#ifndef ALIANAELECTRON_H #define ALIANAELECTRON_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id: $ */ //_________________________________________________________________________ // // Class for the electron identification. // Clusters from EMCAL matched to tracks are selected // and kept in the AOD. Few histograms produced. // //-- Author: J.L. Klay (Cal Poly) // --- ROOT system --- class TH2F ; class TString ; class TNtuple ; class TH3F; // --- ANALYSIS system --- #include "AliAnaPartCorrBaseClass.h" class AliAODMCParticle; class AliCaloTrackReader; class AliAODTrack; class TList ; class AliAnaElectron : public AliAnaPartCorrBaseClass { public: AliAnaElectron() ; // default ctor AliAnaElectron(const AliAnaElectron & g) ; // cpy ctor AliAnaElectron & operator = (const AliAnaElectron & g) ;//cpy assignment virtual ~AliAnaElectron() ; //virtual dtor TList * GetCreateOutputObjects(); void Init(); void MakeAnalysisFillAOD() ; void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms() ; //B-tagging Int_t GetDVMBtag(AliAODTrack * tr); //returns # tracks from secvtx //Temporary local method to get DCA because AliAODTrack is stupid Bool_t GetDCA(const AliAODTrack* tr,Double_t imp[2], Double_t cov[3]); Bool_t PhotonicPrim(const AliAODPWG4Particle* part); //check with track list Bool_t PhotonicV0(Int_t trackId); //check with V0 list //check if track has been flagged as a non-photonic or DVM electron //used with the jet tracks to tag bjets Bool_t CheckTrack(const AliAODTrack* track,const char* type); Bool_t IsMcBJet(Double_t x, Double_t y); Bool_t IsMcDJet(Double_t x, Double_t y); void Print(const Option_t * opt)const; TString GetCalorimeter() const {return fCalorimeter ; } Double_t GetpOverEmin() const {return fpOverEmin ; } Double_t GetpOverEmax() const {return fpOverEmax ; } Bool_t GetWriteNtuple() const {return fWriteNtuple ; } Double_t GetDrCut() const { return fDrCut; } Double_t GetPairDcaCut() const { return fPairDcaCut; } Double_t GetDecayLenCut() const { return fDecayLenCut; } Double_t GetImpactCut() const { return fImpactCut; } Double_t GetAssocPtCut() const { return fAssocPtCut; } Double_t GetMassCut() const { return fMassCut; } Double_t GetSdcaCut() const { return fSdcaCut; } Int_t GetITSCut() const { return fITSCut; } Int_t GetNTagTrackCut() const { return fNTagTrkCut; } Double_t GetIPSigCut() const { return fIPSigCut; } Double_t GetMinClusEne() const { return fMinClusEne; } void SetCalorimeter(TString det) {fCalorimeter = det ; } void SetpOverEmin(Double_t min) {fpOverEmin = min ; } void SetpOverEmax(Double_t max) {fpOverEmax = max ; } void SetResidualCut(Double_t cut) {fResidualCut = cut ; } void SetWriteNtuple(Bool_t val) {fWriteNtuple = val ; } void SetDrCut(Double_t dr) { fDrCut = dr; } void SetPairDcaCut(Double_t pdca) { fPairDcaCut = pdca; } void SetDecayLenCut(Double_t dlen) { fDecayLenCut = dlen; } void SetImpactCut(Double_t imp) { fImpactCut = imp; } void SetAssocPtCut(Double_t pt) { fAssocPtCut = pt; } void SetMassCut(Double_t mass) { fMassCut = mass; } void SetSdcaCut(Double_t sdca) { fSdcaCut = sdca; } void SetITSCut(Int_t its) { fITSCut = its; } void SetNTagTrackCut(Int_t ntr) { fNTagTrkCut = ntr; } void SetIPSigCut(Double_t ips) { fIPSigCut = ips; } void SetMinClusEne(Double_t ene) { fMinClusEne = ene; } void InitParameters(); void Terminate(TList * outputList); void ReadHistograms(TList * outputList); //Fill histograms with //histograms in ouput list, //needed in Terminate. private: //For DVM B-tag method Double_t ComputeSignDca(AliAODTrack *track, AliAODTrack *track2 , float cut1); //the 2 following functions are internal methods of the b-tagging //based on transverse impact parameter Double_t GetIPSignificance(AliAODTrack *tr, Double_t jetPhi); void GetImpactParamVect(Double_t Pxy[2], Double_t t[2], Double_t Vxy[2], Double_t ip[2]); //For determining origin of electron Int_t GetMCSource(Int_t mctag); //Need a clean way to get the MC info. An AliAODMCParticle object //is returned from whichever source we are operating on AliAODMCParticle* GetMCParticle(Int_t