kTRUE; //Information not filtered to AOD if(!strcmp(GetGenEventHeader()->ClassName(), "AliGenPythiaEventHeader")){ TParticle * jet = new TParticle; AliGenPythiaEventHeader* pygeh= (AliGenPythiaEventHeader*) GetGenEventHeader(); Int_t nTriggerJets = pygeh->NTriggerJets(); Float_t ptHard = pygeh->GetPtHard(); //if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::PythiaEventHeader: Njets: %d, pT Hard %f\n",nTriggerJets, ptHard); Float_t tmpjet[]={0,0,0,0}; for(Int_t ijet = 0; ijet< nTriggerJets; ijet++){ pygeh->TriggerJet(ijet, tmpjet); jet = new TParticle(94, 21, -1, -1, -1, -1, tmpjet[0],tmpjet[1],tmpjet[2],tmpjet[3], 0,0,0,0); //Compare jet pT and pt Hard //if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils:: %d pycell jet pT %f\n",ijet, jet->Pt()); if(jet->Pt() > fPtHardAndJetPtFactor * ptHard) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::PythiaEventHeader: Njets: %d, pT Hard %2.2f, pycell jet pT %2.2f, rejection factor %1.1f\n", nTriggerJets, ptHard, jet->Pt(), fPtHardAndJetPtFactor); return kFALSE; } } } return kTRUE ; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliStack* AliCaloTrackReader::GetStack() const { //Return pointer to stack if(fMC) return fMC->Stack(); else{ if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetStack() - Stack is not available\n"); return 0x0 ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliHeader* AliCaloTrackReader::GetHeader() const { //Return pointer to header if(fMC) return fMC->Header(); else{ printf("AliCaloTrackReader::Header is not available\n"); return 0x0 ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliGenEventHeader* AliCaloTrackReader::GetGenEventHeader() const { //Return pointer to Generated event header if(fMC) return fMC->GenEventHeader(); else{ printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GenEventHeader is not available\n"); return 0x0 ; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ TClonesArray* AliCaloTrackReader::GetAODMCParticles(Int_t input) const { //Return list of particles in AOD. Do it for the corresponding input event. if(fDataType == kAOD){ //Normal input AOD if(input == 0) return (TClonesArray*)((AliAODEvent*)fInputEvent)->FindListObject("mcparticles"); //Second input AOD else if(input == 1 && fSecondInputAODEvent) return (TClonesArray*) fSecondInputAODEvent->FindListObject("mcparticles"); else { printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetAODMCParticles() - wrong AOD input index? %d, or non existing tree? \n",input); return 0x0; } } else { printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetAODMCParticles() - Input are not AODs\n"); return 0x0; } } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliAODMCHeader* AliCaloTrackReader::GetAODMCHeader(Int_t input) const { //Return MC header in AOD. Do it for the corresponding input event. if(fDataType == kAOD){ //Normal input AOD if(input == 0) return (AliAODMCHeader*)((AliAODEvent*)fInputEvent)->FindListObject("mcheader"); //Second input AOD else if(input == 1) return (AliAODMCHeader*) fSecondInputAODEvent->FindListObject("mcheader"); else { printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetAODMCHeader() - wrong AOD input index, %d\n",input); return 0x0; } } else { printf("AliCaloTrackReader::GetAODMCHeader() - Input are not AODs\n"); return 0x0; } } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::Init() { //Init reader. Method to be called in AliAnaPartCorrMaker //Get the file with second input events if the filename is given //Get the tree and connect the AODEvent. Only with AODs if(fReadStack && fReadAODMCParticles){ printf("AliCaloTrackReader::Init() - Cannot access stack and mcparticles at the same time, change them \n"); fReadStack = kFALSE; fReadAODMCParticles = kFALSE; } if(fSecondInputFileName!