/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: AliMCAnalysisUtils.cxx 21839 2007-10-29 13:49:42Z gustavo $ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Class for analysis utils for MC data // stored in stack or event header. // Contains: // - method to check the origin of a given track/cluster // - method to obtain the generated jets // //*-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (LNF-INFN) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --- ROOT system --- #include #include //---- ANALYSIS system ---- #include "AliMCAnalysisUtils.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "AliGenPythiaEventHeader.h" ClassImp(AliMCAnalysisUtils) //________________________________________________ AliMCAnalysisUtils::AliMCAnalysisUtils() : TObject(), fCurrentEvent(-1), fDebug(-1), fJetsList(new TList), fMCGenerator("PYTHIA") { //Ctor } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliMCAnalysisUtils::AliMCAnalysisUtils(const AliMCAnalysisUtils & mcutils) : TObject(mcutils), fCurrentEvent(mcutils.fCurrentEvent), fDebug(mcutils.fDebug), fJetsList(mcutils.fJetsList), fMCGenerator(mcutils.fMCGenerator) { // cpy ctor } //_________________________________________________________________________ AliMCAnalysisUtils & AliMCAnalysisUtils::operator = (const AliMCAnalysisUtils & mcutils) { // assignment operator if(&mcutils == this) return *this; fCurrentEvent = mcutils.fCurrentEvent ; fDebug = mcutils.fDebug; fJetsList = mcutils.fJetsList; fMCGenerator = mcutils.fMCGenerator; return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliMCAnalysisUtils::~AliMCAnalysisUtils() { // Remove all pointers. if (fJetsList) { fJetsList->Clear(); delete fJetsList ; } } //_________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOrigin(const Int_t label, AliStack * stack) const { //Play with the MC stack if available //Check origin of the candidates, good for PYTHIA if(!stack) { printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOrigin() - Stack is not available, check analysis settings in configuration file, STOP!!\n"); abort(); } // printf("label %d, ntrack %d, nprim %d\n",label, stack->GetNtrack(), stack->GetNprimary()); // for(Int_t i = 0; i< stack->GetNprimary(); i++){ // TParticle *particle = stack->Particle(i); // //particle->Print(); // } if(label >= 0 && label < stack->GetNtrack()){ //Mother TParticle * mom = stack->Particle(label); Int_t mPdg = TMath::Abs(mom->GetPdgCode()); Int_t mStatus = mom->GetStatusCode() ; Int_t iParent = mom->GetFirstMother() ; if(fDebug > 0 && label < 8 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOrigin: Mother is parton %d\n",iParent); //GrandParent TParticle * parent = new TParticle ; Int_t pPdg = -1; Int_t pStatus =-1; if(iParent > 0){ parent = stack->Particle(iParent); pPdg = TMath::Abs(parent->GetPdgCode()); pStatus = parent->GetStatusCode(); } else if(fDebug > 0 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOrigin: Parent with label %d\n",iParent); //return tag if(mPdg == 22){ if(mStatus == 1){ if(fMCGenerator == "PYTHIA"){ if(iParent < 8 && iParent > 5) {//outgoing partons if(pPdg == 22) return kMCPrompt; else return kMCFragmentation; }//Outgoing partons else if(pStatus == 11){//Decay if(pPdg == 111) return kMCPi0Decay ; else if (pPdg == 221) return kMCEtaDecay ; else return kMCOtherDecay ; }//Decay else return kMCISR; //Initial state radiation }//PYTHIA else if(fMCGenerator == "HERWIG"){ if(pStatus < 197){//Not decay while(1){ if(parent->GetFirstMother()<=5) break; iParent = parent->GetFirstMother(); parent=stack->Particle(iParent); pStatus= parent->GetStatusCode(); pPdg = parent->GetPdgCode(); }//Look for the parton if(iParent < 8 && iParent > 5) { if(pPdg == 22) return kMCPrompt; else return kMCFragmentation; } return kMCISR;//Initial state radiation }//Not decay else{//Decay if(pPdg == 111) return kMCPi0Decay ; else if (pPdg == 221) return kMCEtaDecay ; else return kMCOtherDecay ; }//Decay }//HERWIG else return kMCUnknown; }//Status 1 : Pythia generated else if(mStatus == 0){ if(pPdg ==22 || pPdg ==11|| pPdg == 2112 || pPdg == 211 || pPdg == 321 || pPdg == 2212 || pPdg == 130 || pPdg == 13 ) return kMCConversion ; if(pPdg == 111) return kMCPi0Decay ; else if (pPdg == 221) return kMCEtaDecay ; else return kMCOtherDecay ; }//status 0 : geant generated }//Mother Photon else if(mPdg == 111) return kMCPi0 ; else if(mPdg == 221) return kMCEta ; else if(mPdg ==11){ // if(pPdg !=22 &&mStatus == 0) { // printf("Origin electron, pT %f, status %d, parent %s, pstatus %d, vx %f, vy %f, vz %f\n", // mom->Pt(),mStatus, parent->GetName(),pStatus,mom->Vx(),mom->Vy(), mom->Vz()); // } if(mStatus == 0) { if(pPdg ==22) return kMCConversion ; else if (pStatus == 0) return kMCConversion; else return kMCElectron ; } else return kMCElectron ; } else return kMCUnknown; }//Good label value else{ if(label < 0 ) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOrigin: *** bad label or no stack ***: label %d \n", label); if(label >= stack->GetNtrack()) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::CheckOrigin: *** large label ***: label %d, n tracks %d \n", label, stack->GetNtrack()); return kMCUnknown; }//Bad label return kMCUnknown; } //_________________________________________________________________________ TList * AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets(Int_t iEvent, AliStack * stack, AliGenEventHeader * geh) { //Return list of jets (TParticles) and index of most likely parton that originated it. if(fCurrentEvent!=iEvent){ fCurrentEvent = iEvent; fJetsList = new TList; Int_t nTriggerJets = 0; Float_t tmpjet[]={0,0,0,0}; //printf("Event %d %d\n",fCurrentEvent,iEvent); //Get outgoing partons if(stack->GetNtrack() < 8) return fJetsList; TParticle * parton1 = stack->Particle(6); TParticle * parton2 = stack->Particle(7); if(fDebug > 2){ printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets() - parton 6 : %s, pt %2.2f,E %2.2f, phi %2.2f, eta %2.2f \n", parton1->GetName(),parton1->Pt(),parton1->Energy(),parton1->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),parton1->Eta()); printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets() - parton 7 : %s, pt %2.2f,E %2.2f, phi %2.2f, eta %2.2f \n", parton2->GetName(),parton2->Pt(),parton2->Energy(),parton2->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),parton2->Eta()); } // //Trace the jet from the mother parton // Float_t pt = 0; // Float_t pt1 = 0; // Float_t pt2 = 0; // Float_t e = 0; // Float_t e1 = 0; // Float_t e2 = 0; // TParticle * tmptmp = new TParticle; // for(Int_t i = 0; i< stack->GetNprimary(); i++){ // tmptmp = stack->Particle(i); // if(tmptmp->GetStatusCode() == 1){ // pt = tmptmp->Pt(); // e = tmptmp->Energy(); // Int_t imom = tmptmp->GetFirstMother(); // Int_t imom1 = 0; // //printf("1st imom %d\n",imom); // while(imom > 5){ // imom1=imom; // tmptmp = stack->Particle(imom); // imom = tmptmp->GetFirstMother(); // //printf("imom %d \n",imom); // } // //printf("Last imom %d %d\n",imom1, imom); // if(imom1 == 6) { // pt1+=pt; // e1+=e; // } // else if (imom1 == 7){ // pt2+=pt; // e2+=e; } // }// status 1 // }// for // printf("JET 1, pt %2.2f, e %2.2f; JET 2, pt %2.2f, e %2.2f \n",pt1,e1,pt2,e2); //Get the