part); //Get MC B Parent pt Double_t GetBParentPt(Int_t label); //Get Number of particles in AliAODMCParticle array, if it exists Int_t GetNumAODMCParticles(); private: TString fCalorimeter; //! Which detector? EMCAL or PHOS Double_t fpOverEmin; //! Minimum p/E value for Electrons Double_t fpOverEmax; //! Maximum p/E value for Electrons Double_t fResidualCut; //! Track-cluster matching distance Double_t fMinClusEne; //! Min clus energy for matching //DVM B-tagging Double_t fDrCut; //max dR Double_t fPairDcaCut; //max pair-DCA Double_t fDecayLenCut; //max 3d-decaylength Double_t fImpactCut; //max track impact param Double_t fAssocPtCut; //min associated pt Double_t fMassCut; //min Minv cut Double_t fSdcaCut; //min signDca Int_t fITSCut; //min ITS hits (both) //IP Sig B-tagging Int_t fNTagTrkCut; //min number of tracks required for IP sig tag Double_t fIPSigCut; //min IP significance cut Double_t fJetEtaCut; //max eta for jets Double_t fJetPhiMin; //min phi for jets Double_t fJetPhiMax; //max phi for jets Bool_t fWriteNtuple; //flag for filling ntuple or not /////////////////////////////////////// //Output histograms and Ntuples /////////////////////////////////////// //RC = RECO only - these histos will be filled using only reco //information //event QA TH1F * fhImpactXY; //! XY impact parameter of all tracks to primary vertex TH1F * fhRefMult; //! refmult (tracks with |eta| < 0.5) TH1F * fhRefMult2; //! refmult2 (tracks with |eta| < 0.5 & impXY,impZ < 1.0) //matching checks TH3F *fh3pOverE; //! p/E for track-cluster matches vs pt vs mult TH3F *fh3EOverp; //! E/p for track-cluster matches vs pt vs mult TH3F *fh3pOverE2; //! p/E for track-cluster matches vs pt vs mult TH3F *fh3EOverp2; //! E/p for track-cluster matches vs pt vs mult TH3F *fh3pOverE3; //! p/E for track-cluster matches vs pt vs mult TH3F *fh3EOverp3; //! E/p for track-cluster matches vs pt vs mult //JLK TH2F *fh2pOverE; //! p/E for track-cluster matches vs pt vs mult TH2F *fh2EOverp; //! E/p for track-cluster matches vs pt vs mult TH2F *fh2pOverE2; //! p/E for track-cluster matches vs pt vs mult TH2F *fh2EOverp2; //! E/p for track-cluster matches vs pt vs mult //JLK TH1F *fh1dR; //! distance between projected track and cluster TH2F *fh2EledEdx; //! dE/dx vs. momentum for electron candidates TH2F *fh2MatchdEdx; //! dE/dx vs. momentum for all matches TH2F *fh2dEtadPhi; //! DeltaEta vs. DeltaPhi of all track/cluster pairs TH2F *fh2dEtadPhiMatched; //! DeltaEta vs. DeltaPhi of matched track/cluster pairs TH2F *fh2dEtadPhiUnmatched; //! DeltaEta vs. DeltaPhi of unmatched track/cluster pairs TH2F* fh2TrackPVsClusterE; //!track momentum vs. cluster energy TH2F* fh2TrackPtVsClusterE; //!track pt vs. cluster energy TH2F* fh2TrackPhiVsClusterPhi; //!track phi vs. cluster phi TH2F* fh2TrackEtaVsClusterEta; //!track eta vs. cluster eta //Photonic Electron checks TH1F* fh1OpeningAngle; //!opening angle between pairs of photon candidates TH1F* fh1MinvPhoton; //!invariant mass distribution of electron pairs //Reconstructed electrons TH1F * fhPtElectron; //! Number of identified electron vs transverse momentum TH2F * fhPhiElectron; //! Azimuthal angle of identified electron vs transverse momentum TH2F * fhEtaElectron; //! Pseudorapidity of identified electron vs tranvserse momentum TH1F * fhPtNPE; //! Number of non-photonic electron vs transverse momentum TH2F * fhPhiNPE; //! Azimuthal angle of non-photonic electron vs transverse momentum TH2F * fhEtaNPE; //! Pseudorapidity of non-photonic electron vs tranvserse momentum TH1F * fhPtPE; //! Number of photonic electron vs transverse momentum TH2F * fhPhiPE; //! Azimuthal angle of photonic electron vs transverse momentum TH2F * fhEtaPE; //! Pseudorapidity of photonic electron vs tranvserse momentum //These next set do use some MC info. The first bin of the second //dimension is filled for both REAL and MC data, other bins filled //only if MC //Histograms for comparison to tracking detectors TH2F* fhPtHadron; //!Pt distribution of reco charged hadrons //!