=""){ if(fDataType == kAOD){ TFile * input2 = new TFile(fSecondInputFileName,"read"); printf("AliCaloTrackReader::Init() - Second input file opened: %s, size %d \n", input2->GetName(), (Int_t) input2->GetSize()); fSecondInputAODTree = (TTree*) input2->Get("aodTree"); if(fSecondInputAODTree) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::Init() - Second input tree opened: %s, entries %d \n", fSecondInputAODTree->GetName(), (Int_t) fSecondInputAODTree->GetEntries()); else{ printf("AliCaloTrackReader::Init() - Second input tree not available, STOP \n"); abort(); } fSecondInputAODEvent = new AliAODEvent; fSecondInputAODEvent->ReadFromTree(fSecondInputAODTree); if(fSecondInputFirstEvent >= fSecondInputAODTree->GetEntriesFast()){ printf("AliCaloTrackReader::Init() - Requested first event of second input %d, is larger than number of events %d, STOP\n", fSecondInputFirstEvent, (Int_t) fSecondInputAODTree->GetEntriesFast()); abort(); } } else printf("AliCaloTrackReader::Init() - Second input not added, reader is not AOD\n"); } } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::InitParameters() { //Initialize the parameters of the analysis. fDataType = kESD ; fCTSPtMin = 0.2 ; fEMCALPtMin = 0.2 ; fPHOSPtMin = 0.2 ; fFillEMCAL = kTRUE; fFillPHOS = kTRUE; fFillCTS = kTRUE; fFillEMCALCells = kFALSE; fFillPHOSCells = kFALSE; fFidutialCut = new AliFidutialCut(); fSecondInputFileName = "" ; fSecondInputFirstEvent = 0 ; fReadStack = kFALSE; // Check in the constructor of the other readers if it was set or in the configuration file fReadAODMCParticles = kFALSE; // Check in the constructor of the other readers if it was set or in the configuration file } //________________________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::Print(const Option_t * opt) const { //Print some relevant parameters set for the analysis if(! opt) return; printf("***** Print: %s %s ******\n", GetName(), GetTitle() ) ; printf("Data type : %d\n", fDataType) ; printf("CTS Min pT : %2.1f GeV/c\n", fCTSPtMin) ; printf("EMCAL Min pT : %2.1f GeV/c\n", fEMCALPtMin) ; printf("PHOS Min pT : %2.1f GeV/c\n", fPHOSPtMin) ; printf("Use CTS = %d\n", fFillCTS) ; printf("Use EMCAL = %d\n", fFillEMCAL) ; printf("Use PHOS = %d\n", fFillPHOS) ; printf("Use EMCAL Cells = %d\n", fFillEMCALCells) ; printf("Use PHOS Cells = %d\n", fFillPHOSCells) ; printf("Track status = %d\n", (Int_t) fTrackStatus) ; if(fComparePtHardAndJetPt) printf("Compare jet pt and pt hard to accept event, factor = %2.2f",fPtHardAndJetPtFactor); if(fSecondInputFileName!="") { printf("Second Input File Name = %s\n", fSecondInputFileName.Data()) ; printf("Second Input First Event = %d\n", fSecondInputFirstEvent) ; } printf("Read Kine from, stack? %d, AOD ? %d \n", fReadStack, fReadAODMCParticles) ; printf(" \n") ; } //___________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent(const Int_t iEntry, const char * currentFileName) { //Fill the event counter and input lists that are needed, called by the analysis maker. fEventNumber = iEntry; fCurrentFileName = TString(currentFileName); if((fDataType != kAOD) && ((fOutputEvent->GetCaloClusters())->GetEntriesFast()!=0 ||(fOutputEvent->GetTracks())->GetEntriesFast()!=0)){ printf("AliCaloTrackReader::AODCaloClusters or AODTracks already filled by the filter, do not use the ESD reader, use the AOD reader, STOP\n"); abort(); } //In case of analysis of events with jets, skip those with jet pt > 5 pt hard if(fComparePtHardAndJetPt && GetStack()) { if(!ComparePtHardAndJetPt()) return kFALSE ; } //In case of mixing events with other AOD file if(fDataType == kAOD && fSecondInputAODTree){ if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent() - Get event %d from second input AOD file \n", iEntry+fSecondInputFirstEvent); if(fSecondInputAODTree->GetEntriesFast() <= iEntry+fSecondInputFirstEvent) { if(fSecondInputAODTree->GetEntriesFast() == iEntry+fSecondInputFirstEvent) printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent() - Skip events from event %d, no more events in second AOD file \n", iEntry); return kFALSE; } //Get the Event Int_t nbytes = fSecondInputAODTree->GetEvent(iEntry+fSecondInputFirstEvent); if ( nbytes == 0 ) {//If nothing in AOD printf("AliCaloTrackReader::FillInputEvent() - Nothing in Second AOD input, STOP\n"); abort() ; } } //if(iEntry > 10) return kFALSE; if(fFillCTS) FillInputCTS(); if(fFillEMCAL) FillInputEMCAL(); if(fFillPHOS) FillInputPHOS(); if(fFillEMCALCells) FillInputEMCALCells(); if(fFillPHOSCells) FillInputPHOSCells(); return kTRUE ; } //__________________________________________________ void AliCaloTrackReader::ResetLists() { // Reset lists, called by the analysis maker if(fAODCTS) fAODCTS -> Clear(); if(fAODEMCAL) fAODEMCAL -> Clear(); if(fAODPHOS) fAODPHOS -> Clear(); if(fEMCALCells) fEMCALCells -> Clear(); if(fPHOSCells) fPHOSCells -> Clear(); }