#ifndef ALIANACALORIMETERQA_H #define ALIANACALORIMETERQA_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id: $ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // Class to check results from simulations or reconstructed real data. // Fill few histograms and do some checking plots // //-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (INFN-LNF) // --- Root system --- class TH3F; class TH2F; class TH1F; class TObjString; // --- Analysis system --- class AliVCaloCluster; class AliVTrack; #include "AliAnaPartCorrBaseClass.h" class AliAnaCalorimeterQA : public AliAnaPartCorrBaseClass { public: AliAnaCalorimeterQA() ; // default ctor virtual ~AliAnaCalorimeterQA() {;} //virtual dtor private: AliAnaCalorimeterQA & operator = (const AliAnaCalorimeterQA & g) ;//cpy assignment AliAnaCalorimeterQA(const AliAnaCalorimeterQA & g) ; // cpy ctor public: void ClusterHistograms(const TLorentzVector mom, const Double_t tof, Float_t *pos, Float_t * showerShape, const Int_t nCaloCellsPerCluster, const Int_t nModule, const Int_t nTracksMatched, const AliVTrack* track, const Int_t * labels, const Int_t nLabels); TObjString * GetAnalysisCuts(); TList * GetCreateOutputObjects(); void Init(); void InitParameters(); void Print(const Option_t * opt) const; void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms() ; void MCHistograms(const TLorentzVector mom, const Int_t pdg); TString GetCalorimeter() const {return fCalorimeter ;} void SetCalorimeter( TString calo ) {fCalorimeter = calo; } TString GetStyleMacro() const {return fStyleMacro ;} void SetStyleMacro( TString macro ) {fStyleMacro = macro; } void SwitchOnPlotsMaking() {fMakePlots = kTRUE ;} void SwitchOffPlotsMaking() {fMakePlots = kFALSE ;} void SwitchOnFillAllPositionHistogram() {fFillAllPosHisto = kTRUE ;} void SwitchOffFillAllPositionHistogram() {fFillAllPosHisto = kFALSE ;} void SwitchOnFillAllTH12Histogram() {fFillAllTH12 = kTRUE ;} void SwitchOffFillAllTH12Histogram() {fFillAllTH12 = kFALSE ;} void SwitchOnCalorimetersCorrelation() {fCorrelateCalos = kTRUE ;} void SwitchOffCalorimetersCorrelation() {fCorrelateCalos = kFALSE ;} //void CorrelateCalorimeters(TRefArray* caloClusters); void CorrelateCalorimeters(); void Terminate(TList * outputList); void ReadHistograms(TList * outputList); //Fill histograms with histograms in ouput list, needed in Terminate. void SetNumberOfModules(Int_t nmod) {fNModules = nmod;} void SetTimeCut(Double_t min, Double_t max) {fTimeCutMin = min; fTimeCutMax = max;} Double_t GetTimeCutMin() const {return fTimeCutMin;} Double_t GetTimeCutMax() const {return fTimeCutMax;} //Minimum cell amplitude setters and getters Float_t GetEMCALCellAmpMin() const { return fEMCALCellAmpMin ; } Float_t GetPHOSCellAmpMin() const { return fPHOSCellAmpMin ; } void SetEMCALCellAmpMin(Float_t amp) { fEMCALCellAmpMin = amp ; } void SetPHOSCellAmpMin(Float_t amp) { fPHOSCellAmpMin = amp ; } //Histogram binning setters Int_t GetNewRebinForRePlotting(TH1D*histo, const Float_t newXmin, const Float_t newXmax, const Int_t newNbins) const; virtual void SetHistoPOverERangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoPOverEBins = n ; fHistoPOverEMax = max ; fHistoPOverEMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoPOverEBins() const { return fHistoPOverEBins ; } Float_t GetHistoPOverEMin() const { return fHistoPOverEMin ; } Float_t GetHistoPOverEMax() const { return fHistoPOverEMax ; } virtual void SetHistoFinePtRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoFinePtBins = n ; fHistoFinePtMax = max ; fHistoFinePtMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoFinePtBins() const { return fHistoFinePtBins ; } Float_t GetHistoFinePtMin() const { return fHistoFinePtMin ; } Float_t GetHistoFinePtMax() const { return fHistoFinePtMax ; } virtual void SetHistodEdxRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistodEdxBins = n ; fHistodEdxMax = max ; fHistodEdxMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistodEdxBins() const { return fHistodEdxBins ; } Float_t GetHistodEdxMin() const { return fHistodEdxMin ; } Float_t GetHistodEdxMax() const { return fHistodEdxMax ; } virtual void SetHistodRRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistodRBins = n ; fHistodRMax = max ; fHistodRMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistodRBins() const { return fHistodRBins ; } Float_t GetHistodRMin() const { return fHistodRMin ; } Float_t GetHistodRMax() const { return fHistodRMax ; } virtual void SetHistoTimeRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoTimeBins = n ; fHistoTimeMax = max ; fHistoTimeMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoTimeBins() const { return fHistoTimeBins ; } Float_t GetHistoTimeMin() const { return fHistoTimeMin ; } Float_t GetHistoTimeMax() const { return fHistoTimeMax ; } virtual void SetHistoNClusterCellRangeAndNBins(Int_t min, Int_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoNBins = n ; fHistoNMax = max ; fHistoNMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoNClusterCellBins() const { return fHistoNBins ; } Int_t GetHistoNClusterCellMin() const { return fHistoNMin ; } Int_t GetHistoNClusterCellMax() const { return fHistoNMax ; } virtual void SetHistoRatioRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoRatioBins = n ; fHistoRatioMax = max ; fHistoRatioMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoRatioBins() const { return fHistoRatioBins ; } Float_t GetHistoRatioMin() const { return fHistoRatioMin ; } Float_t GetHistoRatioMax() const { return fHistoRatioMax ; } virtual void SetHistoVertexDistRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoVertexDistBins = n ; fHistoVertexDistMax = max ; fHistoVertexDistMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoVertexDistBins() const { return fHistoVertexDistBins ; } Float_t GetHistoVertexDistMin() const { return fHistoVertexDistMin ; } Float_t GetHistoVertexDistMax() const { return fHistoVertexDistMax ; } virtual void SetHistoXRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoXBins = n ; fHistoXMax = max ; fHistoXMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoXBins() const { return fHistoXBins ; } Float_t GetHistoXMin() const { return fHistoXMin ; } Float_t GetHistoXMax() const { return fHistoXMax ; } virtual void SetHistoYRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoYBins = n ; fHistoYMax = max ; fHistoYMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoYBins() const { return fHistoYBins ; } Float_t GetHistoYMin() const { return fHistoYMin ; } Float_t GetHistoYMax() const { return fHistoYMax ; } virtual void SetHistoZRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoZBins = n ; fHistoZMax = max ; fHistoZMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoZBins() const { return fHistoZBins ; } Float_t GetHistoZMin() const { return fHistoZMin ; } Float_t GetHistoZMax() const { return fHistoZMax ; } virtual void SetHistoRRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoRBins = n ; fHistoRMax = max ; fHistoRMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoRBins() const { return fHistoRBins ; } Float_t GetHistoRMin() const { return fHistoRMin ; } Float_t GetHistoRMax() const { return fHistoRMax ; } virtual void SetHistoShowerShapeRangeAndNBins(Float_t min, Float_t max, Int_t n) { fHistoSSBins = n ; fHistoSSMax = max ; fHistoSSMin = min ; } Int_t GetHistoShowerShapeBins() const { return fHistoSSBins ; } Float_t GetHistoShowerShapeMin() const { return fHistoSSMin ; } Float_t GetHistoShowerShapeMax() const { return fHistoSSMax ; } private: TString fCalorimeter ; // Calorimeter selection TString fStyleMacro ; // Location of macro for plots style Bool_t fMakePlots ; // Print plots Bool_t fFillAllPosHisto; // Fill all the position related histograms Bool_t fFillAllTH12 ; // Fill simple histograms which information is already in TH3 histograms Bool_t fCorrelateCalos ; // Correlate PHOS/EMCAL clusters Int_t fNModules ; // Number of EMCAL/PHOS modules, set as many histogras as modules Int_t fNRCU ; // Number of EMCAL/PHOS RCU, set as many histogras as RCU Double_t fTimeCutMin ; // Remove clusters/cells with time smaller than this value, in ns Double_t fTimeCutMax ; // Remove clusters/cells with time larger than this value, in ns Float_t fEMCALCellAmpMin; // amplitude Threshold on emcal cells Float_t fPHOSCellAmpMin ; // amplitude Threshold on phos cells //Histograms //Histogram Bins Int_t fHistoFinePtBins; // fine binning for fhAmpId histogram Float_t fHistoFinePtMax; // maximum pt value for fhAmpId histogram Float_t fHistoFinePtMin; // minimum pt value for fhAmpId histogram Int_t fHistoPOverEBins; // p/E histogram number of bins Float_t fHistoPOverEMax; // p/E maximum value Float_t fHistoPOverEMin; // p/E minimum value Int_t fHistodEdxBins; // dEdx histogram number of bins Float_t fHistodEdxMax; // dEdx maximum value Float_t fHistodEdxMin; // dEdx minimum value Int_t fHistodRBins; // dR histogram number of bins Float_t fHistodRMax; // dR maximum value Float_t fHistodRMin; // dR minimum value Int_t fHistoTimeBins; // cell time histogram number of bins Float_t fHistoTimeMax; // cell time maximum value Float_t fHistoTimeMin; // cell time minimum value Int_t fHistoNBins; // number of clusters/cells histogram number of bins Int_t fHistoNMax; // number maximum value Int_t fHistoNMin; // number minimum value Int_t fHistoRatioBins; // ratio histogram number of bins Float_t fHistoRatioMax; // ratio maximum value Float_t fHistoRatioMin; // ratio minimum value Int_t fHistoVertexDistBins; // vertex distance histogram number of bins Float_t fHistoVertexDistMax; // vertex distance maximum value Float_t fHistoVertexDistMin; // vertex distance minimum value Int_t fHistoRBins; // r =sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2) (cm) position histogram number of bins Float_t fHistoRMax; // r =sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2) (cm) maximum value Float_t fHistoRMin; // r =sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2) (cm) minimum value Int_t fHistoXBins; // x (cm) position histogram number of bins Float_t fHistoXMax; // x (cm) position maximum value Float_t fHistoXMin; // x (cm) position minimum value Int_t fHistoYBins; // y (cm) position histogram number of bins Float_t fHistoYMax; // y (cm) position maximum value Float_t fHistoYMin; // y (cm) position minimum value Int_t fHistoZBins; // z (cm) position histogram number of bins Float_t fHistoZMax; // z (cm) position maximum value Float_t fHistoZMin; // z (cm) position minimum value Int_t fHistoSSBins; // Shower Shape parameter histogram number of bins Float_t fHistoSSMax; // Shower Shape parameter position maximum value Float_t fHistoSSMin; // Shower Shape parameter position minimum value //CaloClusters TH1F * fhE ; //! E distribution, Reco TH1F * fhPt ; //! pT distribution, Reco TH1F * fhPhi; //! phi distribution, Reco TH1F * fhEta; //! eta distribution, Reco TH3F * fhEtaPhiE ; //! eta vs phi vs E, Reco TH1F * fhECharged ; //! E distribution, Reco, matched with track TH1F * fhPtCharged ; //! pT distribution, Reco, matched with track TH1F * fhPhiCharged; //! phi distribution, Reco, matched with track TH1F * fhEtaCharged; //! eta distribution, Reco, matched with track TH3F * fhEtaPhiECharged ; //! eta vs phi vs E, Reco, matched with track TH1F * fhDeltaE ; //! MC-Reco E distribution TH1F * fhDeltaPt ; //! MC-Reco pT distribution TH1F * fhDeltaPhi; //! MC-Reco phi distribution TH1F * fhDeltaEta; //! MC-Reco eta distribution TH1F * fhRatioE ; //! Reco/MC E distribution TH1F * fhRatioPt ; //! Reco/MC pT distribution TH1F * fhRatioPhi; //! Reco/MC phi distribution TH1F * fhRatioEta; //! Reco/MC eta distribution TH2F * fh2E ; //! E distribution, Reco vs MC TH2F * fh2Pt ; //! pT distribution, Reco vs MC TH2F * fh2Phi; //! phi distribution, Reco vs MC TH2F * fh2Eta; //! eta distribution, Reco vs MC TH3F * fhLambda ; //! Shower ellipse axis Lambda 0 vs vs Lambda 1 vs E TH2F * fhDispersion ; //! Shower dispersion vs E TH2F * fhIM; //! cluster pairs invariant mass TH2F * fhIMCellCut; //! cluster pairs invariant mass, n cells > 1 per cluster TH2F * fhAsym; //! cluster pairs invariant mass TH3F * fhNCellsPerCluster; //! N cells per cluster vs cluster energy vs eta of cluster TH3F * fhNCellsPerClusterMIP; //! N cells per cluster vs cluster energy vs eta of cluster, finer fixed pT bin for MIP search. TH3F * fhNCellsPerClusterMIPCharged; //! N cells per cluster vs cluster energy vs eta of cluster, finer fixed pT bin for MIP search, cluster matched with track. TH1F * fhNClusters; //! Number of clusters TH2F * fhClusterTimeEnergy; //! Cluster Time vs Energy TH1F * fhCellTimeSpreadRespectToCellMax; //! Difference of the time of cell with maximum dep energy and the rest of cells TH1F * fhCellIdCellLargeTimeSpread; //! Cells with large time respect to max (diff > 100 ns) TH2F * fhRNCells ; //! R=sqrt(x^2+y^2) (cm) cluster distribution vs N cells in cluster TH2F * fhXNCells ; //! X (cm) cluster distribution vs N cells in cluster TH2F * fhYNCells ; //! Y (cm) cluster distribution vs N cells in cluster TH2F * fhZNCells ; //! Z (cm) cluster distribution vs N cells in cluster TH2F * fhRE ; //! R=sqrt(x^2+y^2) (cm) cluster distribution vs cluster energy TH2F * fhXE ; //! X (cm) cluster distribution vs cluster energy TH2F * fhYE ; //! Y (cm) cluster distribution vs cluster energy TH2F * fhZE ; //! Z (cm) cluster distribution vs cluster energy TH3F * fhXYZ; //! cluster X vs Y vs Z (cm) TH2F * fhRCellE ; //! R=sqrt(x^2+y^2) (cm) cell distribution vs cell energy TH2F * fhXCellE ; //! X (cm) cell distribution vs cell energy TH2F * fhYCellE ; //! Y (cm) cell distribution vs cell energy TH2F * fhZCellE ; //! Z (cm) cell distribution vs cell energy TH3F * fhXYZCell; //! cell X vs Y vs Z (cm) TH2F * fhDeltaCellClusterRNCells ; //! R cluster - R cell distribution (cm) vs N cells in cluster TH2F * fhDeltaCellClusterXNCells ; //! X cluster - X cell distribution (cm) vs N cells in cluster TH2F * fhDeltaCellClusterYNCells ; //! Y cluster - Y cell distribution (cm) vs N cells in cluster TH2F * fhDeltaCellClusterZNCells ; //! Z cluster - Z cell distribution (cm) vs N cells in cluster TH2F * fhDeltaCellClusterRE ; //! R cluster - R cell distribution (cm) vs cluster energy TH2F * fhDeltaCellClusterXE ; //! X cluster - X cell distribution (cm) vs cluster energy TH2F * fhDeltaCellClusterYE ; //! Y cluster - Y cell distribution (cm) vs cluster energy TH2F * fhDeltaCellClusterZE ; //! Z cluster - Z cell distribution (cm) vs cluster energy //Calo Cells TH1F * fhNCells; //! Number of towers/crystals with signal TH1F * fhAmplitude; //! Amplitude measured in towers/crystals TH2F * fhAmpId; //! Amplitude measured in towers/crystals vs id of tower. TH3F * fhEtaPhiAmp; //! eta vs phi vs amplitude, cells TH1F * fhTime; //! Time measured in towers/crystals TH2F * fhTimeId; //! Time vs Absolute cell Id TH2F * fhTimeAmp; //! Time vs Amplitude // TH1F * fhT0Time; //! T0 - EMCAL Time measured in towers/crystals // TH2F * fhT0TimeId; //! T0 - EMCAL Time vs Absolute cell Id // TH2F * fhT0TimeAmp; //! T0 - EMCAL Time vs Amplitude //Calorimeters Correlation TH2F * fhCaloCorrNClusters; // EMCAL vs PHOS, number of clusters TH2F * fhCaloCorrEClusters; // EMCAL vs PHOS, total measured cluster energy TH2F * fhCaloCorrNCells; // EMCAL vs PHOS, number of cells TH2F * fhCaloCorrECells; // EMCAL vs PHOS, total measured cell energy //Module histograms TH1F ** fhEMod ; //! E distribution for different module, Reco TH1F ** fhNClustersMod ; //! Number of clusters for different module, Reco TH2F ** fhNCellsPerClusterMod ; //! N cells per clusters different module, Reco TH1F ** fhNCellsMod ; //! Number of towers/crystals with signal different module, Reco TH2F ** fhGridCellsMod ; //! Cells ordered