#ifndef ALINEUTRALMESONSELECTION_H #define ALINEUTRALMESONSELECTION_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id: AliNeutralMesonSelection.h 27413 2008-07-18 13:28:12Z gconesab $ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Class that contains methods to select candidate pairs to neutral meson // 2 main selections, invariant mass around pi0 (also any other mass), // apperture angle to distinguish from combinatorial. // There is a 3rd cut based on the gamma correlation on phi or pt. //-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (INFN-LNF) // --- ROOT system --- #include #include class TLorentzVector ; class TList ; class TH2F ; //--- ANALYSIS system --- class AliNeutralMesonSelection : public TObject { public: AliNeutralMesonSelection() ; // default ctor virtual ~AliNeutralMesonSelection() ; //virtual dtor private: AliNeutralMesonSelection(const AliNeutralMesonSelection & g) ; // cpy ctor AliNeutralMesonSelection & operator = (const AliNeutralMesonSelection & g) ;//cpy assignment public: // General TList * GetCreateOutputObjects(); void InitParameters(); void Print(const Option_t * opt) const; //Opening angle selection Double_t GetAngleMaxParam(Int_t i) const { return fAngleMaxParam.At(i) ; } void SetAngleMaxParam(Int_t i, Double_t par) { fAngleMaxParam.AddAt(par,i) ; } Float_t GetShiftMinAngleCut() const{ return fShiftMinAngle ; } void SetShiftMinAngleCut(Float_t shift) { fShiftMinAngle = shift ; } void SwitchOnAngleSelection() { fUseAngleCut = kTRUE ; } void SwitchOffAngleSelection() { fUseAngleCut = kFALSE ; } //Invariant mass selection Double_t GetInvMassMaxCut() const { return fInvMassMaxCut ; } Double_t GetInvMassMinCut() const { return fInvMassMinCut ; } void SetInvMassCutRange(Double_t invmassmin, Double_t invmassmax) {fInvMassMaxCut =invmassmax; fInvMassMinCut =invmassmin ; } Double_t GetMass() const { return fM ; } void SetMass(Double_t m) { fM = m ; } Bool_t AreNeutralMesonSelectionHistosKept() const { return fKeepNeutralMesonHistos ; } void KeepNeutralMesonSelectionHistos(Bool_t keep) { fKeepNeutralMesonHistos = keep ; } Bool_t IsAngleInWindow(const Float_t angle, const Float_t e) const ; Bool_t SelectPair(TLorentzVector particlei, TLorentzVector particlej) ; //Histogrammes setters and getters virtual void SetHistoERangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoNEBins = n ; fHistoEMax = max ; fHistoEMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoNEBins() const { return fHistoNEBins ; } Float_t GetHistoEMin() const { return fHistoEMin ; } Float_t GetHistoEMax() const { return fHistoEMax ; } virtual void SetHistoPtRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoNPtBins = n ; fHistoPtMax = max ; fHistoPtMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoNPtBins() const { return fHistoNPtBins ; } Float_t GetHistoPtMin() const { return fHistoPtMin ; } Float_t GetHistoPtMax() const { return fHistoPtMax ; } virtual void SetHistoAngleRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoNAngleBins = n ; fHistoAngleMax = max ; fHistoAngleMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoNAngleBins() const { return fHistoNAngleBins ; } Float_t GetHistoAngleMin() const { return fHistoAngleMin ; } Float_t GetHistoAngleMax() const { return fHistoAngleMax ; } virtual void SetHistoIMRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoNIMBins = n ; fHistoIMMax = max ; fHistoIMMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoNIMBins() const { return fHistoNIMBins ; } Float_t GetHistoIMMin() const { return fHistoIMMin ; } Float_t GetHistoIMMax() const { return fHistoIMMax ; } private: Double_t fM ; // Mass of the neutral meson Double_t fInvMassMaxCut ; // Invariant Mass cut maximum Double_t fInvMassMinCut ; // Invariant Masscut minimun TArrayD fAngleMaxParam ; // Max opening angle selection parameters Bool_t fUseAngleCut ; // Select pairs depending on their opening angle Float_t fShiftMinAngle ; // Correction shift for min angle from true kinematic limit, resolution effects Bool_t fKeepNeutralMesonHistos ; // Keep neutral meson selection histograms //Histograms TH2F * fhAnglePairNoCut ; //! Aperture angle of decay photons, no cuts TH2F * fhAnglePairOpeningAngleCut ; //! Aperture angle of decay photons, cut on opening angle TH2F * fhAnglePairAllCut ; //! Aperture angle of decay photons, all cuts TH2F * fhInvMassPairNoCut ; //! Invariant mass of decay photons, no cuts TH2F * fhInvMassPairOpeningAngleCut ; //! Invariant mass of decay photons, cut on opening angle TH2F * fhInvMassPairAllCut ; //! Invariant mass of decay photons, all cuts //Histograms binning and range Int_t fHistoNEBins ; // Number of bins in pi0 E axis Float_t fHistoEMax ; // Maximum value of pi0 E histogram range Float_t fHistoEMin ; // Minimum value of pi0 E histogram range Int_t fHistoNPtBins ; // Number of bins in Pt trigger axis Float_t fHistoPtMax ; // Maximum value of Pt trigger histogram range Float_t fHistoPtMin ; // Minimum value of Pt trigger histogram range Int_t fHistoNAngleBins ; // Number of bins in angle axis Float_t fHistoAngleMax ; // Maximum value of angle histogram range Float_t fHistoAngleMin ; // Minimum value of angle histogram range Int_t fHistoNIMBins ; // Number of bins in Invariant Mass axis Float_t fHistoIMMax ; // Maximum value of Invariant Mass histogram range Float_t fHistoIMMin ; // Minimum value of Invariant Mass histogram range ClassDef(AliNeutralMesonSelection,4) } ; #endif //ALINEUTRALMESONSELECTION_H