jet, different way for different generator //PYTHIA if(fMCGenerator == "PYTHIA"){ TParticle * jet = new TParticle; AliGenPythiaEventHeader* pygeh= (AliGenPythiaEventHeader*) geh; nTriggerJets = pygeh->NTriggerJets(); if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets() - PythiaEventHeader: Njets: %d\n",nTriggerJets); Int_t iparton = -1; for(Int_t i = 0; i< nTriggerJets; i++){ iparton=-1; pygeh->TriggerJet(i, tmpjet); jet = new TParticle(94, 21, -1, -1, -1, -1, tmpjet[0],tmpjet[1],tmpjet[2],tmpjet[3], 0,0,0,0); //Assign an outgoing parton as mother Float_t phidiff1 = TMath::Abs(jet->Phi()-parton1->Phi()); Float_t phidiff2 = TMath::Abs(jet->Phi()-parton2->Phi()); if(phidiff1 > phidiff2) jet->SetFirstMother(7); else jet->SetFirstMother(6); //jet->Print(); if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets() - PYTHIA Jet %d: mother %d, pt %2.2f,E %2.2f, phi %2.2f, eta %2.2f \n", i, jet->GetFirstMother(),jet->Pt(),jet->Energy(),jet->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),jet->Eta()); fJetsList->Add(jet); } }//Pythia triggered jets //HERWIG else if (fMCGenerator=="HERWIG"){ Int_t pdg = -1; //Check parton 1 TParticle * tmp = parton1; if(parton1->GetPdgCode()!=22){ while(pdg != 94){ if(tmp->GetFirstDaughter()==-1) return fJetsList; tmp = stack->Particle(tmp->GetFirstDaughter()); pdg = tmp->GetPdgCode(); }//while //Add found jet to list TParticle *jet1 = new TParticle(*tmp); jet1->SetFirstMother(6); fJetsList->Add(jet1); //printf("jet 1: first daughter %d, last daughter %d\n", tmp->GetFirstDaughter(), tmp->GetLastDaughter()); //tmp = stack->Particle(tmp->GetFirstDaughter()); //tmp->Print(); //jet1->Print(); if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets() - HERWIG Jet 1: mother %d, status %d, pt %2.2f,E %2.2f, phi %2.2f, eta %2.2f \n", jet1->GetFirstMother(),jet1->GetStatusCode(),jet1->Pt(),jet1->Energy(),jet1->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),jet1->Eta()); }//not photon //Check parton 2 pdg = -1; tmp = parton2; Int_t i = -1; if(parton2->GetPdgCode()!=22){ while(pdg != 94){ if(tmp->GetFirstDaughter()==-1) return fJetsList; i = tmp->GetFirstDaughter(); tmp = stack->Particle(tmp->GetFirstDaughter()); pdg = tmp->GetPdgCode(); }//while //Add found jet to list TParticle *jet2 = new TParticle(*tmp); jet2->SetFirstMother(7); fJetsList->Add(jet2); //jet2->Print(); if(fDebug > 1) printf("AliMCAnalysisUtils::GetJets() - HERWIG Jet 2: mother %d, status %d, pt %2.2f,E %2.2f, phi %2.2f, eta %2.2f \n", jet2->GetFirstMother(),jet2->GetStatusCode(),jet2->Pt(),jet2->Energy(),jet2->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),jet2->Eta()); //Int_t first = tmp->GetFirstDaughter(); //Int_t last = tmp->GetLastDaughter(); //printf("jet 2: first daughter %d, last daughter %d, pdg %d\n",first, last, tmp->GetPdgCode()); // for(Int_t d = first ; d < last+1; d++){ // tmp = stack->Particle(d); // if(i == tmp->GetFirstMother()) // printf("Daughter n %d, Mother %d, name %s, status %d, pT %2.2f,E %2.2f, phi %2.2f, eta %2.2f \n", // d,tmp->GetFirstMother(), tmp->GetName(), tmp->GetStatusCode(),tmp->Pt(),tmp->Energy(),tmp->Phi()*TMath::RadToDeg(),tmp->Eta()); // } //tmp->Print(); }//not photon }//Herwig generated jets } return fJetsList; } //________________________________________________________________ void AliMCAnalysisUtils::Print(const Option_t * opt) const { //Print some relevant parameters set for the analysis if(! opt) return; printf("***** Print: %s %s ******\n", GetName(), GetTitle() ) ; printf("Debug level = %d\n",fDebug); printf("MC Generator = %s\n",fMCGenerator.Data()); printf(" \n"); }