(pi,k,p) in EMCAL acceptance TH2F* fhPtNPEleTPC; //!Pt distribution of non-photonic reco electrons using //!just TPC dEdx info in EMCAL acceptance TH2F* fhPtNPEleTPCTRD; //!Pt distribution of non-photonic reco electrons using //!pid info from tracking detectors only in EMCAL acceptance TH2F* fhPtNPEleTTE; //!Pt distribution of non-photonic reco //!electrons using pid info from TPC+TRD+EMCAL //!in EMCAL acceptance TH2F* fhPtNPEleEMCAL; //!Pt distribution of non-photonic reco //!electrons using EMCAL only //!in EMCAL acceptance //DVM B-tagging TH2F * fhDVMBtagCut1; //! DVM B-tagging result for cut1 (minv>1.0) TH2F * fhDVMBtagCut2; //! DVM B-tagging result for cut2 (minv>1.5) TH2F * fhDVMBtagCut3; //! DVM B-tagging result for cut3 (minv>1.8) TH2F * fhDVMBtagQA1; //! DVM B-tagging : QA of pairDca vs decaylength TH2F * fhDVMBtagQA2; //! DVM B-tagging : QA of signDca vs mass TH1F * fhDVMBtagQA3; //! DVM B-tagging : QA number of ITS clusters TH1F * fhDVMBtagQA4; //! DVM B-tagging : QA prim vtx impXY TH1F * fhDVMBtagQA5; //! DVM B-tagging : QA prim vtx impZ //IPSig B-tagging TH1F * fhIPSigBtagQA1; //! IPSig B-tagging : QA of # tag tracks TH1F * fhIPSigBtagQA2; //! IPSig B-tagging : QA of IP sig TH1F * fhTagJetPt1x4; //! IPSig B-tagging : result for (1 track, ipSignif>4) TH1F * fhTagJetPt2x3; //! IPSig B-tagging : result for (2 track, ipSignif>3) TH1F * fhTagJetPt3x2; //! IPSig B-tagging : result for (3 track, ipSignif>2) TH1F * fhePlusTagJetPt1x4; //! IPSig B-tagging : eJet + result for (1 track, ipSignif>4) TH1F * fhePlusTagJetPt2x3; //! IPSig B-tagging : eJet + result for (2 track, ipSignif>3) TH1F * fhePlusTagJetPt3x2; //! IPSig B-tagging : eJet + result for (3 track, ipSignif>2) //B-Jet histograms TH2F* fhJetType; //! How many of each tag were found vs jet pt TH2F* fhLeadJetType; //! How many leading of each tag were found vs jet pt TH2F* fhBJetXsiFF; //! B-tagged jet FF with xsi = log(pt_Jet/pt_Track) TH2F* fhBJetPtFF; //! B-tagged jet FF with pt_Track TH2F* fhBJetEtaPhi; //! B-tagged jet eta-phi distribution TH2F* fhNonBJetXsiFF; //! Non b-tagged jet FF with xsi = log(pt_Jet/pt_Track) TH2F* fhNonBJetPtFF; //! Non b-tagged jet FF with pt_Track TH2F* fhNonBJetEtaPhi; //! Non b-tagged jet eta-phi distribution /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MC = From here down, the histograms use MC information, so they will //only be filled in simulations TNtuple* fEleNtuple; //! testing ntuple TH2F * fhPhiConversion; //! Azimuthal angle of conversion electron vs transverse momentum TH2F * fhEtaConversion; //! Pseudorapidity of conversion electron vs tranvserse momentum //Histograms for comparison to tracking detectors TH2F* fhPtTrack; //!Pt distribution of reco tracks with MC-ID TH2F* fhPtNPEBHadron; //!correlate our best reconstructed //b-electrons with the b-hadron momentum //For computing efficiency of IPSIG tag //these require that an MC b-Ancestor is present in the jet TH1F * fhBJetPt1x4; //! IPSig B-tagging : result for (1 track, ipSignif>4) TH1F * fhBJetPt2x3; //! IPSig B-tagging : result for (2 track, ipSignif>3) TH1F * fhBJetPt3x2; //! IPSig B-tagging : result for (3 track, ipSignif>2) TH1F * fhFakeJetPt1x4; //! IPSig B-tagging : fake result for (1 track, ipSignif>4) TH1F * fhFakeJetPt2x3; //! IPSig B-tagging : fake result for (2 track, ipSignif>3) TH1F * fhFakeJetPt3x2; //! IPSig B-tagging : fake result for (3 track, ipSignif>2) TH2F* fhDVMJet; //! DVM jet algo check //////////////////////////// //MC Only Rate histograms TNtuple *fMCEleNtuple; //! Ntuple of MC electrons TH2F* fhMCBJetElePt; //! Pt of B-Jet vs pt of electron TH2F* fhMCBHadronElePt; //! Pt of B-hadrons vs pt of electron TH1F* fhPtMCHadron; //! Pt distribution of MC charged hadrons (pi,k,p) in EMCAL acceptance TH2F* fhPtMCElectron; //! Pt distribution of MC electrons from various sources in EMCAL TH2F* fhMCXYConversion; //! XY distribution of conversion electrons TH2F* fhMCRadPtConversion; //! Radius vs. pT distribution of conversion electrons ClassDef(AliAnaElectron,12) } ; #endif//ALIANAELECTRON_H