in column/row for different module, Reco TH2F ** fhGridCellsEMod ; //! Cells ordered in column/row for different module, weighted with energy, Reco TH2F ** fhGridCellsTimeMod ; //! Cells ordered in column/row for different module, weighted with time, Reco TH1F ** fhAmplitudeMod ; //! Amplitude measured in towers/crystals different module, Reco TH1F ** fhAmplitudeModFraction; //! Amplitude measured in towers/crystals different fractions of module, Reco TH2F ** fhTimeAmpPerRCU; //! Time vs Amplitude measured in towers/crystals different RCU //TH2F ** fhT0TimeAmpPerRCU; //! T0 - EMCAL Time vs Amplitude measured in towers/crystals different RCU //TH2F ** fhTimeCorrRCU; //! Correlate time entries in the different RCU, E > 0.3 TH2F ** fhIMMod; //! cluster pairs invariant mass, different module, TH2F ** fhIMCellCutMod; //! cluster pairs invariant mass, n cells > 1 per cluster, different module //MC TH1F *fhGenGamPt ; // pt of primary gamma TH1F *fhGenGamEta ; // eta of primart gamma TH1F *fhGenGamPhi ; // phi of primary gamma TH1F *fhGenPi0Pt ; // pt of primary pi0 TH1F *fhGenPi0Eta ; // eta of primart pi0 TH1F *fhGenPi0Phi ; // phi of primary pi0 TH1F *fhGenEtaPt ; // pt of primary eta TH1F *fhGenEtaEta ; // eta of primart eta TH1F *fhGenEtaPhi ; // phi of primary eta TH1F *fhGenOmegaPt ; // pt of primary omega TH1F *fhGenOmegaEta ; // eta of primart omega TH1F *fhGenOmegaPhi ; // phi of primary omega TH1F *fhGenElePt ; // pt of primary electron TH1F *fhGenEleEta ; // eta of primart electron TH1F *fhGenElePhi ; // phi of primary electron //TH3F * fhEMVxyz ; // Electromagnetic particle production vertex TH2F * fhEMVxyz ; // Electromagnetic particle production vertex TH2F * fhEMR ; // Electromagnetic distance to vertex vs rec energy //TH3F * fhHaVxyz ; // Hadron production vertex TH2F * fhHaVxyz ; // Hadron production vertex TH2F * fhHaR ; // Hadron distance to vertex vs rec energy TH2F * fhGamE ; //! E distribution of generated photons, Reco TH2F * fhGamPt ; //! pT distribution of generated photons, Reco TH2F * fhGamPhi; //! phi distribution of generated photon, Reco TH2F * fhGamEta; //! eta distribution of generated photons, Reco TH1F * fhGamDeltaE ; //! MC-Reco E distribution of generated photons TH1F * fhGamDeltaPt ; //! MC-Reco pT distribution of generated photons TH1F * fhGamDeltaPhi; //! MC-Reco phi distribution of generated photons TH1F * fhGamDeltaEta; //! MC-Reco eta distribution of generated photons TH1F * fhGamRatioE ; //! Reco/MC E distribution of generated photons TH1F * fhGamRatioPt ; //! Reco/MC pT distribution of generated photons TH1F * fhGamRatioPhi; //! Reco/MC phi distribution of generated photons TH1F * fhGamRatioEta; //! Reco/MC eta distribution of generated photons TH2F * fhEleE ; //! E distribution of generated electrons, Reco TH2F * fhElePt ; //! pT distribution of generated electrons, Reco TH2F * fhElePhi; //! phi distribution of generated electron, Reco TH2F * fhEleEta; //! eta distribution of generated electrons, Reco TH2F * fhPi0E ; //! E distribution of generated pi0, Reco, gamma decay overlapped TH2F * fhPi0Pt ; //! pT distribution of generated pi0, Reco, gamma decay overlapped TH2F * fhPi0Phi; //! phi distribution of generated pi0, Reco, gamma decay overlapped TH2F * fhPi0Eta; //! eta distribution of generated pi0, Reco, gamma decay overlapped TH2F * fhNeHadE ; //! E distribution of generated neutral hadron, Reco TH2F * fhNeHadPt ; //! pT distribution of generated neutral hadron, Reco TH2F * fhNeHadPhi; //! phi distribution of generated neutral hadron, Reco TH2F * fhNeHadEta; //! eta distribution of generated neutral hadron, Reco TH2F * fhChHadE ; //! E distribution of generated charged hadron, Reco TH2F * fhChHadPt ; //! pT distribution of generated charged hadron, Reco TH2F * fhChHadPhi; //! phi distribution of generated charged hadron, Reco TH2F * fhChHadEta; //! eta distribution of generated charged hadron, Reco TH2F * fhGamECharged ; //! E distribution of generated photons, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhGamPtCharged ; //! pT distribution of generated photons, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhGamPhiCharged; //! phi distribution of generated photon, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhGamEtaCharged; //! eta distribution of generated photons, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhEleECharged ; //! E distribution of generated electrons, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhElePtCharged ; //! pT distribution of generated electrons, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhElePhiCharged; //! phi distribution of generated electron, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhEleEtaCharged; //! eta distribution of generated electrons, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhPi0ECharged ; //! E distribution of generated pi0, Reco, gamma decay overlapped, track matched cluster TH2F * fhPi0PtCharged ; //! pT distribution of generated pi0, Reco, gamma decay overlapped, track matched cluster TH2F * fhPi0PhiCharged; //! phi distribution of generated pi0, Reco, gamma decay overlapped, track matched cluster TH2F * fhPi0EtaCharged; //! eta distribution of generated pi0, Reco, gamma decay overlapped, track matched cluster TH2F * fhNeHadECharged ; //! E distribution of generated neutral hadron, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhNeHadPtCharged ; //! pT distribution of generated neutral hadron, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhNeHadPhiCharged; //! phi distribution of generated neutral hadron, Reco , track matched cluster TH2F * fhNeHadEtaCharged; //! eta distribution of generated neutral hadron, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhChHadECharged ; //! E distribution of generated charged hadron, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhChHadPtCharged ; //! pT distribution of generated charged hadron, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhChHadPhiCharged; //! phi distribution of generated charged hadron, Reco, track matched cluster TH2F * fhChHadEtaCharged; //! eta distribution of generated charged hadron, Reco, track matched cluster TH1F *fhGenGamAccE ; // E of primary gamma TH1F *fhGenGamAccPt ; // pt of primary gamma TH1F *fhGenGamAccEta ; // eta of primart gamma TH1F *fhGenGamAccPhi ; // phi of primary gamma TH1F *fhGenPi0AccE ; // E of primary pi0 TH1F *fhGenPi0AccPt ; // pt of primary pi0 TH1F *fhGenPi0AccEta ; // eta of primart pi0 TH1F *fhGenPi0AccPhi ; // phi of primary pi0 //Histograms for track-matching TH2F *fh1pOverE; //! p/E for track-cluster matches TH1F *fh1dR; //! distance between projected track and cluster TH2F *fh2EledEdx; //! dE/dx vs. momentum for electron candidates TH2F *fh2MatchdEdx; //! dE/dx vs. momentum for all matches TH2F *fhMCEle1pOverE; //! p/E for track-cluster matches, MC electrons TH1F *fhMCEle1dR; //! distance between projected track and cluster, MC electrons TH2F *fhMCEle2MatchdEdx; //! dE/dx vs. momentum for all matches, MC electrons TH2F *fhMCChHad1pOverE; //! p/E for track-cluster matches, MC charged hadrons TH1F *fhMCChHad1dR; //! distance between projected track and cluster, MC charged hadrons TH2F *fhMCChHad2MatchdEdx; //! dE/dx vs. momentum for all matches, MC charged TH2F *fhMCNeutral1pOverE; //! p/E for track-cluster matches, MC neutral TH1F *fhMCNeutral1dR; //! distance between projected track and cluster, MC neutral TH2F *fhMCNeutral2MatchdEdx; //! dE/dx vs. momentum for all matches, MC neutral TH2F *fh1pOverER02; //! p/E for track-cluster matches, dR > 0.2 TH2F *fhMCEle1pOverER02; //! p/E for track-cluster matches, dR > 0.2, MC electrons TH2F *fhMCChHad1pOverER02; //! p/E for track-cluster matches, dR > 0.2, MC charged hadrons TH2F *fhMCNeutral1pOverER02; //! p/E for track-cluster matches, dR > 0.2, MC neutral ClassDef(AliAnaCalorimeterQA,11) } ; #endif //ALIANACALORIMETERQA_H